Top 10 Historically Accurate Movies

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we'll build up land down there a free men and free women and free children and freedom with these films the past comes alive on the silver screen come on I'll show you welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 historically accurate movies yeah for this list we're looking at films that have been praised as great historical movies with only minor anachronisms or inaccuracies unless claw number 10 come and see you think it's funny you won't laugh long the good times are over y'all learn your lesson a subversive response to a long history of Soviet war propaganda films come and see was written by director LM clima with the help of an ex-parte esand fought against the nazis along with numerous eyewitness accounts it's get those all out war his objective to exterminate all of us and what is our duty we ought to defend this place to the last of us standing here the production of this objective and realistic portrayal of the German occupation of bi-lo Russia was almost as brutal as the subject matter I lost all my children in that burning hell Alexei Kravchenko playing the lead role was a non-professional actor who endured fatigue and hunger during filming all the while dodging live ammunition used instead of blanks for the filming meanwhile wartime documentary style footage made the film a stunning testament to the suffering endured by ordinary people fighting for their lives on the Russian front Oh number nine Flags of Our Fathers I finally came to the conclusion that maybe he was right maybe there's no such thing as heroes in 1945 Joe Rosenthal's iconic photograph of US Marines raising the stars and stripes on the captured island of Iwo Jima brought Fame to its subjects six guys raising a flag over a wall Jima victory is our your 3m right this was the fifth day sir the battle went on for 35 more Clint Eastwood's epic war film was based on a best-selling book written by the son of one of the men in the photo James Bradley who also provided narration and interviews with veterans for the movie I'm sorry sorry we were the best father a man could have Flags of Our Fathers depiction of the horrors of warfare and the tragedy of what comes after was praised by the US Marine Corps chief historian for its attention to detail and historical verisimilitude particularly the depiction of the harsh terrain where the Marines fought number eight Lincoln might those people i freed be ordered back into slavery historians and critics gave a warm reception to this painstaking recreation of President Lincoln's fight to have the 13th amendment passed in the closing months of the American Civil War it's not a military campaign it's the amendment to abolish slavery why else would you force me to invite demented radicals into my home the film was shot in Richmond Fredericksburg and Petersburg in Virginia where historical architecture from the period remains today Daniel day-lewis received widespread accolades for his masterful performance as President Lincoln paying attention to key character details like the president's unexpectedly high voice and propensity as a master storyteller she grabbed ahold of a stick of firewood and fractured his skull and he died in his will he wrote hey spec C has killed me Tommy Lee Jones was also praised for his performance as Fatiha Stevens a nineteenth-century master of insults and sarcastic wit favori is the only insult to natural law you vacuous nincompoop number seven das boat he's my admission jokes nish these this claustrophobic depiction of wartime life aboard a German u-boat submarine was based on a novel by lotar Gunther Buchan who served as a naval war correspondent on the you 96 during world war ii s Battle of the Atlantic with the commander of the you 96 as technical adviser an obsessively accurate replica of the vessel interior was built which could be hydraulically rocked shaken and tilted up to 45 degrees realism was also enhanced by location shooting at the wartime boat pen at La Rochelle das boat is a stunning depiction of the confinement tedium and terror of ordinary men caught in the war beneath the waves no items may be dried number six tora tora tora nemuri kyoshiro Khushi Rita Toluca Cole monatomic doing up this documentary like account of the attack on Pearl Harbor showed both sides of the battle emphasizing the historical context and detailed planning of the attack Japan is going to attack us the 29th is only four days off producers and directors from Japan and the United States filmed their perspectives separately which were then combined into a single film technical advisors from both sides were spared no expense to make the sets and scenes as true to life as possible conformation captain dangler voucher confirmation full scale replicas of naval vessels were built and American training planes were made to resemble wartime Japanese planes which added to the realism of what was being shown on screen number 5 12 years of slave well I don't want to survive I wanted it based on the 1853 biography of freed ex-slave Solomon Northup this film was praised by historians and critics alike for its brutal depiction of the reality of slavery and Louisiana hundred thousand cotton day-in day-out more than any man here and for that I will be clean that's all right Steve McQueen's distinct directorial style and the unforgettable performances of chouet elegio for and others helped to bring the cruelty and barbarity of slavery to horrific life hey garage who was so fast over his head in a hornet's nest running around the patio to catch you running around you better get away 12 years of slave vividly portrays the social and historical realities of a past where men and women were used and abused as chattel while emphasizing Solomon northup's astonishing achievements I will not fall into despair I will offer up my talents to master Ford I will keep myself hearty till sweet on this opportunity number four The Pianist your boy he firstly vienen duncan soul then record list Mia it's a sign villainous William it's Minnesotan get out darling this film was closely based on an autobiographical book by pianist and Holocaust survivor Vladislav Spielman yes he's polish white of King coat I'm gold however director Roman Polanski had additional motivation to respect the history on which the pianist draws as he himself survived the Holocaust in Krakow this is disgraceful who dared not people are like they want to be better Nazis and Hitler this story of one talented man struggled to survive in the warsaw ghetto is heartbreaking and poignant and a testament to Polanski's effort to recreate the setting in every detail from the oppression of the ghetto streets to specific songs Spielman played the pianist is a haunting vision of suffering made more disturbing by the beauty of the music number three Schindler's List as Hebrew from the Talmud it says whoever saves one life saves the world entire Steven Spielberg's award-winning movie is considered by many to be the greatest film about the horrors of the Holocaust ever made shut up yeah this tale of German industrialist Oscar Schindler strategy to save Jews from mechanized extermination is a showcase of the highs and lows of the human condition immense thought something he's brought him before the Emperor he throws himself down on the ground he begs for mercy he knows he's going to die and the Emperor pardons him Holocaust survivor Leopold poldek pfefferberg spent years working to have this story of one man's struggle to save those caught in the maw of a destructive hate machine made and Spielberg's grim and realistic portrayal helps ensure it will never be forgotten the list is life all around its margins nice to come number 2 downfall ibrahim khan asaf carrot sauce vanish Maha payment adjustments episode Fela Fela Sophia currency all metric month the paranoia and surreal madness of Adolf Hitler's last 10 days holed up in his bunker were masterfully recreated in downfall a war flick known in Germany as dear inter-gang above its human hand Rome does it kissing betty vanassa Evans is a staff artists a hawkish manicou leaders can come based on extensive historical research the film features fearsomely factual depictions of some of modern history's most vile figures in fact many of hitler's lines were derived from actual quotations taken from his writing ha ha 4-iron - our babies are not over drugs van I swore an oath the horror of an art cazuca torture function of our these of our seven bachao beti my inner beauty patch our bruno ganz gave a terrifying performance as Hitler both at his most monstrous and his most human control of Hermes media and for flew about 600 Desna thunders this film shows how at the end of the day even the most despicable man in history is still just a man as papa before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions Sultan has one great trap to be a good soldier you must love the army to be a good commander you must be willing to order the death of the thing love hurry Society can't exist without the family we're not against that you're not what it can two men reproduce no but God knows we keep trying you need me a lot more than I need you I I like solving problems commander and enigma is the most difficult problem in the world sit down our local have ice so what can you little supper get you to answer no fool no [ __ ] Gemma deja Hobie solution one number one Apollo 13 hey we've got a problem here what did you do nothing I stirred the tanks whoa hey this tale of a brush with fatal disaster in orbit was based on a book written by science writer Geoffrey Kluger and Apollo 13 mission commander Jim Lovell as well as first-hand testimony of other astronauts gentlemen it's been a privilege flying with you made with the technical support of NASA the historical document exactly production of Apollo 13 modules and control rooms we don't have control do we miss a step here control what what the hell happen zero-gravity scenes were even filmed in the same kc-135 plane also called the vomit comet used to simulate weightlessness during astronaut training the tense tale of survival in space against the odds gained universal praise from real astronauts and earned the filmmakers two Oscars out of nine nominations be the worst disaster NASA's ever experienced with all due respect sir I believe this is going to be our finest hour do you agree with our list what do you think is the most historically accurate film for more accurate top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to onesies Mouse
Views: 3,937,441
Rating: 4.7898383 out of 5
Keywords: historically accurate movies, das boot, lincoln, flags of our fathers, come and see, schindlers list, the pianist, 12 years a slave, apollo 13, milk, top 10, watchmojo, films, movies, history, truthful movies, movies based on a true story, faithful adaptations., historical movies, best historical movies, history movies, great historical movies
Id: _q8NCKx3Pgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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