Top 10 Greatest Muppet Show Guest Stars

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I disagree. Alice Cooper was great, and took a huge risk. He should be on the list, but at the top?

And leaving Harry Belafonte OFF the list? The Muppet version of the Banana Boat song was a total riot, and Turn the World Around was Artistic Henson Collaboration at it's finest.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/NorCalBodyPaint 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
just when we thought this group of hilarious puppets couldn't get any funnier these celebrities proved us wrong and Here Come welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 celebrity guest stars on the Muppet Show for this list we ranked our favorite performances by stars who appeared on the show listen pal we're on a mission there's no way we're gonna be involved in any third-rate variety show nothing more complicated than that now it's time to get things started on the most sensational inspirational celebrational muppet ational list number ten mr. Peter sours after busting our guts as Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther series this British actor took his comedic chops and many personalities to the Muppet theatre stage for the show's second season yes there used to be a me but I had it surgically removed he's a delight in the cold open reprising his famous role dressed in iconic detective garb but there's way more it was to have been a grand impersonation of her late Majesty Queen Victoria things really get hysterical when he spoofs another of his most immortal personas the next thing I must do is to test out the elasticity of the tendons in the leg areas soon going by the name of dr. Marek Verdi gleba which translates to dr. Strangelove in German cellars plays a German masseur who gives link hog throb a very memorable massage delivered in the inimitable cellar style that earned the actor an Emmy nomination for his hosting duties some losses in such good condition oh I can tell a good Muslim in a few run number nine what are you rich this jazz musician was widely regarded as one of the most technically proficient drummers of all time and this penultimate episode of the series which originally aired in 1981 allowed him to really strut his stuff Kermit is suitably impressed with the display of his amazing technique as he plays percussion on a variety of items on his way to the stage in a blackout but that's just a warm-up when the host and resident Muppet drum expert animal go head-to-head rich shows just what he can do on a real drum set animal didn't stand a chance the lights again number 8 Rita Moreno despite the greatness of animals performance with Buddy Rich he was even funnier when he got to perform opposite this Broadway star in 1976 in one of the series first episodes Moreno is one of the few performers ever to of won an Oscar Grammy Tony and Emmy and it's this appearance that earned her that Emmy we'd say it's a well deserved honor but there are others who might take offense by coup I like the guy who holds the cue cards you need proof her dancing singing and comedy chops are on lock but just watch her perform the classic tune fever with your favorite shaggy hair drummer who does his best to get in the way and you'll see what we mean number 7 mr. Vincent Price this performer had a storied career including appearances in classic horror films like the original House of Wax murdered torture execution scared the living daylights out of people I don't care for that kind of image and on Michael Jackson's Thriller album but his Muppets show appearance in 1977 allowed him to demonstrate his considerable comedic flair can I give you a hand oh please that's my kind of joke which is part of the series appeal in that it lets serious actors relax and be themselves well I have asked two of my culinary friends to join us tonight on your immediate right is PL aku's one of the world's great chefs a pleasure on top of being a great first season episode it also marks the first time that the mood of an entire show was built around the guests quickly quickly prepare a dungeon chains medicals bind me the episodes horror vibe inspires great moments and even lets kermit play against type as a vampire you're always turning into a vampire well how do you do that number six mr. John plays although this hysterical British comedian had many amazing moments as a member of Monty Python I thought in your dinner direction your mother was a hamster and your father's mate of elderberry his work with the Muppets produced similarly memorable bits in this 1977 episode which pleased himself had a hand in writing it is pirate of the seven seas particular note is Cleese's Long John Silver's team sketch where he shares the stage with an especially talkative parrot harkening back to monty python's famous dead parrot sketch of course hmm always the same no one could play angry as amusingly as Cleese and the Muppets take advantage of that talent get done there we are going to birth your arms an ascending but even when at his nastiest with Kermit please is clearly having a ball I'm sorry that that's our mistake I'm sorry we just got confused alright we'll just I take it out on curtains number five yes Julie answer one of our favorite things is this sound of music stars performance with the Muppets in 1978 although she'd already appeared on many TV specials with them previously hi on who was a lonely fitting in perfectly with her co-stars Andrews is marvelous reprising the lonely goatherd from the classic film accompanied by yodeling Muppet animals but that's far from all she does in the episode now you were saying Julie Oh what I was doing I hate to interrupt Julie excuse me Kermit coming did you ask to see the flying zucchinies human cannonball at uh not right now Farley I shall go tell my wife on a particular highlight is the tender and sweet song she wrote for and sings to Kermit when you were a tadpole her amazing charisma throughout the episode keeps it consistently strong guess what number four the stars on Star Wars a few months before the 1980 release of The Empire Strikes Back c-3po r2d2 and Luke Skywalker reunited with the voice of Yoda Luke Skywalker one of the heavenly bodies change also known as Fozzie Miss Piggy Sam Eagle animal or simply Frank Oz on this fourth season episode of The Muppet Show hunnit hunnit yep get my channel yes no no no he's my cosmic landing in the Muppet Theater in search of Chewbacca Luke refuses to perform but fortunately we think his cousin Mark Hamill is happy to oblige Hey look Nick me I'll go get my cousin later on Luke's back and is faced with first mate Miss Piggy standing in for Princess Leia naturally she can't keep her hands off of him the result is a hysterical sci-fi parody which brings out the best in Hamill and the Muppets this means we must resort to the ultimate weapon oh and boy deep 20 what pray tell might that be Chewbacca the Wookiee number 3 mr. Steve Martin while episodes of The Muppet Show are usually punctuated by a laugh track this is one show where canned laughter wasn't necessary I didn't even use a nap this hysterical comedian was so funny as a guest star in this 1977 episode that the usual laugh track was mostly replaced by the backstage laughter of Muppet cast members what am i around here nothing Steve I I don't know what to say well I do excuse me Martin's juggling and balloon animal making along with his irresistible charisma and unique comic persona get a great showcase here puppy dog oh so cute thank you very much Martin is also a talented banjo player and he gets a good chance to show off his skills in the performance of Dueling Banjos backed by a variety of Muppet characters number two mr. Elton John this rock star is exuberant personality and flamboyant fashions made him a perfect fit for the Muppets it's great to be here even my lunch likes me but by the time he appeared on the show in 1978 Sir Elton was sick of the get-ups and requested that he not do the crazy costumes and huge glasses Oh coming I thought you were more professional than that they must have come to some kind of agreement cuz we were not let down in the wild outfit Department his performance of Crocodile Rock backed by a chorus of puppet Crocs is particularly hilarious and no one can ever forget his duet with Miss Piggy on don't go breaking my heart I'm gonna reckon you even if Sam the eagle wasn't a fan Sir Elton certainly won us over if Mozart wore high heels wigs and stockings I'll eat my hat and give Elton John a big introduction not true hey guys look at this great picture of Mozart Elton John humans before our number one pick takes his or her curtain call here are some honorable mentions the rain comes tumbling down till the rain comes in ah Oh he come from the mountain building on mountain the mountain to the world around drop out and go back to the world around her I'm Jackson number one Alice Cooper as mentioned The Muppet Show was a great way for stars to show their softer sides never was this more true than for Alice Cooper sir I think there's something you should know yes these monsters aren't ours I know they're mine one of the most controversial rockers of the era known for outrageous onstage antics like beheading live chickens welcome to my night the rock star was able to make his persona family-friendly enough to deliver a standout performance and he made the Muppets a bit edgier in the process Rudi's Posey got the name Alice oh it's a family name he was named after a maiden uncle the show's creators built a hysterical show around Cooper's fascination with horror this is the bill from special effects and it features Cooper as Satan's agent who's trying to get the Muppets to sell their souls well then just sign this contract yes I have a friend that runs a service he could guarantee to make sure and when he gets musical as in the hard-rocking school's out he creates some of the show's finest ever musical segments do you agree with our list I didn't think so when I wrote it what Muppet Show guest star made you yell out wocka wocka wocka Thank You scooter I'm almost ready for more hysterical top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to I guess that wraps it up for we'll see you next time when I'm up at y'all
Views: 2,404,451
Rating: 4.838449 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, List, Top 5, television, childrens show, the Muppets, Kermit, Miss Piggy, Kermit the Frog, Gonzo, Peter Sellers, Buddy Rich, Rita Moreno, Vincent Price, John Cleese, Julie Andrews, Star Wars, the Muppet Show, guest stars, characters, celebrity guest stars, hilarious, watchmojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
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