Top 10 Iconic Global Liquor Brands

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they're the consummate distributors of delectable spirits welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten iconic global liquor brands I must say damn good stuff set for this list we're not counting down the most delicious liquors but the most respected brands around the world Gaucho drinker that's my kind of guy Edmund start your engines number 10 absolute what can I get you screwdriver please what kind of like Absolut please absolutely hahaha produced in ohoo Sweden beginning in 1879 this brand initially distinguished itself with its use of a new distillation process and its creators clever marketing skills Absolut took on the Stockholm vodka monopoly by selling from an island outside the city and offering free ferry service to customers that same competitive spirit inspired the company's global expansion in the late 1970s utilizing a uniquely shaped bottle and eye catching text Absolut caught the public's fancy he based the design on a traditional 18th century pharmacy bottle that he found in an antique shop in the old town in Stockholm oh and Andy Warhol even pitched in during the mid 80s Grey Goose another iconic vodka is also worthy of mention as a premium brand but the edge goes to absolute absolutely where is this ice uh absolutely nice sign number nine Hennessy this essential nightclub drink brand was created in 1765 by an Irishman living in France and quickly developed a reputation for its smoothness owned by MOA Hennessy which is in turn co-owned by Louie Vito boy Hennessy and Diageo this brand is now known the world over long a favorite drink for the elder connoisseurs of fine spirits Hennessy has earned popularity within the hip hop community as the late Tupac Shakur often noted his love for the famous cognac brandy the champagne in the seat favored on Mommy's movies also not enemies he was hardly alone more than 40% of the con yak bought worldwide comes from Hennessy we're going to need lots of cognac the best Hennessy number 8 Tanqueray pick up some gin for me Tanqueray I love the color of the bottle you love what's in it you know the deal tonight we Tanqueray all sexy and insinuating with its classic green bottle facade this London Dry Gin was first introduced in England the man behind the spirit madness was mr. Charles Tanqueray who set up shop in 1838 surprisingly and fortunately his distillery managed to survive the axis bombing of World War two let's all be thankful for the lasting legacy of the drink the fictional marketing guru known as Tony Sinclair ready to tangle a endless musical references by artists who love them some sweet old Tanqueray later will midday my homey dr. Dre came through with a gang of Tanqueray number seven Jose Cuervo tequila is milady milady come on in guys come on in come on a you're welcome okay it's time to make things right for the Honorable Don Jose Antonio de Clairvaux this man who first introduced his brand of tequila in 1795 often receives a bad rap thanks to irresponsible drinkers his descendants still managed the Mexican brand which is now the best-selling tequila in the world the drink can be enjoyed through a variety of blends but one thing's for certain one shot is usually not enough for most incidentally there's plenty of tequila to go around when Don Julio and patron also make their way to the party number six Shiva three GLE that's 50% more expensive Fleischmann's is Shiva Sri --gel ship is brothers began creating whiskey's in Scotland back in 1801 but the company didn't coin the name Chivas Regal until a hundred years later the beauty of Shiva Striegel comes from the aging process of blended whiskies which resulted in the world's first luxury scotch it's undoubtedly a favorite among spirit authorities and it was the drink of choice for the Rat Pack and their leader Frank Sinatra surely a man of good tastes whether it's a twelve eighteen or twenty five year old product this brand makes anybody feel like a refined intellectual double Chevis on the rock [ __ ] we get to double so we can catch up to doubles all right I'll be right back number five Captain Morgan before you move on to somebody else you should probably get over your breakup with Captain Morgan while the ship is regal brand reflects high society this affordable yet esteemed Puerto Rican rum evokes thoughts of vacations and Spring Break introduced during the World War 2 era Captain Morgan sports the iconic pirate on its bottle with one foot confidently propped atop a barrel the brand made its way stateside in 1984 with its original spiced rum and thirsty Americans embraced the memorable marketing campaign the Captain Morgan its influence was made abundantly clear when the NFL had to regulate players taking on the Captain Morgan posed during celebrations part of a sly marketing scheme by its manufacturer begging your pardon lad but I am a hundred-year inch that can only be scratched by a long dark drink of captain and cola number four Jack Daniels bring us a menu and double Jack Daniels on the rock in the land of the free this Tennessee brand has the whisky manufacturing game on lock but believe it or not the region where Jack Daniels is manufactured does not allow the sale of alcohol still as the best-selling American whiskey around the world it can be easily accessed elsewhere founder Jack Daniel was born in America but came from Welsh Scots Irish and Scottish stock and he was a purveyor of good times back in the 19th century his reputation was made when his brand was named the finest whiskey at the 1904 World's Fair unfortunately Jack would succumb to blood poisoning a few years later fortunately the 80-proof number seven lives on old gentlemen Jack wouldn't be nice if there was a cure for anger there is its called Jack Daniels hmm another one of your jokes huh wish number three Bacardi I ordered us a couple of Accardi mojitos mojito Peschel tambien rich in both taste and history this family-owned brand came to being when a couple of brothers emigrated from Spain to Cuba in 1830 not only did Bacardi white rum survive the Cuban war of independence nearly 60 years later but it managed to evade Fidel Castro and the 1950s Cuban Revolution by setting up shop in the Bahamas one of the brand's famous supporters was Ernest Hemingway who wrote some of his acclaimed novels while thoroughly getting ripped on Bacardi allegedly by 1964 the brand expanded by establishing its American headquarters in Miami Florida Thank You Hemingway and thank you Bacardi the lady will have a Bacardi on the rocks number two Smirnoff it was invented with Smirnoff in Los Angeles no we'll take two of those oh gee la Moscow mules when Dostoevsky was writing his classic Russian novels in 1860s st. Petersburg a Moscow man named Peter arsenyevich Smirnoff was toiling away on a brand new drank no not purple drank as the ingredients sugar water and of course purple this was what you might call a mind eraser as too much Smirnoff means the obliteration of your memories with a lean bottling design and that iconic red labeling Smirnoff remains in wide demand thanks to its Russian authenticity today one can find numerous malt beverages stemming from the brand but there's nothing quite like the original red label drink what's this one's claim to fame it's just really good vodka before we pour a glass of our top pick here are some honorable mentions her prized liquid is given it's green glass jacket and sent out to be shared with the world Beefeater London Dry Gin presents the Beefeater gin and tonic experience contend to spend our time handcraft in a whiskey it's always full flavored yet remarkably easy to drink number one Johnnie Walker officer I saw the driver hit me his name was Johnny Walker Shh surely there's plenty of Johnnie Walker's roaming the world but they will always be overshadowed by this Scotch whisky brand the crazy thing about the original innovator John Johnny Walker himself was that he didn't actually drink he simply made the best damn Scotch ever he moves to turn he opens a shop and he blends whiskeys in the early days it was sold in a grocery store and it's now become the preeminent spirit for anyone with a general knowledge of good liquor she didn't ask me for no dry ice you asked me for two cases of Johnnie Walker Black Label and for ladies of the pole and I got them for you did not the Johnnie Walker brand has been relatively conservative with new blends however you can't go wrong with a red a black or even that Johnnie Walker swing do you agree with our list what's your favorite iconic liquor brand for more mind-blowing top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to
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Keywords: lifestyle, leisure, global liquor brands, liquor brands, liquor, spirits, absolut, hennessy, jose cuervo, tanqueray, jack daniels, captain morgan, chivas regal, johnnie walker, smirnoff, bacardi, beefeater, top 10, watchmojo
Id: u4gbM8PMTE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2016
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