Top 10 No Longer Obtainable Titles in World of Warcraft

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in today's video we're going to be discussing the rarest titles in the history of world of warcraft that were obtainable for a short time by events or achievements and in the number 10 spot we have the champion of the naaru from the burning crusade expansion this title was awarded to players who completed the etuman questline for the serpent shrine cavern which involved a very lengthy quest to summon nightbane and karazhan the player also had to defeat gruel and magtheridon before patch 3.02 when it was removed following the wrath of the lich king expansion players who managed to obtain this title before patch 3.02 were awarded a feat of strength achievement however it was still possible to obtain this title even after the patch if the player had the questline in their quest log and hadn't abandoned it making it technically obtainable even after patch 3.02 but not by traditional means as the attunement quest lines were all removed less than 7 percent of the player base even managed to complete this question and were awarded the title at all in number 9 we have the hand of a doll also from the burning crusade expansion to get this title the player had to complete a quest called the viles of eternity from sorodormi in the caverns of time it required the player to obtain a remnant from both lady vash and coil frank reservoir and a remnant from kel'thos sunstrider in tempest keep after completing this quest and turn it back into soridormi the players needed to complete a long quest chain starting with the quest tablets of bari which required the player to go to shadowmoon valley and collect 12 bari tablet fragments up to the final quest in the chain called akama's promise which required the player to bring the medallion of karabar to a doll in chatraz upon completion the player would be able to talk to an nbc who resides in a cage behind fathom lord carethrast in the serpent shrine cavern after killing fathomlord the npc locked behind him would be freed and the player can then pick up a quest which will make them return to a comma and tell him what happened when the player reaches a comma they can notice that he's having a conversation with illidan's presence in this illidan orders akama to have one of the ash tongue venture into tempest keep to kill alar but akama pushes this onto the player instead after some very long questions the final quest is called a distraction for akama which the player within help of kama mayev enter the black temple turning in this quest the player was awarded both the title hand of a doll and a unique item called medallion of karabor which would be upgraded to the blessed medallion of karbor upon kill and illidan at the top of the black temple this necklace can also be used to teleport the player to the entrance of the black temple only seven percent of players managed to complete this achievement as well probably because of how long it was with the little rewards along the way making players feel like it was just another question and not really worth doing and at number eight we have the undying and the immortal title these titles were given to players who earned the undying and the immortal achievements which required a raid group to defeat every boss within wrath of lich kings and axoramus without allowing any raid member to die during the boss encounters in 10 man for undying and 25 man for immortal naxoramus was known for having very difficult boss fights in its vanilla iteration while wrath of the lich king's fights were immediately toned down death knights even had a talent called shadow of death to keep fighting as a ghoul after their health reached zero this would not count as a death and would allow the death knight to keep fighting allow them to get the achievement just as long as the boss fight died before the ghoul ran out as death knights only counted against the achievement if they died during a boss fight so dks could cheese this achievement a little bit this ability had too many technical problems and was way too strong for blizzard to fix and they ended up just removing the talent altogether there is also the problem with the random dc's causing a loss of the achievement which is a big reason why they stopped adding achievements like this after wrath of the lich king because that's something that's kind of out of your control and doesn't account for a skill if you wiped at the first boss and you weren't saved to the raid it was also possible to leave next rammus and form another raid group with someone else being the leader instead this was eventually fixed in 4.03 when blizzard just removed the achievement from the game only six percent of the players managed to obtain this achievement which is quite funny seeing how many raffle king's veterans want to claim that naxxramus was not challenging at all and at number 7 we have the titles awarded from the gladiator sanctum building in warlords of draenor this building awarded numerous titles such as lady of war slash lord of war which would be granted after the player completed the last of us achievement this required the player to have a level 3 version of the gliders building and once built they could then queue for a unique instance in the highwall coliseum this being a free-fall arena where many players would all get shoved into a pit together to fight to the death until only one player survived they would then be granted this title based on the gender of the player's character as well as a toy other unique titles for the gladiators buildings included the pvp ones which were given by a quest in the gladiators building to kill 500 players of each opposing race in worlds of draenor zones with the quest being handed out to massacre one race at a time for example the player may get a quest to kill 500 torn in world of detroiter areas if the player did this they'd be granted the butcher title if they got the quest to kill 500 night elves and did this too they'd be granted the scourge of the calderai tile and so on and so on so to get the world of the drainer title it required the player to kill 500 of every single opposing faction's race for a total of 3 500 kills sadly though you could only ever have one quest at a time meaning you usually killed far more than 3 500. there was however a quick way to farm these out if you went to the group finder page and search for nemesis farm and grip with five of the players whenever someone in the group would get a kill on a blood elf everyone in the group would be granted five credits each instead of just one you did need to all be on the same nemesis quest though and it would not work if only some people had the quest to kill blood elves and the other people of the quest to kill undead for example this made it very popular to farm it out very quickly seen as finding 500 pandaren players was a feat in of itself these titles have less than 2 percent of the player base owning them making them extremely rare while this title is still in the game it has become nearly impossible to achieve first off because ashran is mostly ignored now unlike back in wod when it was current content in fact it was even removed from the game for some time it really only been active during weekly pvp brawl classic ashram and of course being one of the options from the epic battleground queue there is also a total of 13 races in wow with pandaren being available to both factions leading to 7 perfection however with bfa we were introduced to allied races totaling at 10 allied races 5 per faction they make up almost half of the total race count and these allied races not counting for any of the nemesis quest they drastically lower the amount of the original races especially with the immense popularity of some of the allied races like void elves and zandalari which just makes trying to get this title even harder today and at number 6 we have the conqueror of ulduar title similar to the undying title naxaramus conqueror of old war was awarded to players who obtained the achievement conquer of oldwar which required the raid to defeat each boss in old war in 25 player mode without allowing any raid member to die to a boss during any point to the raid lockout period all bosses had to be pulled and killed within one attempt less than one percent of the playerbase owns his title and it was permanently removed from the game following the shattered cataclysm in at number five we have of the black harvest this is a unique title as it was given to only warlock players who got the achievement breaker of the black harvest which required them to defeat khan wrath on ebon lock on top of black temple in unique solo instance dungeon before roller de drainer launch to start this quest players could obtain an item called the sealed tome of the lost legion which had an extremely rare chance to drop from random rare mobs around the isle of thunder it wasn't bind on pickup however and could be sold in the auction house if another player didn't want it for themselves after the entire questline was completed the warlock would gain a passive called the codex of xerath which imbue their spells with raw felt power turning all their fire spells and even some shadow spells green instead of their normal colors although far less visible these days with most of the spells gone or changed since then a unique fact about this book is upon a rare dying it would check if a warlock took part in the kill and if they did it would then roll to see if the book dropped and if it did drop it would then randomly assign it to a random warlock who helped killing the rare meaning only one warlock could ever get the book from a rare kill this was confirmed by game master after the community asked more about it making some players just naturally unlucky as they were never chosen to get the drop and were forced to bite off the auction house for thousands of gold instead less than 1 percent of warlock players managed to obtain the title and get the green fire as in addition to its rarity it was also a difficult challenge like the mage tower and at number 4 we have the scarab lord title if you played classic service recently you probably know this title all too well for those you who may not know a scarab lord means the player was one of the players on their server to ring the gong to open the gates of on garage allowing the entire server to enter and do the raid the question to do this was one of the longest in the game to this date and required an entire guild of people who were constantly supporting one chosen player the entire way along with the unique title came the black karagi resonating crystal which was the only syllable mount in the game up to cataclysm that could be used in the open world and the only obtainable legendary mount ever the other bug mounts like the blue karachi resonating crystal could only be used inside the encorage raid and not anywhere outside of it to get this title the player had to do a quest called what tomorrow brings which required them to venture to the caverns and time and tenaris and find anachronos and acronis would then send the player to black wing layer in order to obtain the head of the brood lord lashlayer then the real grind begins thousands of silted carapace fragments world boss fights multiple raids completed thousands of ingredients given to quest collectors hundreds of hours of grinding with a final massive server-wide event called the 10-hour war which lasted 10 hours that was so large it often lagged out the entire server and the title mount and fame are all now yours forever with a new updated version of the mount even being added in the bfa pre-patch they never did an event like this again because of all the server problems it caused and there's a reason classic players wanted a fresh version of vanilla for so long and at number three we have the title death's demise this title required players to earn the achievement realm first death's demise which could only be obtained by the first raid group on the entire server who killed yogg-saron without any assistance from the keepers and 25 player version of ulduar you see when the raid killed some of the bosses in ulduar they would break out of their mind control and counter their senses they would then give passive buffs to the raid during the fight against yogg-saron it was optional to speak to these keepers and request they offer you assistance in the fight against yag so if you went straight to yogg-saron without requesting their help you would activate the hard mode this was a feat that was extremely difficult to do seen as even groups in full ice crown citadel gear would be demolished without any assistance from the keepers all while the dps checks were much more difficult to achieve this is because the buffs the keepers gave were 10 percent increase the damage stacking four times along with other minor buffs like 20 movement speed 20 healing increase 20 percent reduced damage taken and 20 more maximum health yogg strong without any keeper assistance was widely regarded as the most difficult encounter in the game at the time and anyone who managed to achieve this earned serious bragging rights as less than a single percent of the player base has this title and for the second spot we have the celestial defender title similar to the previous one this one was awarded an old war for the realm first killing of algo on the observer in 25 player mode unlike yogg-saron without any keeper assistance algolon was a hidden boss in old war that was considered by the community to be the hardest boss in the entire game in fact this boss was so difficult that blizzard even added description for him that reads he feeds on your tears along with an achievement by the same name although its difficulty was greatly exaggerated as part of the reason it was so difficult was the fact that you only got to fight algalon for one hour at a time each lockout in addition algoland just did tremendous amounts of damage and required healers and tanks to be on their feet at all times throughout his fight his quantum strike ability would hit multiple times for 18 000 damage on 10 man 35 000 damage on 25 man which was about 70 percent of the average player's hp at the time each along with having an absurdly fast attack speed tanks had to watch out for his phase punch ability which when attacked by tank would cause the tank to phase out once the stacks reached 5 algalon would ignore the tank for 10 seconds causing him to run around the raid and one shot anyone who he had aggro on if the off-tank couldn't grab him in time along with having many other overtuned abilities algalon was the hard mode of ulduar and was only able to be killed by those who were the most dedicated at rating with less than one percent of the player base owning this title also for more info on what hard mode means and info about algalon check out the history of hard mods video and finally at the number one spot on this list we have the grand crusader title this title was only avoided to a raid group who completed realm first grand crusader achievement which required the group to complete the heroic version of the trial the grand crusader raid with 50 attempts remaining in 25 player mode the reason this is the rarest title in the history of the game is for many reasons such as wrath of the lich king's infamous transfer aborted instance not found bug that plagued dungeons and raids on top of requiring the raid to play at peak performance the entire time not a single person in the raid could die seen as the raid started with 50 attempts remaining and since this was a realm first accomplishment a single person dying could permanently ruin your chances that ever obtained this achievement in the title so it's kind of like a combination of the immortal title and the realm first achievement which made it super extra spicy to obtain this achievement is so rare that it's listed as zero percent of the player base having it making it the most unobtained title in the game [Music] you
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 187,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 8.3, 2020
Id: KffGCv6tcik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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