How To Pack A Carry-On Suitcase For A Two-Week Trip

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[Music] hi I'm Tiffany and I travel for work and for fun over the years I've learned a lot of tips and tricks so I'm going to show you some of them to pack a carry-on suitcase for a two-week trip some of you might have seen my video where I pack light for a long trip in a backpack which I understand is challenging for a lot of people including myself sometimes so I'm gonna pack in a traditional rolling carry on like this nobody likes lugging around heavy luggage so try some of these tips on your next trip let's do this first thing is that you are going to be wearing one of your outfits so let's take away a pair of the shoe so we're gonna take these away and then we're gonna take away a pair of pants obviously you got your top and then you got a bra if you wear a bra and also a pair of underwear and a pair of socks all right let's get to packing everything else that you see here so I've experimented with rolling folding and using packing cubes and I think that packing cubes really changed the way I pack and it doesn't take up too much room in your suitcase if you don't want to invest in packing cubes or you don't have time to get any I'm also going to show you how to do this without them but these are the packing cubes that we're going to use to put all our clothing you can easily organize closed by the same thing put all your pants in one place your tops your underwear your jackets your shoes basically anything it makes packing really easy and organized the great thing about packing cubes is that you can buy different sizes so you can buy bigger ones you can buy smaller ones basically whatever fits into your suitcase as you can see I'm using the same size for the shirts and for the pants and also for the underwear you have to be careful about bigger packing cubes because that could also mean you have less room for smaller things so I generally like to do medium size cubes because I feel like you can keep organization better and then here your toiletries so they're easily accessible umbrella Emma Edda and here's that foldable duffle bag it's great for if you need extra room have a bunch of souvenirs whatever put it in this bad boy voila a two-week trip and you're ready to go I think that if you aren't going to use packing cubes then folding is a good way to stay organized and to see everything that's in it all right it's time to channel your inner Marie Kondo we're gonna bring in the sleeves and the left part of the shirt do the same for the other side BAM okay so we got a uniform shape here then we're gonna go hollow to the end we're gonna fold it twice you can pretty much apply this rule to any type of clothing the general theme of this folding technique is you want to keep things into a uniform shape and then put the crotch part in fold this over and then bing bada boom here you go and then as you can see the pants and the shirts pretty much the same size very compact does it pass a Marie Kondo test oh yeah it stands up on itself okay shoes shows what you should do with these is you should put your socks in it because a saves room B can also help maintain the shape of the shoes is that perfect or what and then the last thing we're gonna do with this is we're gonna put it in a bag because shoes get dirty and you don't want them to get your clothes dirty these are the heavier ones I'm gonna put these at the bottom oh there you go alright so these are some of my everyday products they're big and bulky and I only want to bring what I need so there are two things that I like to do and the first one is I know might be kind of weird if you don't wear contacts but you can get them in like two three or four packs and they're actually very handy when you're traveling so I like to put any cream or gel base things in here like my moisturizer foundation and face wash if I put my face wash in two of these things that last me a whole two weeks but for moisturizer and Foundation I really only need one side honestly this is like one of my favorite things that I do I also love using these for liquids can use these over and over again for your trip using these can help you save money in the long run and it's also better for the environment than single-use travel size products if you don't want to carry around too many liquids a lot of products nowadays come in solid form like a shampoo bar so if you have a washer and dryer at your accommodations by all means definitely use it packing some laundry detergent and utilizing the washer and dryer will help you be able to pack less clothes if you put a little bit of wrap on the top of your bottle that'll help your liquids from leaking in your bag the pill box is also a great way to minimize your bottles and to keep things organized you can use it for things like vitamins antacids allergy pills ibuprofen it's also a great way to organize jewelry like rings earrings and necklaces [Music] alright first I'm going to start with the jacket and laying down flat and then I'm going to put the shoes with the socks here and then I'm going to put the dresses in because I might not be wearing those as often okay and then now I'm going to go to the tops and I can also fit in my pajamas my sleepin clothes and then let's move on to the pants here your non liquid toiletries and now we're gonna fill the space in the middle with some undies lots of undies cuz you never know you never know so you can see everything that's in your suitcase it's pretty awesome so now we're gonna go into the panel section of the suitcase this is great for anything flat like bras and maybe some hats let's go to the front part of the suitcase so here's our dirty laundry bag here's our toiletry bag here is our handy-dandy umbrella hopefully you have a nice and sunny trip or just a trip that's not wet and then are foldable duffel for souvenirs and gifts so those are some of the tips and tricks that I use I hope you found some of these useful if you have any special travel tips or tricks for other travelers leave them below in the comments I'm traveling I'm going play I'm seeing things yeah the tank actually kind of like that weird what kind of weirdo
Channel: BuzzFeed Bring Me
Views: 1,231,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marie Kondo, aWwa, avoiding baggage fees, best packing tips, bring me, buzzfeed, carry-on, folding, how to pack, how to pack a carry on, how to pack a carry on suitcase for a two week trip, how to pack a suitcase, how to pack luggage, marie kondo packing, organization, pack with me, packing, packing a carry on, packing cubes, packing for travel, packing hacks, packing tips, travel, travel hacks, travel packing, travel packing tips, travel tips, traveling, trips
Id: abh6Mt_JP2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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