Top 10 Greatest Sniper Scenes in Movies

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you don't always have to wait until you see the whites of their eyes I have a highly magnified telescopic image of you welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 sniper scenes in movies before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we're looking at the most iconic memorable intense or emotionally charged scenes where a sniper's involved we aren't judging these moments based on the skill of the sniper shot alone but more on how the scene works as a whole also given that some of these scenes are major plot points a spoiler alert is in full effect put your fishing number 10 sniper training clear and present danger in preparation for a top secret black op Willem Dafoe goes in search of an elite sniper while assessing his abilities instructors survey the landscape and the sniper must take shots at a metal target remaining undetected the entire time we get to see things from the vantage point of both Chavez the sniper and the instructors when the team fails to locate the gunmen they admit defeat and ask him to reveal his location which is much closer than they could have imagined all right you won this one the audience is left just as impressed with the sniper as the soldiers are how does he move around so fast yes sir number 9 the pimp phone booth what do you do when you've unintentionally incurred the wrath of a psychopath in possession of a high-powered firearm according to this 2002 thrower anything he says Stu Shepard knows he's in a bind trapped in the crosshairs with no means of escape stuck in a phone booth on someone else's turf he takes off a prostitute who's six her pimp on him desperate he tries to pay them off but only manages to make matters worse in a cruel twist Stu's tormentor offers to also serve as his protector further complicating the power dynamic between them in the heat of the moment Stu yells out and the sniper takes the lethal shot talk about a talented shooter and manipulator it's number eight that's my kill jarhead and cue Jesus it seems simple but the military's primary job when training soldiers is to make them soldiers people able to react and detach themselves at least for a time from consequences however when you're trained relentlessly to serve a single purpose the drive to fulfill it can be overwhelming that's the tragedy of this incredible scene from jarhead are you all the snipers set up their shot perfectly are given clearance and are ready to fulfill their duties at the last second major Lincoln abruptly changes the plan the disappointment is too much for corporal Troy to take throughout the film the pressure has been building to this moment and robbed of his release Troy implodes number seven Mountain shootout shooter you got no shot on top of a snowy mountain Bob Lee swagger agrees to an exchange evidence for a hostage he was set up framed for the murder of an Ethiopian Archbishop while on the job looking for a would-be assassin but after gathering the evidence that would clear his name the widow of his best friend is kidnapped by the same people who framed him let's just say he's got more than a couple axes to grind staked out on the icy side of a mountain swagger Cooley pardon the pun takes out the other snipers before completely disabling Jack Payne with nearly impossibly accurate shots the moral of this story don't betray someone with a telescopic lens and a Deadeye number six Waterloo station The Bourne Ultimatum born just stay where you are when Jason Bourne tells you not to move you damn well better stay put it's a lesson that Simon Ross learns the hard way after gathering information about Bourne and operation blackbriar Ross is followed to London's Waterloo station by the CIA and a blackbriar sniper Bourne who's planning to meet with Ross soon realizes as the audience already knows that something's gone wrong a sniper has the drop on Ross just as the tension reaches fever pitch Ross panics and tries to make a run for it ignoring Boren's advice the end result a very public execution number five opening assassination the gunman Stan Louis - Donna I have control Jim terrier an ex Special Forces soldier is hard to take out the congos minister of mining who has declared his intention to renegotiate mining contracts with various multinational companies much to their displeasure as the minister's armored SUV makes its way down the street Terrier lays in wait despite the darkness and the moving target terrier takes the shot killing not just the minister but his bodyguard in the front seat as well the scene is shocking as a result both of its brutality and its brevity the sudden carnage leaves the audience breathless proving that it isn't necessarily a long build-up that brings us to the edge of our seat but timing number four pin down The Hurt Locker same guys yeah that's them stopping to aid a group of security contractors the explosive ordnance disposal unit takes a breather away from the tense chaos of war the respite is short-lived though as the crack of a sniper shot rings out and the ambush begins using the contractors 50 caliber rifle James spots Sanborn shots as the team struggles to get through this long-distance firefight in a moment of genuine leadership from James Sanborn is able to engage the enemy targets making a few long-distance kills working as a team the unit survives he's down number three Church tower sniper Saving Private Ryan [Music] while making their way through the destroyed French town of Nouveau captain Miller's team comes across a desperate family the father asks them to protect his daughter private caparzo played by young Vin Diesel tries to do the decent thing as he and captain notified a sniper shot cuts through them hitting caparzo in the chest Miller's men scrambled to take cover as a sniper duel unfolds between the German sniper in the church tower and private Jackson while caparzo lays nearby slowly bleeding to death the scene feels personal the sense of helplessness is palpable most sniper scenes by nature are detached but this one is uncomfortably intimate number two the 2100 yard shot American sniper is 20 100 yards out that's more than a mile impossible chakras there are many elements that can make it seem great sometimes it's the emotion sometimes it's the setup and sometimes it's the mind-blowing display of skill the shot alone is what makes this scene incredible a good sniper and spotter have to factor in so many things distance wind arc and from a distance of 2,100 yards because of the amount of time the bullet stays in the air the rotation of the freaking earth in a work of fiction this scene would lose some of its impact but given that American sniper is a biopic and this impossible shot was a real event well like we said mind blown before we unveil our number one pick here are a few honorable mentions [Music] number one noise cover enemy at the gates should not assume there are many great sniper moments we could have chosen from this dramatic World War two thriller but the nerve-wracking Battle of Stalingrad scene is a true standout with their entire unit decimated except for himself in the injured commissar Donal of Vassili Zaitsev must take out the nearby Germans if he hopes to escape the first time we see the legendary sniper in action he certainly doesn't disappoint he cleverly waits for explosions before taking each shot hiding the sound of his rifle and the fact that they are still alive the German officers are unaware that their compatriots are dropping like flies around them until it's far too late Donal off you are not alone in your amazement do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from watch mojo and subscribe for new videos every day [Music]
Views: 6,908,301
Rating: 4.7673235 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, List, Top 5, Movie, The Wall, John Cena, Scene, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Mine, Film, War, Sniper, Enemy at the Gates, Vasili, Jude Law, American Sniper, Navy SEAL, Bradley Cooper, Chris Kyle, sniper, Saving Private Ryan, The Hurt Locker, .50 bmg, barrett, M82, ambush, The Gunman, Assassin, The Bourne Supremacy, Waterloo station, Shooter, Jarhead, Phone Booth, Clear and Present Danger, Act of Valor, Full Metal Jacket, Quigley Down Under, Tom Selleck, WatchMojo
Id: K6O9Nd3G-pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2017
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