Top 10 Joe Montana Games of All Time | NFL Films

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I stopped at the first game, just to come back here to say, Lon Simmons was the very, very best.

I was fortunate to grow up listening to him.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tjconagh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Still the GOAT

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/just_argues_with_you πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's utterly ridiculous that they included the 1990/1991 NFC Championship game, where Leonard Marshall knocked out Montana (and Roger Craig fumbled late in the game) and we missed the threepeat. All the talking heads they featured on that show were in agreement that this bleak contest shouldn't be included. But the producers insisted on including it anyway! But why?!? They gave absolutely no credible reason why it was included. It's inclusion was like some sick joke. I can put my finger on it - - that is easily the most depressing sporting event I've ever seen. And it was effectively the end of the Montana Era. What an insult to Joe Montana and 49ers fans to have that included among Montana's "greatest" games of all time. Screw you, production team!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gregmay24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
number fit Montana game of all-time Joe first comeback that's a great way to kick off the list well for a lot of people that wouldn't be number ten it would be about two or three until they come back Joe Montana was a rumor the 1981 Super Bowl team I think began with that game in 1980 we've got a dandy for you today the San Francisco 49ers started out very quickly with three straight wins and then they lost their eight games in a row the New Orleans Saints of course are winless the Saints were owned fourteen or something like that at the time and they were the worst caving away 1980 nobody is paying attention to the 49ers so they didn't count yet and when the score of this ball game is clash around the country there's a four-letter word that people are going to say WH 18 they won't believe it right now not to have the 49ers trailed 35 seven led by a second-year quarterback no one knew what to expect they knew this kid had done great things at Notre Dame and yet he's a third-round draft pick and the 49ers can't get over the hump and now they're getting destroyed by the same [Applause] why should you think that we had any chance but we got in a locker room and I'll bill could talk about was we expected him just to go off but he basically said hey look I can't tell anything you don't already know you're embarrassing yourself and try to make this respect the thing that gave me some hope with the fact that that when we went toward our dressing room at the end of the half hour players ran as a group so you could sense it as you went towards the dressing room that we weren't on a beatin team Montana back to throw big crush put on he throws he completes it underneath and white mark is the 40 to 45 into 50 it's a good rate that may be the one play that will wake up the 49ers so that was the start of the Joe Montana legend back to pro Montana is being run look out he throws it open at the 5 break the tackle [Applause] laughter points wait a minute 35 14 what Joe Montana he translates to the pros this guy is magic and is long enough good greatest comeback the 49ers have made as I win it by a score of 38 to 35 when you think of Joe Montana you think of fourth-quarter comeback and that was number one that was his first one so real sit up and take notice game that wasn't noticed by probably people around the league - bottom dweller team certainly made San Francisco pay attention he was a great player in Notre Dame just by passing through town his great shows that showed up there and the children since he's probably the first to put on a meal support act for every great quarterback it has to start somewhere whenever you were down you kind of look at the clock you go five minutes 17 points or four no problem we can beat these guys and a lot of that was born in that game against New Orleans but number nine Montana game of all guy Joe beat buddy in the House of Pain in the playoffs they play a game in Houston Houston Oilers have won 11 games in a row they were the hottest team in football going into the postseason you know buddy Ryan with their defensive coordinator he was just killing teams of his blitz there's no reason to believe that Joe's not going to get sacked at least eight or nine times in this game 1993 the Wohlers were as good as any team in the lair but he's got to nastiest defense on the planet they knocked Levin quarterbacks out of games in here one game after punching offensive coordinator Kevin Gilbride Ryan hoped to knock out the 37 year old Montana who appeared to be on his last legs he had missed all but half a game of two seasons with an elbow injury throwing out look people didn't know Joe Montana was still going to be Joe Montana and that moment showed everyone yeah he still Joe Joe Montana 37 years old Lenny let's take it to him today a knockout baby [Music] [Applause] like all the great Montana games on the countdown our choice we're number nine didn't make the list where how it began but for how it ended what made him different in the second half of the game it's that when you broke the huddle you came to the line of scrimmage you saw in the other guy's eyes they knew who their plans and they also knew of it in any camp following this but in a toxic dump of that point open-loop into a dead state [Music] and the world [Applause] they led the Chiefs in the fourth quarter just as led buffalo the year before Denver the year before that so what happened joe Montana's last miracle I think a first was a perfect role by Joe Montana I tried to blitz him to change did their best 49ers impersonation you know you won when buddy Ryan stopped to listen he stopped and had to go do something else we knew at that point that we got him back offense too intense looks like participants in the end zone up that pedaling leaping catch alive and kick'n and Houston Texas and Montana truck great touchdown passes in the second half in its classic Montana man coming back late in the game to lead his troops of victory in the playoffs so number eight Montana game of all time on Danah versus Moreno Super Bowl die team [Music] that game could be a lot higher on your list it could be in your top three that might be number two on my list you got two quarterbacks born and raised in western Pennsylvania the entire week leading in and remember it was at Stanford so it was essentially a home game for the 49ers the story was not Joe Montana the story with Dan Marino the biggest crowd of reporters was around Joe Montana the question there is Montana in any way jealous of golfin quarterback Dan Marino the answer was no everybody has their time as it is right now he's had a great year so didn't expect anything less from it I don't want to say was you know the old got old gun slinger the new gun slinger but it was somewhat of that type of situation [Music] in fact we just saw it again recently when New England played Denver in the playoffs the whole thing that week with Tim Tebow Tim Tebow Tim Tebow and you got a guy who's won three Super Bowls and Tom Brady just sitting over there nobody seems to be paying any attention to him and he throws six touchdown passes Patriot killed this was the same thing the kid from Pennsylvania did not like Karen it was all about marina but he would never tell you that but deep down inside the competitor that he is yeah that was driving him that game Walsh uh came into the locker room before the game and laid down on the floor and started saying how we gonna ever beat Dan Marino we can't bet we're done of course classic bill you know if I made the team laugh and fired them up at the same time in our number eight Montana game Miami took a 10-7 lead at the end of the first quarter but in the second quarter jokowi heated up we wanted to stop them from running the football and we did do a great job of that Montana cross back short drop makes one he's got a run of himself he and we wanted to contain Joe Montana we want to keep him in the pocket and we didn't do a very good job of that he made a lot of place throwing the football outside of the pocket that's the one thing that we knew we couldn't allow him to do while Marino's struggled Montana thrived leading the 49ers to a 28:16 halftime advantage he carved up the Dolphins he basically did whatever he wanted all day long it was one of those games that was never really in doubt just felt like Joe had an inner control the whole time the domination continued in the second half and Montana led the 49ers to a 38 16 Super Bowl victory the Miami defense just cannot cope with the 49ers now I couldn't even tell you Joe stats but if he missed more than a handful of passes for that game I'd be just amazed famously an office in the wrong one soda the guy that came out of that was going to be considered the best quarterback during that era and unfortunately Joe as a guy who came out what a banker tricked by Bill Walsh absolutely destroyed the myth of Moreno as this super human being because the food the real super human being was the guy in red number 16 I remember seeing him after the game it was just a local okay I'm still pretty good Montana hey Marino great game man Thanks a draw play in the second quarter great choice did I buy you one so at least you can do I hear y'all won't drop it see you there run number seven had a game of all-time 1990 NFC championship what the hell is this thing doing in your top 10 what is that doing on here I'm pretty sure though this is a celebration of Montana and all this greatness yeah I would leave this off right there's a hit Leonard Marshall coming from the backside who's doing this list with all due respect to the fine people at NFL Films I would respectfully request that that game be removed sorry Niner fans but our choice for number seven is staying put the reason for encoding such a devastating loss on our list that hit by Leonard Marshall marked a turning point in the history of Montana the 49ers and the NFL San Francisco entered the game feeling pretty good about their chance to become the first franchise to win three straight Super Bowls and we'll see you as the right to play Buffalo next week in a game dominated by the deposes there were plenty of phone scoring collisions that January [Applause] but knowing it had a bigger impact in the one delivered by Leonard Marshall [Applause] the balls loose probably the worst hit that I've had my ribs and chest hurt so bad that I didn't know the hand was broken but I couldn't even get breath out and I was I was thinking oh god I'm going to die I know on that one fateful play Montana suffered a bruised sternum agree stomach cracked ribs and a broken hand for the most painful after effect of Marshalls crushing blow was the end of Joe's reign in San Francisco that's how the transitional phase if you want to call it that was completed is that Montana was heard in the NFC Championship game and I think at that point it became Steve Young's team it changes that game it ends the three-peat I don't know how we're celebrating this is a Montana moment but it's a significant moment on the lesson his career John after trailing by a point all depends on back bar and they kick is good no three feet by 1990 now he's won back-to-back Super Bowls now he's the biggest icon in San Francisco sports history the 49ers were going to win three Super Bowls in a row and no team was ever going to come close to that this was Montana into the archives forever lock it up don't want to hear any arguments this is the greatest of all time and instead it was tragically and cruelly and violently taken away I'm sure Montana's gonna love sitting down just like oh yeah man I remember that play against the Bengals that was a great comeback and the Super Bowl oh man I remember Dwight Clark sketch wait here comes ten minutes of me getting crunched by Leonard Marshall from behind see ya gonna go make a sandwich number six Montana game of all-time Super Bowl 24 our number six Montana game matched up two of the greatest quarterbacks to play the game whereas Montana Marino wasn't billed as this great quarterback class at this point it's Montana Elway that's legit everybody's ready to see if John Ellison to step up and match Joe Montana 59 razor Joanne the 49er struck first first drive my panna - right right down to the goal life boom there's Steve Atwater Steve a lawyers on the ground Jerry Rice goes in the end zone pretty much looks like Gabe up at that point just complete control of the offense precision knowing where the third fourth receivers are at the clinic I love all the drama but when you're when you're a fan of a team you really don't want trauma the game that was billed as a quarterback battle turned into a one-man show Montana threw for five touchdowns in 297 yards and only three quarters but down here on a right left and three it was just embarrassment of riches and it was one of those games at halftime when I would remember thinking to score 80 hot high tones to the unknown [Applause] in some way that was the best game he's ever played this was you know the piece de resistance or whatever I mean this was like from minute zero to minute 60 you know this was full flower montana decimating a defense plagued by Montana watches it for the S dog gallery right [Applause] that was one of those here's a blank check fill in the blanks on the forty niners could have scored a hundred and five points that game was over the field goes for the endzone Gary Wright touchdown 49ers and the Bay Area may begin its celebration earlier than anticipated I don't know that football had never been played to that well up to that point a lot of the throws were just perfect they mean the guy was in a zone we all hope no matter what we do whether it's sports writer or photographer or whatever we all hope for that one moment when we can feel like we did everything right and that's what happened to Joe there you are congratulations [Music] number five Montana game of all time chicken soup anyone sure the chicken soup Kim's got to be on the list because it's where it all began throughout his career Joe Montana has got to come from behind quarterback Notre Dame whole country didn't know really about the legend of Joe Montana they knew that the cats would come in and made things happen and sort of look like Barry Manilow to some people people don't legend began with - you know Dwight Clark are you kidding me the legend began on the frozen tundra of Dallas in Texas we do have ice storms and Dallas and that may have been the worst ice storm that we've had here in the last 30 or 40 years I was behind the Notre Dame bat you're gonna go talk to Joe Montana I says he has never been this cold during a football game in his life I challenged me to watch the clip - that game cannot go cool even if you're in Miami or Palm Beach watch a scottsdale you put that on the DVD in here but you got to go through Montana's 23 point fourth quarter comeback outside and those frigid conditions was impressive but the reason this game made our list has more to do with the temperature inside Joe's body [Music] early in the game I would come off the field and run right to the heater and go back in the field right for the heater ended up getting my temperature down to like 90 they kept me in the locker and they had chicken soup there to keep everybody warm at halftime so they just kept feeding it to me and feeding it to me to get my temperature back up Joe Montana did not come out with the second half the team physician just told me he has the chills his body temperatures below normal they're giving him warm fluids and he may be back before the game he said it's kind of like the start of the blue nobody thought he was going to play when they heard how sick he was and Houston went out on dominating the Irish and I thought they were dead and buried except Joe Montana now the story about the chicken soup and how cold it was and everything else wasn't half as good as just sitting there watching the game in person Montana had sparked a surge of Notre Dame here in the closing moments a 23 point comeback in the final eight minutes that alone that's that's astonishing that he did it while he was sick that's that's legendary that's a lot like the Jordan 1997 game five against the Jazz where he had the flu and dominated in the finals it's all come down to this term seconds left to play Houston 34 Notre Dame 28 [Applause] I've done it again motored a completely dead came back in the fourth quarter to win it by watch the image of him in college was the chicken soup and coat on him becomes like part of the lore kind of like Greek mythology they do some heroic feat that lets people know that they are the way that would be much Ana's chicken soup game the young myth gets built number four on Panna game of all-time Super Bowl 23 Joe is hot so let's cover him he's throwing good warm-up I guess any time that was Walsh and Montana's Mona Lisa nothing better it's number one as far as I'm concerned our number four Montana game featured the 49ers as a seven-point favorite despite the bengals having a better record we were on such a roll or as big guttural as you know a 1016 gets on kind of like the last two giant Super Bowls losing ever entered my mind they completed passes all games but the offense was sort of stuck for a long time a stinker of a game real slugfest got people all over the country up you know what's going on here the ball is put down the kick is the way it is long enough and it is and a320 obstacle the main we'll take a sixteenth of Burstein Lane and then the Bengal score late and all of a sudden whoa the four years are going to lose a Super Bowl they got the ball and they had to go 70 80 yards whatever it was and Montana's in the huddle the Super Bowl and he's looking around in the crowd Hey look here's John Candy John Candy's here at the Super Bowl and check it out guys John he just had a calming presence about him and calmed everybody down in that huddle and the players believed in him I think it was very calculated don't make it bigger than it is it's football the 49ers out a long-drawn first down throws over the middle complete to the crack frankerz does at 16 and everybody knows about the drive and it was so meticulous and thoughtful and it was classic Joe Montana was the first down good receivers airside Joe Paxson all stepped up never failed napkins guy is so cool three-step drop hey and Jerry Rice you sit in the hacking light and God making it look easy Montana trying to drive them alike the field here with the game of the balanced sixteen to thirteen the Bengals lead Montana back to throw it over the middle of Montana just hits him perfectly in stride to the point where rice can catch it and break the second tackle I think in his mind was just hey this is what I do everybody else is going crazy he's unbelievable this is the best antenna [Applause] oh he dipped that ball it was just it was so tightly thrown and so beautiful that's the epitome of the bill Walsh Joe Montana hero that drive and I'm telling you 300 years from now it'll still be on DVD something and people will still marvel at it got a number three Montana game of all time Joe versus Steve the 49ers had a great quarterback in Steve Young but every 49er fans worst nightmare joe Montana's gone and he's thriving in Kansas City the 49ers very early in the sieve of the 1994 are now Steve Young team it was not all four back I'm not a son of no more how's that but I told Steve Young what a Super Bowl Joe still owned that town it wasn't like we don't like you it was more for that memory of those four Super Bowls he got traded as Kansas City emotionally I think there's a lot of people in the berries like they went with him if you want to talk to someone wants to play come talk to me Steve was positive he was the best quarterback with our team from the date he's got there and he would real quiet about it Joe and Steve did not like each other very much there was not a lot of love lost between the two of course he wanted to crush him Montana always saw young the threat and I threatened needed to be expunged and he got his chance everybody had it marked down as jobber steve was two good teams two playoff teams that year I'm sure that Steve looked at Joe to see if Joe was acknowledging him I'm sure if Joe wasn't to Steve Joe saying hey game on my formation play fake by Montana today while Joe enjoyed some sweep success in the number three game on our list dr. Phyllis Montana fight his counterpart was left with a much more sour taste in his mouth young will throw his pinky Sadie of course that was the best team of a decade for the 49ers they won the Super Bowl later they only lost three games one of the games they lost was at Arrowhead - Joe Montana this game means so much to Joe Montana yeah I mean he can play it down and got lost but I know Joe Montana you could make the argument that he maybe was honest about this he would rank that victory maybe even the equal of anything he did the Super Bowl on his list I got a think outside of a winning a championship game that one might have felt pretty good about the number to Montana game about die the 1989 Eagles game there are so many and obviously the big games Super Bowls a playoffs clutch but the one that really resonates with me was the Philadelphia Eagles game good afternoon everybody this is Joe Sharkey at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia is this the team of the 80s against the team of the 90s today pump recently witnessed a enforcement he's got an octet enough so what they've been some folks go arrest him time to watch chicken cordon around work ball three one two three work people don't understand the overtones that preceded this game 49ers the defending champions but go also gone 1989 beautiful weather what the hell you know they had pulled out two games to start the season under Georgia but the Eagles were the it team that whole city and team with geek up and this was going to be the changing of the guard game and that's how it played out in the first half in the first half Montana was sacked six times [Music] that Philadelphia Eagles defense might have been the best defense in history league they're playing a Philadelphia team on that horrendous artificial turf that might as well been just concrete painted green Joe Montana just got pummeled over and over I would run a route 10-yard wrap turnaround I'd be open and there'd be a huge pileup I'd look I could work what the heck is he unbarring himself from five defensive players things are so bad that 49ers offensive line coach Bob McKittrick went to Joe Montana at halftime and apologized was stunning because everybody in the press box had counted the 49ers out of that game but we all forgot who was the quarterback of the 49ers at halftime they knew they couldn't survive so they spread them out and went to four wide well that's counterintuitive they're killing Joe Montana our fine china let's take a back out of the backfield and run a spread off it so they can kill them even more but what Holmgren knew is that not only is my kind of tough enough to stay in but if you give him a little bit more space he might pick you apart [Applause] your plan with Montana you know something great it's gonna happen I know there was a few times in the huddle where he told those guys they better stink and block because we're not out of this thing Montana to throw he's got rap buddies into the end zone touchdown 49ers you know you can say hey man we're on the road we're down big chalk this one up to an L let's go home go in the West don't worry about it no bye McKittrick staying after Montana at halftime and by Montana kind of coming out and doing what he did show that incredible result in the physical toughness in the fourth quarter alone Joe passed for four touchdowns and accounted for 246 total yards there's this weird buzz in the Stanley what's going on but we could still come back and they run a play-action you see Jerry Rice going deep and you knew this is the I'm Joe Montana and you're not play Montana throw you want the dog right all those players were far physically tougher than they got credit for and that game you Joe showed it in its finest fashion it's interesting that you have it as two because I've always thought it's an underrated Montana game apparently now it's over I have a number one just because of the beating he took and now I've got number one month and a game of all time the cash we all agree with number one on this list at the catch game has to be number one the outcome of the Super Bowl berth hangs in the balance when you think of Montaigne taykitty cash it's gotta be number one there are a few games at any in NFL history which were as seminal you had essentially the end of the Landry cowboy hair and the start of the Walsh 49er era it has to be our one even though it wasn't his greatest statistical game it was certainly symbolically the greatest game of his career [Music] [Applause] what is all forgotten about our number one Montana game is that Joe's career masterpiece was clearly work that could only be appreciated after viewing it's mine elect it certainly wasn't his best game two through three picks they turned it over six times we fumbled the ball we had an inception zwi had sacked it wasn't really pretty except for that last drive the ball down at the san francisco 11 how far they go to where well at that point Montana had done the Saints come back he'd done the chicken soup game but this is the Dallas Cowboys they knocked the 49ers out of the playoffs in 70 71 and 72 can Joe Montana actually drive him all the way down that game is about the defining moment of the last two minutes who is this guy Montana I'm John Wayne and John Wayne never loses its third and three from the six San Francisco has never won a championship in professional sports [Applause] you're all as a 49er fan growing up you're thinking just get rid of the balls and give us one more play you releases the ball it's just oh thank you we have one more chance and then of the learn shouldn't be down comes white Clark and football change forever [Music] there's all sorts of myths surrounding that stuff you know student white know that that pass was going there was he throwing it away no matter what anybody says if you talk to all the cowboy players they will tell you he was throwing that ball away it sure looked from the sidelines like he was just getting rid of the ball as they were coming sorry Dallas Cowboys fans he wasn't throwing the ball away he was throwing the ball were on his wife was going to go up and get it now they practice to play they'll tell you we should practice it this place the wind I know exactly what Joe was trying to do when we practiced it Joe would always do it either too low or you know way over my head but in the game that sends you to the Super Bowl he puts it in the exact spot where it has to be do you know what it doesn't matter all that matters that Dwight Clark was in that moment at that place and made that catch there's so many great Joe Montana moments to choose from the catch of someone the catch will always be number one because of all the things that he's done all the great plays and all the comebacks Joe Montana is the greatest quarterback that I have ever seen play the game when you did what he's done and we've all watched him I'll stay with no disclaimer this guy's the greatest quarterback never played [Applause]
Channel: NFL Films
Views: 1,645,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Football, NFL Films, American Football, top 10, top 10 nfl films, joe montana, top 10 joe montana, top 10 joe montana games, game, moments, career, top, best, play, plays, highlight, highlights, joe montana highlights, 10, ten, throw, pass, td, touchdown, clutch, greatest, montana vs elway, comeback, super bowl xix, super bowl 19, montana vs marino, 49ers vs dolphins, 1990 nfc championship, giants vs 49ers, super bowl xxiv, super bowl 24, cotton bowl, the catch, 49ers vs cowboys
Id: zcij1iN8xmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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