Top 10 Heavy Board Games

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Florida Florida Florida Florida I ha that I hate that so much Florida Florida is one hell of a [Music] drug hello everyone welcome back to Foster the meele a Channel all about board games board gamey things precisely we are here today my friends with a top 10 video in a while Jeff have you lifted games lately yes they're heavy aren't they are they're getting heavier by the day yeah and that's not exactly what this list is about but today we are talking about heavy board games but heavy in terms of complexity according to board game geek yeah let's get it clear we used a BGG scale anything above 3.5 we considered heavy exactly and before you're like that's not heavy that game's not that's not a hit just move along that's not even a hit don't even sweat it don't worry about swe don't worry about swe hot yeah we're doing our top 10 favorite heavy board games Jeff said 3.5 and above I think BGG classifies heavy as three and above that's when the numbers turn red who cares who cares I don't know but that's how we've classified it so Jeff and I have played quite a few heavy games and now we're here to rank them to that scale according to that scale there is one caveat some of these games do appear on our top 50 games of all time and they may be in a different order than how they appear today and guess what it's fine okay because some of them we've played since we made that list some you know it's gut feelings all that good stuff we have made our own list today because we are our own individual human beings there's one on here that I've only I've only played like once but I know it's going to Skyrocket and Jamie knows which one that is but there's one that's not on this list that I think is going to be on the list but I didn't it's online you haven't played it oh then I guess it isn't Jeff let's get started with actually do we do you have any honorable mentions yeah actually I'll mention this one as an honorable mention okay go ahead J of Robin Hood uh yes I have haven't played it yet I don't even know what the weight is of it though I didn't look it up do you want me to mhm NOP 2.89 doesn't qualify doesn't even qualify so never mind ignore me I have two honorable mentions one of them is because I we haven't played it in a very long time but I did so love it when we used to play and that is Through the Ages a story of civilization from cge which is uh 4.44 on the heaviness scale but we have not played this game in years I played it recently on BGA really I can't play it on BGA it's just too much going on a lot too much and then my other that just misses the mark of our classification of heavy is the prodigal club which I really thought was going to be considered a heavy game but it only rates in at 3.26 so it's really close those ratings to me are some of them are like really high and I'm like that one's that high ratings mean nothing they don't everything is subjective true I think anyway Jeff Hit Me With Your Number 10 oh wait obviously we're probably going to have crossover of games because Jeff and I play games together a lot okay go ahead this reminded me of earlier J Jamie I Jamie was like I'll just give you a few minutes to you know unwind after your workday before we film two seconds later she was like did you know Rick like and I was like okay thanks for the thanks for I did give you two seconds all right my number 10 is again we've talked about quite frequently on this channel uh and that is dominant species from GMT that it uh dominant species is weighted at 4.04 which seems high to me but again subjective dominant species is a uh I was going to say species theme to species uh dominant species is a sciency theme game where you are playing as a different species trying to basically survive a incoming Ice Age and you're doing that by uh adjusting your DNA and migrating to appropriate climates there's some card play involved it's very uh procedural in the way the game plays there's a set step process that you follow uh and it's kind of worker plac not worker placement action what I was going for but Domin species is my number 10 heavy game heavyweight champion heavyweight champion of Canada my number 10 is actually part of a series of games and that Series has many parts but I'm just going to talk about this one and that is wayf fars of the so Tigress which comes in at a whopping 3.83 now to be fair we have not played Scholars yet um and I feel like that one's supposed to be even more complex seems like they just kind of keep getting more and more complex but ways of the s tigers is obviously it's from uh garel Games part of the S Tigress which you may recognize from like West Kingdom North Sea so Tigress what do you think East is going to be don't know but anyways in this game you are a wayf farer and you have oh my gosh I I don't even want to explain it because there's just so many different things that you can do but you can explore the sky you can explore the sea you can explore the land and basically it's like a bunch of different worker placement Spots You're waying yeah you're kind of like a wayf farer philosopher astrometer astrometer astronomer you're an astrometer scientist you're a scientist we love science games apparently anyways you are kind of like there's a bunch of card play you're putting your workers out in different areas of the board and doing different things that is a terrible explanation but just note that this game is super fun it is uh it was quite a learn but I feel like the more of these games that come out the heavier they seem to get um but I just love shen filet's designs I think they're great I wouldn't disagree they're very clever next up on my list is a real shocker is it root it's not root I'm going to continue to pronounce it incorrectly just to annoy rolling Reggie okay uh and that is hemony not hegemony according to Rolling Reggie oh he says hegemony it's that's the actual pronunciation hegemony but we're going to continue saying Hony because it annoy bless you and I'm a troll hegemony hemony leader class of Victory haimon is a asymmetrical game where you are playing as one of four factions whether you are the working class the capitalists the middle class or the Senate and it is a economic themed game where you are basically acting as one of those representations of the social ladder the class system if you so want to call it and you're trying to survive and uh do things that favor you and your class so for example you're playing the working class you might want to increase minimum wage so that you can feed people you feed your workers more and you're trying to increase the population everyone has their own endgame objectives but there is a intertwining of all of these things like that you need to do in order to succeed like the capitalist need workers so they need the working class to go and do work at their factories and all of these things we've only played it once in full transparency but it is a game that fits with everything that I love in games and if you've been watching this Channel and have heard about all the games I love this would make total sense to you heemy is a 4.91 on BGG and that seems really high to me it's the heaviest game we've ever played according to um I don't know if I agree with that but to be fa I learned it and I would say the learn and the amount of rules is heavy but it just makes sense so don't be afraid it's like Comon like but uh yeah I'm loving that bad boy so my number nine well most likely appear higher on jeffy's list but that is Root Root comes in at a 3.8 which I am I surprised by that I didn't think it would be that high but I guess it depends like I'm just thinking of Base route if you look at the expans I think three point8 is fair okay well root is an asymmetrical game where you are playing as a different faction of some kind of a woodland creature and you have your own objectives and you are trying to get to an end game condition by potentially fighting other people playing Oak cards maybe you are stealing from people maybe you're building different things like every faction has its own little way of functioning uh but this is a very clever game it's a very cute game and it's really fun and I wish that we could play it more I think physically I think that if we were able to get this game to the table more physically that it would be higher on my list because I can't play on the app because I'm too slow nobody will let me join their games fact that's not a that's a that's a you problem yeah I know that but I would like to play too but honestly I just prefer you say you want to play but then you never take your turn so I forget I just prefer to play it in person so if this is a game we could get physically to the table more I think it'd be higher it's Val my number eight is too many bones mhm too many bones is a uh scenario based boss battler where you are going through an adventure uh revealing cards which uh have narrative options on them for you to then succeed or fail and you're going to be upgrading your own little gear lock with different abilities those abilities are very RPG themed uh you know maybe you can uh repost so when you get attacked you can like stab them back or what a word uh you know what if one of maybe one of your characters is really good at like protecting so they get like Shield Bash that's the basic premise of the game you are playing out chips on this kind of um this is a chip Theory game playing out chips on this battle board and each scenario is usually a progression to a final battle against a boss and the whole objective of the game is to survive and upgrade your character so that when you get to the boss uh you have an easy breezy time which never actually ends up happening uh to many bones is one that we are looking forward to doing a much much more content on this year we've Fallen Head Over Heals for this game is a 3.85 on BGG which I think is probably low if I'm being I do too actually I think that should be way higher I think it should be way higher than root too many bones is uh in my opinion and again Jamie learns the majority of the games but too many bones seems like one of the hardest games we've yeah I think for too many bones nuance and stuff specifically like if I compare too many bones to root like I find learning a faction of root way easier than Lear a gear lock in too many bones there's just so many little things there so many edge cases and stuff in in toones but yeah that's is my number eight too many bones from Chip Theory games my number eight is Star Wars rebellion from Fantasy Flight games and this is a 3.74 weight which I think is fair that's a fair one I think that people think that it's heavier than it actually is but in this game one person is playing as Light Side one person is playing as the dark side and it is essentially playing out Star Wars like the old school Star Wars you got all the characters you got Leia you got Han Solo you got the Emperor Palpatine chewy unlimited power this is 3.7 and too many ons is 3.8 M see I think there's a different ah never mind again we're we're dissecting something that we shouldn't be detecting because it doesn't matter so the reason I enjoy Star Wars rebellion is because well there's a few things number one I think that it's so incredibly thematic that like you can really get into this game but I do think that is kind of like it leans a little bit more towards like if you're a Star Wars fan you know what I mean like you definitely feel it a little bit more um and I just love like a good onev one game hidden movement it's just it's great and it's Unique and I honestly like we haven't played anything else quite like this game that's giving given me this kind kind of experience before well I have you haven't okay well I'm talking about me no I'm just saying what have you played it'll be on the list later perhaps oh I think I know anyways I really love Star Wars rebellion and I think it'll probably I think Jeff probably talk about a little bit lat but that's a 3.74 my number seven is another IP based game from Fantasy Flight games and that is Game of Thrones Game of Thrones we've talked about this game a ton it is a skirmish based game uh with uh political Intrigue and a little bit of uh Shenanigans and Sass and lying and negotiating negotiation uh it is a fantastic experience uh of a game if you get the right people around the table uh it is a 3.73 I think that's way too high which I also think is too high um see I wonder though like are we being influenced by the fact that we've played so many games easier for us to yeah I think that's that's probably true again these ratings like that for someone that plays like a lot of like Clank and Katon and stuff yeah that would probably make sense so yeah it is a subjective it was one of our Gateway game so a subjective number but Game of Thrones I've talked about it enough on the channel uh love it I has a special place in my heart and it will uh always be there and we Revisited for the first time again during the holidays and it was just like this is nice this is nice and you've been playing the app too not while not in a while not in a while keeps uh crashing my number seven Jeff is already talking about talking about and that is hedge hedge hedgehog Hedgehog economy that game's good man no I play a game called Hedgehog economy yeah I would too yeah Spike the re themed hemony ay I'll never get it but the point is this game I did not think that I would like I got it we got it as a review copy because I was like I know Jeff really wants to play this game and it's an asymmetrical game which I know that we like but economy games no thank you typically for me but we played this game and I was like it makes my brain feel good it is it just tickles all the little folds inside of your brain and I love how like every faction is intertwined but the beauty of it is even if you don't play with all four factions you're still getting that same feeling and like because it's very particular about which factions you can play in a two-player game and everything that you do add Ai and stuff in yeah it's just very thematic like I just I love a good thematic game I love a good asymmetrical game I love a con Bonnie game which this definitely is and I can easily see this game hitting my top 50 um I definitely want to get it back to the table soon though because we should play it this weekend we should because this is one of those games you need to play it you got to play it yeah yeah before you foret you said it a 100 times but when you do say things a when theme and mechanisms come together come together in this beautiful Symphony my number six is a game that's actually starting to dip a little bit for me but I still love it and I think I would still love it with the right people but I think Jim's really cooling on this game which is problematic but that is brass Birmingham I didn't even make my list uh that is uh brass Birmingham is a euro Economy based game where you are basically just trying to upgrade resources to get better resources to score victory points by building out your industry in England in England it is a very kind of dark board but I love the aesthetic of it uh it is a 3.88 on uh BGG which I think is pretty uh fair but again our last play of it we primarily played this game at two so keep that in mind our last game was kind of subpar uh wasn't the best experience we've had this with this game but I'm hoping that was just kind of a one-off yes I think so because the game we played before it was so good yeah so uh might have just been the bad a bad day to be playing that bad boy but uh brass Birmingham I think is always going to kind of float around here uh my number six my number six Jeff didn't put it on his list but I couldn't not because I you looked at my list no because I said it out loud and you're like no this game's not even fully out yet okay we've only played the Prototype and that is galactic Cruise One play of that for reason One play of that game and I was like this is oh it's so good it is uh rated at a 3.86 so if I you know we refer to games as being con Bonnie if this is the first time that you've heard it it's because in conon everything you do makes sense so even though it's a heavy game it just it flows very well and Galactic match the theme yes and Galactic Cruise has that in Spades and like it's just it's such a fun theme and they made it so colorful and just so crunchy and it's just I love it it's so good and I cannot wait to get this back to the table and play it again and again and again because I want a ball pit on my spaceship yep it's so good so if you have backed it you're going to love it if you haven't backed it I'm sure it's going to become available later but I could not recommend that game more I just loved it eyebrows man yeah they are in full force today my number five is another game we've talked about a lot uh on this channel we had a chance to play it again recently at level up con and it just reinvigorated my love for it and it is from leader games and it is a vast the crystal Caverns so good this is a 3.64 uh which I think is fair um vast is a highly asymmetrical game where everyone has their own objective and it's basically I to kill you and if I kill you I win the game and that is regardless of player count play it four someone needs to kill someone they need to kill someone else the K one person needs to kill everybody that's the whole objective of this game everyone plays differently uh they interact with this board differently what's really interesting is the board is a player the cave is a player in this game which is super unique I always have a good time playing it every time I play it it just reminds me of why I love it uh that is vast did I say what it was 3.64 that is vast from lader games specifically Crystal Caverns we hav't play Crystal Cav I did say that I think you did at the beginning yeah what's the them called that haunted hallways is the expansion Mansion no no that's right at Disney mysterious manner mysterious manner haunted hallways is the expansion all right my number five Jeff has already talked about but that is dominant species uh from GMT last year we had a chance to play dominant species Marine which I also think is fantastic um but when putting them side by side we bothe sck with the I think I am yeah I just I really enjoy the the original game and this game is just like slightly asymmetrical in the way that like each species has like different things that might trigger when another species doesn't get it just you know things that would makes sense like the I can't think of an example the mammals are going to get some kind of a benefit over the insects because of something and whatever the point is this is another one of those games where it was like oh I'm really nervous to learn this and to play this because we thought that it was going to be so heavy and then we played it well the first time we played it two players even which is not the ideal player count for this game and we loved it and then we played three players and I would just I would love to play like a full I think it's like six player game of this just think that'd be crazy it'd be crazy but it would be so good and this yeah I don't know I love the action selection I love the theme I just think it's super fun and event driven event card driven games are always a good time yeah agreed my number four uh has already been mentioned and that is Star Wars rebellion so I won't go on everything Jamie said is accurate it is a 3.74 uh thematic Star Wars 1 V one game that is I think 3.74 is a bit high but anyway yeah I love it if you love Star Wars and you haven't had a chance to play it you should probably try to play it here's a question do you think sometimes that the weight rating people base it just off of the rule book and how hard it is to learn from the rule book it's possible yeah because like it's not a complicated game but the rule book is not very good number four my number four I don't think we're going to have any true crossovers which makes me a little bit sad no we're not uh my number four is kubba Libre nope that was our shot that was our shot uh kubba Libre is a 3.61 which I was actually quite surprised by because technically dominant species is heavier than Kuba and okay so here's the thing kual Libre is a game in the coin system probably one of the best entry points into the coin system which is H stands for counter insurgence it's a war game based on the Cuban Revolution um and everybody it's asymmetrical everybody's playing thank you everybody's playing as a different faction and they have their own goals and objectives but much like hegemony or hamony or whatever it's called homy uh everything kind of intertwines with each other and and you kind of like have to play off of each other um the rule book for a game like kubal Libre is like a textbook yeah so learning it feels like a hurdle but we had some teach it to us so it wasn't so bad but once you get playing it's really not that overly complicated it's more so the strategy and yeah Kuba is great we love it we recently when we went to Circle DC played a two-player game of it which you can do we just each played as two factions and it's awesome it's not as good I didn't love at it too well but you can do it my number three is Kuba Libre Dam it Jeff 3.61 uh everything Jamie said is accurate I do think it is a game that is benefited from someone understanding it and then having everyone play and answer questions as it comes along we are actually in the process of setting this up and teaching it to a friend to play asynchronously so I sent some videos about how to get things rolling basically I do think this game is beneficial if you're trying to learn kubal lib Rodney Smith from watch it played has a learn and playay yeah live stream up on his channel M uh go check that out yeah but I feel like kubba Libre is one that definitely once you get playing it all starts to kind of Click relatively quickly just a lot of little nuances yeah my number three is vast Crystal caverns and as Jeff mentioned that is a 3.64 this game's amazing not enough people talk about it it's an older game and that's probably why because people are like oh leader games Root Root Root don't sleep on vast Crystal Caverns some people say it's clunky but well you know what I think some people are clunky I do too okay so it just is what it is but it's super super fun and like Jeff said we played it level up with some Discord friends and it was awesome and we've never not had a good time playing this game correct it's so good it is it's just silly fun I find because you're just like I'm gonna kill you and you're like okay whatever I'm gonna try and kill them yeah there's no getting mad because and the cave like whatever I'm gonna kill you all one of the things with uh as asym asymmetrical games is some people can get upset and feel like they're being ganged up or whatever if there's like a runaway leader they're usually going to get attacked a bunch but what's really good in vast is you have one objective which is to attack someone yeah so you attacking them repeatedly they can't get mad at me because it's like that's what I have I literally have to do this my number two has been mentioned by Jamie is going to be a shock to all of you and it is rout at 3.8 so our number one might be a crossover it is not you have not played my number one game continue why did I forget something yeah I want to see no I'll tell I root is a uh cute Woodland creature warish type game where you are trying to run around and dominate the forest everyone has asymmetrical abilities that they can do they have their own wind conditions but there's a little bit of intrigue and twist around this where you need to kind of work together maybe with a couple factions in order to possibly attack a runaway leader um a runaway Vagabond one of my favorite things about root though is the table talk around the the the board um I play this pretty much digitally now with friends and we have a root chat that we uh chat in uh and it gets real testy in there spicy uh real spicy all the time someone leaves that chat once a day um and it's incredible I I have nothing I can't say enough good things about rot I don't know if it ever is going to be knocked out of my top three I don't know well my number two Jeff has already talked about and that's too many bones out of 3.85 too many bones is great it really is like it is a game that we have played wrong a lot and then we're like oh and we just made it harder for ourselves and we played it right we're like Aha and it's just like I don't know it's just nights there's so much variety and we've played with a bunch of the different gear locks and like Jeff mentioned we have I think all of the gear locks we're planning to play through all of them this year so that we can then go ahead and rank them but it is just such a delicious challenge it is not an easy game to win and I personally really enjoy that like you are going to get beat down which means that when you win it feels so good and I love it my number one is new to me this year and it is going to Absolut absolutely Skyrocket up my list of favorite games of all time and that is war of the Ring that's my number one at 4.22 it's not because you haven't played it War of the ring is similarly to Star Wars rebellion a very very thematic representation of my favorite movie franchise of all time which is Lord of the Rings which is all over my arm War of the ring is a tug of war between the fellowship and sauron's forces each person has their own unique objective which can somewhat be accomplished through different ways sauron's basically trying to take over by force the fellowship is trying to sneak uh Frodo into uh Mount Doom so we can drop the ring in there's card play there's again hidden movement because you don't really know what the fellowship is there's all of these awesome thematic all the cards make sense for movies everything is as it perfect and as it should be in that game and I absolutely loved every second of it I haven't played it I would like to so I'm sure I would enjoy it you would uh I gotta get this I have we have first edition I got a second edition so we can play I that just makes me think of we need to play before I forget it somebody on Reddit asked to vote Jeff's tattoos oh yeah and our friend Dan do you want do you want want me to tell that story just tell it really quick okay I'll go as quickly as I can on Reddit someone asked about my uh arm sleeve and my friend Dan went on and told this really elaborate story about how it is the map from National Treasure because I'm such a Nick Cage fan uh like a whole paragraph explaining all of this and this PO these poor people are like that's so quirky and weird what a weird dude and it was just my but my local buddy that went on and did it yeah anyway but it's all Lord of the Rings it is all Lord of the Rings it is not in fact National Treasure which by the way is an incredible movie and I do love Nick Cage uh which he my buddy knows so he wasn't far from the truth but yeah he had he loves that thread he loves that that happened yeah yeah so my number one did not show up on Jeff's list now I'm a little bit concerned something should be and that's con Bon EV no it was Jeff kbon is the the daddy of the heavy game listen what I based my love on I had it considered and I didn't you didn't even put Pax Premier on your list PX Premier was also just on the outskirts outrageous my number one's kbon EV okay kbon EV is like I just said it's the daddy of heavy games in my opinion because it it comes in at a whopping 4.32 this is a game a lerta game that we played and I was so scared to play it and then the first time we played it I was just like Masterpiece more sand I just need it more of it because literally everything that you do in this game makes sense you're working at a car factory and then you know you need Blueprints and then you need to build the car and then you need to go test the car and then you need to have meetings then your HR manager Sandra is coming and being like you're not even trained in this idiot you can't be on the you can't be doing this you're not trained you can't be on doing the stuff you haven't even trained you have meetings and I just like love this game this game makes me so happy every time that we play it I'm just like I love it I love it and my love for it hasn't wavered at all and we got to play it again when Nick came to visit and it just once again reinvigorated my love for it it's incredible apparently not incredible enough I can't believe it judge your away unbelievable Jeff and I so that's our 10 but we also did our like uh average weight my average weight is 3.94 I don't remember so my average is 3.94 what was yours 3.94 close 94 was 84 3.94 mine's 3.96 so I like heavier gam isn't Jeff apparently so there's Jamie I win everything's a competition I win anyways those are our 10 top 10 most favorite heavy games the best of the best especially my list the best of the best okay we'd love to know down below what are some of your favorite heavy games based on the games that we chatted about is there anything that you think that we should maybe try we do currently own onm Mars the gallerist vgos is there another one that we got I don't remember we have a bunch of L games we Haven play that's it on Mars is probably the game that terrifies me more than any other game same I'm not even I'm I'm afraid but also I'm not afraid I'm not afraid of no space if you are interested in buying board games like any of the many board games that we mentioned today you should first by checking your friendly local gaming store and for us that is the boardroom Game Cafe yes and if you like what you see Please Subscribe we hope to see you again soon and now we say goodbye goodbye later [Music] days go go go go go shorty it's your birthday we going party like it's your birthday we going to sip like it's your birthday and know we don't give up it's not your birthday you can find me in the club powerful of B I got what you mean H it feels like it's over to your side more than it is to my side you a hold your s hegemony hegemony I'm saying it right now GH hegemonic games project hegemonic games project is Project games games project project games hegemonic project honic project games or is it hegemonic games project tomato tomato host of Horrors haunted house okay doesn't matter remember
Channel: Foster the Meeple
Views: 21,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board games, table top, table top gaming, table top games, couple
Id: EQDDimV-R6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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