Roller Coaster Breaks At The Worst Time..

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amusement parks the land of fun and happiness but things do go wrong and when they do it is scary people freaking out people getting hurt so it's actually the land of happiness that's what we're gonna be seeing today we have dramatic fails here okay like this first clip oh man it is it's kind of scary man it's this one mom with her daughter inside the ride and it starts to break as she's logging it she starts to record regularly and it backfires because literally it starts to break so she starts the vlog on you know just family memories you know your mom whatever dad always taking videos of you know fun events but please take a wrong turn very soon and it's one of these rides so any malfunction and something like this would be super scary because it would result probably in death we're just serious injuries here that teacher years ready because the mom gets really scared she's freaking out okay they're stopping it that's crazy oh my gosh it was only just for a split second where she started to freak out but now they're slowing down to a point where I think it'll be fine okay they're gonna go get her after that I just feel like I'm done for the day I'm not trying to go on any more rides open the door get the heck out see I don't know how bad it was like it's definitely really scary but yeah as a parent definitely protective of your child but stuff like that happens I feel like pretty often not too rare of an occurrence if you've ever been on a ride that has malfunction like a rule coaster stopping a ride just stopping drop a link on the video okay moving now you know those go kart arenas that are super fun I was super eager to get riding on this when I was younger I couldn't even like make the height or weight or something but now I can so we're chilling this person is that driving on this cork right after a raid or something I don't know some waters on here and taken I turn a little bit too fast coming around this corner she's trying to stay in the lead I mean the kid in the blue behind her is trying to catch up she's taking it a little bit oh wait hold up she actually made it oh it's somebody else okay that guy came in close she came in an even closer that time around it's gonna happen these people are getting down to the like xx lap you know and they're just like okay I want to take over you know this dude screwing up faster okay what the person yeah she took that advice oh my gosh that was got a brutal yo this dude just crashed into her I will probably just like faster faster and then we grew up with hiders like okay bet hmm whatever oh look at that no bumping you just bumped get the heck out of here back to another ride IRA listen have a weird video but somebody I think falls off not too bad the like the commentary is just hilarious it's a far more gentle thrill at least okay it should be [Music] oh you holy crap oh my gosh I was actually kind of bad never mind I thought one person just like fell off a little bit you know got a little scrape on the meat but no oh my gosh yeah I can't I can't show the whole thing that's definitely an age restriction right there if I do um but I just gotta say this dude sounds like Chris Hanson oh man or like that voice that comes in you thought it was this what he's not you guys have probably seen this already but I mean if you haven't here you go this is a really good control probably one of these scariest ones because stopping the ride as the wind speed that's so scary so luckily the safety feature on the ride actually worked and it shut itself down thrown a little water slug hook in here the sky just goes a little bit too crazy has a little bit of an impact Oh little bit too much air oh I love how the last guys is like are you okay hey you gotta get some air in here that's not like to see oh just having fun I think I need to edit that now we're gonna see the craziest trio jump off of one huge water slide oh shoot Ohio Dreams Mountain Dew oh I really owe nobody landed on top of each other ha ha this is just left without it oh no no no no I don't know if that was like a tandem floaty thing with that two people on that not sure if you're supposed up to if it's only made for one person don't put two people on it okay so that's the roller coaster thing we actually have a crazy break up a break up on a roller coaster I mean you know what if you're dating this person for a year that's so many memories and the person just loves you and then you're like hmm when should I break up oh why not just in one of the most stressful moments of anybody's life on a roller coaster tell them you're gonna break up with him great idea let's watch it so you can see them she's getting ready for the drop guy on the left is I don't want to do this this Susan I could talk about the road mister though it's fine with the relationship he doesn't want to do the relationship yo if she forced him to go on and you know what I think that's why he broke up with her that's literally me on the left I hate it I hate all the posters yeah yeah she's always pushing him into it yo did you see her face when he said he wants to break up with her oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yo that's crazy I can already tell it's relationship she's like over here she's the Alpha you know and she's just forcing him like oh my gosh I don't want to go there right don't wake me yo you're going get that pickle word no and uh you know you just you can't take that much and then she's like you know in a moment I mean roller coasters like that feeling you know it's gonna make you say some stuff so he wants to break up now yeah you're Rudy her experience she's just like what oh my god yeah what does he do [Music] LFO gets it the quiet part Eddie just talks and they go back on the ride you're the people behind them if they're here in this they're probably freaking out oh now she's did it oh my gosh dude this is actually so funny to watch it's a long flip I'm sorry you don't bounce entertaining but I do this girl on the right literally looks like somebody I know like exactly like like are these people's sisters or something awkward awkward okay I don't know legislate but let's see what she says I mean they're off Jesus looks at him so say something oh my gosh you I don't even know what they said she said but she looked in said something but you can tell like yo look at this okay we're back on waterslides just for this one clip but I mean look at this she's holding on for dear life this looks crazy I mean he made it on yeah that's actually heck of fun t-bird makes the dream work okay now we got another crazy clip like this guy this is the pool completely over oh yeah okay but guys I mean I think it was just common sense look at this this is this look a little bit too steep for the pool to be like right there like they should have gave it a light at least a couple feet let's be real now we have another example of something we can have a little bit too much speed I mean she even verbally says it is regular no she knew it she knew she was she knew before she even landed Oh get the heck out of the way incoming you want to keep your eyes open and your ears open you just wanna you wanna be open okay no I'm not making any sense we're gonna get back to rollercoaster fails real quick I want to show you this clip that has nothing the video I just wash how old are these guys I think they're a little bit you know what no you're not too old to have fun you're never too old to have fun you know this is funny this is gold comedy you guys suck down a rock oh yeah well a huge rock sink in water I don't know [Music] okay that last guy yeah it's gonna replay that last guy I don't know what sound he made that's like some pterodactyl sound this guy got pressure to go on this ride guys don't pressure people to go on rollercoasters look if they tell you they don't like them they don't like them trust me I'm one of those people hit the whoa no no hear it yo this would actually just faint it right now he's back okay I don't know this guy's faked fainting in and out you know he's just like Oh shoo you know okay uh next foot when you turn your camera on but it's facing the front panel oh yeah you don't get the twist hyped-up oh wait this dude's actually like lots of all the space I mean let's see his reaction this is a pretty big coaster is he trend of the just a completely blank face I mean I don't think he's showing any emotion yeah he's just like okay who is she waving to if she went to the camera hi YouTube Hey hi YouTube is this is this going on YouTube music what's up okay let's see the drop here they keep going up when the heck is gonna happen oh now does he keep a straight face [Music] does this basics mix Epona useful I kind of like my face but my face is not as pretty everybody's screaming and going crazy you're sick I think he's just like hey I see him cracking a little bit of a little grin here and there but never fully letting it out I'm actually really curious to see if he makes it all the way through they have to be almost done I mean you don't last long bit that was this long or not long he keeps almost smiling he's like you know in this head he's just like yeah you know I'm gonna pull the millions of views you don't like a straight face for the whole thing and then he just like gets happy in just like oh sure he made it a so he actually made it all the way through the room yeah that is a big w mm okay huh maybe issues end the video here tonight in the vid yeah I'm gonna end the video now you made it to the end subscribe if you're brand new and as always draw on the light I'll catch you in the next video have a great day and please stop
Channel: Serum
Views: 1,517,236
Rating: 4.8001986 out of 5
Keywords: Serum, entertainment, family friendly, water slides, the glass wasn't strong enough, The Glass Couldn't Hold Him, Roller Coaster Breaks At The Worst Time, tallest roller coaster breaks down at the worst possible time.., roller, coaster, breaks, at, the, worst, time, for kids
Id: _t9ifYX95s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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