Top 10 Most Evil Couples In History

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how far would you go to please your significant other welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most evil couples in history the summer of 1984 federal and local law enforcement are on the hunt for 28 year-old Alton Coleman and his girlfriend 21 year old Deborah Brown for this list we're taking a look at romantic duo's who had very evil interests in common these pairings have gone down in history for committing some heinous usually murderous crimes together because of that we're excluding a couple like Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun because as evil as Hitler was his longtime mistress had very little to do with his crimes against humanity we have no comment from Hitler about his sweetheart from others come varying opinions number 10 Fred and rosemary West mum always disciplined us she could never just hates us Winston and forget it even before he became one of England's most reviled serial killers Fred West had trouble with the law at 19 he was arrested for fondling a 13-year old at 24 he killed a boy with his icecream truck and at 27 a woman pregnant with his child disappeared only to be found dead decades later I got to give yourself up I've got to tell rose so she can get something out West's sadistic tendencies intensified when he met fifteen-year-old Rose lefts in 1968 together the pair killed at least 12 people including some of their own children in fact to ensure their remaining kids behaved the couple threatened that they might quote end up under the patio like Heather the description that Fred gave asked to Heather's death was horrendous after being charged with murder in 1994 Fred killed himself while rosemary remains in jail he was saying that there was no truth in this and that he was going to sue the police number nine Phillip and Nancy Garrido Nancy starts bringing me meals there's a TV over there so I could watch TV as long as it was low while walking to the school bus eleven-year-old Jaycee Dugard was approached by a car and snatched despite many witnesses and a huge community effort to locate her JC remained missing from 1991 to 2009 kidnapping 11 year old Jaycee Dugard in 1991 and keeping her in captivity in her antioch home for nearly two decades during that time Phillip and Nancy Garrido kept her in their backyard with ggarrido using her to satisfy his sexual addiction essentially what we're seeing is a Nancy bringing in and cajoling a young girl to perform on video with a hidden camera for Phillip burritos sexual perverted satisfaction Phillip had been arrested for kidnap and rape in 1976 and it was while he was in jail for that crime that he met Nancy inevitably during her 18 years in captivity Dugard gave birth to two of Garrido's children but finally in 2009 Moreno brought Dugard and her two girls with him to the parole office where JC was identified and her nightmare ended I was kidnapped by a stranger at age 11 and I want Phillip Garrido to know that I no longer have to keep his secret number 8 Roman pod copia and Anessa Tarver diva this entry not only encompasses a couple but their family as well and on paper at least they seemed like a normal middle-class group he's a dentist and she's a former teacher but together with two of Tarver divas daughters they terrorized russia for six years until 2013 committing numerous robberies and over 30 murders including many cops no more reports vary on whether he or she was the mastermind of the crimes but what's clear is that they viewed this spree as quote going to the office for a day's work at last their reign of terror ended in a violent shootout where pod copyof was killed what do you suppose was the goal of these crimes cold hard cash number seven Syed Rizwan Farook and tashfeen Malik we are in pursuit of the suspect vehicle we got shots fired out the back we're done homegrown terrorism is a growing problem in this case resulted in one of the deadliest mass shootings in California history inspired by foreign terrorist organizations like Isis on December 2nd 2015 Farook and Malik opened fire on guests at a holiday party at the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health where Farook worked and had planned to detonate bombs as well both suspects dead police finding rifles pistols and thousands of rounds of ammo in their car by the time it was over the couple was dead as were 14 civilians was 22 others injured according to the FBI they'd become radicalized in the years leading to the crime by quote consuming poison on the internet he's probably the most radicalized the two of what we've seen so far and could easily persuade you know a spouse and in that time Farook and Malik planned and carried out the deadliest terrorist attack on the US since 9/11 so the message not only for the city but for this entire region is we understand people are scared and we understand that there's concern that there may be more folks out there number six Alvin and Judith Neely Georgia and Alabama authorities now joined by federal agents searched across several states for the Neely's both inclined towards a life of wrongdoing Alvin and Judith Neely's criminal activities intensified when the husband and wife pair kidnapped 13-year old Lisa and Milliken from a Georgia mall in September 1982 they were seduced sociopaths to the core they subsequently took her to an Arizona motel to rape and torture her with the young girl even being injected with Drano before she was ultimately fatally shot they similarly targeted a young couple not long after but John Hancock survived and identified his attackers she admitted to walking him out into the woods shooting him in the back leaving him for dead while Alvin was able to avoid the death penalty Judith was not so lucky she became the youngest woman in the United States to be sentenced to death however that sentence was commuted to life in 1999 you don't see those crimes around here that's something that you always hear about somewhere else and and it was so it was just saw a tragedy number five Charles Starkweather and Carroll and Fugate she do as I tell you okay while most teens were hanging out with friends 19-year old Charles Starkweather and 14-year old Carol Ann Fugate were spree killing their way through Nebraska and Wyoming the first killing was a local farmer named Meyer who had in the past permitted Starkweather to hunt from his property Starkweather shot him for no reason from December 1957 to January 1958 Starkweather murdered eleven people including fugate's own family with Fugate as an accomplice to many of these crimes that's why she wouldn't let me in that house because there was something wrong and not I know I like I said I know why the pair was finally caught almost by accident when police happened by their stalled car on the roadside a high-speed chase later and both were arrested with Starkweather receiving the death penalty and Fugate becoming the youngest female ever tried for first-degree murder in the u.s. earning herself 17 and a half years in the slammer please God don't don't let me lose my mind that was my prayer don't let me lose my mind after what I'd been through their story was so riveting it inspired various on-screen adaptations including badlands California and natural-born killer number four Gerald and Charlene Gallego 32 year old Gerald Gallego wakes up his 21 year old girlfriend Charlene Williams and tells her that today is the day to make his fantasies a reality whether you grew up wealthy or were beaten by your mother's various boyfriends you could still grow up to be a killer Gerald's mother was a prostitute and she was neglectful cold domineering a good student with loving parents Charlene went off the rails in her teens eventually finding the troubled Gerald he has already been arrested 23 times for crimes ranging from robbery and sexual assault to escaping from prison when the couple lost the spark in their relationship they decided the cure with sex slaves so they kidnapped raped and murdered a total of 10 people mostly teenaged girls in California Nevada and Oregon between 1978 and 1980 the couple would hunt for many of their victims at Sacramento area malls Charlene testified in court she was the one who lured girls into their van where Gerald waited with a gun Gerald did most of the dirty work but Charlene was a more than willing participant however she testified against her husband in exchange for a reduced sentence this was a means for Charlene to break free up Gerald and his control over her she was released in 1997 Gerald died of rectal cancer in 2002 while on death row number three Ian Brady and Myra Hindley my version of events is exactly the same as these two were made for each other described as remorseless and sadistic Ian Grady and Myra Hindley were responsible for some of Britain's most notorious homicides she tricked her into going to saddle with more to look for a lost glove Ian Brady followed on his motorbike in 1963 after becoming obsessed with the idea of a so-called perfect murder Brady and Hindley committed the first of their five confirmed killings the victims of which were all between the ages of 10 and 17 and most of whom were sexually abused before their deaths in an extraordinary court exchange he claimed his killings were recreational compared to the deaths caused by what he called Tony Blair's war crimes many of their victims bodies were later on earth in Saddleworth Moor hence the nickname the Moors Murders after being turned into police by Hindley's brother-in-law in October 1965 both were ultimately found guilty and sentenced to life but it wasn't until 1987 that they formally confessed to the crimes the death of Myra Hindley was celebrated in the national press but Keith Bennett's family worried that the chance of finding his body may have died with her number 2 Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck that's such a fine baby this but I'm not leaving my money good the things you do for love he was the victim of a head injury that might have impaired his behavior she was the overweight single mother living in a dream world together they were the Lonely Hearts killers using newspaper personal ads to find rob and kill lonely women before he met Martha back in 1947 raymond fernandes had already seduced and stolen from several women with one dying mysteriously it's a special day sometimes posing as his sister that joined him in his life of crime and by 1949 they had killed at least three people including a two-year-old I can watch me work after their arrest they were executed by electric chair on March 8 1951 and they proclaimed their love for each other until the very end he kills me that's how much he loved huh before we reveal our top pick here are some honorable or in this case dishonorable mentions is a stick-up yes there's a stick-up in Carroll he found someone who was receptive and because he combined his fantasies of violence with lovemaking it began to sort of desensitize Carroll to the idea of this extreme of violence Stephen put up a fight but his hope of help faded when his daughter joined in the killing she would stimulate parts of David Bernie's anatomy while he was raping the young lady and turning on their number one Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka it wasn't long before she also fell under his spell murder is inherently evil but killing your own sister is on a whole other level alongside her husband-to-be Paul Bernardo also known as the Scarborough rapist Karla Homolka was involved in her sister's death in 1990 Karla and her family never suspected Paul the adored him especially Carlos 15 year old sister Tammy who looked up to him like a big brother the sadistic Canadian couple was eventually convicted of raping and murdering three teenaged girls in the early 90s with Carla's knowledge Paul continued to stalk women throughout the Niagara region however in exchange for her damning testimony Homolka sentence was reduced to 12 years for manslaughter thanks to a plea deal since Bernardo was the supposed mastermind and she was merely his accomplice she describes her role as both victimizer and victim of course video evidence of their crimes later surfaced proving that Homolka was much more involved than she let on amazing things happen on those tapes she is dressed like a schoolgirl at this time she's a grown woman right she's dressed like a schoolgirl she's speaking in this little schoolgirl voice omocha was released from prison in 2005 but Bernardo remains behind bars to this day Karla told police that Paul had murdered Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French after raping them for several days she said there were videotapes to proving do you agree with our list which couple do you think is the most evil this afternoon Brady justified all five murders as an existential experience for more informative top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to Judith was released in November 1981 alvin followed in april 1982 and the two resumed their life together
Views: 6,628,639
Rating: 4.7783771 out of 5
Keywords: history, politics, evil couples, most evil couples in history, criminals, criminal couples, west, garrido, podkopaev, inessa tarverdiyeva, farook, malik, neeley, starkweather, fugate, gallego, hindley, homolka, beck, top 10, watchmojo
Id: 0jwZ6-SMk4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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