Top 10 Most Used Classical Pieces in TV Ads

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Hello, how's it going? Welcome back. We missed you. How have you been? Did you practice? I hope you did. Otherwise, Ling Ling will be disappointed. Speaking of disappointment... Can I just change... It looks a bit dark... Oh yeah! Whoa...! Yeah... - Yes. - Alright! So today's video is about commercials and classical music. Top 10 overplayed classical pieces that are used in commercials. Let's check them out! Number 1, we have... Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem. It's not just in commercials everywhere, it's on TikTok everywhere. - Really? Yeah! - Yeah, people use it. Something about this masterpiece just resonates with people. I don't understand it, but it's pretty epic. - 'Cause the music is epic. - Yeah. Can you imagine if Mozart was alive today, it's like, "Mozart, your piece is used... in the most popular food chain in the world." - I think he'd love it! - He'd be like... "HA HA HA HA HA HA!!" "WHAT'S THAT?! BURGERS?!" - He would lose it. - Yeah. He would get so inspired and write like... - Symphonies about McDonald's. - Yeah. *laughs* That is awesome! That's so epic! - I'm so invested in the story. - Yeah. - Ever since that steal... - He's like... - That guy emerged from the shadows, bro! - Yeah. He's like... "Wassup!" "Mine!!" Something about this Lacrimosa - just fits so well with slow motion. - Yes. It's like a pending doom. Yeah. It's like, "UGH!" So intense! - We should make some slow motion thing to Mozart Lacrim- - Yeah, we should! I don't know what though. Let's just do a photo shoot. Yeah. And just put Lacrimosa in the background. And I love this bit. - This looks like a Renaissance painting. - Yeah! Yeah, it's like... - Dude... - You know how they always had like, - 50 people in like, different poses. - Yeah, and then everyone- There's people in the audience are like- Yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone's like... Dude. - This is a work of art. - Yeah. Mozart and Nike. - The collab we never knew existed. - Yeah! Next one, another Mozart banger – Queen of the Night's Aria! Sorry about that. Sorry. Hey. Could you play something more... Sing? Or play? - Play. - Oh, I guess he's talking to the orchestra. Yeah! That's it! Alexa, add this to my Summer Vibes playlist. Adding to Summer Vibes. *sighs* Alexa, don't do that. Alexa, tell Bezos to pay his workers properly. I don't know. Something about this ad just feels very... It was a bit random. It wasn't the Nike. It just wasn't. Actually, when the dude came in, he killed the vibe. - Yeah. - I was like, "Aw, really?" Yeah. - Nah. - Nah, not my... - Not my type of ad. - Yeah. Fine. - Fine, metal cover. Fine. - Okay... - I guess you can. - If classical wasn't good enough for you... Whoa! - Why was there two dolphins? - I was thinking that! TwoSet Dolphins. Yeah, that was me and you. We're like... Yay! Cool. I mean, no comment. - It just feels like a very generic car ad, I suppose. - Yeah... Same. Beethoven 5! ♪ Tea! Tea! Tea! Tea! ♪ ♪ We only pick good teas! ♪ ♪ Whether it's black tea, green tea, genmaicha, or oolong ♪ ♪ First, the smell ♪ ♪ Second, the colour ♪ ♪ Third, the taste ♪ ♪ Good tea! ♪ ♪ All delivered to FamilyMart ♪ - I like it. - I'm actually impressed! - That's such an Asian ad though. - Yeah! It's "tea, tea, tea, tea," right? Yeah, I think so. Wait. Yeah. "Tea! Tea! Tea! Tea!" That's literally in your... It's tea in your face. Is this like all the type of teas? Yeah, all the different types, like- "It doesn't matter if it's red tea, green tea, genmaicha, or oolong." Oh, this is the funniest one so far actually! - I like it, I like it. - I like it. Wow! No, They should've said... Dude! One day, I swear to god... when we have like 20 million subs, and Mr. Beast money, - we're gonna open a bubble tea shop. - Oh, we will do our bubble tea store. If we hit 20 mil subs, - I guarantee you guys we'll open a bubble tea store. - Yeah. We'll make good bubble tea. - Mm. - And everyone can come. All you OGs can come. We'll be there serving you bubble tea! I don't wanna do this. You'll be great! I'll be scared. Just think how glad you'll be when you're all done, and maybe we'll all go to McDonald's. I'll be glad when I'm done... I'll be- Think McDonald's... ♪ Oh, I wish I were already there ♪ ♪ instead of here ♪ ♪ playing this song ♪ ♪ Oh, I would have a big chocolate shake ♪ It's kinda creepy! Yeah, the singing, right? And like, the way she looks like a doll. Yeah. "Oh, all I want to... really there..." I get it. I also wanna look forward to getting... I don't know, good food after recitals, but... - You shouldn't be thinking about that when you're playing! - When you're playing, yeah! - You should be thinking about the music! - Yeah. ♪ Oh, all I want for... ♪ Oh my god! Can you imagine that? You're playing Mendelssohn, and you're like... It's like, "Bruh." No! William Tell Overture by Rossini. Wait. Why did they transpose it? It's the wrong key. That was F major. It should be... E major. You know what Apple's trying to do? AVOIDING COPYSTRIKE!! Did they- Do you think they actually just trashed... like, 10 thousand lightbulbs? - 'Cause that's such a waste! - I feel like they did. I feel like they did. - They probably would, right? - It looks like... ...they did. Yeah, it looks- - It's a cool concept. - Yeah. - Ideas, invention, innovation. - ...coming, yeah. If you use MacBook Pro, you get a lot of ideas. Carmen, Bizet. Excuse me, are you fat-shaming? What is this? - "2009." Okay. - 2009. We get it. People were uneducated back then. Are you stuck in a door? Now drink this tea! Did you get that pun? Eddy: Get it? You stuck in a door? It means stuck in a door, but "Carmen." Oh yeah, Ca- Oh! - Like, "Are you car-men?" - Carmen, yeah. Are you stuck in a door? Oh my god. Oh! Wow! Someone was high when they thought of that. - Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner! - Ooh... Here is the last will and testament Sir Michael Ascott bequeathes his life's possessions to his one true love... Miss Jacqueline Monique Miller. It's so- HA HA HA HA! - Dude, that is genius! Who came up with that? - Yeah. - "Come back! Get back here!" - Yeah. Well, that was a good one. - Whoa... - Whoa... Evil baby alert. Whoa... - Whoa! - Whoa! - Dude... - Yeah. That's some interesting faces... they make while taking a poo. Yeah, that "woo!" I wonder what face Amber Heard made in Johnny Depp's bed. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah! She does some evil- like, "I'm iNnOcEnT!" Yeah, what would the piece to be like... *sings Pirates of the Caribbean theme music* Alright guys, that's it for the video! It's interesting to see some of these classical music PIECES - in the ads. - Which one is your favourite? I think the... - Nike one. - Yeah. That was by far my favourite one. It's honestly inspired me to do some- Like, we should... I don't know. - Maybe think of something- - Yeah, maybe we'll do an ad like that. - Maybe apparel or something. - Yeah, maybe apparel. Just keep an eye out. - Yeah. - We'll try something like that. That's pretty cool! We're done today. What we're gonna do is go practice. So you should practice too. And once again, remember to accent the like button. Vibrato... Brett: the... subscribe button. - Whoa, switching it up! - Yeah. See you guys next time!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 287,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: QIW7mNzxjYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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