Top 10 MISTAKES Swordmains Make In Blox Fruits!

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in Blox fruits you can either be a fruit Man by putting all your stat points into Fruit melee and defense or you can be a swords Man by putting all your stat points into sword melee and of course defense but there are several mistakes you have done and maybe still doing on a regular basis so in today's video I'll be talking about the top 10 mistakes sword Ms make in blockx fruits so yeah let's get right into the video starting off at number one we have combatible fruits this is such a big mistake that almost everybody has made once in their lifetime to PvP with a sword it's not really that easy all the moves are very small and extremely fast so you guys will most likely miss them on your opponent but if you guys are using certain fruits like Rumble portal dark or you know any other fruit which is good for swords that can be such a big help for you guys since you will be able to confuse your enemies and that will make your life a lot more easier while Landing these sorts of difficult moves and will get you a lot of bounties super super fast so with that being said you should always be using a fruit which would help you in fighting other people while using a sword so the second mistake that everybody in this game makes is the Ken trick I'm talking about the observation hockey right here also known as Ken basically you should never have your observation hockey on at all times yes this will highlights your enemies and tell you where they are how much health they have you know all the good stuff but you shouldn't have have this on at all times and there's a huge huge advantage of this basically if somebody hits you with a move which is a strong move your observation hcky will break and then you guys cannot Dodge any more attacks and may even die for that reason but if you guys are fighting other people and not using your observation hockey at all times what you can do is if somebody combos you just turn your hockey on you will easily Dodge one of their moves and teleport away in an instant making their comp combo literally useless but doing this is quite difficult so you guys will have to practice a lot but if you guys get this down trust me you guys will be winning a lot more fights than usual okay at number three we have wasting your moves I usually make this mistake a lot which makes me lose a lot of fights let me explain for example if you are fighting somebody and you are just spamming your moves left right and center right basically missing them almost every single time and ruining your potential this will make you an easy target and will also reduce the chance of you winning the fight because it would be better if you guys go to them and then stun them with your fruit and then after that do your moves and you will easily land a lot of damage and hopefully kill them in the process so yeah don't be like me and always spam your moves in random Direction and pray that you guys hit the move that is not the way how to use swords in this game moving on into number four we have not upgrading your weapon as you guys can see up on screen upgrading your weapon can give you extra damage and this depends on the Rarity of your sword if you have a very rare sword it will add an 8% damage boost and if it is a legendary or a rare weapon you will have it buffed by 10% which is a lot of damage if you guys actually think about it so please do not forget to upgrade your weapon it's not even that hard you just need to have a little bit of materials and then upgrade it for basically free so with that being said always upgrade your we we s it is such a big advantage over your opponent at number five we have mindset this is a mistake which is pretty difficult to understand but all of us have done this once in our lifetime so basically if you are using swords like the Buddy sword or the spiky trient you should be keeping some distance between you and your opponent but if you are changing your sword to the dark blade or Cur dual Catana you should be up in their face to deal as much damage as you guys can and this is quite a difficult thing to explain but you will have to learn this by using the sword over and over and over again for example if you are a dark blade user it is better for you to just push everybody and use all your moves since that is the best possible play style you can have with this sword but on the other hand if you are using spiky Trident you should always be keeping some distance from your enemies so you guys can use this sword to its full potential I don't know if that made any sense but if it did let me know in the comments below and while you're down there please make sure to hit that subscribe button I'm trying to get to 50,000 subscribers at number six we have race V4 of course I had to mention this in the video I've seen so many people in the third sea pvping other people and they don't even have race V4 and don't get me wrong I know race V4 is one of the hardest or the hardest thing to obtain in Blox fruits but you guys will have to do it and there are some ways you guys can make this a little bit easier on yourself first of is by joining Discord servers and finding people from there because in a public server nobody is really that serious and it's nearly impossible to get race V4 but if you guys are in a Discord server trying to find other people which have the same goal as you you will most likely get race V4 in a couple of days so yeah please make sure to get race V4 before you are pvping with swords or with fruits moving on into number seven we have guns yes more than 40 to 50% people people while using swords avoid to use guns and they are such a good opportunity for you guys to get a lot of different Combos and the best gun for this purpose is the soul guitar but if you guys don't have that then you guys can use the kabua both of them serve the same purpose and are very good for helping sword mans in their PVP so with that being said do not forget or avoid to use a guns they are very very helpful at number eight we have using wrong sword whenever you guys are choosing a sword for PVP please make sure to test it out before and see if it matches your play style and also if it is in the meta nowadays if you will be using the buddy sword or the pole V2 or you know swords like those they will get outclassed by the cryst katana dark blade or you know the very strong Dragon Trident these types of swords will literally make your life a living hell so if you are trying to be a swordman you should always be using a very strong sword which is still in the meta if you are behind the meta you will most likely lose a lot of your Bounty and it will be such an annoying process for you okay at number nine we have no patience this is very very important whenever you guys are using swords you should always be very patient and wait for the right opportunity if you guys are not doing that and just randomly using your moves randomly chasing your opponent yeah you're not going to be doing very good good and even if you are with this strategy whenever you guys will fight people who are over 10 15 20 million Bounty they will cook you up so fast that you guys won't even realize so for that reason always be patient with your moves always be patient with your devil fruits and find the right moment to attack your enemy and basically defeat them super super fast and lastly at number 10 we have Scrolls you should always be adding Scrolls to your sword but this is only for pay to win people if you guys are free to play yeah this process is a little bit too difficult for you and hopefully in the update 21 they make it a little bit easier but yeah for the people who like to use roblux and you know pay for their games and stuff you guys should always have a scroll on your sword which helps you deal extra damage so yeah those are the 10 mistakes that almost everybody does in Blox fruits so let me know in the comments below how many of these mistakes do you do or you have done back in the day and while you're at it please make sure to hit that subscribe button and also join my Discord server down in the description thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video peace
Channel: Goto.
Views: 52,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, roblox, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, update 20, blox fruit, blox fruits update 20, top 10, 1st sea, 2nd sea, 3rd sea, blox fruits 1st sea, blox fruits 2nd sea, blox fruits 3rd sea, blox fruits top 10, top 10 blox fruits, blox fruits guide, blox fruits mistakes, mistakes in blox fruits, first sea, second sea, third sea, blox fruit mistakes, sword main, blox fruits sword main, sword main blox fruits, blox fruit sword main
Id: SlHek68Im2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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