Top 10 Gene Wilder Performances

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we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams and I want to be completely honest and get this off your chest I mean get this on your breasts I mean my breasts welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten gene Wilder performances you don't know anything about me you read about me in the papers you know me for one month for this list we're taking a look at the funniest zaniest and most iconic performances of this legendary actors illustrious career number 10 Eugene Grizzard Bonnie and Clyde I'm an undertaker Bonnie and Clyde might be a dark gritty crime drama but Gene Wilder sprinkles in some comic relief in his debut film role step on it Velma without my step on it Velma along with his girlfriend Velma Eugene grizzard is taken hostage by our titular anti-heroes Eugene is naturally horrified at first as the carjacking turns into a joyride however he begins to warm up to his captors although he's only on screen for several minutes Eugene undergoes a surprisingly memorable character arc in what could have been an insignificant part Wilder demonstrates his vast acting range and briefly steals the show his performance is a true testament to the saying there are no small parts only small actors number nine Theodore Pierce the woman in red [Music] Wilder writes directs and stars in this screwball comedy about lust as Theodore Pierce Wilder plays a married man who becomes infatuated with a woman in red [Music] although teddy is tempted to instigate an affair he's afraid of how his jealous wife will react you realize you might have shocked me never do that and not without a reason to make matters even more complicated he accidentally antagonizes a female co-worker played by Wilders future wife Gilda Radner Teddy may be a liar on the verge of committing adultery but Wilder manages to develop this potentially unlikable character into an identifiable empathetic individual I could've thrown my whole life away and for what a piece of ass his portrayal of the everyman ultimately says something thought-provoking about human nature while also providing a fair deal of laughs number eight sigur s'en holmes the adventure of sherlock holmes smarter brother look wilder not only takes center stage in this spoof but also made his directorial debut and crafted the screenplay how could you are still on that document from him as the film's title suggests Wilder plays Sherlock Holmes brother SiC erson Holmes despite being a gifted detective in his own right sick ursin has always lived in his older sibling shadow you can tell my brother to take his five pound note to me I'll say that I've been a great admirer of yours for many years especially your handing of the case under three testicles he aspires to make a name for himself by cracking a high-profile case while there strikes just the right balance of citizen coming off as egotistical and envious while also being crafty and observant for unless I'm very much mistaken the young lady's dainty hand is just about to knock upon my door he additionally demonstrates his knack for physical comedy with no shortage of energy we're not entirely sure why Sherlock Holmes brother would have an American accent but perhaps that's a mystery only sicker sin can solve nothing is hopeless you understand nothing number seven skip Donahue stir-crazy you don't really want to hurt this man do Wilder made a total of four comedies with Richard Pryor and stir crazy is one of the absolute best Wilder skip and priors Harry wind up in jail for a crime they didn't commit and while he's certainly not happy to be caged up skip is able to make the best out of a bad situation oh it's not a recreational activity Wilder is a delight in this role fashioning an optimistic character with an unbreakable spirit skip exists in his own little world cracking jokes and try to make friends even in prison nobody has ever just sat down he's outgoing nature Mainland him in trouble on occasion but when you're sentenced to 125 years behind bars having a positive outlook and a sense of humor can't hurt right swell swell few ups and downs number 6 dr. Doug Ross everything you always wanted to know about sex but we're afraid to ask mr. meadows you are crazy not to be confused with George Clooney's character from ER Doug Ross is a respected physician with a lovely wife his life takes an unexpected turn however when he enters into a sexual relationship with one of his patients the patient in question just so happens to be a sheep named Daisy we're just friends how she's been course one of my patients she thinks she's a sheep while the premise of this vignette is totally bizarre Wilder plays his character with great subtlety he never goes to over-the-top making us believe that Ross genuinely loves Daisy despite their differences this adds to the comedy bringing a certain degree of honesty to a ludicrous and disturbing set up we'll get by somehow I'll get a job I don't want in the end Daisy returns to her ex and leaves Ross heartbroken well there are plenty of other sheep in the pen not morning number five George Caldwell Silver Streak George Caldwell is just an ordinary man who falls in love on a train after getting mixed up in a murder plot though he must step up as a man of action I shot him you sure yes he shot sweet because it was a fat no because he thought sweet was me reace shot sweet new shot Reese right this film's plot almost sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock thriller but Wilders charm wit and comedic timing brings something truly unique to the table with wilder in the leading role the movie is as humorous as it is exciting Silver Streak was the first time Wilder and Richard Pryor work together and it not only showcased their marvelous chemistry it also marked the beginning of one of cinema's finest comedic duos so Bayon heads you gotta give me $5 for this yours thank you Peter man YK the man number for Leo bloom the producers oh I fell on my keys as Leo bloom and the producers Wilder landed his first major on-screen role as well as his first Academy Award nomination even more significantly this marked his first collaboration with director Mel Brooks Leo starts out as a hysterical accountant that suffers from anxiety attacks but upon meeting Zero Mostel x' Max Bialystock he's encouraged to take a risk on a get-rich-quick scheme throughout the film the nervous Leo evolves into a confident individual ready to seize the day course when the duo's master plan falls apart Leo immediately seeks out his security blanket for comfort even though Leo is timid childish and even pathetic at times Wilders loveable performance makes us root for this underdog every step of the way never find it number three Jim the Waco kid Blazing Saddles in another Mel Brooks comedy Wilder delivers one of his most tranquil performances acting is a voice of reason to his co-stars you've got to remember that these are just simple farmers these are people of the land the common clay of the new West while Wilder maintains a laid-back persona Jim's wild at heart before becoming a lowly drunk he was known as the Waco kid the world's fastest gunslinger Oh what happened oh well it got sold at every piss hand Prairie Punk who thought he could shoot a gun would ride into town to try out the Waco kid even when going up against the gang of thugs the Waco kid will keep a straight face and come out on top Wilder captures the essence of this character with just his hands one of which is steady as a rock his shooting hand however can't be tamed look at that steady as a rock yeah but I shoot with this hand aside from being hilarious in the role Wilder creates a sympathetic character that seemingly has a death wish through his friendship with sheriff Bart though Jim finds Redemption hey boys look what I got here number two dr. Frederick Frankenstein Young Frankenstein what a filthy job Gene Wilder was born to play a mad scientist of course Frederick Frankenstein is initially reluctant to follow in his grandfather's footsteps but what about your grandfather's work sir my grandfather's work was Google in order to distance himself from Victor Frankenstein he claims the DES surname is actually pronounced Frankenstein yet the doctor eventually realizes that he can't escape his family's fascination with reanimating the dead do you have more chance of reanimating this scalpel than you have a mending a broken nervous system like many of Wilders characters Frederick frequently shifts from being relaxed and level-headed to obsessive and bonkers once and for all and without any shame his performance constantly leaves the audience on edge never failing to take us by surprise in addition to starring wilder also co-wrote the film screenplay with director Mel Brooks it just goes to show that while there was an all-round comedic genius not to mention a nimble tap dancer walked with sticks or umbrellas in there before we get to our top pick here are some honorable mentions just fine what are you doing I recognize heartache my wife just left me well it was 15 years ago but I'm reliving it because of these new meds sometimes where are you you're supposed to study with me today what are you looking so anemic about don't touch that head whatever you do don't touch it who are you sir fine thank you well I'm not actually out of work it's just that I produced this daytime television program Oh which one let's chance it not because I'm the best actor in the world not because I'm the sexiest man in the world not because of the most handsome man in the world but because I am your Nick number one Willy Wonka Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory believe it or not gene Wilder wasn't author Roald Dahl's top choice to play everyone's favorite Candy Man as far as we're concerned though Wilders portrayal of Willy Wonka is nothing short of immortal much like an Everlasting Gobstopper you'll bolt into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized so you get nothing you lose good day sir as the mysterious chocolatier Wilder aspired to create a completely unpredictable character he couldn't have been more successful in the role from the second mr. Wonka walks on screen we can never tell if he's being sincere or playing a trick on his audience sometimes he seems wise and gentle other times he comes off as insane and diabolical [Music] and they're certainly not showing they are Wilders performance is consistently magical however encouraging us all to explore a world of pure imagination do you agree with our list the suspense is terrible what's your favorite Gene Wilder performance I'll be yours hard that's all before pal for more scrumdiddlyumptious top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to I always wanted to go there
Views: 672,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, List, Top 5, Gene Wilder, death, Mel Brooks, hilarious, classic, Eugene Grizzard, Theodore Pierce, Sigerson Holmes, Skip Donahue, Dr. Doug Ross, George Caldwell, Leo Bloom, the ‘Waco Kid’, Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, Willy Wonka, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, The Producers, Silver Streak, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask), Stir Crazy, The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother
Id: WPeI8bHIqNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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