Pablo Escobar's Son Reveals What He Did To His Father's Betrayers

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foreign was only 16 when his father was gunned down on a rooftop in Medellin Colombia but his father wasn't the average dad he was Pablo Escobar the dea's Most Wanted Man a notorious Kingpin at the American and Colombian authorities have been chasing for almost two decades but to his son Juan Pablo things weren't that one-sided when I was seven years old he told me after he killed the minister and we went to Panama he told me that he was abandoned so a man who gives you love every day tells you he's abandoned it's difficult to judge him had Pablo Escobar not died that day with his son had become his right hand man and what did he do after Escobar was gunned down let's explore Juan Pablo Escobar's attitude towards his father's betrayers and his life after Pablo Escobar to everyone who knew him Pablo Escobar was a feared at the peak of his criminal career he made 140 million dollars in cash every day and he did so by butchering anyone who stood in his way even people he thought might stand in his way and sometimes he killed their families too Pablo Escobar grew up very poor dreaming of Quick Cash and seeing no hope in school he began the life of petty crime it soon progressed from stealing tombstones to Commercial Business robbery then Pablo got a penchant for violence he offered protection for money gave loans and of course beat or killed anyone who refused to pay then he started kidnapping Rich politicians for ransom money after he got a fifty thousand dollar ransom for politician and philanthropist Diego echeverria he killed him anyway then came the infamous median cartel during the 1970s and 80s Pablo Escobar's cartel was so successful that it was the single reason for the white powder addiction epidemic in the U.S needless to say this put him very high up on the dea's most wanted list but the more authorities closed in on arresting an extra fighting him the more paranoid he got and the more violent his reactions in 1989 he brought down a civilian plane killing 110 people just because he believed an enemy politician was on board he canceled the flight at the last minute and all those people paid with their lives for Pablo's error and on January 30th 1993 he attempted to assassinate the head of the Colombian Security office with a Car Bomb once again the mission failed as the target wasn't hit but 21 civilians were killed and dozens were maimed what's even worse most of them were children waiting for the school bus when I arrived in Medellin I saw that it was a beautiful place it was a progressive City you know a lot of skyscrapers a lot of construction but once I was there for a month I started to see bodies throughout Medellin and it was at that time known as the murder capital of Colombia to everyone who knew him Pablo Escobar was a terrifying Lord a psychopathic killer and a ruthless businessman but not to his son to one Pablo Escobar was a loving father it was uh I was willing to give my life for him That's How Deeply I loved him Juan Pablo Escobar was born on February 24th 1977 right around the time Escobar had became one of the richest men in the world but believe it or not Juan Pablo had no idea just how ruthless and violent his father was until very late in his teenage years because Pablo worked very hard to shelter him and make him see his point of view when you were enjoying the riches of your family did that make you feel that your father's work his criminal work was okay no because I didn't know exactly what he does but he does as he grew up one began to pick up ideas here and there sometimes this was unavoidable the whole family would have to pack up and leave the country after Pablo would murder a public figure but even then Pablo wrapped his dark Affairs in Gold Leaf for his kids he was telling me when I was seven years old he told me after he killed the minister and when we went to Panama he told me that he was abandoned so a man who gives you love every day tells you he's abandoned the people to judge him and what does bandit mean to a seven-year-old really it could be a petty thief or someone who jaywalks for all the kid knows of course Pablo wasn't going to tell his son that he would enter the wives and children of Judges who threatened to arrest him interestingly enough Juan Pablo didn't judge his father even after he grew up and found out the true reality of his crimes not even after Pablo condemned him to a life on the Run considering the life he gave you the life on the run the threats to your life the poverty eventually is there a part of you that also hates him no there's no chance I could hear my father put yourself in Juan Pablo's position would you hate your father if you knew he had done some horrible things or would his love and endless list of expensive gifts for you outshadow his criminal record before this before you really knew who what kind of father was he well he was uh as far back as he can remember well I remember him giving me a lot of love being at home with me and my family he was a very good man with me I received a lot of love from him that's what I remember and here's the catch to the poor people of Colombia Pablo Escobar was also seen as a hero ever since he would kidnap Rich politicians for ransom money he was seen as a Robin Hood figure someone who steals from a rich and gives to the poor I also remember when we went to see the poor villages in Colombia to help them and that's the father that I knew at the beginning but of course he's now more remembered thanks to his violence not for his good behavior at the beginning Pablo Escobar built football pitches restaurants hospitals even an entire neighborhood to house the homeless people in Medellin Pablo Escobar was a bag of mixed messages for a son there was another problem Pablo enjoyed violence and was proud of his life so even though he tried to shelter his son from his criminal life he couldn't help but reveal his actions did your father ever express any regret foreign [Music] regret at all about anything about anything he thought he was doing the right thing Pablo might have tried to keep his business Hush Hush at home but his propensity for violence and his Maniac desire to win would show even in the living room you you call him a bad loser too well he didn't want to lose he was always cheating even to me or to my mom to everybody he didn't want to lose at all when he played soccer the game only ends when he was winning and that's it to his son Pablo was like a little kid sometimes and what if you play the board game or you had some Woody we yes we used to play Monopoly and uh yes he hide all the the money and everything and even if he lose a lot he was always winning and I didn't know why but he was making a lot of he was cheating a lot as a child Juan Pablo got over 30 motorcycles from his dad he and his sister were showered in expensive gifts and lived on the most luxurious Ranch in the country they had their own private Zoo pools and anything they requested but after Pablo's death in 1993 Juan Manuela and their mother Maria Victoria would suffer a complete 180 in their lives whoever your parents are they're the ones who teach you about the world from their perspective if they teach you murder is okay you might begin to think that too many Kingpin children enter the illicit business world as their parents right-hand person but luckily for one Pablo he never entered his father's world he was 16 years old in December 1993 when Pablo Escobar fell to his death on the roof of his aunts median house after his famous last encounter with a DEA when Pablo Escobar was killed on that rooftop the very first message transferred over the radio was Viva Colombia matamosa Pablo Escobar long live Columbia we've just killed Pablo Escobar Lord Pablo Escobar was killed today 16 months after his escape from prison only then did Juan Pablo realize the full extent of Escobar's horrific crimes Pablo Escobar had been on the run for 16 months when he died his whole family Maria Victoria Victoria Manuela and Juan Pablo were already under police Supervision in fact it was Pablo's call to his son on December 2nd that got him tracked and shot down so Juan Pablo and his family were with the police when they received the news his father was dead his first reaction was to threaten to kill those who killed his father but he didn't really mean those words he'd never laid a finger on anyone and he wasn't going to start now in fact throughout his adolescence he tried many times to convince his dad not to attack civilians anymore Juan Pablo's anger lasted a mere 10 minutes in that moment did you want to kill everyone yeah in that moment yes the 10 first minutes yes and that's why 10 minutes after that I called the press and I tell that I will never do anything to continue my father's steps and that's the second threat peace and that's the only one that I've been living every day since then Juan Pablo was especially wise for a 16 year old what did he do to those who betrayed his father nothing he understood that violence only leads to more violence and that Pablo had died because of all the pain he'd caused in the past but then Juan Pablo felt betrayed by the authorities again as soon as Escobar was taken down Juan Pablo Manuela and Maria lost all their assets to rival cartels whatever was left was ceased by the authorities they were poor and homeless even though their father still had barrels full of Cash buried underground and when they tried to flee from Colombia no one would sell them plane tickets United Nations didn't want to help the escobars either your name these days is Sebastian yeah is is that because the Escobar name is too much to carry it is because the airlines didn't wanted to sell any plane tickets to travel and to get away from violence you know Juan Pablo and his family were facing death threats every single day they had to stay in a hotel room and pay bodyguards to protect them from the people flooding the corridors but without any money left they couldn't afford the hotel room or the bodyguards anymore that's when they changed their names and fled to Argentina we we stayed in Colombia for a year waiting for somebody to help us after after your father after my father's dad and we asked the Vatican the United Nations and nobody wanted to help us so it was our last option if we wanted to stay alive so that was when you could leave the country with your mother and your family the next day we changed our names we could fly with without any problems now they were the marro king family and Juan Pablo took the name Sebastian we changed our early identities it was the only way when we changed our our names the next day we were free but it was no easy feat for the model Kings to stay out of trouble even though none of them had ever broken the law Sebastian was arrested for money laundering kidnapping and blackmailing he'd done none of these things he was just being arrested for being his father's son in 1999 the family was arrested for Pablo Escobar's crimes although they were soon released this sent Manuela Now using the name Juana into extreme bouts of anxiety and depression sadly she has even tried to take her life today she lives with her brother for her own health and safety Sebastian and Juana lived in poverty for decades something they'd never experienced before ironically their father had tried desperately to escape his poverty his main motivation was to make ever more money and prove to the world that he wasn't the poor farmer's boy he once was he claimed he did all he did to provide for his children but when the children were left without a father they lost everything this is what you get when you make your money from a life of crime but Sebastian and you wanna paid for their fathers not their own crimes slowly Sebastian got on his feet he became an architect and a lecturer and now lives and works in Argentina he now spreads the word about living in Pablo Escobar's Shadow and about his father's crimes he warns people not to idolize him before he was a famous Kingpin he was a ruthless criminal how many murders is he directly or indirectly responsible for well there is not an official record of that but I believe that it is almost about 3 000 people so what did Sebastian do about all those who betrayed him or his father not only did he not retaliate he works hard to seek forgiveness from all the families of all those killed by Pablo Escobar Sebastian or Juan Pablo fought the urge for Revenge with peace and love imagine how much strength this takes from someone who grew up under the same roof as Pablo Escobar today Juan Pablo doesn't go by Sebastian anymore you talk about The Greatest Prize being anonymity why have you given that up no I'm no longer hanging because I don't want to hide I didn't kill anybody I didn't do any harm to anybody I'm not proud of his violence but I am proud of his love for me to me and to my mother and sister and everybody's right if they want to love him because he made something that made you love him and some things that make you hate him that's my father perhaps Juan Pablo offers a valuable lesson to all children of cartel members and Records you don't have to follow in your parents footsteps Choose Love over hate and forgiveness over Revenge hey thanks for watching do you think Juan Pablo would have become a nasty Lord like his father if Pablo had not been killed in 1993 as always let me know your thoughts in the comments section and before you go don't forget to like And subscribe and why not hit that Bell so you never miss another episode see you next time
Channel: DeathDoor
Views: 1,998,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, ancient history, recent history, true story, the shocking story of, historical figures, ancient civilisations, creepy history, real life, weird history, Pablo escobar, escobar, columbia, scary history, crime history, criminal history, crime, true crime, bad history, real stories, sad history, bizarre history, greek history, roman history, mayan history, great civilisations, national geographic, documentary, history documentary, historical document
Id: cmD3jANcNto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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