TOP 10 MOVING TIPS | soothingsista

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hi everyone I'm Stephanie and I'm in my new place I just moved in here as many of you know I've moved quite a few times in the last few years and as I was unpacking my stuff this time around I was like Pat myself on the back I was like damn girl you really did it right this time around and then I just started thinking about all the things I did in order to make this process so much easier this time around and I decided to write it all down and share it with you and it turned into a very convenient top 10 moving or packing tips so let's just art off with number one if you're really not that great at estimating like most of the population by two to three times the amount of boxes you think you're going to need seriously or you're just going to have to keep going back and buy more boxes also same rule of thumb for tape buy two or three more rolls than you think you're going to need the great thing about companies like u-haul is that if you have any unused flat boxes you can return them so it's not like once you find the boxes they're yours this time around I went to the u-haul store two times and the second time I got a bunch more boxes that I thought I would need and I ended up using every single one buy this kind of tape I think it's called inter tape I'll find it online and I'll share it with you all you can get at the UPS store this is a like paper tape that is easily rippable to check it out look how easy that was do not mess with those crazy tapes they have to use just like this dispenser thingy first of all you can find the edge super easily there you go when you lay it out flat it comes off really easily won't really like stick to itself and you can rip it without any kind of mechanism and you're good to go this tape honestly I love it I will not pack with any other kind of tape I know I'm ranting about tape right now but it is that important buy small boxes and no you may think it's a waste of money waste of space you're thinking I'm just going to get the Big Shot once and just stuff a bunch of stuff in it we'll try to lift those boxes up even a small box can get so heavy especially when it comes to class where you know your kitchen stuff fragile stuff like have a little example over here I have a bunch of ceramics so not the plant but the ceramic and of course I'm not going to dump all these in a huge box and then move it that way you want to get a small box where you can write fragile and huge letters it just makes it so much easier for you and if you have movers so much easier for them as well on that same tip whether you're moving yourself or if movers just put everything in boxes you may have a bunch of containers like small baskets open-ended baskets that you think like oh that's kind of a container a box in itself but it's not because it's not stackable once you trying to move with all those things together like with a bunch of weird shaped things they don't stack well in a car and you're just making it really difficult for yourself or the movers to just put everything in boxes and make your life a lot easier when it comes down to actually packing I know it can just be so overwhelming so on the first things I will pack is a suitcase with stuff that I will actually need for the next few days so it clothes and toiletries I just act like I'm about to go traveling and therefore you don't have to worry if you're going to need certain things when you're putting them away you're just making it a lot easier for yourself within that same suitcase or another bag you're going to have in hand I would set aside some essentials that you will need right away at your new house I'm talking about toilet paper paper towels hand soap Clorox wipes you like some sanitizing wipes the worst thing for you to do would be to show up to your new place with all your stuff and realize like you don't know where your toilet paper is and you gotta go to the bathroom I think about those things it's important so make sure to set aside some of those essentials once that's all done I start packing in sections so you just start off with stuff that you're not gonna need it all you know you're like knickknacks books your clothes and toiletries because you've already set aside some I think the very last thing you would pack would be stuff in your fridge if a cooler you know you can toss it all in a big cooler and take it away day of if you create sections for yourself it's just going to be so much easier for you I feel like I get really overwhelmed when there's too much going on I'm not a good multitasker so if I just concentrate in one section at a time then it's just so much better I think everyone knows that they should label their boxes that's so important but when it comes to labeling I would also say be specific on the boxes don't just write kitchen right like specific things are inside there because there's a lot of things that go into your kitchen for some reason this time around I packed all my kitchen sponges and just like a really random box I had nothing to do with kitchen stuff I think I had you know filled up all the kitchen boxes and it was just one more thing I just toss it another one and I remember thinking like oh I'll remember it's in that box and I'll get it later I did not remember so when it came down to it I didn't have a sponge for a couple days because I couldn't figure out which box it was in and if I just thought okay I'm just gonna write down that I have sponges in this box it would have made my life a lot easier other than that I really was quite particular about things I had in boxes and it was great something I want to touch upon is what to wear while packing and moving and I am completely behind full overalls so not just short ones but ones that are long leg jeans being able to stick just a couple sharpies in this front pocket so clutch because you're not even sticking it there you're actually you know putting it in there putting the tape in there when I need it actually a lot of times I would wear the tape on my arm like this but then I would start getting marks so if I could just put the tape in there cuz while you're packing you're just constantly losing stuff things are just getting hidden under other things and I think sharpies and stuff are one of the main things you're like where the hell'd I just put it but I would just constantly put it in my overalls put this in here I'll put my phone in there even it was awesome and also I think it just gives you like a little bit more protection I don't know I felt like asking a bunch of bruises and stuff with my arms and my legs I think these overalls having like a gene material really prevented some cuts from happening to I would also recommend wearing boots I just wore my Doc Martens the whole time you do not want those little toesies to get crushed this last tip is for those of you who have decided to go with movers I think when it comes to movers just go with the best of the best I'm already wary of letting strangers into my home but strangers into my home handling all my personal things it makes me a little bit nervous my dad actually I was talking to him on the phone today and he said he watched this news report that's like horror story about this couple who got some people off of Craigslist and ended up picking their stuff in a stolen truck and then just drove away with all their stuff and then a few days later the truck was found but their stuff wasn't in it yeah when it comes to movers just get the best of the best they have good reputations really good Yelp reviews I found my movers his time on Yelp and I'm so happy with them they made sure that my both buildings was ok with their insurance we talked multiple times we talked to exactly just sticks about what was going to happen that day it was such like a seamless experience I've never had that before and not only that when it came down to getting myself and go like they were so extremely organized I was like I was just like watching them so impressed they made sure that every single piece of my furniture was wrapped and padded and protected like everything came here in pristine condition like I said if you are hiring movers I'll just say bite the bullet all right that was my top 10 moving tips I hope this was helpful for you if you're in the process of moving or thinking about moving if this was helpful or you liked this video please subscribe you let me know I should just keep on making these kind of videos I love y'all and I'll see the next one I
Channel: Stephanie Villa
Views: 581,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soothingsista, Stephanie, Villa, Top 10, Top, Ten, Moving, Packing, Tips, Advice, TUtorial, Apartment, House, Home
Id: nrhzs7C6qTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2016
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