Top 10 Jack Nicholson Performances

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let your sugar pumps the hell are you it's me Oh Oh like gods are alive fried is that what you've heard set me up over a woman why let's be insane [Music] don't bother your life won't be worth fete I've been dead once already it's very liberating you shouldn't think of it as a therapy [Music] listen maybe we can cut a deal jack jack is dead my friend you can call me jogger and as you can see I'm a lot happier I'm gonna kick your ass around the block for drill man you try not Carla shorten truth I am the [ __ ] shore Patrol [ __ ] I am the [ __ ] shore Patrol give this man a beer you're eating I gotta have a [ __ ] beer come on man do you like one right ass I got this red knowing he eating [ __ ] all right and it brings up questions you know see Bill like you're the new guy girlfriend why don't you stay in the bar that night I got your numbers social security numbers nobody's [ __ ] numbers you have to ask me nicely you see Danny I can deal with the bullets and the bombs and the blood I don't want money and I don't want medals what I do want is for you to stand there in that [ __ ] white uniform and with your Harvard mouth extend me some [ __ ] courtesy you gotta ask me nicely Colonel jessep it's not too much trouble I'd like a copy of the transfer order sir no problem do you realize that I work at home I know I wasn't where do you like to be interrupted when you were dancing around in your little garden no no I I actually will turn the ringer off of my phone and sometimes put a piece of card well I work all the time so never never interrupt me okay not if there's a fire not even if you hear the sound of a thud from my home in one week later there's a smell coming from there that can only be a decaying human body and you have to hold a hankie to your face because the stench is so thick that you think you're gonna faint even then don't come knocking or if it's election night and you're excited and you want to celebrate because some fudge packer that you date has been elected the first queer President of the United States and he's going to have you down to Camp David and you want someone to share the moment with even then don't knock not on this tour not for any reason do you get me sweetheart yes it's not a subtle point that you're making okay then what should be done with you I don't think that's true I think you have some very definite ideas about what should be done with Danny and I'd like to know what they are maybe his Sherman takes him to a doctor you think maybe he should be taken to a doctor when do you think maybe he should be taken to a doctor you believe his health might be at stake you are concerned about him and you're concerned about me of course you are ever thought about my responsibilities you ever had a single moment's thought about my responsibilities have you ever thought for a single solitary moment about my responsibilities to my employers has it ever occurred to you that I have agreed to look after the Overlook Hotel until May the first does it matter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me that I have signed a letter of agreement a contract in which I have accepted that responsibility you have the slightest idea what amaro and ethical principle is do you you can't handle the truth son we live in a world that has walls and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns who's gonna do it you you lieutenant Weinberg I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom you weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines you have that luxury you have the luxury of not knowing what I know that Santiago's death while tragic probably saved lives and my existence while grotesque and incomprehensible to you saves lives you don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about it parties you want me on that wall you need me on that wall we use words like honor code loyalty we use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something you use them as a punch line I have neither the time or the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it I would rather you just said thank you and went on your way otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post either way I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to well my compliment to you is the next morning I started taking the pills [Music] I don't quite get her that's a compliment for me you make me want to be a better man that's maybe the best compliment of my life I never laid a hand on him goddamnit I didn't I wouldn't touch one hair on his goddamn little head I love the little son of a [ __ ] I'd do anything for him any [ __ ] thing for that [ __ ] long as I live she'll never let me forget what happened I didn't hurt him once okay it was an accident completely unintentional what happened to anybody the chief Oded now will you please turn the television set on mr. McMurphy the meeting was adjourned and the vote was closed the boat was 10:00 to 8:00 the chief he's got his hand up look mister the meeting was adjourned the vote was 9:00 to 9:00 oh come on you're not gonna say that now you're not gonna say that now you're gonna pull that hand he'll [ __ ] now in the boat that chief just voted it was ten to nine once that television set turned on right now you
Channel: Chris Walczyk
Views: 405,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Nicholson (Film Writer), Jack Nicholson, Jack Nicholson Performances, Top 10 Jack Nicholson Performances, Top 10 Greatest Jack Nicholson Performances
Id: v8KvKw5YhQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 07 2014
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