Purging My Unplayed Games - I'm Just Not Going To Make The Time To Play These...

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damn Alex raccoon from board Gameco and today we're doing another Purge call priorities Purge so so your your original idea for this video was going through my unplayed games and deciding what we want to play yes my original idea was going to my unplayed games and deciding what I'm definitely totally not making time for even though I know I want to yes which would get rid of to make my yeah so what we're gonna be doing is four contacts for the record as I have something in my eye over here my goal for this video is to plan what we will play in 2023 and I have something in my eye that will not there we go uh so basically no it's still there still there blinking it away uh basically for this video what we're gonna be doing is I have too many unplayed games that's happened across the course of content creation before I got into conjugation my unplayed stack and I've talked to this before although I don't haven't really talked about the number of unplayed games we're gonna be a little Frank a little embarrassing right now in the past before content creation it's not embarrassing because literally you've played a game a day that's the thing I use in my defense so it's not embarrassing it's not that they've all been sitting there it's that morning just keep coming in so before concentration at any given point I had around 30 games in my unplayed games which for some people is a lot for me that gave me variety because that means I had an unplayed game when I wanted a four player game that takes two hours I had an unplayed game and I wanted a new solo game so across the branches of how you can figure time and player account I had a few unplayed games for each opportunity and I would dive into them and then make sure that my stack didn't get too large then I got into content creation which means in addition to buying games backing games and getting all the games in the usual sources I started getting a publisher copies of games to review which meant the balance started to slowly get worse and worse and worse kind of a big deal uh and right now we have currently and we're not gonna be going through all this because we're going to be dividing this up there's two categories of unplayed games that I have we cannot show you the full extent we'll show you why because one well so we have two categories of unplayed games at this point in my collection first of all the count of unplayed games is around 150. that's the total account amount of unplayed games I have in my collection at the moment meeting games I have never actually played and they're sitting there waiting for attentions and how does that make you feel bad bad very bad bad bad bad not optimistic that you can at least if we Whittle it down you can oh I think we can Whittle down but I mean it's gonna be and so part of my part of my goal of whittling it down is for last year for those of you who followed every single month I had a video of the games I played this month the new games had a game of day challenge where I played a new game every single day last year with the goal of whittling a town are you going to continue that no no my goal in 2020. you didn't like that series my goal in 2023 is to take on fewer games that's that's my ideal goal yeah uh but we'll see we'll see how that actually goes but in any case the so I did a game day challenge but the goal being that I'll Whittle down my unplayed games I started 2022 with around 150 unplayed games I played a new game every single day I ended 2022 with around 150 unplayed games the numbers didn't change new games came in faster than I could actually not faster around the same Pace that I could deal with and so right now we're doing something similar but basically we have two piles of unplayed games we have publisher copies meaning games haven't sent me to review those are not the subject of this video for the simple reason that I'm not going to purge any game that's been sent to me to review it was sent to me to review I will cover at some point in some way shape or form so I'm not really purging those are any of those ones that you've played the Prototype but not the final copy or they're just all completely brand new to you I mean there's there's there if I play the Prototype I count as a play game okay yeah okay uh and so then from there the other category that is a smaller category that's around 50 or so publisher copy some of that range and then we have around 100 maybe it's a little less maybe it's 90 maybe 80 I don't know of unplayed games that have always been de-prioritized meaning I didn't dive into them quite as quickly because I'd rather try to get the commitments taken care of and so we have a whole calyx cubby full of a whole bunch of games that we're going to be going through all of them and I'm going to be picking and choosing we're going to be picking and choosing the games we want to focus on as we want to get this played in 2023 and then the games that are like hey as much as I got it for a reason as much as I got my hands in there for this reason that reason or the other reason the Practical reality is that we're not picking and choosing it over other games that's the issue this is about hard truths you know what would be really cool what should we do this again in January and recap what we did play it'll be two games we played two games that's not true we're gonna play some of these in January it's January now no no no no next year oh well of course yes yes yes yes yes sorry sorry go over the list and say oh that makes more sense I was like you're giving us three weeks okay after this after this exactly so we're gonna go ahead and start touring I don't know if you want you want to stop the camera make sure to grab the camera all right let's go let's just grab the camera let me uh quickly thank you Mr Radcliffe for making me my coffee oh I'll be grabbing my Amber Cup in a second yeah yeah I don't know if I can dual wield so here we gonna go we're gonna give you the camera lady and Camera lady Mac so we're gonna flip this around here you go yeah I got my other mug because this is definitely coming with me as we go and we can start with uh the larger section do you want to start with the smallest section I mean we are right here so here's the smallest section of games let's try to move this camera this light of your face perfect so this is the first uh and it's a little broken up we have a lot of a lot of games over there but this is the first section of games that need to be discussed about it okay and here's what we got here's we got ready for this so we have a full calyx full of key Forge what do you know about key Forge uh dark building maybe not deck building card games it's basically the same thing as soulforge okay so it is deck building kind of you build them to a degree so key Forge the design by Richard Garfield as well as maybe just Richard Garfield I don't know but uh soulfish was also done with your Garfield together with um Justin Gary thank you and so keyforge was the original game system I got a whole bunch of stuff very cheaply there's like a whole used collection of tons of keyforge and I've immediately dive into it let's let's show the extent because I'm kind of doing a wide angle but guys look at how much keyboard there's an entire cubby full of like just keyboards and keyboards and keyboards and keyforge are you gonna get rid of it well that's the question this is the video mag this is the video are we getting rid of it or are we playing it I uh I'm not like crazy about it if uh if we're gonna be going through them but uh that may be something that someone would love to win well so it's not going away I want to at least play it first and see if I like it okay so you want to add this to the playlist well here's the problem we've talked about this we like soulfuls right but we've complained about the production quality of so Force right key Forge has better production quality does it have the card upgrade system kind of it doesn't I don't think so that's the problem okay I really enjoy that I agree with you but I still want to see what they came up with because I've heard good things about key Forge every deck is unique it has that aspect and so I do plan on playing it I don't expect it to stay but I I do plan on playing it so sorry guys if you're getting distracted by all this Frost Haven goodness over oh the frosting goodness the frosting campaign wait subscribe babies there's a link down below subscribe to Camp cop if you want to see Mike and I playing through Frost even okay back to getting rid of games okay we have Venus Lisboa and kanban Evie Elizabeth shouldn't technically be there that actually has been played but the other two are there and speaking of giveaways is this a technically unplayed shelf over here this shelf is technically unplated because I thought this area which we'll get to is unplated it is this is the Overflow okay because I have overflow Mega because there's too many games Okay okay so well we'll fix them Venus and kanban those actually speaking of giveaways I've decided that those are being given away oh on the channel okay there's a big box of sort of games uh those as well as a whole bunch of other I'm gonna be giving away six list sort of games I want to say oh my gosh I think six uh including was boa only because I have an extra copy of this boa now of these I've wanted to play Venus um well are you expecting to play my copy I don't have to but I don't have my own I want something I do have my own on Mars so so that's good that helps because that means we can still play on Mars the problem with the sort of games is that I played lizboa and I like lizboa I do not love Lisboa and I don't know if I'm ready to give the mental energy and commitment to all six of these lacertas and so I'm kind of in the camp of you have on Mars so that should be fine and if I actually ever really prioritize them then we'll talk but until then I don't know if I need them and they're good giveaway material I don't know Alex if you're if you're holding onto key Forge to play we can't play Venus come on it's a big deal okay we can we can try well there's another big deal right below there that I would prefer over that so do we want to talk more of the ring is definitely not leaving yet I do expect it I I do have more of the Ring though yeah this one yeah so I do expect warling to leave but I do want to play it first okay I know that Devin and a lot of people are gonna unsubscribe for this that's okay unsubscribe from Devon not for me Devin Cox tabletop he has played War of the ring and dune uh Dune War for Rockets from come out come on and he basically thinks that Dune warfarakis gives him the war of the wing feel but in like two hours instead of four and a half yeah but it's not Lord of the Rings that is a fair distinction in point and that would matter but if it's a four and a half hour game and we don't actually think we're gonna play it again then who cares okay well I also have it and I won't get rid of it so that helps excellent okay so now we move on to age of Atlantis age of launchers over here and this is what again we started making hard choices here age of Atlantis um is I I have no intention of getting rid of this one in fact actually I believe I believe you've seen this cover in a video we did at one point yes yes I very heavily want to play this one I've heard good things and this is not going anywhere hey if you want to get rid of that one eventually you can send that to my house too maybe but first I have to play it because it's not going anywhere yeah on the other hand in fact this I would love to put on our this whole point of this video is to divide things into lists we haven't divided things yet yeah are you putting Vinos into I want to play this game I do I do you do I do you have to learn everything else before I get rid of it do you want to put that burden on me and if I don't do it within like a month then you can get rid of it we can have that conversation although that's going to mess with my giveaway plans we'll have to talk about that okay um fields of green I think I can get rid of okay uh as much as I want to produce one this is from our trivia games I've heard good things about it it's basically a Wii theme of of um Among the Stars or whatever um I just I read the rules I wasn't inspired it's like a 7.2 or 7.3 on Board Game Geek that's not an inspiring rating I think as much as I would like to play it I think we can safely get rid of it all right are we gonna make the pile of get rid of we should make a pile of both honestly uh is it do you want to make a pile of the ones we want to play and take them all that's up to you okay um I hear your point it's gonna be large because we want to play a lot of things I say why don't we discuss it and then for the ones we want to play we can recap at the table again maybe it was like a list then we have icky uh this one I've heard good things about this one I've heard good things too but I do have like you know I would prefer quite a few over that so well that's the conversation this list of 80 games is going to go down to like 20. I feel like that's the one that if it was at a convention and people were at a table and they were like hey like we're all we all want to play with you mag like do you want to come play with us I'd be like yeah sure teach it to me but it's rated well and some I probably show called sorry we are French which is the best publisher name ever yeah so there's that they did a uh card game go see go see oh there you go cool uh we have petrichor here's the problem with petrichor oh we have so many games mag there's a problem okay I think we can say something I think we can safely get rid of the Looney Tune you haven't played a pocket yet I have not played hockey I don't think it's that tough one let's say one thing at a time I think I can get rid of this okay okay as much as this is for perfusion first of all you have this don't you I do okay so that means I always have access to it but check out these minis as little guys they're like the minis are amazing the problem is this is a skirmish game that is a little bit more kid-friendly and kid focused yeah look at that can I see the uh Teen Titan Teen Titans oh this one's not I thought it was showing the minis yeah it's fine The Minis and these are great look guys you should check them the Miniatures are phenomenal that's not the question but I just don't think I'm gonna prioritize it I have no real urge to play a compared to others wow you got like a whole empty coming yeah it's gonna be helpful so those were weights for a minute but they are these are key Force planets yes so we have the knocking the infinity box I've heard too many good things about this game it's not going anywhere yeah it's definitely staying and then we have Hippocrates wait are you pulling icky so what are you no he's staying oh okay I keep saying it's not going over okay yeah um the Hippocrates what were you saying about it I think it's uh like accessible that we could play like not quickly but I think I don't think it stays from what I've heard about it but I think it's one that I'm happy to play I think it's one that wouldn't take too long but I agree I don't feel crazy about it and then we have Patrick have you heard of petrichor and you know I know the name but I don't think I know what so Patrick is from David Cheroke it's from mighty boards and this is one where I so first of all I mean oh my gosh some of the components here if you see how this doesn't even show you look at that look at the like the B and the cow on the cover it took me a minute because I'm doing both there's like the Red Dot sorry for all the dot lights guys oh that is a really cute you see it this is Patrick or is about the the okay let's keep it that rises from the ground and goes like back to the sky or something like that that's like what it means I think oh my gosh do you want to know a fun fact fun fact hit me with one fun fact I believe that there are like necro search people that search for dead bodies that are buried and based on like how the air rises like through Dew and stuff you can tell if there's like I don't know body gases like buried in the ground that is disturbing well I mean it's helpful that's helpful yeah sure helpful it's both helpful okay I'm gonna protect you guys from the light okay Alex so that was the uh main area uh do you want Sherman so the only ones we're getting rid of are Teen Titans and Fields of green okay so far so far we have a whole list to go through do you want to cheer for this no no you don't know means yes no Okay cool so I feel like guys if I was in a chair it would be this angle so I'm gonna be down here oh well I don't know I can make it work up to you at any point if you want to show you gotta share so here's what we got over here we got a few things going on we got Horizon zero down which I have played wow that's an intimidating stock though can you can you consolidate I don't know well I haven't decided if I'm keeping it I like it but do I like it enough to keep this watch that makes sense that's the problem we have the tomatization of a tonaton of sale which has been too many bones it's not going anywhere we have Coffee Traders this is a game about coffee that's well rated from Capstone games it's not going anywhere yeah I have to play it I do agree with that this is my coffee the problem is three to five players I I don't know we'll get to play we'll get it played raccoon Tycoon uh this one lizard wizard games this is fun that's not true this is fun forbidden games we did Mosaic um Western Wizard game well because they did a game I know that's funny that you did that so a Korean Tycoon is the game that predates lizard Wizard and I don't imagine it stays but I do imagine that I want to give it a shot before it goes away so I think that one's staying over here here we have the anacrity non-infinity box maybe we'll keep um do I have doubles of an Agony maybe we keep uh yeah and get rid of an acne as an extra giveaway you want to get rid of the big box no no give me the big box okay okay maybe you're looking at that direction so I was like I was just thinking I think I have I I think when I got the big box I doubled up okay um Alex I hate to do this mid video do you want the chair no how do I make this the guys I'm holding like a tripod thing can I make this angle this way because let's see let's see so I think we do this like this perfect that's exactly what I wanted exactly perfect sorry guys so we have Eclipse second off of the Galaxy this is a 4X experience I've played the original Eclipse I don't know if the new eclipse is better enough that it stays I like the original Clips not enough to keep it but for now that is a big box it's a lot of real estate there's a lot of well yeah I mean real estate's just real estate's cheap it's Cleveland so we have the hunters let me let me give everyone a closer shot we have Eclipse we have an Alchemy McQueen Tycoon we have the Hunter's ad uh this one over here is uh what's it called um this is supposed to be for people who like games like Blue Haven oh do you like games like living I do like games like I like games like it's related it's like an eight point something on board okay let's add that to the list of some games to play in 2023 though that's out of the list oh wait I'm looking at the Box a little closer now oh this might not be a Meg Vibe you might have to play this with Akiva you're saying you don't care about post-apocalyptic uh Warfare uh not at all what about if it's a survival base and what if there's encounters and things you just want to like you just want a store don't you yeah am I playing a game that's like blue Maven without you I want dragons and stuff there's no dragons yeah I don't know I mean I'm willing to look more at it but I don't know if I'm even willing to learn it it does play West solo supposedly this is a personal preference guys um medcam here now completely personal preference but I don't really like like war base things or things like that or like real life kind of games I mean I guess some real life things like I like the animal a lot and stuff but yeah I I don't know if that's a Vibe I'm willing to jive with cool cool so apparently I may be playing that one myself but you're a legacy I don't think this is getting played really with who when I have really been interested in it yeah but when are we playing it tonight I really wanted to would you like this in your collection yes okay cool cool because he's like I would love to get rid of it I had this I so I got patreon Legacy doing covid when everything was in shutdown the problem is it plays with three players plus never got a tabled I would love to table it I love Legacy games but again the Legacy game that requires three players practically speaking in my experience doesn't really get played two player Legacy games those work great we play Legacy games not so much yeah I mean hey 2023 I feel like we can make it what if we said that almost sounded like hey Cole was coming back you got time you said it was dark no I'm just being optimistic about the new year because it's January but what if let me throw this at you Alex what if we made betrayal Legacy our convention game and that we always played it with like me you Devin and like a handful of other people that we need three really four four maybe yeah um like Chris George it's a good thing this is not leaving our Collective collection yeah I feel like that could be a good thing that like every convention we play once I'm happy on that conversation I don't like holding on to games that I don't think are getting played and it's been it's been since 2020 early 2020s when I got it yeah but again if you need three people and 2020 was covered yeah well I got it because of Covenant shutdown I was like hey we'll play it but that wasn't it anyways moving on to the next level here so um we're gonna go copy by copy over here I do have this hand-dandy coconut board that I'm gonna wheel a bit out of the way it is beautiful that's from uh what's it called um that's from Tracy um there's some Tracy boards correct and uh Kevin Kevin found a channel Kevin we love you so we're gonna go come by cubby now don't get too scared behind every stack of games is more games that's how you keep it all I'm too scared I mean it's not that bad though because the little ladies are there's only like what one behind it depends on the cubby one or two in each cubby depends on the cubby so I think we can safely get rid of abomination this is from Planet games um it's got horror Vibes and it's I still love plaid hat it is a revised rule set that makes us more accessible supposedly oh it looks so scary it looks your Vibe right yeah there's a soccer game look at this look at this guy that's on the in the background in the shadows oh I don't know Alex it's spooky oh no it's cool so I mean yeah this is a game but a building you know you're francathon your building oh my God it's so scary he's gonna get through yeah yeah I don't know well I'll put on the Betrayal Legacy stock right now but I think we can get rid of it uh that one the reason I have that one is it came to me in trade I was like you know what I'll play it spoiler alert I did not play it you guys we're gonna Meg Kim tangent again but Alex and I are doing this because I had a lot of fun helping him do this the first time and then he kind of got me into purging games so I started getting rid of games but before that a bunch of the ones he got rid of did get sent to my house and I feel like this is just a way for me to get a bunch of games and we are we are I know you guys like seeing a lot of his house um I don't know if I should show this but these are games that are leaving these are the games this whole area's games are leaving you better bet before I leave I'm gonna pull out what I want for the Meg stack oh Meg you are there's not a ton there's like two I don't care who gets the games but you're not getting where the games are you I got rid of some so I'm gonna be sitting down again you sure don't want a chair because I'm just sitting down I don't but I do want to move the chair that's behind you because I don't love the tag showing in the background sorry guys camera stuff camera stuff yeah yeah so I'm doing it for you we have the Godfather Coleman's Emperor I've had this for like three years I don't care it's gonna get played I I've heard good things about this I don't know if it stays but it's easy enough to table it's my group's Vibe this is dang I've heard great things about it do you know it's like about like you're controlling your different like little Mafia groups trying to do different things yeah I've heard a very blood way Jessica Treasure Island Magical games um they've heard great things about the game beautiful oh my gosh look at no I don't but look at the wolf look at the glory this is oh my gosh he has a brown eye and a blue eye you have to keep it this is a game in which it's about treasure okay so you have one player who hid the treasure on the island literally by drawing on this map someone hid the treasure there's a dry erase and then yeah it's dry erase stuff and then people are using various tools to wander around the map and try to find the treasure and try to narrow down things oh my gosh you love games like this yeah in theory also God before covet haven't played it don't know when I'm actually prioritizing it yeah you can put in the med stack next stack if you want but it's going away oh it is going away I don't think I'm gonna prioritize it I I would love to play it I just not the realistic issue here yeah I like Monica it takes 45 minutes it's for ages 10 plus you think we can't learn that quickly you mean Devin you think we can't learn that quickly how about this let's put this in the uh gets played soon or goes away style yeah yeah okay so this is staying apparently you mean Devin we'll play Treasure Island I've heard good things I've heard it's a fun time this is like an anti-purd it's okay which I guess we did open up with the point of I want you to keep things you haven't played Mark I have not okay well it's staying around I'm judging you why if you're not playing it yeah you played it no but you do so much you should have said it do you want your coffee no I'm good uh this one Alexander Fitzgerald it's supposed to be a great game it also plays well solo supposedly it's thing I should just play it so long as they call a day dark domains I have not heard enough about this game I've heard it's well rated and it looks cool so Mr began it does look cool it has very dark Vibes to it I don't know much about it it's sticking around hmm okay so that's why is it sticking around shelf one has got one dark domain sticking around oh because it looks cool okay I still want to play it when I think of games here that I like do I want to play them versus am I just theoretically want to play them I want to play Doctor Mings I do active okay we have yellow and Angie this is sticking around but almost on a technicality because of the fact that Yong yangsi currently is about to be reprinted as Huang I believe um this is the very next year title it was uh Thai fishing Euphrates originally and then they made changes to it brought it back as yellow angsty um I like Wayne I can see I like tiger Street Freddy's this is gonna get played okay we have neon oh my gosh this is a tile Lane game it looks so easy to actually table I don't know if it's Tails it stays the cover looks now yeah yeah not grabbing me but it's got like all these tiles in the back and things and you're placing tiles down in as efficiently as possible in the city I think it's gonna get tabled I'm keeping it all right we have the Magnificent a game but running a carnival with Pollyanna oh that's a fun cover yeah uh as polyaminos it's from uh what's it called it's from our Porta games I'm gonna play it I don't know when but I'm gonna play it I still want to table it are they 3D polyamerals the way that sounded um not 3D no okay just regular polyominus we have Santa Maria another game with I believe polyamorous house and someone yeah there's probably on the house you're building out you know Santa Maria Santa Maria the the Nina and the Nina the penta the Santa Maria that's the one I only have one of those three games but we have Santa movie over here polyaminos tiling should be super easy uh I have the expansion everything I'm gonna table it okay we have two games over here oh I can get rid of this one two out of this shelf and that's it yeah Heroes of Stalingrad I want to play this I really do I will never play it with you that's the problem I don't think this is getting tabled I forgot I have this I I think realistically as much as I want to table this I think it can go in the going away pile okay it hurts I want this game well well then if it hurts nope it hurts but it has to it has to happen okay okay all right transatlantic by Mac Earth's I like Matt Gertz he designed Concordia he designed a nav a navigator and Imperial 2030 and a whole bunch of games that I really enjoy and he dwell them mackers has done a ton of good stuff also this is one of his less well-rated games I think I can safely get rid of it okay these over here all four of these are I think our games are on the table I do and send me I really I would love to Table Santa Maria sooner rather than later now I understand because of capacity how you have games behind the games but I think that that kind of puts them out of sight out of mind I specifically put the ones outside of mind that I had less of an urge to play I think that means you need to get rid of them that's what I'm doing with some of them yeah yeah we have Kayla's 1503 1303. I've played the original k-list I like the original k-list I never heard enough Buzz about 1303 four to be one that I think I'm going to prioritize I think I can get rid of it okay I think Kayla's was a fantastic game and the reprint never got extra attention I don't know why I just never really heard much about it from it goodbye we have Tio track on city of the Gods I have to keep this anything in the T-Series has to be played I think it has to be played and that's going to apply equally to takanu over here and then also I feel like someone's home might be Vino and then we have Mexico here which just looks cool cover looks cool it's from yellow um it looks like it's easy enough to table it's uh it's uh how long is it it's 60 to 90 minutes that should be easy table I think I still want to table this one or try tables one yellow and then we have another look down the first game Mombasa so this one's gonna get played as well we're gonna try to play that okay and then lastly we have flotilla flotilla over here which I don't think I'm gonna play this yeah I've heard okay things about it I've not been inspired enough I think it reminds me of Water World it does look like water yeah interesting cool okay gosh it's been a long time since I've seen that movie also someone ding me so let's see who ding me so I can get that a little bit it might have been Devin going for a run I don't know is the gene not showing up here nope nothing not showing up I didn't get the thing I heard it though I know but it's not my phone it might jump in a second okay next row of Cubbies ready campaign Trail this one's sticking around I like it a lot okay you like it a lot well I don't know I'm sorry I've heard good things okay Imperial spell steam you have a coffee already I do and I don't think I need a place I do I think that would be a good giveaway one if you want to give that one I did a lot of good giveaway material here we'll figure that part out a second but campaign Trail was a um gray fox game Kickstarter about running campaigns and political stuff and all those things um it looks cool I've heard good things we'll see I want to play it okay gonna stick over here but Imperial spells and steams I've I've tried tabling this one it makes it easier to get rid of knowing that you have it yeah but like I don't know I might play at your copy and then be like this is amazing how do you like your copy I enjoy it but it has been a while since I've played it like I haven't uh pulled it out in a very long time do you think it's the kind of game I'm gonna play it and then be like I need this back ASAP I don't think so yeah that's what I think too I enjoy it and I won't get rid of it but I think between the two of us like that's good enough we have grand Austria Hotel over here uh this is one that I had originally I enjoyed it enough that I decided to get it back once they have the expansion so there's something that happened with um Lorenzo magnifico where I like to learn something like difficult but I got rid of it because I had other Euro games I preferred and the expansion made it better so I got Grand Austria Hotel back because of the expansion I'm going to play with expansion and we'll see what happens we have Marco Polo Chu another kind of situation I've played the original Marco Polo I thought it was good kite Polo thank you uh the Marco Polo 2 I believe takes Marco Polo and loosens it up a bit and I I that's what I thought I wanted so I think I'm gonna keep it around for right now we'll see how that goes okay uh key flow I expect to leave but it's based it's on a similar system as key flower at least I thought it was yeah it looks different I don't know do I need key flow I like so key flower is an amazing game I am going to sit down sorry for the angle change key flower is amazing game I don't think I need to prioritize key flow okay I think go away bye that hurts a little bit we have smartphone big box over here oh I'm gonna hold on to this one yeah it is Arcane wonders yes it is I've heard good things about it I'm gonna hold on to it right now I think a lot of people enjoy that one yeah it's supposed to be like uh maybe maybe don't put that one in the back did you take any out of the toss deck that you can leave organizing later okay I don't want to do reorganizing on I'm not doing extensively organizing on camera yeah okay okay one more color over here we have iwari this game just looks too beautiful to get rid of it I mean here man look at the cover of the hair look at the back and the pieces of the components are incredible looking almost uh can I see because I was looking through the viewfinder can I see that okay oh we're gonna open it we're opening it you're gonna go you're gonna say the map panels almost remind me of spirit Island tell me that this isn't beautiful looking yeah um look at these it reminds me of like what I mean that would be great spirit Island had like honestly this is almost worth pillaging just to keep those for Spirit Island yeah but I think they're a little too I don't know if there's like counting it would not no it just reminds me of it yeah it has computeiform components it's supposed to be a good game what is it I don't know it's a game I'd like to play it's not come off it's not it's okay at least you can describe that Prague and I've heard good things about I like my Euro games I don't get them as fast I'd like but I think I can hold on to it vladima Sushi he's a great designer I played Shipyard for him way back in the day we have a man ray I think I can safely get rid of this okay it hurts but I I never prioritize it it's a plays best with five players it's got bidding I'm just gonna play solates instead and let's be real like if you regret any of these you'll get them back so yeah but I don't love I don't love the Cavalier getting things back yeah but if you get rid of an entire stack and then get one of them back that's not well that's always that's always my logic of purges with purchase in general my logic has always been around the fact that I do get some things back and I get rid of a whole lot of stuff and only get a small selection back and that way it's it pays for itself I think that's reasonable alma mater this is the follow-up to coinbro which I love one of my favorite Euros uh with alma mater practically speaking I don't think it stays because I haven't heard enough Buzz about it but I think I do want to try it yeah yeah I mean with the thing you were starting off with I wasn't gonna let you get rid of this one so yeah uh yeah yeah can you guys see my coffee right right there like my coffee thank you guys can we give Alex's coffee Amber mug Amber mug these things keep your coffee nice and hot for a while not sponsored trying to be Amber reach out to me oh we've sold so many Emperors at this point that's the thing I don't mind I don't mind teaching a product that I actually love I don't want to pitch products that companies reached out and say hey pitch our product that you've never used and talking about how much you love it that's not my jam but I love the summer mug I would happily take a paycheck from them to sell you on it because honestly you should buy even now before I get paid next up we have dice settlers uh expansion and dice tablets over here okay these are going away oh okay I haven't heard good enough things about these games but I don't need it I don't I love the art I like the publisher company I like the designer I like all those things I haven't heard good enough things about this game that there's a reason it's one of those back games situations okay okay that's these Cubbies done which means we're making more progress on my Cubbies you're doing great yeah yeah now these Cubbies oh no they haven't changed they're just reorganized lately because we're gonna hit yeah so Alex I don't know if you want to roll crocodile board back now it makes sense for visibility thank you what a great board okay ready are you starting the top or the bottom top bottom okay Dinosaur World my game plan with this is for you to play with me I haven't all the expansion I know but I don't I want this one I want to hold on to a bit more until we actually play it okay uh unlike because Imperial I just don't imagine I get back I think there's a chance I loved on this world you're like no your face is like no I don't think you're gonna wanna get here knowing you and what you keep and don't keep I don't think you need to keep it and I have all the expansions you have everything worked you got three Kickstarter absolutely everything yeah I backed it dinosaurs going away I even have like the metal coins and everything I don't I don't I think with the experience that you could have in my house with it I don't think you need just the base game and I don't think you're gonna love it I think you'll like it I have it all yeah but I'll get I haven't heard good enough things about it I do want to play it very very much I think you'll have a fun time playing it and you won't be like upset that you played it but I don't think you'll want to keep it figure you're pretty ruthless I I try to be I try to be because it's too many unplay games because here's the thing I want to play I'm not I want to play I want to play you Robbie I want to play God for the Treasure Island Mark copper dark domains holding on to games that you don't want to play quite as much is just de-prioritizing the things you do want to play which isn't Fun for anyone you know though before we move away from Dinosaur World guys fun story uh one of my first interactions with Alex which isn't even a real interaction was when he was still selling games on uh BGG I bought his copy of totally liquid although it may not have been actually your copy not mine it might have been a yeah yeah a BGC copy but yeah before we were even friends I was buying games from board game go back when Morgan go was the thing yeah Morgan code is a different thing yep a few examples a different thing uh this one's staying around it is the longest unplayed game in my collection this is the longest lasting I've had this like five years has not been played but it's a good hit it looks cool it's hidden movement okay and it's supposed to be a good game I will make you this promise yes if we don't play it by October I will make you play on October okay sounds like a plan so this is a year long it's not a two-player game actually it's a two-player game it is a two-player game we'll see who's Akiva who's Akiva hey Pete Donna's Edge uh this plays well solo sticking around okay the fact that it's like a what it's like eight plus on boarding geek um and solo which means that's just an easy one to hold on Wiz War I don't know if this stays I thought it was Fantasy Flight it's Fantasy Flight it's old school fantasy yeah uh actually I'll take it well no it's not going oh yes okay Wizards okay you all gonna have wizards you're gonna have spells and you're gonna be just casting Furious Spells at one of those you try to steal treasure across the various portals of the dungeon and twisting tiles and things like that it's supposed to be just a jolly good time yes I said let's see the back show us the back okay okay you think it cheers yeah this is classic Fantasy Flight very much so it's awesome this is again people don't want to get their hands on all right in the back over here we have a Stefan fell titled form trojanum um this is the fanfeld it is not one of his most well-loved or talked about but honestly I like Stefan Feld enough that I want to play anything he puts out so I think I'm gonna prioritize playing this at some point Stefan we love you Stefan you're awesome okay got a full clear copy here we'll do rearranging later great you don't worker placement supposed to be a great worker placement game I like working placement it's got a ton of expansions from Warden dice this thing is it looks very cool has some amazing Miniatures all good things here very very interested in it I don't think it's going away okay but on the other hand the game below it daimyo I have heard nothing inspiring of a Dino and I have way too much stuff for it and so damio I think can safely go away okay we're making a pretty good stock yeah we got we got some on the table too too all right Moon Wars this is a old school speed and Fantasy Flight old school this is old school Fantasy Flight area control it's not a game you hear a lot about nowadays but it's also because it's out of print but I I like area control and I feel like any area control game has to be given a fair shot in my collection again this one I'm curious enough let's see in the back okay okay oh again classic fantasy flights look at these cards it's almost like the other one that we just looked at was what was word uh whiz Wars yeah and the minion cherries yep classic 196 plastic figures you gotta keep it and between that and theory of Dracula I mean again there's this this is like we got a lot of Fantasy Flight old school stuff here yeah that's cool we should do a Fantasy Flight video at some point or something Pagan fate of Roanoke this is a game I talked to you about briefly this is a witch and a witch hunter oh yes this is sticking around yes in fact this shouldn't even technically be on the Shelf because technically I've played this so really it should go on the I'm going to start of this one oh Alex slid it away but the art of this one reminds me of East of West if anyone has read that comic it looks a bit like East of West very cool so I played the Prototype if I played the Prototype it's not an unplayed game it's a play game we have map maker the gerrymandering game this is another political game that is I don't have to stand up I can't keep you in the game in frame no no so map maker the gerrymandering game this is a game but reconfiguring domains of voting districts so you're literally trying to reconfigure voting districts to make it advantageous to yourself it seems like a cool little puzzle I just don't think I feel compelled enough to prioritize it also politics stuff I mean I know I have campaign show here yeah politics stuff isn't my jam um but I don't mind it I just don't think I'm gonna prioritize it yeah we have more of Whispers I've heard good things about this game this supposed to be a great game very um area control uh political based not political political that sense but like you know manipulating and the negotiating other players Heard lots of good things definitely sticking around for now okay uh we have Cleopatra this was a days of Wonder game that was redone by mojito Studios uh I don't know a ton about it what I do know is if you want to show the covers the back look at those components whoa looks how do you opened it I have not okay so the back looks good but is it actually like that like let's see yeah imagine if it was like super light plastic and not you know I mean we have like I mean it's like oh wow yeah but no it looks great lots of cool looking things in here giant dye the biggest eye I've seen in a long time it looks great I don't know if it stays around that'll be gameplay conversation but I think I want to hold on to this right now and see if it's a game I will keep okay but then behind that we have a title which I think I could get rid of even though I've had this like twice but I haven't played it either time this is Royals Arcane wonders Dice Tower Essentials I've never heard good enough things about the game it's two to five players plays in 60 minutes so it looks like it is easy to table but like it's just not it's bad yeah it's behind for a reason yeah I think we're gonna get rid of that we got a lot of good titles okay we got some more stuff to go through here we have Skull King which I know you've played and we're not Impressions I did not enjoy it but I know other people who have liked it so I think it's gonna stick around for right now because I have been enjoying trick taking and I I think again that box size is easy enough to table okay we have assembly know nothing about this one it was a small light addictive puzzle game and so I got because of that but then I opened the rule book and it just looked like it was too much of a mess this is easy to let me check the rule book that's all right now well it says easy to learn but like this rulebook does not look easy to learn this rule book looks like a mess to learn maybe around you can teach it too maybe Rodney can teach me you know what honestly if this has a how to play I'll watch how to play otherwise I don't think I'm inspired enough all right I like that fox in the forest Arcane wonders no Renegade games electric taking for two take two players try taking games oh I would play that over Skull King let's try it out okay we'll keep it we have I've almost picked that one up multiple times at conventions well we should try it then okay Rosenberg um I think it's how you pronounce it nisphere or whatever uh this has a good solo mode so that's gonna help it get played as well actually it doesn't have it in Solo mode it's one to five I think this is the one that has a good solo mode you can look that up you could look that up yeah yeah but it's uh I like the way Rosenberg enough that I'm gonna try his games that's what comes down too it's gonna stick around for now oh assistant you keep going can you push closer to the Cubby because the this in the foreground I just don't want it to stop focusing on we have Orlean uh great game oh I've heard great things this is sticking around yeah bag building good things yeah the expansion which I have also introduces it to co-op Meg uh Wonderland's where I like made me like bag buildings so maybe we should try it Chocolate Factory sent to me by a fan when I mentioned uh that the chocolate Games should get played and um I have to play it and it's not going anywhere because the fan sentence we should get a bunch of chocolate and play it yes we should play this while eating chocolate I'm okay with that yes we have in the year of the dragon uh oldest game again Stefan Feld We Stand stefanville yeah yeah so I'm just gonna get played I glued on it so you ooh that we have black angel this is a hard one for me to check out oh oh you like The Vibes yeah okay like it's just the cover but yeah but look at the back too I would love it I don't know now I'm more in so here's the thing is block Angel block Angel's supposed to be a kind of redone version of trois and I think trois is a great game I don't know if black angel stays but I do want to give it a fair shot okay and then we have crown of Amara a Euro game I've heard good things about I would love to play it from Pegasus bill I want to play this but I want to play a lot of games but I do want to play this so right now it's going to um it's kind of pushed in there you know what I just got distracted by everyone look at Alex's socks ooh my socks they're pretty cool yeah okay we have above and below this is from Ryan Lochte I don't know if I need this one I don't know I feel like that's something that I I will advocate for above and below I've never played it but I think with all of the series like it it's worth it so I I think that like near and far I like the locked or is it now or never I don't even remember the titles one or the other one of those two games I liked a lot where it's actually on the title Now or Never now whenever I like the locked um but I don't think I'm gonna prioritize because of how long it is uh sleeping odds I want this I want the second one distance guys we have tabanushi another T-Series game these all have to be played I'm sorry they just have to play I don't know when how whatever 2023 you you seen this box it looks really cool this is fancy yeah what is it this is googong it's got like game trays it's got the deluxe edition this is like the luxus of gudong I've heard good enough things about this one I would love to table it um it's got this fancy suede Fela smack feel this like suede yeah it's like a level I mean it does look like it collects fuzzies because of that it does collect fuzzies but like who said things that are cool that's gonna stay for now um a lot I can't I have a lot of Europe I really want to peel that sticker off of it now that you're no longer selling for you which there's a stick on this one yeah oh nice we'll get it off later I will Trim in a Camelot another trick taking game like I said I've been enjoying trickling games I think they'll stick around for right now okay slide this in here we have lots of portable stickers we have age of Galaxy I loved age of civilization from this publisher I liked it a lot uh the small box game I do want to play it suppose there's a good solo mode as well yeah we're in a table after we're gonna keep that for right now okay that's gonna I'm gonna be squeezing some boxes here I don't love this uh I thought you weren't gonna rearrange them now yeah yeah okay whatever you can have an empty cubby we have relics of rajahara this is one where um I think that Alex of algebra is going away but I do want to finish playing it first it's a solo puzzle where you manipulate components and stuff I like the game enough that I'm gonna keep playing it actually I've actually played the base game this expansion should no longer be a technically speaking but it still is we have this game over here which I have no interest in don't go in there what you're doing what you're doing I'm just moving these because they're in like the shot and I just want the shot better don't go in there which I have no real interest in I I didn't really get this because I wanted I got this because other people wanted it but it hasn't been tabled but honestly this is the game so don't go down there as I push your luck game of rolling dice as you explore a haunted house oh my gosh wait wait say that again it's a push your luck game of rolling dices you explore haunted house say it one more time it's a pushy luck game of rolling dices your explore haunted house on your face uh we'll can we play that after this not only can we play after this if you like it it's on um Morgan Marine I believe Oh I thought you're just gonna be like you can have it well you like it all that much it's yours okay we have clever cute this is the oh my gosh Alex I'm so excited about that one can we take it out let me see I'm gonna put on the table yeah it's on table okay we're gonna table it I just put it on the table we have clever Cube this is the third one in the series of um gonchon clever there's gotcha clever there's Doppel so clever and then this clever Cube it's sticking around I think I like the original gunshon clap of the most but I will certainly try this and get it played is that the one that I played with you guys no you played the original gotchaun cover I didn't care about it yeah I know that's surprising too because it's amazing and you're wrong well there you go we have uh so this is the problem with this one I have one of my underworld's nightfalls okay I'm holding on to this for now oh yeah don't get rid of that oh this is like Miniatures and everything Alex yeah while keeping it because actually no get rid of it do you want it yes okay cool well this actually might be an extra argument okay because the practice so so Mac for for that I'll go through it I'll show you later cool so somebody traded me an entire collection of Warhammer underworlds with painted Miniatures and everything what and so the only reason I haven't gotten rid of it is because I have so much stuff that would be hard to get back properly yeah and I was like I have to play this game it's a skirmish game it's a two-player high-tech Skirmish game oh my gosh it's like Skirmish I would love to play that we have spire's end we I know we haven't super said what we're adding to the 2023 list but we'll add that to the 2023 list especially if there's painted Minis that deserves it I'll show you them after they're really cool aspire's end this is a solo or two player um Journey game I've heard good enough things about it I think this is good for I played this fires and the new one um I don't know I don't know I don't know well because it's like to me it's like a solo game that's gonna be easy to play through but I don't know if I'll prioritize it okay you're so ruthless that if you're on the fence get rid of it while you can that's the that's the thing graphic novel Adventures um I actually started going through this uh this is from uh van Ryder oh I've heard great things this might be a jam you're welcome yeah I think it would be um I played through I started playing through Sherlock Holmes of this and I thought it was okay and I didn't think it was amazing oh so you're already ready to get rid of it yeah I played one of them yeah there you go thank you aha uh that I knew it was gonna be first okay did you also know I wanted it I did not I know you like man Rider and solo stuff though uh and I love Comics oh that's good Gmail I want to know that Crystal Palace uh another Capstone games Euro game I I just I I I think I I think I'm someone that thinks he likes zeros more than as he does that's not true no I like Euros I just don't play them as much because I often prioritize the ones I have like I could play lacrimosa or I could play Crystal Palace what am I gonna do Nakamoto because I love nakamosa but I always like learning I know I want to play all the heroes we're gonna keep that one we're doing great you have two empty Cubbies uh we have Thrones of Valeria uh this is a trip taking game in the Valera Universe with great art ah this is sticking around I like we're gonna try we'll play it at some point we'll see what happens uh I am going to warn you guys Alex I'm a little worried this might die your battery went down and then the screen went a little darker I don't know about the screen no darker but if it dies we'll just put a new battery yeah I'm just warning the kids a loot of Lima this one board game tables it's a seduction game I've heard nothing compelling enough about this one to keep okay I tried Morgan table games a lot which is why I held on to it but we're gonna get rid of that one for now we have not to over correct you all the time but I think it's Lima loot of Lima that's what I said yeah yeah yeah yeah uh the king is dead heard great things about this one uh from Pure Sylvester uh supposed to be a great small little error control game it's like someday we should have a medieval day because that one and that Camelot one like have the same Vibe they do have the same Vibe they're not the same publisher I think it's above that Tom and Tom and you see um I don't know where it is I think it's right here oh yeah here's yep yep different Publishers but you are not wrong yeah like a medieval day very same with similar Vibes yeah yep I do not disagree with you on this okay we have Roman roll once we're going down the same Vibe this is another uh this is another do I care enough with this this is a rolling right mag then yeah I'm sure it would be easy I mean like how complex do you think it is to learn it's way more complicated ones this was considered to be complicated before herodian's wallet came about oh but then Hadrian's walking but they're like Hayden's walk more complicated I do like that it's drag race I'm gonna hold on to it for now I should play all walnuts Jacqueline I used to play all of every single one or just the ones here just the ones that have at least some degree repetition okay by Jacqueline Hyde know that you're taking game it's gonna go into this box of chicken games we're not playing St Petersburg this is an old school Euro an old school Euro it's been around for quite some time uh we're gonna go ahead and hold on with this because I'd like to play it it's 60 minutes two to five players that should be easy to table uh designed by uh Baron I don't know I can't say those names I'm sorry uh if you see my game this is the repented Edition it's an old enough game with enough um cred that I think I'm gonna hold on to it okay right now okay we have a bunch of stuff over here so we have seasons of rice this is gonna be a wallet game from button chai I always fall into those we're gonna get the tables we'll just toss them here we have our bunch of expansions that can go away because diners are ruled apparently not sticking around yeah and then behind that we have some of the orange expansion which are sticking around this is like a degree of fuzz we have just fuzz Galore that's fine okay we have seized the beam coffee base already learned through rules definitely want to play this what nothing you can say I'm not gonna say it what are we gonna say you're not gonna say it okay cool cool uh we're gonna put this away seize the mean this is a coffee-based game a one to four players I already read the rules supposed to be pretty good I went to newdale Alexander Fister I believe this has a solo mode I think because of that I want to try the solo mode um I've heard this is basically like oh my goods but like a bigger box but it's Alexander Fister yeah I think it's worth trying we'll see what happens there we have Pagan this is more uh Pagan content which is going to go on to my played game show because it should be over here if we played it we're Pagan over here we played it which one's the base game beyond the Palisades I think that's basically my expansion okay we have Shard Hunter a small little box game I got this as an extra on point don't know if I care enough it can go we have not alone had this for a long time haven't played it if I really want to play it I believe it's on board game that's a cool cover it is a cool cover it's so this is easy yeah but don't let covers deceive you it's not it's the problem with this is I think it's a slightly higher player count a little bit of a hidden roll situation I don't think it needs to stick around we have two extensions these are gonna stick around because they're expansions are always wore yep they look cool so you just need a little bit of reorganization yeah we can reorganize some stuff we have clients of Caledonia another great Euro game that I'm not playing out of the list of great Euro games that I'm not playing okay but we're still sticking around uh we have this game over here smitten from us uh stoneb games plan on playing at some point small little game that I think I'd exists on a regular basis interesting yeah that's like a little packet we have a power towel another stavon felt another game um lots of good things heard about this one yes Rosenberg sticks around gotta try it yep we have 18 15 scum of the earth I'm gonna try to have Devin teach me this game because um I believe Devin knows this game and again that's one that I will not play yeah this is the art and this is gorgeous nope my vibe the art on this is so gorgeous it's incredible uh we have this small little thingy that I don't even know I see pan out it's dead Idina it's gonna go away because I don't even know work here you said Pan Am yeah it's in the back yeah we'll get there we'll get there we have some uh what's it called scandalo games uh this is from the uh publisher who did awkward guess I've heard good things about it I do want to play it so it's going to stick around for right now but I don't know I have to check on the place I think it plays better with one and two players than the original did so we'll try that out we have Yokohama duel I bought this to Gen Con set up on the table learned the rules was ready to play with the Kiva and then like you and Dan walked in we didn't play it oh no there's that but I do want to play this I've played the original Yokohama I liked it enough that I want to try the Dual version I don't imagine it stays okay we have Tuan dice speaking of Roland rights that have any degree of notoriety I think I think I can get rid of this okay I've heard this is just not good enough and I don't know I've read the rules I was ready to play it but I've heard so much matte coverage I've had enough I will double check the ratings but I think the ratings aren't inspiring enough for me to hold on to that game right now okay we have more 1815 content over here just some small expansion packs we have pan M I've heard good enough things why I've just heard great things okay it's sticking around so I've heard good enough things about it I think it's simple enough table I would love to try it and it includes 52 plastic airplanes oh that basically means all the reasons all the reason to keep it right that's over 50. detective Club so that's an interesting one okay because detective Club I've heard good things about this one but I just think it requires higher player counts I don't know what a Snicker cable it's a fun cover it's a fun cover it's very much in the vein of games like Dixit that I very much enjoy I think I can hold on to it for right now and then lastly we have fiam from Friedman peace I just like freedom of space in general and this box looks cool and the game seems cool I think I'm gonna hold on to this all right and I think that is everything that's everything I think that's all my unplayed games as far as those go which means there's no way that's 150 that we went through so although we're not doing the publisher ones there's no way that was a hundred so well let's do the math okay each cubby had at least five games maybe five some had more there's one two three four five okay fifteen fifteen times five that's 75 minimum and a bunch of these had a bunch of smaller games so over here between this cubby and the other cubby we probably had around 90 played games you're counting expansions we probably had around 90 games that were not that were covered today around 90 or so titles from those we're getting rid of around 25 or 30 or so somewhere in that range yeah and the publisher the games like I said already I'm not going for those because uh those are not getting rid of Okay so that's what we have you want to show up what we're getting rid of today yeah why don't we recap on the table oh my gosh my legs we will see you guys in a second so we reconvened to the table with the giant stack of games this is with some of the expansions removed we have a bunch of games it's a lot of games let's go and push your box off inside of you let's push it a bit let's just give this this way yep yep oh oh yeah you want to grab your stuff off the table move your stuff up on the side go to the ground go around go around or just push it off a bit I can't reach we got it we got this we got this cover we're professionals up here let me help my Gloom even started wait what are you doing I just said that I don't want it to come on okay okay here all the time I think I do live in Ohio so here's the dealio uh we just went ahead and purged all these games we could talk about them a bit um but we just we just talked I mean the problem is Devin now let's talk about these Devon wasn't here for the purge but he walked in at the end the problem is definitely the problem is I'll go well if you have any questions we can talk about it so I think I randomly heard you guys mention this like while you were setting stuff up on the table you've never played any of these this video was a purge it was supposed to be two things it ended up being more of the second thing we did do some planning but we just don't have them all pulled so we did this is a video of going through the 90 or so games in my personal games collection of unplayed games all the unplayed games I have the games I've never touched and then going through them and deciding which ones we want to prioritize playing and which ones I'm getting rid of because the Practical reality is as much as they're here for a reason they're also not going to get prioritized over the other 70 games these new ones are coming is this a uniquely difficult Purge for you to do just in terms because I feel like normally you don't like culling games that you haven't at least given the chance to yeah to try yes I am very happy to be ruthless and Cutthroat from today until tomorrow about games I've played if I played and it's not for me whatever I mean and it could be a good game it could be a great game but if I'm not going to pick you over my favorite games who cares but playing games that I haven't played that's getting rid of potential yeah and potential is a much harder thing to get rid of to wear it like that um every single one of these games could be my next finish it could be my next in fact let's do Carson City because Carson City is a 7.2 on Board Game Geek and I think it's one of the best games ever so many of these games I do get rid of partially based on ratings and they could be my next amazing game that I love and think is incredible and I think is worthy of your time and attention let's just put them all back do you want me to like save one or two for you you can have that conversation so part of you missed this part but part of the conversation around this thing is well some are going to her so for example going to her so it's a little easier don't care about that one at all that one's a fine that one so that's gonna get rid of um but let's see what else is going to you there was like one or two others that might be put in here I don't remember exactly but so you're thinking well you take an Abomination oh yeah so Abomination material has you are the potential shifting over Abomination is one of the ones I wanted to save yeah okay so part of my logic is if she has it I can play it and if you have it I can play it yeah if you want any of these as well and speaking of which we have Dinosaur World which she has so it's easier for me to say no I think that I think that one's fine together she has Imperial she has Teen Titans those are easy to get rid of what else is over here flotilla Kaylis Kayla that's one that I hear a lot of people like I played the original kalis and I got I I want to kill this 1303 because there's the new one but like I do I really need it and I know you like TWA or Troy but Dyson I've heard mappings yeah so I I feel like because you like the the main game you don't need that one yeah a quick nap of them Aman Ray is a game I had for a long time never prioritized I said those not that highly rated both all these are not that highly related Dinosaur World Meg has I do want to play it but the question is if I play dinosaur world and I'm like I love this game and I want it I'm just taking your coffee we'll just have the conversation she wouldn't even care wow because you like Dinosaur Island more yeah I think that this intrigued me but didn't do enough for me to justify how bloated or big it was for me Dinosaur Island right then so between keeping those two I don't know a game that I have not heard nothing about them fields of green I I it looks okay but I I haven't heard good enough things waiting is okay uh loot of Lima uh this it's a deduction game that's the requires a higher player account and play other ones not alone same problem but try Legacy I do actively want to play but it's a legacy sellers is one that I hear good things about I feel like good isn't like a seven point something 7.2 7.3 it's decently rated it doesn't count to Carson City man that's what it could be it could be so go and knock that that's the uniquely difficult aspect and there are even more games I could arguably should have decided to purge this is me being cut through but not Cutthroat enough I would say the game that I probably have the most regret over here is probably Royals and um uh what's it called the gerryman and I'm taking this one the Warhammer uh sort of because I have I think I have a double of that one I have double check and have that because you know what would be an interesting video would be if you gave me and Meg each permission to pick five games for my collection to purge from my healing either no whatever is my favorite game so I I mean like of the ones that you're like that we're bringing to you like uh of a list that you like like the same thing you already did but just like we pick it and stuff oh no what if it was even like convince me I don't know convince me yeah convince me I can have a conversation yeah but like there are songs yeah that was my idea too whatever's more intelligent whatever the most intelligent thing that's what I said there are some games there I really want to play I don't want to get rid of them how about we do that video after this and you saved Treasure Island so that's what we have as far as these go uh some of these especially some of the Intriguing ones might be saved for like giveaway stuff because I know we're doing giveaway stuff on Instagram speaking of which uh I'll have a link to my Instagram down below make sure to follow that because it's gonna be more giveaway material on Instagram yeah uh Royals is entry I might give away worlds of Instagram foreign I think right about now that's a good time to end this video you've lost every headphone user subscriber probably already at this point already but yeah I've been very Dead Space yeah two most headphone killing experiences so this has been a purge of unplayed games we have something like 25 games or so in general uh they're gonna go away they'll be maybe I'll count this my January Purge maybe not no I have a January I have to accept a January person I have so many other games to get rid of dear goodness man this is me trying to really Purge I think yearly he burns through more games than I've ever owned yeah yeah yeah again we talked about this early in the video dice settlers I want to play it right but I have 70 other games that I kept that I want to play more when am I getting tonight I said this why does it happen and more here's gonna come into the meeting at least 2029 man but more games are coming in after this and the other issue is there are a lot of games that we play so many times like frost Haven my city yeah things like that more than this I love how you just love him as soon as we finish our third go with my city we're gonna go for them to give you context after this video I think Meg has to do some stuff for work and I'm pretty sure she's thinking already I can probably multitask my city and that at the same time I could work really quickly and then get to my city though we're gonna go ahead and call this raps uh this has been a purge of my unplayed games to try to bring my unplayed games to a manageable amount so that I can hopefully at some point maybe in my life actually catch up with all the unplayed stuff um can you guys just move here because that would really helpful sure if you just move here that'd be great and I would say hopefully this inspires you guys for other people people that I'd have to bring with me yeah bring them all do they play games Avery does great great that would help because some of the games that Danny plays games are just not board games she plays Mind Games some of the games that get backlogged badly are the games that are um the back the ones that get backlogger the ones that require like three plus Players let's get backlogs like heavily yeah yeah like some of those oh my gosh no friends are expensive but hopefully this inspires you guys too that if you have a bunch of unplayed games don't feel guilty and get rid of some of them and then make room for the games that you will be playing and you're doing it again don't think of it as getting rid of a game you don't want to play think of it as prioritizing the games you do want to play every time I ever do a purge played or unplayed to me it's not about what you're getting rid of it's about what you're choosing to prioritize anyways we're gonna go ahead and call this a wrap thank you so much for watching for tuning in to this uh Purge of unplayed games I hope you appreciate it and enjoy this video in some way I kind of want Royals whatever we'll talk about it in any case until next time I'm Alex Radko from Morgan Co I'm Devin bye bye see you guys
Channel: BoardGameCo
Views: 13,388
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Id: Og4a5pdw210
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Length: 61min 1sec (3661 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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