Operation Jericho - Military Action Short
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Empty Can Films
Views: 30,576,076
Rating: 4.6361952 out of 5
Keywords: Operation Jericho, short film, military action, military short film, action short film, Navy SEALs, Special Forces, air strike, FA 18, Hornet, Red - The Ambush, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, airsoft, military, adobe premiere, combat, war film, war short film, battlefield, practical effects, visual effects, VFX, Lone Survivor fan film, Lone Survivor, fan film, red, Red - The ambush, dam air strike, Special effects, russian war, war, war movie
Id: HeF_uQzqRNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2016
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