Top 10 Most Badass Ladies on Avatar: The Last Airbender

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if you're looking for real girl power search no further welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most badass ladies on avatar the last airbender ma'am there's a riot going on i'm here to protect you i don't need any protection believe me she doesn't for this list we'll be looking at some of the amazing female characters on avatar the last airbender and all the different ways they define what it means to be a badass grand grand wouldn't let your tribe's stupid customs run her life that's why she left it must have taken a lot of courage number 10. uh at first introduction the princess of the northern water tribe looked like she might just be there to give saka a little star-crossed puppy love you don't understand i have duties to my father to my tribe but early flashes of ua's sense of duty should have clued us in on her true depth our strength comes from the spirit of the moon our life comes from the spirit of the ocean they work together to keep balance after power mad admiral zhao's destruction of the moon spirit ui doesn't hesitate to offer up her own life to restore it it's my duty saka i won't let you your father told me to protect you i have to do this without her momentous sacrifice to rebalance the elements the world wouldn't have survived long enough for aang to save it ua's strength is a quieter type but she shows us that selfless devotion to a greater good is one of the most courageous qualities a person can have it's thanks to you a that the story continued past book one goodbye saka i'll always be with you number nine hama you're a waterbender i've never met another waterbender from our tribe that's because the fire nation wiped them all out hama is a conflicting character on the one hand her blood bending is super disturbing and definitely not okay but on the other hand we kind of get it as a young waterbender in the south pole hama saw her people repeatedly attacked by the fire nation before she herself was taken prisoner and held for years in subhuman conditions then i realized that where there is life there is water the rats that scurried across the floor of my cage were nothing more than skins filled with liquid hama's desire for revenge is legit and although she's been twisted by rage we have to acknowledge her skills and during the next full moon i walked free for the first time in decades not only is she a strong enough water bender to invent a terrifying new form but she leveraged her fury to take back her agency from the people who stole it from her that's something you've gotta respect you should have learned the technique before you turned against me it's impossible to fight your way out of my grip number eight ursa zuko that's what moms are like if you mess with their babies they're gonna invite you back don't be fooled by her lady like exterior underneath ursa has a fierce protective streak and she'll stop at nothing to defend the people she loves i failed no i loved watching you that's who you are zuko someone who keeps fighting even though it's hard you'd never know someone so gentle could be capable of such ruthlessness when her husband ozai's ambition endangers her son zuko's life ursa is willing to do anything to save him even if it means getting rid of her father-in-law firelord azulon she pays the price for her actions by disappearing into exile but zuko survives ursa's mighty love undeniably helps to shape the fate of the avatar world it just goes to show think twice before you get between a woman and her kid your mother did vicious trees in his things that night she knew the consequences and accepted them for her treason she was banished number seven kiyoshi i killed chin the conqueror a horrible tyrant chin was expanding his army to all corners of the continent can we get a kiyoshi spin-off series please this earth-bending avatar rarely appears in the main series but when she does she makes a strong impression like all avatars kiyoshi is a powerful bender but this lady can actually move mountains or at least large land masses she literally created kiyoshi island by separating it from the mainland to keep her hometown safe from an invading dictator on top of that kiyoshi has an unshakable commitment to justice she does what she has to to keep the world in balance and she doesn't care if that makes her unpopular kiyoshi is a force to be reckoned with i offer you this wisdom hang only justice will bring peace number six ty lee on a show where things can get heavy light-hearted ty lee definitely stands out but the truth is i'm really happy here i mean my aura has never been pinker i'll take your word for it and lots of characters underestimate her because of that upbeat demeanor until they learn the hard way what a big mistake that is she may not be a bender but tyler is an incredible acrobat with her own secret weapon to level the playing field even the most powerful benders have been taken out by tylie's chi blocking attacks and become useless while she goes on to flatten the opposition between her formidable fighting style and her disarming personality tylie is an opponent to watch out for she proves that bubbly and feminine don't equal weak nothing gets in her way look it doesn't matter who i met first cause i like you all but which one of us do you like yeah tell us i don't know i don't know number five mei mei and ty lee take the earthbenders out finally something to do watch out for the edges because mae won't hesitate to cut someone down it's just a matter of whether she uses her crazy knife skills or her savage snark she's a fierce adversary to be sure one who can handle anything without breaking a sweat i thought when tyler and i finally caught you guys it would be more exciting oh well victory is boring but may is even more remarkable for the kind of ally she can be though she seems motivated only by her perpetual boredom for most of the series when mae finds something she does care about nothing will stop her from defending it or him i know one thing i care about i care about you zuko may have ended their relationship to join team avatar but mae still risks everything to rescue him what are you doing [Music] saving the jerk who dumped me even if she hides it well may is someone you want on your side i guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do you miscalculated i love zuko more than i fear you number four suki wait a second there's no way a bunch of girls took us down a bunch of girls huh the unagi's gonna eat well tonight at an age where most kids are struggling through biology class tsuki is the one who does the schooling anything else you want to teach us as the head of the kiyoshi warriors she leads an elite combat team first as defenders of their home island and then on the earth kingdom mainland fighting against the fire nation whether she's facing down a fascist empire or just casually smashing the patriarchy suki is completely fearless sorry warden you're my prisoner now we've got the warden now let's get out of here that's some girl tell me about it yet she never loses sight of her compassion making her an ideal commander no matter what the situation suki brings a cool head and a steel spine and she's always quick to figure out the best plan of action you could say that we're big fans who are you the avatar's fan girls oh i get it good one azula number three azula azula may be a villain but she's the kind of villain that you almost have to admire she's terrifying and inspirational at the same time it's hard to explain sure she's one of the strongest firebenders on the show but azula's also got some impressive brains to back up that sizzling strength but for some reason when i meet boys they act as if i'm going to do something horrible to them but you probably would do something horrible to them she's a master strategist always a step or two ahead of everyone else and she has an uncanny ability to hone in on her opponent's psychological weaknesses which is why she's such an effective manipulator soccer's your name right my favorite prisoner used to mention you all the time she was convinced you were going to come rescue her of course you never came and she gave up on you more than that though azula possesses a supreme sense of self-confidence which translates into a natural leadership ability even if her methods are terrible she does get results love her or hater you have to recognize azula's game i'll show you lightning [Music] number 2. katara even before katara was trained up as a waterbender we saw hints of her potential in less than a year she goes from one of the show's weakest fighters to one of its most formidable but katara is so much more than just her bending you can't knock me down she's driven by a passionate belief in right and wrong and is the first to step up to injustice when she sees it so remember your courage earthbenders let us fight for our freedom of course that's not really surprising as someone who's always embraced both her role as a healer and her warrior instincts katara is a living embodiment of balance she shows us the many definitions of strength and proves that the greatest power comes from using all of your talents before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions avatar yang chen as avatar she always kept a pragmatic sense of herself in relation to the bigger picture here is my wisdom for you selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world kana aka grand grand kana made difficult choices in order to live her life on her own terms what do you two think you're doing you'll need these you have a long journey ahead of you smellerbee even if people don't understand her the lone girl in the freedom fighters never backs down as long as i'm confident with who i am it doesn't matter what other people think june slaying it at the mercenary game june lives tough and loves it your beast trash my you have to pay me back i'd love to help you out but i'm a little short on money drinks on me kaya she made the ultimate sacrifice to protect her water-bending daughter from the fire nation we're not leaving until we find the waterbender if i tell you do you promise to leave the rest of the village alone hmm it's me take me as your prisoner before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one tough now the moment you've all been waiting for the boulder versus your champion the blind bandit toff doesn't overcome obstacles so much as she obliterates them they're mine she's the most powerful earthbender we meet on avatar but it's the creative way toff applies her power that makes her amazing though she was born blind she learns early to use the earth's vibrations to get a better view of her surroundings than most sighted people later she expands that skill and becomes essentially a human lie detector he's not lying how can you tell i can feel his breathing and heartbeat when people lie there's a physical reaction he's telling the truth when she's kidnapped in a metal box toff straight up invents metal bending to free herself it seems like there's nothing she can't tackle as if that wasn't enough toff's devotion to her friends and strong sense of herself make her more than just her tough attitude i am so glad we added you to the group unapologetic and unstoppable there's no bigger badass than toff beifong do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from mizmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 279,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most badass ladies on avatar: the last airbender, badass ladies on avatar, badass female avatar characters, badass women on avatar, badass girls on avatar, toph, katara, suki, azula, mai, ty lee, kyoshi, ursa, hama, yue, avatar, the last airbender, avatar: the last airbender, TV, animated, cartoon, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
Id: MWGw7S0gr4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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