Top 10 Games That Used To Be A Big Deal

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hey i'm alex rachel from board gamecock wow i can do the intro hey i'm alex raquel from board game co and i'm professor meg and today we're doing what did i call this again i'm not sure i think we called it a different thing cool cool cool today we're doing a top 10 list top 10 games i had a title here top 10 games that used to be a big deal that used to be a big deal which i do think that's everything most yeah i think that is what i did cool so i think the thing that's a little bit different is and maybe their games are they all games that you've played no not slightly okay so alex and i did this a little differently that alex went straight for top 10 games that used to be a big deal i did top 10 games that used to be a big deal that i have in my collection and i've also played i have played let's see let me go through this i played one two three four four and a half ish now five i'll just call it five wow six oh okay seven i thought you're stopping at that eight i played eight of these games okay that's fair that's fair all right but some of them with caveats as to how much i played or what i'm gay but but i played with them i played them yeah yeah but these are ten games that used to be a big deal and the context for the way i would define this is we've both been in the hobby roughly this amount of time i got in 2011 2012 you got in i got into tcgs around 2009 and board games around 2011. yeah so so a while now and that also means that sometimes you go through the phases of that newest hottest thing that everyone absolutely has right now you know for example that insert title here is that one that everyone's trying to get their hands on and no one can it's just out of stock everywhere and no matter where you go you just can't get insert title here unless you unless you go on ebay then you can find insert title here from some random scalper who bought it for like whatever it's selling an insert title here for like four times the price which is really offensive and if you wait two years insert title here is either gonna be more readily available or insert title here is just not gonna be well rated no one cares anymore that's too many instant titles here there's too many and it'll be replaced by insert title here exactly and so that happens a lot it happens a lot of the hobby and so to that end i thought it'd be interesting to talk about over our time in the hobby games we've seen that everyone wanted they were a big deal they were hard to get your hands on they went out of print they waited for the next print run they had that phase that cycle but now they're just not talked about quite as much and in my case part of the thing that's interesting is that doesn't mean they're not good games in fact all of these games i think are are pretty good games in my case i would say some of these are out of print so license licensing issues they're just not available others just used to be a big deal a big deal and they are less so now i mean they're not which means that they're at one point in time they were all the rage and now they're just other games that exist and something that i did with my list i'm not sure if you did this alex but i kind of tried to think of for quite a few of these i know they were replaced by so i kind of thought of what came next that kind of kicked this one to the curb that's a great idea it didn't do that at all i'll be here all week for any of these which i guess starting off the bat with meg what's your number 10 so i didn't super rank these did you i kind of ranked them in order of just how much i think the thing was a phase versus like for instance my number tens and nines are probably are more better games than just do whatever so i kind like my number one i think is deserves to be number one but like after that there's not a huge order okay i didn't super rank mine um i think they are a little bit but not really um there was another caveat that i was going to give but oh goodness i don't know gosh every time we do these i'm like what was i going to say i think every top 10 list deserves like 40 caveats otherwise why are you doing it yeah the other thing i will say is that you got into the hobby as just a hobbyist as opposed to so i got into the hobby first as a judge for the tcg so more as like a worker i had a bit of a presence and then because of that i started working at a game store so a lot of my input is also based on being able to sell the game that i was working in a shop at the time and what i saw was being purchased pretty often cool because you've never worked at a hobby shop or anything no but fairly quickly after my time into the hobby i was already turning things into a business and that means i never run a business that sold board games never ever before not once in the slightest news mid conversation yeah yeah a little bit by the time we hit 2013 two years into the hobby i was already running things partially as a business which means i definitely was very aware of just how hot and in demand your titles were and how much their certain titles just flew off the shelves and now they're just about sorry who are you i actually worked at two different hobby shops ready to go yes okay number ten number ten i'm gonna do this one is number ten because i'm kind of bumping it down based on this week so alex is obviously my house this is professor meg headquarters um talisman talisman is a game everyone loved there were a ton of expansions people were always looking for the expansions it's one that a lot of people talked about um especially working at a game store we had a dnd crew that would come and they all loved talisman it's a game that i absolutely fell in love with it was one of the ones that sucked me into the hobby this is one that i used to ask to play like on my birthday and things like that and alex and i played it this trip uh-huh how do you feel about man i feel a little less love for it which kind of hurts my heart so there's a different game on this list that used to be my number one game and that got replaced by gloomhaven and for the longest time i had a hard time struggling with it i said that it took over so to say my love for talisman might be fading it hurts it hurts but there are so many other games that like they also deserve my love yeah lots of games there's lots of games that are out there in different ways than any number like it's just it has good memories it has good yeah this had four editions this is the fourth edition of the game this is a loved game and i loved fantasy flight fantasy flight was one of the first publishers i really fell in love with so yeah yeah very into it but uh not so much anymore and this was the fourth printing but i believe at this point it's out of print right now yes i believe it actually i think the rights are no longer with fantasy flight it might be with games workshop i'm not positive as a game's workshop right i think it they now have it interesting i think intriguing i believe there's actually a talisman uh co-op like quest game now as well so i know that gaines workshop and fantasy flight had a rights arrangement for a while and then that kind of went away i just realized i think they kept talisman i believe so talisman is here i i do still love it but after playing it recently after playing so many other really engaging games i kind of understand why it kind of got pushed aside why it's not in print anymore yeah it was it was fun to be clear but it wasn't like for me it was fun yeah that's what the sun sends it's understandable as fun for like 2012. yes yeah for me my number 10 my number 10 is a game that was also not was is also a fantasy flight title oh coincidentally uh my number 10 is android netrunner i've never played it i oh my gosh that was what i wanted from the shop but i've never played it android runner is i believe out of print as well i don't know why necessarily but they finally announced that maybe two years ago maybe three years ago that they're they're they're sun setting it or whatever at which point the price on anything went up on the second hand market and all that but android netrunner when it first came out was already a reprint of netrunner it was already a produced game and it was an asymmetrical head-to-head lcg lcg living card game that from fantasy flight like they have a whole bunch of those in their catalog at this point but andrew net runner was an incredibly popular one for a very very very long time that it lasted i mean i don't know how long it lasted it must have lasted like eight nine years in the general cycle games coming out expenses coming out expansions expansions the whole idea is one person is trying to like break into the corporation and the corporation's trying to defend against it so the way they play out you're playing you're building these necks but they're completely asymmetric builds and that's completely changes to best my knowledge is the only asymmetric deck builder they have the lcgs i don't think they'll suggest otherwise they have a cooperative one they don't have asymmetric ones right and so they made it very interesting and it was very very popular and everyone wanted to get their hands on every single thing andrew no no you frequently couldn't and now it's just that old lcg from like i think 2012 i'm not mistaken when i came out like just after i got into the hobby it's a big deal and i played it i enjoyed it i never heavily got into any of the content for it i didn't love it enough to deck build around it but i did think it was very clever in what it did and it's just not really talked about quite as much anymore i believe technically fantasy flight owns the term lcg i believe they do yeah yeah yeah pretty cool similar to the idea of collectible card games if you're not buying random things you're buying preset exp it's basically an expansion all in lcg is an expansion but it's an expansion that fits into the ccg model such that you can get regular release cycles and no degree of collectibles to it until of course they don't have them and you have to buy them in the second market anyway but at least it's more it's not booster pack so you know what you're getting right not randomized number nine number nine okay this is one that has gotten so much love and i think this is one of the ones that is still this is boss monster two because i don't have the box for boss monster one um this is one that i was at paxis 2012 and they sold out all copies of boss monster i wanted it then i demoed it i didn't grab it fast enough and it was gone um so this is a game from brother wise games it is their first game they just decided to make a game one on kickstarter this was back in like og kickstarter days um and it's a game where you're playing as the bosses and you're going through a dungeon and you're trying to defeat different heroes but it's very uh video game themed that it's all that 16-bit art um it's really fun and reminiscent i still love this game i still table it i think this one is still talked about but not as much um brotherwise is doing great with a lot of their games especially call to adventure that boss monster i don't think gets as much love as it should there's overboss which is a tiling game that they made which is based on these characters which is newer um but boss monster i can remember it flying off the shelves they have like little expansions that we could not keep them in stock so it was definitely definitely selling very quickly um i don't hear it talked about enough now yeah it's one that definitely was around for a while and it still exists like you said but i i it's not a lot of buzz about it yeah but one thing you said this interesting that i find intriguing is you went to conventions for a long time yes i actually don't have convention experience until like the past like year so like i don't have i've heard like some titles out there like one title that's not on my list because it still is almost as popular as when i started was root like roots a game that when they like when we came out of conventions that thing could not be kept in stock it was flying across the board everywhere but things are like things that are just so popular nowadays i mean they're still a pretty big deal so i didn't include them okay yeah there's actually more convention experience coming up that i picked up another one that's coming up at a convention and a different one that i demoed at convention before i got it so yeah my number eight is sulkin the mayan calendar and speaking of root notes okay at all talking i know the name so it's part of the t series that's not mistaken i think it's the first game of the t-series the series series is from daniel tassini and it's a whole bunch of games that are just heavy heavy euro games and sulkin is lower down my list only because it's still a fairly popular game like i mentioned it was super popular you can get hands on it's still popular sulking is not as popular anymore as root is i think tolkien i think root is very unique in what it brings to the genre whereas this tolkien has been i mean it has very cool gears that's one of the giant gears you put your workers down on gears and at any point you can take your workers off but every time you don't take them off the gear is turning and they're getting more powerful so it's a constant do i want that three corn now or do i want five corn later like what i want to do with that and the the combination of a well-done euro combined with the gear mechanism made tolkien like incredibly hard to get your hands on it was flying off the shelves everywhere no one can like you couldn't you couldn't get it people were trading copies of sulkin for like three four times their value it's like oh i have tolkien i'll go ahead and i'll take um one copy of eclipse one collaborative copy terra mystica hand those over to me that's like four times the price and people could do that because everyone wanted to get their hands on the hottest euro available at the time now it's readily available from cg if not mistaken uh check games edition and they have expansions to it and the t series has since expanded significantly to having a ton i don't know if tolkien is actually officially part of the t series because the t series i think is board and dice seemed maybe it's not part of the t series it might not be but uh oh it starts the team it's a heavy euro so it's my t series yeah no but yeah it's super popular super impressive it's a game i did play i haven't played the expansion i i kind of want to dive back into it but i haven't actually bothered doing so but it's a very solid very solid very heavyweight euro that just was incredibly hard to get your hands on i do wonder as well speaking of conventions pax has a game library that i wonder if some of these older games you may be able to play through the library or something like that if you are going to convention innovate number eight it's a nice little one it's flux flux was one of the again one of the first games that i really got into it's a very simple game you're basically trying to make different goals with keepers um and it's draw one play one that's it but then the rules are changing flux has made a ton of iterations and they're still coming out with these we've talked about what's in print and what's not i feel like flux does not get enough love anymore i i think it's so fun it's a good entry gateway game i think it's something that you can take anywhere that you can play at like a a brewery or at a restaurant or at a party just what are you playing yeah i believe i've played flocks of times to make up the rule one right so you're constantly adding rules to play yeah it's like oh yeah whoever has these two yellow cards wins okay great now they're whatever happens here wins to phrase it better the rules are in flux oh that's that's that's cute yeah the name they have a million variations they have flux wizard of oz they have flux this they have flux a lot of fluxes cthulhu flux uh pirate flag zombie flux i love flux this is one that's very affordable as well so if you guys want to pick up things that are gifts for your friends to just get them into the hobby what's the practical difference between flux and we didn't play test this what's what we didn't play test this versus flux uh we didn't play teslas and i would say it's much lighter interesting this is actually like kind of set collection you're getting these keepers to try to meet different goals and if you play your goal too soon then it may not match your keepers later it is it is a bit strategical it is it is a bit locked based you know on what you've drawn stuff but you can definitely manipulate a lot that it is cool because i remember i played flux a long time ago and then you showed me we didn't play testers either and like much more to this they are reminiscent of the same genre just chaos yeah i think this one it's not too bad not too much chaos it's there are definitely things that change in the game that can frustrate you but you can still plan ahead and that makes us they probably play test this one anyways my number eight is this is a this this one was this is from wizkids uh this is star trek fleet captains okay okay we've seen it giant boxes a giant box star trek fleet captains i think they even came out with another theme of the same game i don't remember which one it was but sergeant free captains was a giant star trek game that has like you playing as these star trek fleet captains going across the universe uh this is one of those halves i had in here in the sense that i played it never finished the game i wouldn't want to play as red oh yes exactly have you ever seen that meme about like a storm shooter a storm trooper shooting an adventure no no but it seems to be hilarious the stormtroopers shooting at red shirts like who dies what happens uh anyways this game star trek freak happens i played half a game of it because we just didn't bother i played with my wife we didn't bother finishing it it just we couldn't we couldn't get into it that's hard that you didn't finish the gameplay yeah we could we just we weren't invested in what was happening at all to be fair neither one of us are trekkies in any sense we don't like the theme we don't care no we don't like we don't care about them we didn't have any any association with it and we just tried getting to the game it just was a lot and didn't feel i don't think where we were we got it early on in gaming i don't think where we were we were ready for that game it is well rated it is well loved and if the bigger part is relevant to this list it was incredibly popular it was incredibly hard to get your hands on it it was incredibly like everyone wanted to get their their hands on the copy and they get the game i think came out if i call quickly had multiple expansions like star trek uh romulan empire roman fleet whatever it doesn't have expansions to it by now but it was very very hard to get your hands on anything to do with it at the time and again now it just exists it still exists it's still in i think it's in print i'm not sure but it's just no one cares quite as much as they used to that makes me think and this is not one on my list and i wonder if it might be on your list but a game that i was definitely too young of a game player for that i i didn't i couldn't enjoy it as much as i should and we've talked about it then i think we should play it again as seasons so fun fact about that seasons was not on my list but it wasn't my short list yeah there's two games that are on my short list that i don't know if they're in your well otherwise i don't know but yeah yeah seasons i didn't even think of for this but that's one that i i enjoyed and the people i was playing with didn't as much but i think a part of it was just how young we were as board game players another one with those which i don't think you would have done is ashes um we played ashes before the reborn one yeah um we play the old ashes and i really loved that one but i think um it just wasn't doing well with my game group yeah and without one being reborn that one actually has more interest temporarily yeah yeah yeah but i'm interested in trying out the reborn i really liked a few of the characters i really enjoyed it i just thought i haven't gone back into it yeah you know seven or six whatever up to whatever we're up to this is one that i is one that i came up with what replaces it which i think is very fun this is one that is much loved you can still pick this up people are still playing this the resistance people are still playing it you can still get it but i don't think people are talking about it as much and i think this was directly replaced by blood on the clock tower i think something like that that gives you a lot more player powers and things like that a lot more uh personal things that you can do um i do feel like and not to say i would replace it but i i feel like that's something that people are okay now for contracts i didn't love a lot of the clock down it's okay if you like this i would i think i would play the resistance over the clock tower especially based on player count this is better at a lower player count which is what i usually have if you have like six to seven people um so in the resistance it is a [Music] hidden information game where there are spies and the spies are basically trying to fail missions while everyone else is trying to figure out who those spies might be and that's pretty much all there is a lot of it is just table talking after that um it's a very much heads up kind of game uh i love it i absolutely love it have you played avalon no i haven't you just played this one yes we have to play resistance avalon okay at some point so maybe this is also replaced by that but uh i feel like of anything i hear a lot of people talking about blood on the clock tower not really the races yeah is the new hotness in the genre for me i like was i like avalon um i replaced resistance with quest which is a newer version of it and also one night ultimate world for so long um i played one night ultimate riverwolf legacy had a terrible experience we're not going to talk about it don't not legacy um isn't just the campaign version the one week um the legacy one is not is it one night is it one night maybe not i don't know it might be i just don't know i only played it once and had it yeah my number seven my number seven is another is it fantasy flight i don't even know let me know xcom the board game i don't know you don't know xcom one second does x come on the boarding pass if i do love that we were around the hobby at the same time and i don't think alex said this earlier but we all pick we picked games that are all 2015 or prior so these are all within that certain date range of i mean some of these are older like talisman but we only have a certain date range to work within and we haven't crossed over on games we're going to cross over at least once okay um x car on the board game is one that isn't nice fight it is fantastic indeed so that's another fantasy title but x on the board game is was a big deal when it came out and i think not necessarily a big deal in the typical sense it was it was a very very big deal for a different reason this is actually one of the few exceptions in my list it's not that it was super super popular don't get the hands on it but it was an incredibly big deal once upon a time because it was one of the first i'm not mistaken it was the first popular game that used an app interesting i think it can't be wrong and it's from fantasy flight from before 2015. i want to check that let me check that title if i haven't already 2015 okay 2015. that's really it was the first admitted 7.0 onboarding geek it was very it's a very big deal of time um and it was it's inspired a dozen not thousands hundreds of conversations around the nature of app integration and board games is it a board game is it a video game is an app why are you interested in app i don't want to play working with an app why are you doing this what's going on you don't have to buy you get other board games i'm mad that this exists it was a million conversations around the nature of app integration and board games and to me it was an incredibly big deal it kind of breaks the format of the list for the most part it's the one sheet i have because of technically if i'm going this way i could try i could probably pick iconic games for different reasons but in this case this was a huge deal at the time that came out and everyone was talking about it everyone's invested in the conversation around an app integration of board games it did so okay my opinion not great but yeah this is one that was a big deal and now app integration of board games is left right and center not in any way so much that people have to be worried about their hobby being hurt if you don't like it you can avoid it and never have a problem with it but if you do like app integration there are a handful of games that come in a year that utilize it in a way that you utilize it to different degrees within different degrees of success it's still a sensitive topic but it's one that has been very much xcom i think was the the groundbreaker no the icebreaker x come in some way you're on breakup that's the word thank you xcom was groundbreaking in the sense of what it did and the conversations that ensued can we tangent for a second because we're on board what's your favorite game that has an app well destinies okay i haven't played destinies yet yeah that's the anonymous question actually i have to i guess i have to think through others but the only game i can think of the utilize i mean you could argue one night ultimate werewolf because like that does have a little apple there's even ones like mentions of madness yeah i mentioned this let's do that but that's my favorite game i would say maybe my father's work because i but i haven't played enough of it yet so the one that comes to mind for me that i absolutely love is chronicles of crime chronicles being able to look around the room i love that fun fact you realize we both picked lucky duck games yeah yeah i didn't realize they're good they're good at uh that app integration they are they really are and i guess are you excited about the destiny's relaunch the except it's basically yes yes i mean i haven't played it yet but yes yeah yeah we should play i think that was one that we're playing we need coffee we'll go taco yeah we'll talk about it it'll be a thing universe number six i'm gonna go with this one all right and my number six is sentinels of the multiverse this is just an expansion box this is actually not even what's in this box because i have the big collectors box for sentinels um but sentinels of the multiverse is a game that i feel like has had huge hype and buzz for so long that now no one is talking about it um this is one that i was playing forever this was one of the only i don't back many kickstarters and this is a kickstarter that i backed for all their future expansions um i got to demo this at pax east back when it was the small box it was like a little flat box you didn't even get that many health tokens with the game that i got like the original version of sentinels on the multiverse this was one that we sold out of the game store every single time we got it in buying that small flat box is one of the first purchases i've ever made in board games like one of the first 20 games i love that you even remember it i do love that we got into the game at the same time i got the revised box later because like it has all these tracking tokens to help with the big fans of the game and all this stuff so actually they'll send those so for anyone who does if you happen to have the original sentinels they'll send those to you for free if you have the original game if you reach out to their support um they'll send you the tokens that now come with the game cool that's awesome yeah that's very nice edition of the game yeah and revised they're redoing it they're remaking it it's like hey we've gone through this entire thing for so long and now we have the revisers just like dominion and second edition like companies are cleaning up their their games and reselling them and this is something that i would lightly compare to marvel champions um it's very similar in the sense that you have your hero decks where you're playing cooperatively against the villain yeah it also has an environment but it's also pre-set decks so each hero has their own deck but nothing else really changes there are promo cards to change the hero and change your powers but that's really it but it does feel very similar when you're playing yeah it's a game that pioneered superhero games before they were cool and co-op it was one of my first co-op games that i i love co-op and there's another one out here coming but when i started in the hobby a lot of games were not co-op yeah um but yeah i really really enjoy this one sentinel multiverse check it out there's also an rpg for it is there really yeah i did not know that yeah i played it at pax unplugged mineral 6 is a game that i think primarily is let's talk about because out of print but it was a very very popular game for a very long time hence being on this list which is merchants and marauders yes you know what i've never played it but i know that one that is one that i wanted to play back in the day it is a really good game i really enjoy it if we're playing the game of what it gets replaced by it gets replaced by a zio legend of a drift system but i think that mercenaries was an incredible sandbox experience back before sandbox games were popular involves you playing as a pirate where you can be a merchant or marauder and both paths were viable you can sit there and just deliver goods around the board to get points and get money and earn all fame or you sit there and actually become a pirate and try to attack people and all that stuff while there's a degree of npc management of movement ships around the board that are going to engage with you one way or another i really enjoyed the system i thought it was incredibly well done it also took like three and a half hours to play the game in general it's a long game to play but it was so epically satisfying when you did and it was incredibly incredibly popular once upon a time it came with an expansion and then at some point they went out of print and i haven't seen anything about it since then i think it's kind of just left the um public lexicon because of just being out of print but it's an incredible game and once upon a time was very popular now i'm curious mr board game code yes do you know how much your retail is at now used if you're trying to pick it up oh i mean i'd have to look up the most recent pricing i've seen it go for like 100 bucks but i don't know if it's the current market that's fine there's one coming up where i'm still trying to grab expansions for it and i'm willing to pay like up to 150. per expansion yeah interesting yeah we'll talk about it okay in fact number five for you is okay wait i kind of want to reorder these a little bit i do feel like some of these i'm picking that are still a bit in circulation and popular and then i feel bad calling them out to be like they're not talked about well so that's how i feel about sulkin which is definitely still popular as well as arguably one more on this list there's one ones list that i think is still very popular but it was super popular once upon a time so we'll bring out this baby ascension ascension is made by my guy justin gary he was a magic the gathering player decided to make a board game he made a deck building game this is the first deck building game i ever played this is the one that i referenced about the convention that i got this at pax east in 2013 and i picked up everything i possibly could at the time and i have not stopped so ascension is a irish it's a deck building game you're playing against other players that's basically it there's a central market board that you're buying from you're fighting monsters that are in it you're acquiring cards but there's not much else going on uh so i feel like ascension definitely has been replaced i don't want to say replaced but overshadowed by games like dune and arnac and paladins um where you have deck building but you also have something else going on that you can do extra i also think there are other deck building games that are a bit stronger now um but this one i still love it is one of my favorite games i will pick this up at any time and it's actually a game i showed you yeah uh ascension and dominion back in the day where super popular deck bills both came out uh both of them still going both still going strong with expansions but both definitely had a moment in the sun where they're like the deck building games like you said already now there's so many duck builders in fact i have at least one more coming on this list but tons of deck bills out there tons of opportunities to explore the genre in so many different ways that these two which were once upon a time the deck boulders and now just deck builders and something kind of nostalgic is ascension came out with their 10th anniversary last year their 10th anniversary edition but the other thing i will say is ascension there's now ascension tactics which is a miniatures game you're still using cards i've only played it i played it on tabletop simulator like a year ago i think there's deck building as well i don't know i don't think you're preset with the deck i think there is deck building in it and you're also skirmishing with miniatures on a board um we should play that one i want to we should try it that's what they're trying to do to jump on that bandwagon which i would love to play again just to feel it out my number five is my number five is actually two games but one primarily okay the one primarily is sagrada and the kind of halfway with it is as well but more so than zulu and the reason for that is because both games came out roughly the same time in i guess 2015 or earlier probably maybe i don't know exactly actually that might have been after 2016. i think it's a little longer that might have been after 2015 that maybe may ask 2015 the way i did the pick is i picked games that were i thought applied and then after that started searching for all the titles but sagada was one that when it first came out it was impossible to get your hands on it this is again another example of a game that just people trying to sell in aftermarket for like three times the price because you couldn't get your hands in it and they both sagan and zula both colorful games that are compared a lot even though they're not really that comfortable they're both pretty they're both abstracts they're both simple they both play like two to four players they're both uh very very pretty very accessible very engaging and both have very colorful like just great components across the board one has these chunky tiles one has these these colored dice you're playing down but sagrada was just ridiculously hard to get your hands on and as a result people just wanted it it was like one of those convention booms where someone saw the convention people started selling it it sold out there was some possible your hands on it they kind of tried to do the print runs to bring things back in stock and never able to actually keep up with stock now it still exists exists with multiple expansions to come up with survival legacy like some of these games ascension is still in princeton available in the legacy version no the cpu i didn't look into it enough i look into it all but yeah i i try anything with legacy stamped on the end of it so we'll see yeah but it what it is one that it still very much has a presence more so than ever before but it used to be a big deal and now it just ambiently exists as an evergreen title which is a big deal in its own right but yeah hands down i would go for his little over likewise always yeah no no hence this is a god i think so god is fun but as well i thought i i like playing and we had these conversations i believe already yeah i like the original zul two-player that's what's nice and cut though yeah yeah yeah yeah i know you love it yeah i've been on the receiving end of that it's me yeah it's a girl i don't love i've never i've never enjoyed cigarettes i think it's just too light for me that if i'm playing a lighter game i'd rather have it be fun or silly it is a little on the light side i think expansion's mixed up a bit but yeah yeah anyways number four number four let's see nothing what nothing i just started saying something is that our crossover maybe maybe i started saying something that you've never played as well this is one of them played season's on your list it's one of the two i've never played and it's our first crossover all right so and mystics is my plaid hat our number four pair is actually my number four one second are we both at four uh it is oh it's my number three but will we arrange my number four number four um this is my plaid hat games shout out to them because i love a lot of the games they make we've already mentioned ashes which is by them um so myself mystics is a campaign based game where you're playing through different story arcs where you are little mice and you are fighting against centipedes and spiders and rats and all these things it's a really fun board um where it's pretty small and manageable it's definitely an entryway to a you know judging call yeah um that i really loved this one and one of the reasons i got into it which again shouting out to like old school that is not talked about anymore not even done anymore is will wheaton's tabletop that's how i found out about this game he had a play through with his wife and his sons and that's also not around anymore and yeah that's my heart yeah for me my semester is one that i was on my list because when i think of games that completely just totally sold out and aren't talked about anymore like i mentioned already root completely sold it was one of those games that broke the hobby when it came out but it's still almost as popular my statistics was one of those games that broke the hobby when it came out everyone wanted it no one get their hands on it and now it's still exist still in print it's still around but it's just at one point in time nobody can get their hands on it and everybody wanted it it was absolutely insane and i think one of the fun things about uh the games being replaced by other games this one i believe plaid hat learned from everything they did and tried to do it better so they came out with stuffed fables and then familiar tales um that they with stuffed fables it's now a book instead so it's a lot more accessible the miniatures are a bit better um that you can see a growth of a company as well through the different games which i think is really fun but those ones definitely overshadow my semesters now yeah yeah it's a fun one though i've played it it is i haven't played a ton of it i want to say through the scenarios i've played through like four um but it is very cute very adorable i guess we'll shift the order now so we're gonna go to my number three my number three is dark moon you play dark moon no did we play bastard galactica no but i played unfathomable so there's bowser galactica then dark moon then unfathomable dark moon is based off of a game that was a print and play where somebody came up with ballista galactica the dice key they basically wanted the gameplay of bouncer galactica which is some of the gameplay of unfathomable but they wanted it in a shorter game as they made up this dice game that was called battlestar galactica the dice game that would eventually was picked up by somebody else but they can have balsa galactica so they just called it dark moon dark moon was a game that was super popular because it was based on an already popular picture play that everyone loved based on an incredibly popular board game and just it just completely was just sold out almost right away incredibly hard to get your hands on it and it basically took the unfathomable or battle cycle experience and made it like only an hour it didn't give you the full experience either that's the downside there's always a trade-off if you're not getting the three and a half hour long experience there's a reason why not but it was to me it was the best combination of trying to get that experience while also giving you a reasonable game time and not nearly as much rules overhead i thought it was an incredible game and it was just when it came out it was just selling off the shelves like hotcakes i believe they have an expansion for that as well i never played the expansion but dark moon dark moon and you don't have it you don't have anything but you done i did and you thought it was incredible yeah i got incredible games all the time i want to try it i can we can figure out a way to get a copy of it it's good it was very good it gave you the the problem is like i don't play those styles of games as much anymore but it was very good and it gave me that experience in a short timeframe that's why i kept that i want to try it it's good you kind of saw me on this yeah it's called unfathomable the darkmoon experience okay no not really but yeah but it will be you're number three number three this was the one that i mentioned has been my favorite game for so long arkham horror arkham horror was one that everyone was talking about this was my very first board game i ever played and that's how i got talked into playing board games when i was like i'd rather play magic so this is a co-op game you are playing as investigators you're fighting against cthulhu and all of his baddies and stopping gates from opening and closing them and it is very chunky it's a table eater for sure it's very big there's a lot of rules the rules aren't written the best uh which i think is another thing to talk about age with fantasy flight but they've definitely learned from it um but i absolutely love this one and this one i particularly want to talk about because i believe it was replaced by arkham for a third edition they made a new edition of this this is no longer in print and i don't think it did it as good of service i think this also got replaced by aldrich horror that's one that a lot of people prefer over this that i think there are a lot of things that fantasy flights still did good with their they call it their arkham files series all the arkham games now that this kind of i feel like arkham [ __ ] third edition got overshadowed by things like that the lcg mansions of madness um so i feel like arkham horror as a game does not get as much love as it should uh but this one's out of print so it's not what it was either i prefer the second edition to third edition um they're very different especially with the map um yeah it's i'm honestly sad about this one and about how it got changed and replaced what else can you play this one uh i played it last halloween last night because i played last october i thought this which is about 2011. actually i might have played it for valentine's day so i played this in 2011 back my first round of games and i didn't love my experience i played in 2011 that was the last time yeah yeah oh i'm sorry it's the only time it's the only time i'm so excited to play this one i can't run it without reading i want to play it because part of the problem with me part of the problem with arkham horror for me is the one play i had of it was run by somebody who wasn't fully on top of the rules it was before i was before i was the one who was in charge of games and running everything is like when i was starting to get into the hobby in the first place and the combination of both the fact that when the first place ever played when it probably shouldn't have been and having not the best ease into it meant that i had an okay time i didn't not like it but i was like that was okay these other new games i'm finding those appeal to me more and so i never continue playing it but it's one that i would love to dive into if only to like be like yeah i tried it again and either worked me as great or not uh your love of it over a third edition is a commonly held belief yeah many people prefer second conditioning to third i love elder tourer yeah and elder elderhood really took a lot of attention when it came in because it gave you that arkham experience abstracted to a degree but in half the play time yeah which i didn't love i didn't like algebra i've heard the expansions change i actually have an expansion now but i haven't tried it yet so i i went full street with arkham horror after playing eldritch i went back to arkham horror and then i do enjoy manchester madness so if i want something lighter that's what i go for and i played eldritch and i i thought elders was good but not enough for me to keep um and then i not played i play manchester united second edition not play first edition and i played call the arc before the card game it is funny you asked the last time i played this last time i played all uh arkham third edition i couldn't tell you i could not tell you the last time i played three and then you're still on it i just fell on it and you're gonna play it when it's too cool you know another time i i think it would be a blast to play this one with you though to a little bit about my first experience i played with someone who is a magic judge and he is great with rules he knew all the games he loved this game he had it set up when i showed up and all that i had to do was learn the game as he was walking us through he let me do all the dice rolls for checks and he let me read all of the mythos cards which keeps you in the story and really pulls you in so i had a lot of fun reading all the texts and kind of understanding because of what he was handing me how the game worked yes it was really fun i remember the portals with the facts about investigators i don't remember i'm collecting clue tokens number two my number two is oh my gosh number two is popular so my number two is the deck build i refer to called trains have you ever played training no do you know who makes trains no aeg makes popular i mean i shouldn't say oh oh oh my gosh it was so popular trains i believe is i wanted the 2014 title and when trains came out nobody could get their hands on it trains was originally a copy of a game made in japan i believe uh maybe not japan but international i think japan but i could be wrong and it was a it was the first time i believe that's not true because we had other games we had a few acres of snow that had deck building with a board we had mage night that had deck building on the board but trains i believe was the first game that really gave you like giant pools of cars that kind of took the dominion and ascension concepts and then gave you a board around it so like hey we're going to have you a bunch of i have a bunch of decks over here they're full of cards different cards that have different abilities as far as how you're going to build up your train network and different things like that and now here's a board and you have to build out your train network on the board if you try to connect different cities to another and like do all that with these cars but as you're building things you're clogging up your deck with these bad cars and it gave you this deck builder that just it had you growing across the board and trying to get places first and get each other's way and just build the better deck but with the board of being a defining concept on the table it it worked really really well and it came out some sort of copy in japan or some sort of version of it that could not get the hands on it aeg published it and brought it over to the us and people it just sold out right away people could not get their hands on any of it trains was incredibly hard to get your hands on incredibly hard everyone wanted it everyone loved it to the point that they then came out with like planes and automobiles like a.g came up with planes and automobiles as like further concepts that weren't the same game but further concepts but trains is still i think it's still in print i'm not certain they multiple expansions for it it was really really super super popular for a time and now it's it may not be imprint i might be wrong they had multiple expansion maps that were hard like they had like gen con maps or whatever like an indianapolis map for like a gen con promo things like that those were really expensive and sn promo like that's an sn map but it's really popular and um was really popular and now it just exists i don't know that one but the way you describe it is it like ascension meets ticket to ride where you're placing on a board as well are you placing are you facing trains you're placing uh tokens now basically you're connecting facing there it should be trains it's it is dominion meets to drive yeah it's really it's a lot of fun i played it i really liked it had it got the expansions and eventually we just went back to other deck builders i think the concept was novel but the execution i think other deck builders did the actual full-on execution a little better to the point that they lasted where trains was novel and really popular but didn't last quite as well the thing i think that's really funny because i'm about to grab my number two is that and i haven't completely been keeping track of yours of what the publishers are but i have two fantasy flights a plaid hat i'm about to grab another plaid hat interesting i had a fantasy flight right android android knife right at xcom fantasy flights i had mice and mistakes plaid plaid hat trains was an aeg mercenaries i don't know who it is star trek league happens with wiz kids tolkien was cge a lot of popular popular people there plaid hat games also made this absolute beauty dead of winter this is one you can still pick up i highly suggest it this is one that i think suffered from pop culture so this was very popular when walking dead was out and a lot of people were because i worked at a hobby shop and we were also selling comics and a lot of people that were comic lovers would walk over and pick up that of winter this is one that sells great it was flying off the shelves a lot of people love this game uh it's a co-op game where you are playing as a colony of uh people that are survivors from an apocalypse and you are fighting against zombies and just making sure you're not overrun one of my favorite parts is there are standees for all of the zombies and there are quite a few standees for the zombies and there are extra zombie tokens and when i introduced this to a new player they were like oh so does that if more zombies come out i was like no that's when more zombies come out you will use those tokens almost every time that many zombies will come and overrun you it's really fun um so i really love this one but i feel like when zombies kind of died out from pop culture that's when people stopped talking about this game yeah dead winter was super popular when it first came out it's a good choice a great choice yeah this is one that i never actually i i don't know because i know you haven't really i i started a game i don't think i'm finished i don't remember why or what i just recalled this being on the table and someone making a decision about whether to keep the gasoline or fix the barricades i'm like that that sounds right right yeah yeah like i remember some vague concept i never actually and the whole concept the thing that was like this was a crossroads game like that this concept of these crossroads cards that i don't remember or know what they do okay so what happens is in the game say and i'm not gonna remember their names but say you're playing as meg meg is in the library you draw a crossroads card and the crossroads someone else will drop for you and it says specifically if meg goes to the police station so they'll read it and be like okay nothing happens yet and then you do your turn and you move to the police station and you're like i'm gonna do this and they're like wait a second oh that's cool it is really cool it's if certain things trigger and sometimes it'll be if someone has this person plus this person in their party so sometimes it happens right away sometimes it's if a thing happens and sometimes the thing doesn't happen like if i'd never left the library so they popularized this that crossroads constant game that i think they've only ever further applied into a game called gen seven that was a bust i thought i don't think so i described it differently i haven't really heard of any other crossroads yeah they so they had that concept in gen seven then sentence having a crossroads game and no one actually really talked about that seven much but this was super powerful when it came out how had had at least one expansion had dead dead entered a long night i believe yeah yeah they may have had more i don't know uh there's the long night and there's the colony one could be i don't know um it's where you can play like groups against each other warring colonies yes yes um the thing i'll say about the crossroads is you're drawing it every turn so it often doesn't happen that this is one of those games that has given me those like whoa and like everyone's screaming and something happening in the game that it's like this happened to happen with that because sometimes it's like if you kill a zombie in a certain location and then something crazy happens it is really exciting when the thing happens it's cool yeah yeah very fun yeah i suggest still picking this up if you can i think it's still in print i think mine have one about you know 25 minutes and one camera battery recharge later oops we're back but it happened right before our number ones which i think is perfect timing perfect time made you wait for it actually made us wait for you're not waiting for long at all my number one is a game that when it came out was completely impossible to get your hands on there was so much buzz there was so much hype it was it was usually that just was work was really really demanding it was doing cute chippy miniatures in a way that was just wanted like cucumbers like really cute missions i don't know i think i might what is this is it cross master arena no no so close is it arcadia quest super dungeon explorer okay i do i do but not even so arcade quest is actually my short list i think they're doing our creative quest too that one was a big one yeah but super dungeon explorer came out and it was from soda pop miniatures i believe or a ninja ninja division maybe i don't actually know which ones which uh oh yeah one of those two companies or something like that but whatever it was it was incredibly in demand everyone's trying to get their hands on this game it came out of retail i remember watching rodney smith this is my first experience smith oh yeah my first one i got i got the game this is back we watched his original games he wasn't doing a how to play he was doing a literally watch it played the reason why i played was like him going through like 20 games of like i mean he played matches of madness i watched him play through the lord of the rings lcg and that's how i learned how to play it 10 years later he had some snarky funny bit in there that was not like he didn't do that anymore but yeah i remember he had a bit about i can't remember what he did he's something funny in that video in the lord of the rings video i don't know it was a whole playthrough so i watched multiple ones yeah but i'm saying as he's finishing off one he doesn't think funny i can't remember either way he really like he used to play through games and he played through these with his kids with uh luke and i apologize to explore with it with them i watched them go through this to learn the game to figure out how to play and all this stuff like really really doing like it was insane and i was so excited for this game and i got the game and we didn't like it at all it wasn't false but yeah it's a very anti-galactic ending but it's a game that was generally well-rated generally well-liked and was incredibly incredibly popular when it came out had multiple expansions and nowadays no one talks about it i don't know why that is um i don't know my video my video calling going off let's go ahead and end that over here you can do it if not but uh it was yeah it's it was incredibly popular and just just hard to get your hands on now or not hard to get hands on i was just no one no one talks about it or seems to care anymore they had a few other kickstarters around it for other options but yeah that's where we are with that one that's number one you're number one out of all of those yeah i don't know if i want to make that one number one oh the reason i made number one is because of the contrast between how popular it was and how little it is talked about how far it has fought how far like other games like we talked about like nice mystics still a popular game to a degree like lots of these games are still in some way shape or form liked and talked about and respected and super just explore it i just don't hear anyone caring about it at all yeah never won my number one is a game that i love so much near and dear to my heart um this is a different one not the original one this is small world of war small world of warcraft i just grabbed this one because it was the top one but small world um small world is one of the first games that i play in again um it's by days of wonder they make games like ticket to ride uh five tribes and small world is you are playing as different fantasy based uh factions and then they also get abilities and they're all randomized and they're tiles that you can take and it's area control where there's a board of different regions and you're trying to take them over with all of your tiles and then there's a mechanic in the game where you go into oh my gosh decline and you flip your things over and then you kind of control two factions at once and the in decline will score for you but that's it but the active races you can use to then you know conquer more areas this got me into gaming this is one of the ones that i loved i would ask to play over and over and one of the things that i loved about this one was that i was obsessed with the expansions they came out with packs that added like the priestesses and uh a necromancer island that was really funny this is the invisible ones yeah they they make the tower yeah yeah they're very good you can only get like four of them though yes yeah um really love this one and it broke my heart when they stopped making expansions for it i remember at my flgs like getting them and being very excited and they've slowed down and stopped that it hurt i like this game enough that i had the fan expansions for it wow yeah but you never got the deluxe box no i didn't i wanted that so bad they made a deluxe wooden box for all the smaller like metal coins and things like that um and i wanted that so bad yes marvel i don't know i don't know if you know this do you know what my first two games that got me into gaming were no smaller than stone age nice and this time the sd card was full so so that problem is fixed but alex never adds cuts to his videos and this poor video means like six cuts well that's a problem so when other camera issues other people just cut cut cut because i don't know what it cuts i always feel need to explain there was a cut because like this thing happened someone knocked the door they're rare but they happen they do happen but in any case they're saying stone age and small roles are the two games i played put them back to back and that's what got me into gaming back to back like right no like two months apart okay but so like for me i had never played good games in like two months apart i was like this i just got introduced to two amazing games that i've never heard of like i already had played katan sure i played card cuz i played a few games but like over years over over like decades and i played two good games back to back and i was like what am i missing and what else is out there i started looking it's so funny one of the first things i did is i went to cool stuff inc and i bought every expansion for small world it's like they have expansions for this game they have things and more races i bought every single thing small old underground small old realms actually if all realms didn't exist yet i thought you hadn't had underworld what i never played underground i bought underground i bought underground it doesn't integrate as cleanly as the other contents it's more of an adjacent one so i bought underground and i bought i i think realms you it looks like you have all the new ones you have realms sky islands and river world yes i got out of small world before they did sky islands or river world i got in i stole into it when they did realms and i had all the other expansions be not afraid um damsels or games great games like that i have all of those they're in the boxes um you can have like what leprechauns yep the necromancer island did you have that yeah yeah that expansion i know plates but i have it well i have the tails of the smart wall that the those the cards yeah that's the card yeah that's right yeah they saw it i had the whole thing condensed into one box back once upon a time i was able to make all that work and it was a great game i got out of it eventually got out of it before they did this world of warcraft well before that but it was one of my first intros into gaming and yeah yeah i really love this one i think it's one that is also a like for what happened with you a gateway game it's a very good entry game that i think this is why a lot of people loved it that it was getting them into gaming um it's great i love this one i love small rounds one of my backup picks the ones that didn't make the list uh was uh five stripes from days of wonder yeah they are that was also a big big one i still have that one still solid that one managed to hold strong for me but yeah yeah five times in seasons were the two that i thought you would pick seasons i came very close to um i actually did it was not my list at all for sure five tribes so and as i was putting to my list finally i was looking around your room i was like oh i should put seasons on the list and i look at my other titles and i was like you know what i think season is going to make not make the cut but it was close in any case that's it these are the 20 games plus a few uh random callouts of games that once upon a time were very very very much a big deal and some are you can't find some you can still buy some are in print some are still popular but just not as popular but they're all over the place the hobby constantly moves and change games come out all the time games are talked about games are are hyped but every single year do you make games coming a year no do you want to know sure it's like 5 000 games per year is that for sure i feel like there's got to be even more that somehow i guess is that globally so if you look if you're using board game geek as i think as a catalog games it's roughly five thousand games a year and even if you filter down to like well-rated well-liked games that in some way have a degree of following like you mean you can still come out there it's like 500 plus games a year that are like have an actual following and actual presence i believe it because even just how my collection changes and my favorites changed uh we talked about top games in a different thing and dinosaur island used to be one of my top games back in 2020 and by now it's really not it's just so fast like then you'll never keep up five you you can play a new game every single day for the rest of your life and never play all the games you still would not keep up but you could play more than one in a day yeah well i do right now but like we're in a very specific position where we're able to justify playing more games for the most people and i guess i still can't keep up the idea and many people they're like i get 10 give us a year they have to pick 10 games from 500 games that's rough that's tough yeah even if you're picking 50. it's still still tough i could do 50. i have to try i have to figure it out all right in any case uh this is this has been the list i'll go ahead and link to my channel down below and we'll go through all the other stuff out here i'm talking about what am i even saying i don't know what i'm saying we'll go through all of the stuff other videos there'll be other links yeah there's camp co-op you can check us out on twitch yeah shout outs to it shout out to twitch and all this stuff uh yeah in any case and until next time i'm alex radcliffe from morgan co i'm professor meg and i hope you have a good one bye
Channel: BoardGameCo
Views: 42,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x265BoG1bCg
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Length: 54min 34sec (3274 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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