Top 10 Hilarious Modern Family Bloopers

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the good news is situations like this okay i like to construct situations for the gag reel welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 modern family bloopers i've never said this to you but what you just did was very albany for this list we'll be looking at the funniest outtakes and behind the scenes moments from modern family before we get started leave us a comment with any fun facts you know about the modern family cast number ten claire forgets the name of her kid in the season one blooper reel julie bowen's claire meets up with an old friend from work played by minnie driver haley she's the oldest 15 and then alex is 13 and that's my baby luke it's 11. can you believe it during their meetup claire talks about her kids haley the oldest who's 15 and then julie completely blanks but manages to stay totally in character as she turns to the camera in typical modern family fashion haley is the oldest and she's 15 and then there is this is some awesome improv on both julie's part and the cameraman who zooms in at quite possibly the perfect moment claire eventually does land on the name alex but there's no telling if she remembered luke alex number nine luke doesn't make it through the glass i think he wants to go out good boy smart dog i hate to break it to you but i think all dogs can do that if you're a die hard fan of modern family there's a good chance you remember this iconic scene from way back in season one nolan gould's character luke runs through a glass pane on his way to play outside unfortunately as it turns out the poor kid had to do this take more than a few times we guess it paid off in the end though because this scene might be one of the funniest in the show i'm gonna play outside moments before luke runs out phil's father's dog scout pauses and barks in front of the patio glass to indicate that he wants to go out phil mentions how smart he is and claire replies that she thinks all dogs can do that well maybe all dogs can number eight ed can't say wang fu can i put in my two cents on fake christmas express christmas let it go phil it's not sticking we wonder just how many takes this one took ed o'neal makes it look seamless in the actual episode so this behind the scenes footage is definitely a treat when the family's attempted spending an early christmas together goes awry jay suggests that they go out to a chinese restaurant instead what do you say we cut our losses let's go out to a nice chinese restaurant and have a traditional jewish christmas but i risked my life grocery shopping saved that story for wang fu only problem is he can't say the name of it save that story for fan chuns save that story what is it save that story for wing fu save that story for um what is it keep that story for wayne fun honestly this is pretty fitting for his character in the first place we probably would have bought it even if he did end up saying wane fun number seven menomonic devices be in sales and not remember people's names that's why i like to employ what they call minimonic devices here's another instance of actors struggling to get through a scene hey it's a lot of talking we get it in this bit phil is explaining how he uses mnemonic devices to remember the names of his clients you can't be in sales and not remember people's names that's why i like to employ minimalic devices however the line is written menomonic and this mispronunciation makes both ty burrell and julie catch a pretty bad case of the giggles well you can't be in sales and forget people's names that's why i like to employ what they call minimalic devices which are a little huge this means a lot of retakes well you can't be in sales and not remember people's names that's why in their defense this is a pretty great joke to get through especially with the punch line at the end uh the other day i met this guy named carl now i might forget that name but he was wearing a grateful dead t-shirt what's a band like the grateful dead fish where the fish live the ocean what else lives in the ocean coral hello carl phil would remember how the word is pronounced i think it's mnemonic i i think i'd remember we'll take his word for it number six the haircut scene you didn't do one thing wrong you do everything wrong here's another case of the giggles this time striking sofia vergara this scene is absolutely hilarious and sophia seems to think so too because she can't get through her lines without laughing you do everything wrong [Laughter] laughter of course is contagious and both ty and a crew member can be heard laughing too gloria gives phil a haircut and as with most hair appointments phil gets to talk about what's on his mind we don't forget we wait that is so good he explains that he had a fight with claire and gloria has some theories about why she might be mad it's such a hilarious and well executed scene that we have to wonder how they got through it at all the reason sofia has difficulty focusing is because of my stupid face number five julie collapses to the floor laughing kenny is amazing at telling the age of a soul oh thanks babe in this blooper featuring jason manzukis as haley's older boyfriend kenny we get julie's genuine reaction to some physical comedy performed by tai this episode sees phil and claire realizing haley's dating an older man just to get back at them still that doesn't stop phil's parental instincts from taking over believe me i know 14 year olds he has a 14 year old daughter oh yeah oh cool oh honey you don't have to do that they have a gardener kenny mentions his 14 year old daughter who haley really isn't that much older than and phil moves over to him with a pair of hedge clippers and the clear intent to chop off his ponytail julie wasn't told about this joke beforehand and she fully collapses onto the floor laughing believe me i know 14 year olds yeah he has a 14 year old daughter she just got her first period cool i'm so sorry i just i almost told you what it was gonna be but i i enjoyed it more that that happened not that we can blame her this bit is hysterical number four knicks snacks claire in case you want to add something i put the box of dresses outside and this is the book of sneakers knockers if there's a language you're not entirely fluent in you'll feel gloria and sophia's pain on this one with english not being her first language sophia speaks incredibly well but of course there are bound to be some slip ups so where should i put this book up nick snacks wow you're donating some knickknacks we're assuming she's supposed to mess up the word knickknacks by saying snickersnackers but she either misses her own flub or takes some creative liberties either way julie cannot handle it she sinks to the table in a fit of laughter and the camera pans back over to sofia who looks pretty proud of herself so where should i put this book of nikka's knockers number three the alpaca it's mentioned in a few episodes of the course of the show that phil would like to own an alpaca i don't always make great decisions under pressure what the hell is that an alpaca i got the last one meet jolene 2. the second alpaca phil manages to acquire this was a huge mistake i am jammed in the back seat with a hairy peruvian biter it's spring break 92 all over again in this blooper jolene is in the back seat with eric's stone street and it's a good thing they laid a tarp down because she has a little accident in the middle of their take animals on set are always fun and eric is certainly quite the trooper she's being she's being time that's amazing phil he goes with it and calls tai by his character's name probably in the hopes of getting some usable footage honestly we're not sure why this didn't make the cut maybe both the spitting and the peeing were just too many bodily functions for one scene number two aubry's platter of cupcakes modern family is notorious for its characters trying to hide things from one another and this episode is no exception what's going on oh nothing she just wants one of these cupcakes oh there you go honey okay off you go mingle mangle it turns out that this one is on mitchell who told lily her mom was a princess he and cam agreed they would tell her about her mom together when the time was right so mitch spends the halloween party trying to keep cam from finding out and he gets pretty innovative with his methods there's a moment where he shoves a cupcake in lily's mouth to keep her from spilling the beans oh you want another one don't you there you go no you want another one though don't you honey there you go okay there you go all right apparently they had to redo the scene enough times for little aubry anderson emmons to ask jessie tyler ferguson to do it gently this time what's going on oh nothing she just wants one of these cupcakes princesses should be treated like royalty after all before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions nolan also known as dumbledore briggs why don't you think you deserve happiness that's the mystery i'm interested in solving today i actually think you deserve happiness that's the mystery i'm interested in solving today sophia has garbled lines and there are many i wasn't sorry it was a setup we're throwing him a big surprise birthday party i wasn't sorry it was a setup were you even gaming me i wasn't sorry it was a setup we're heating gaming names are confusing you sure manny positive i'll walk home you sure rico manny who's rico before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you'll have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one loco lines i am sure the reason why mom and i grew up art is that she never stopped treating me like a child blah she was loco for locopops we're sure that sofia steals the show no matter where she goes and this blooper is only one example the line is plus she was loco for loco puffs which is funny in itself but is made even funnier when sophia can't get the words out she was looking like polo just another perk of being bilingual a few lines later though haley pitches a would you rather prompt where one of the options revolves around sleeping with joe manganiello sophia's husband would you rather marry george clooney or have the best sex of your life for just one night with joe manganiello sophia leaps over the table and grabs sarah hyland's hair yelling something we're not sure we can repeat here of course it's all in good fun and it was definitely worth it for the blooper reel do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from mizmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 731,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, behind the scenes, bloopers, ed oneil bloopers, julie bowen bloopers, list, modern family, modern family alpaca, modern family behind the scenes, modern family gag reel, modern family outtakes, mojo, msmojo, nolan gould bloopers, outtakes, sitcom bloopers, smodern family bloopers, sofia vergara bloopers, top 10, ty burrell bloopers, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: M6d50hOWXFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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