Top 10 Most Hilarious Mushu Moments

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they say my name mmm there is a lot to love in the Mulan franchise but this character gives us all the reasons to laugh welcome to Ms mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 funniest Mushu moments for this list we'll be looking at the funniest and best moments doled out by the pint-sized guardian of the family number 10 live Mulan when the family discovers that Mulan has run off to take her father's place in the Chinese army they're afraid for her safety and sisters hero watch over Mulan grandmother fought praise to the ancestors to watch over her wayward granddaughter waking the first ancestor following this somber moment he arouses moo shu to join him in calling the other ancestors but rather than being troubled by the call the little dragon is pumped [Music] rising like his own Frankenstein's monster moo shu excitedly kicks it into gear and in seconds is up and ready for action the moment cuts the tension and sets up the fact that this isn't your grandma's Guardians he's got his own feisty albeit destructive way of doing things number 9 taking the war into his own hands Mulan after deciding to not just return Mulan home but to make her mission a triumph and thereby help his own standing amongst the ancestors heya dragons gotta get his moo shu takes action forging a letter from general li he disguises himself as a messenger to mixed success that's better much better let's go clearly demonstrating he's two extra forwards Mushu uses a scare soldier mounted on a panda to present Shifu with the phony message and kick their campaign into gear Sanada you've never seen a black and white before we're not sure what's more impressive then he was able to convince the Emperor's advisor that a bunch of sticks was a courier or his puppeteering skills man there's all type of stupid questions I just have your hat for that right off your head I'm feeling great today so carry on before I report you number 8 shield sledding mulan outnumbered one sees that the only way to stop Xiang Yu's forces is to take the whole army out at once when she starts an avalanche Shang Lee's army races to take cover Mu Shu on the other hand makes no such attempts to outstrip the Cascade of snow and uses his noggin to board a shield toboggan the trick works and he's able to find Mulan and crickey after a wrong take or two you wouldn't think that anyone could survive such a natural disaster but when the Huns make an astounding comeback Mu Shu is understandably shocked and ready with the one-liners did you see those Huns snow like daisies number seven reinstated as far family Guardian Mulan in his heart of hearts Mu Shu is a simple dragon with two simple needs to be acknowledged for his hard work and to have a good time after he and Mulan returned home as national heroes the first ancestor can't help but admit that the little Gong ringer did a good job who did a good job giving every ticket yet oh all right you can be a guardian again after a little nudging the ancient phospide decides that Mu Shu has earned his promotion which is as good a reason for a party as any waking the other ancestors it's just the celebration they all needed and hey it's not like those chickens were his fault number six your worst nightmare Mulan when the Hun sees the palace one thinks quick to save the day moo shu way ahead of you sister seeing as she's already employed explosives and fire power to success in the past after all like the song said a girl can bring her family great honor in one way by striking a good match she sends moo shu off to commandeer some fireworks come okay [Music] [Applause] however she probably didn't consider how this would affect the poor fireworks technicians she's had a couple of months to get used to her talking dragon but a small vocal reptile doing their best bat voice [Music] yeah no wonder they made a break for it hope they had a soft landing number five bathing beauties Mulan the fact that Mulan might want a bath every once in a while somehow seems beyond the scope of reasoning for moo shu so what if things get a little funky just because I look like a man doesn't mean I have to smell like one so a couple of guys don't rinse out their socks picky picky picky myself I kind of like that corn chip Smith well while he's mocking her more soldiers make a dash for the swimming hole and soon Mulan ping yep totally ping is joined by Yao Ling and Chen PO Stan watch moo shu while I blow our secret with my stupid girly habits hygiene knowing that she is one downward glance away from catastrophe moo shu takes one for the team and bites the bullet or in this case but the whole scene is hilarious but moo shu desperately scrubbing his fangs at the end really sells it you owe me big butts number for limp noodle Mulan everyone needs a friend in their corner that person who will stand up for you when push comes to shove and as far as hype men go moo shu is as enthusiastic as they get maybe too enthusiastic panda show me a man back shoulders back chest high feet apart hit up and and market after receiving some truly terrible advice on how to be a man and narrowly avoiding getting her face rearranged Mulan decides to walk away from the hot-headed Yao I don't think I can do this Oh attitude be tough like this guy here what are you looking at punch is how men say hello oh wow you need a friend the Mu Shu just can't let him have the last word when yo insults Mulan behind her back his sudden indignant outburst sparks an all-out camp brawl Mushu means well but it's clear that the ability to pick battles is not his strong suit it's probably why he's not a general number 3 making mulan breakfast Mulan from height man to mom of the year no one is more excited for mulan's first day than Mu Shu waking early he makes her an adorable breakfast and eagerly gets her ready for her big first day you gonna make people sick am i late no time to talk now remember it's your first day of training so this is your teaching and no fighting play nice without the kids unless of course when another kids want to fight didn't you have to kicked out the kids butt proudly showing off his culinary and multitasking skills he has determined she start things off right with the most important meal of the day my bunny slippers just ran for cover come on that's my tough-looking warrior that's what I'm talking about get out there and make me proud with his can-do attitude pink apron and utter belief in Mulan mom's shoe steals all of our hearts gets us laughing and provides easily one of the most memorable and me mobile moments in the entire franchise it's just too freakin cute number two moo shu break up artist Mulan to take over the duty of guardianship having learned that Millan's marriage to li Shang means that he will lose his place as her guardian moo shu commits to breaking up the happy couple that's a girl worth fighting for and that's wrong I am the girl's guardian so I guess that means you're all boy hey don't judge he's grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle doing his best to make Shang look like a complete clown at every turn he only succeeds in bringing the happy couple closer together than ever when all else fails moo shu resorts to spreading a few nighttime rumours inception style salted you it's one of his more ridiculous and underhanded moments but still gets us chuckling Eddie Murphy is one of the best voice actors of our time there I said it now before we show you this travel-size dragon's best moment here are some honorable mentions [Music] what do you mean you're not lucky you lied to me and what are you a sheep but you know I'm thinking about you too in fact I'm gonna plan your wedding first I got to work me up team you know theme is everything how about rainbow of memories now that's to Juna Pratt I've got it the theme is pink pink I've got an important announcement to make hold on to endoplasm now Mulan get married I know just how you feel but time is a-wasting [Music] before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one meeting Mulan Mulan as Mulan nervously tries to prep herself for the task at hand a roaring presence is made known to her preaching the good news about his incomparable skill set the US of get unseen creature sells his services with ease and panache the bravado of the moment is quickly and literally stomped upon in the moment of his reveal apparently horses aren't big lizard fans dragons he might be tiny but his confidence is huge so no wonder he felt the sting and started dishing out dishonor when Mulan could not see that he's obviously just the best alright that's it this honour on your whole family this IOU dishonor on your cow the whole scene is back-to-back quotable lines and the very best of moo shu do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip for ms mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 360,567
Rating: 4.8450408 out of 5
Keywords: funniest mushu moments, best mushu moments, best disney sidekicks, funniest disney side kicks, mulan, mulan 2, mulan remake, mulan live action, disney live action, new disney live action movies, best mulan moments, funniest mulan moments, best disney movie characters, best disney movies, iconic disney movies, classic disney moives, disney, disney movies, film, Animated, Cartoon, Movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, msmojo, ms mojo, top10, top 10, list
Id: FtvXynWfQFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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