Top 10 Dark Web Creepypastas

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The Dark Web is a part of the deep web - often described as the internet under the internet. Its real - it exist - and Im sure many of you have heard strange stories from it and governments attempts to shut certain sites down. These stories are creepypastas about the dark web, that doesnt mean theyre real but it also doesnt mean theyre not real. Its up to you to decide. Make sure you also check out our scariest creepypastas video up here if you havent - if you can get through this video - thats definitely the next one you should watch … Starting off at number 10 we have The Visiting[a]. This one was written by Tales From The Abyss in 2016. In its short history its turned heads as a terrifying story about the Dark Web. It revolves around an 18 year old guy and girl. She convinces him that they should check out the dark web, just for fun. While browsing around, they find a movie called -The Visiting- … they were drawn in by the display picture - a simple white background with the title written in black Arial font. When he wasnt looking, the girl ordered the movie to be delivered to her house. He was mad, he didnt want anything from the dark web coming to her home or any connection they had even been there. Three days later, they were watching a horror movie at her house when they heard an aggressive knock at the door. They opened it to find a tall, stocky man with a ski mask and dark clothes was stood outside - and he was holding a hammer. He was about to slam the door and call the police when he heard his girlfriend scream from the back of the house. When he ran there she was pointing at the garden - an identical man was at the window holding a baseball bat. The story only gets more horrifying there, and is a reminder that you should only order a visitor if you really want one … Next up at the number 9 spot we have Journey to the Dark Web.[b] This story from 2015 is written from the perspective of a computer technician. One day, he gets called out to a business complain that their internet is acting up. When he arrives, he sets about trying to fix their connection - its something he's done a million times before and in his boredom he noticed a strange network pop up on his computer. He joined it out of curiosity and began poking around to try and find where it came from - then his PC froze up for a few seconds - how strange. It never did that. After messing around a bit more, it kept happening - he decided he had enough - so he tried to disconnect - but the network hadnt finished with him yet. Just as he was about to hit the power button on his laptop to perform a hard reset, his browser opened again. This time, a little chat box opened, it simply said -Hello.- He stared at the screen for afew seconds, not quite sure what to do. A journey then began which he would never forget - one that blurred the lines between human, AI and a new kind of demon … Moving on to number 8 now we have The Connection[c]. In September 2018, this story was posted to creepypasta titled -I found a laptop connected to the deep web- … from there, youre hooked. The main character finds a bag that someone must have left in his local cafe. He thought about giving it back, handing it in to the staff - but a moment of dishonesty came over him and he decided to take the bag. It was a decision he would live to regret. When he gets home, he isnt sure what to expect and is shocked to find a laptop in mint condition inside. There was even a charger and a wireless mouse. He also found a phone that had no texts and only one recent call to an out of state number. The more he examined the phone and laptop, the creepier things got. He finds pictures of a local barber shop, a path in the woods, a garage and even the cafe where he found the laptop. Soon, he notices that a spate of recent murders were tied to all of those locations - all except the cafe - then, he begins to make a horrible realisation. Coming in at number 7 we have The Freak Show[d]. This one was told by Reddit user Jaden Sutton. He says he grew up loving technology and by university he considered himself a hacker. Eventually he got bored of this and wanted a new thrill. His friend told him about the dark web and the very same day he was scrolling through some pages, when he got a pop up box. A message in red text -If you don't know whats next, youre probably in the wrong place- … there were two buttons, continue and leave - he clicked continue. He said that was the biggest mistake of his life. A black screen appeared with a blood red title at the top of the screen, it simply read -The Freak Show- … in the middle of the screen there was a chat box … a message popped up from someone titled Admin. He said hello - the conversation that followed is one that disturbed him for life - and is said to have a similar effect on many people that read it … Moving on to number 6 we have We Few Are Many.[e] This is a great one about some kids who get curious about the dark web and how its not separate from their lives - its very much intertwined with it. After installing the programme to visit the dark web, the main character visits a video site, not unlike a dark web version of YouTube. There was soon one that caught their eye, it was a video from their local Burger Joint called Dark Point Burgers. They see people they know, places they know - strange twisted images that scare them into turning off the computer. But it wont - then they see a live video feed of the room theyre in - then a voice speaks, and their life changes forever. Next up at number 5 we have Dark Afternoon Tape[f]. This story revolves around the storytellers friend finding a Dark Web site that showcases bant content from the regular web, gruesome crime scene photos and the sort. The friend found an audio clip and started listening. The more he listened, the more distressed he became. Suddenly, he stood up, took off the headphones and threw them on the desk. He was shaking and simply said -That fucking audio file- … so now he wanted to hear it himself. Before he could get there though, the friend deleted the sound file and shut down the computer. He soon left - but the storyteller remembered something - the audio file had come with a story. A real story. A story that was scarier than whatever his friend had heard on the audio file. What follows next is the text from the story. Its titled -The Dark Afternoon Incident - Real Or Hoax?- … heres the first paragraph for you, but youll have to find the rest for yourself -As a journalist, Ive investigated everything from political corruption to celebrity scandals to international cybercrime. But never have I come across something so bizarre and deeply disturbing as a simple audio tape- Moving on to number 4 we have Taking Care[g]. This one was posted to Reddit by Packathonjohn. He tells the story of how he was always fascinated by the deep web. One day at college, his friend set everything up for him to use it. After a few weeks he felt like a pro - he started to get cocky. He turned off the censored mode and began to go deeper. Most of the pages lead to to dead webpages but eventually, he stumbled across a site called -All the gore- … it was a big chatroom with many different topics. Even though he had a strong stomach from some pretty horrific stuff hed seen on the normal internet - this was something else though. After a while, he realised how sick the site reallyw as - the people in the chat rooms were actual killers, bragging about some of the things they have done. He told them they were sick and threatened to call the police. They told him he would regret it if he did. He reached for his phone to make the call, there was a new message - he opened it and he said -Call the police and you’re dead- … thats a line that some creepypastas would be happy to end on, but that story only starts there … Moving on to number 3 we have Welcome To Iris[h]. This is a story about a guy called Ben who lost is laptop at a cafe - hopefully not the same cafe I mentioned in an earlier story. He returned tand ask the owner if they had a lost and found and within 3 seconds he had the laptop back in his possession. He said an old guy had returned after finding it under the chair where Ben usually sat. Ben didnt think much of it and was just happy to get it back. When he booted it up at home, he was surprised to find that all the icons on his desktop had been wiped clear, all except one in the center. It was called TOR, some of you guys may recognise that as an access programme for the Deep Web. He found himself in a chatroom and after a while, he decided to close the screen and delete the browser. Then, a message appeared in the chatroom - it said -49524953 wants to chat- … Ben dismissed it as just a bot. Then it said -Hello Ben- … chills crawled down his spine at the sight of his own name -OK, a clever bot- he thought. He hovered over the X when another message came through - this time it was a jumbled code. When he decoded it, it was a letter addressed to him - inviting him to join a group called IRIS. Find the story for youself to see his struggles with IRIS - and the horror of having to join a group you don't want to - because they know your name and they know where you live … Next up at number 2 we have Why I Left The Deep Web[i]. This is a creepypasta posted to the No Sleep subreddit by TASdiablo. Now, I say creepypasta but what thats not what the disclaimer says at the top of the story, it reads, -DISCLAIMER: This not a ghost story or creepypasta that most of you are here to read, please do not read this post if you are easily disturbed- … the story still is told by a 22 post graduate who said that he started exploring the dark web at high school. He had 3 aliases he used. He ordered drugs and got a drug dealer to sell them - he was mastering the mark web. Then, in his 2nd year, the government began shutting down sites like Silk Road and Mad Onion. He went deeper though, after 10 years he thought he had seen everything there was to see. Then, one day, he and his friend were in a chatroom when people mentioned a site that noone had managed to get past its encryption - except for one person. They share what they saw in the chatroom - and the storyteller describes it as this -This site is the most cancerous and revolting sector from the darkest part of the dark web. It is a scar that I bear to this day and it is one that I will never, EVER forget. I'll warn readers again, this is not for the faint-hearted and something that even the most emotionally-numb people will not be able to deal with- … the story continues, and it only gets darker from there … And finally at number 1 we have The Contract[j]. This is a creepypasta by Shannon Higdon about a guy called Martin Croker who worked for a newspaper. His boss, Teddy Wilson, wanted him to do a piece about the dark web. He gets paired up with his colleague Susan. The pair are guided on their journey with a dark web regular called Hector. He tells them about The Contract - a shady agreement in which people give their lies over to a dark organization when they become truly desperate in life. Its also known as The Devils Contract or quite simply - The Final Contract. Even on the dark web, its existence is more like an Urban Legend. The victim signs away their life in this digital contract and at that moment - their life no longer belongs to them. In their quest for the story of the century, they try to discover the roots of this contract, what it contains, and just how powerful the people are behind it. Well here we are at the end of the video which means most of you are going to do one of two things. Either you will want to go and look at pictures of kittens and forget all about the dark web - or you may go and seek out the stories and read more - let me know which one you are. For now were gonna look at some comments. Kfyeshua said -Anyone here from 1955- … that was the most upvoted comment on that video. You guys are strange. I like it. A lot of people replied to that to say that yes, they were in fact from 1955. You know whats strange though? One day people on the internet will find comments saying -Anyone here from 2018?- and theyll think that was ancient - a time when their grandparents were young - maybe you guys are those grandparents - I don't know where this trail of thought is going … Kerry Ann said - another top selection of Urban Legends! I cant get enough of all these selections. You do see some variations. Like we all have our bogeyman with different names .. same premise- … thats a very good point, after doing all these Urban Legends videos I have begun to notice certain patterns and characters appearing around the world - but I think its their slight variations that make urban legends videos - and it lets us see what stories we all have in common! Alright guys thats all for now, thanks as always for watching, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next video!
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
Views: 395,996
Rating: 4.9128213 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, most amazing top 10, top 10 list, mostamazingtop10, most amazing top ten, top ten, most amazing, dark web, dark web creepypasta, dark web creepypastas, top 10 dark web, top 10 dark web creepypastas, creepypastas from the dark web, the dark web, creepypasta, creepypastas, top 10 scary, scary, most amazing top 10 scary, scary stories, scary story, true scary stories, deep web, scary true stories, horror stories, creepy, scary videos, horror, true horror stories
Id: CXxcIEUpCig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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