Top 10 MCU Villains Being Set Up for Phase 5

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why are you trying to destroy us i am not the destroyer hey everyone i'm rebecca and welcome to watch mojo today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 mcu villains being set up for phase 5. there will always be nightmares it's part of who we are but when we face them we can overcome and be stronger for it the only lies i've told are the ones you put in my mouth careful what you say i don't know what you've got inside you already the mixture could be an abomination for this list we're looking at past comic story lines and the history of the marvel cinematic universe to guess what antagonists might be threatening our heroes in the future because some of these clues are tied to major events a spoiler alert is now in effect so what marvel villain do you want to see next be sure to let us know in the comments all right let's get into it number 10. mephisto when wanda vision was rolling out weekly episodes many fans speculated the demonic mephisto was the main villain despite a few promising hints and a comic connection to wanda he wasn't the villain she had to worry about the name's agatha harkness lovely to finally meet you dear but mephisto has been tied to many heroes in the comics the demon has a particularly interesting connection to moon knight in one storyline the lunar anti-hero got visions of mephisto ending the world so moon knight stole the powers from different avengers to defeat the demon we know that oscar isaac is playing the character in an upcoming disney plus series once they establish his backstory and abilities in phase 4 he could steal other people's powers to fight mephisto in phase 5. number 9. the leader samuel stearns was first introduced as bruce banner's ally in 2008's the incredible hulk but after a lab accident with gamma irradiated blood he began to look like the comic villain the leader [Music] since he typically has massive intelligence and various psychic abilities he could be a big threat to the avengers going forward although we haven't seen stearns on screen in years another hulk antagonist is hinting at his return emil blonsky aka the abomination first appeared in the same film we know for certain he'll appear in the she-hulk disney plus series and the upcoming shanxi film you got this thank you if a major hulk villain can show up in multiple places then it's not hard to believe that banner's old ally can return as well number eight dr victor von doom once marvel announced a fantastic four film was on the horizon they pretty much confirmed that we would see doctor doom you'll want it back this legendary antagonist is one of the super team's oldest enemies doom has also appeared in video games numerous animated shows and every single live action fantastic four movie that's been released this is gonna be fun it's incredibly unlikely they'd leave him out of the new adaptation although dr doom was introduced as a fantastic four foe he has the resources and power to take on heroes like the avengers we can easily see earth's mightiest heroes meeting the mcu's doom within the next few years is that the best you can do number 7. galactus speaking of the fantastic four they're also famous for doing battle with galactus this cosmic being is known for having a huge appetite that can only be satisfied by consuming the energy of planets my people called it galactus the devourer of worlds it must feed on energy to survive between the incredible might galactus wields and his world-destroying tendencies he could easily surpass thanos as the universe's biggest threat take joy in the last few hours you have left for he is nearly here while the cosmic villain debuted in a fantastic four story he also shares a connection with another famous marvel character the eternal athena went on a mission to find galactus so he could defeat the cree whether she wakes him to fight a threat or the villain faces the fantastic four his arrival feels inevitable [Music] number six nightmare a demon named nightmare will have you afraid to close your eyes originally hailing from the dream dimension he can imprison a being's astral form and torment them too late for that little spider i caught you with the good doctor sleeping on the job there have been several hints of nightmare lurking in the background on loki mobius appears to make a reference to the villain's name this place is a nightmare that's another department now that department will help you burn down and although marvel's agents of shield might not be canon it definitely introduced the concept of a dream dimension dr strange may stumble upon that dimension during the multiverse of madness and since nightmare is one of his oldest foes the villain's reign of terror over dreams could accidentally begin thanks to the sorcerer supreme nightmare this whole thing has been a dream number 5. norman osborne after skrull's infiltrate shield the government starts a new security organization called hammer track the pawn to find a girl she knows more than she knows this may not happen in the upcoming secret invasion disney plus series but if it does the first director of this agency has historically been norman osborne this iconic villain is best known for tormenting spider-man as the green goblin spider-man come out to play since osborne hasn't been introduced in the mcu yet he could make a grand entrance as a powerful government figure considering there is plenty of people who don't trust the mcu shield the public may want him to glide in and protect them with hammer that's no problem i'll make a few calls no i couldn't accept it sir number four cathon since cathon is an elder god who can warp reality with his powers the mcu's avengers will want to stay out of his way unfortunately for them he may have already started indirectly messing with the world catholic historically creates a powerful book of spells known as the darkhold the last person who read this dangerous magical tome in the mcu was wanda maximov in one story catholic possesses her body and tries to use her powers to come to earth scarlet witch has grown into an incredibly powerful magic user over the last few years the avengers would be in for the fight of their lives if c'thon stopped indirectly causing chaos with the darkhold and actively got a hold of wanda number three zemo's thunderbolts there was a time in the comics where it looked like earth had lost most of its heroes and baron zemo saw this lull as the perfect time to organize a super team of his own although his crew composed mostly of villains pretended to be a force for good they originally had evil intentions the mcu's zemo definitely has the intelligence and financial resources to pull together a thunderbolts crew we have to stay in character our lives depend on it there's no margin for error and although there are avengers on earth they don't exactly seem to be holding regular meetings nowadays zemo could take advantage of this low point for the mcu's avengers to introduce his thunderbolts while he is being held in the raft prison he has orchestrated impressive feats behind bars before it was going to be different no clunky machines or jacked up bodies mine was going to be subtle optimized number two the sinister six in 1964 a group of spider-man's worst enemies joined forces to squash the web head for the first time although this version of the sinister six failed variations of this group kept trying to end spider-man over the decades tom holland's spidey already has a few angry foes who want revenge to make matters worse it's been rumored that villains like dr octopus will travel from alternate universes to appear in spider-man no way home peter parker and the girlfriend and if the multiverse is in play original sinister six team member craven the hunter could leap from his sony movie to the mcu holland's peter parker better have a few heroic friends on speed dial because there are more than enough enemies to make up a new sinister six it's on our little spider friend i've got some boys on the outside who would love to meet him before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one kang the conqueror shortly after kang the conqueror introduced himself to the avengers in the comics he imprisoned almost all of them jonathan magers will portray this notable villain in ant-man and the wasp quantomania for the first time but we have a feeling it won't be his last appearance alright i'm not ready for this kang's advanced tech large intellect and ability to time travel means he can make intricate plans to attack enemies before they even know what hit them he can also travel across time and dimensions to gather more evil allies for the heroes to fight while ant-man and the wasp are impressive it's unclear if they can take out kang on their own good luck scott you got this you're right i do captain america if this villain survives quantum mania he could become a big bad that's more dangerous than thanos honestly i just can't wait to see what's next so do you think we got it right which marvel villain do you want to see in phase five be sure to let us know in the comments or come tell me on twitter or instagram rebecca brayton or on my youtube channel see ya do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 381,001
Rating: 4.9105601 out of 5
Keywords: Comics, DC, Film, Marvel, Movies, Supervillain, best marvel villains, best movies, chthon, dr. doom, future marvel villains, future mcu villains, galactus, kang the conqueror, list, marvel bad guys, marvel phase 5, marvel villains, marvel villains phase 5, mcu bad guys, mcu phase 5, mcu villains, mcu villains phase 5, mcu villains set up for phase 5, mephisto, mojo, top 10, upcoming marvel villains, villains, watch mojo, watchmojo, zemo
Id: IjlzvMsAvPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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