Top 10 Games I Wish I Had as a Teenager

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foreign [Music] [Music] well welcome everyone to the Daystar I'm Tom basil I'm Mike Delicia I'm Z Garcia and today we're doing a list that's already been done by some of the folks in the dice tower but a listen I'm very excited about doing in the top 10 games we wish existed when we were teenagers this was a really fun list for me to put together this was a hard list for me to put together and that doesn't mean not fun I think it's a great topic I think it's really narrowing it down no like how to approach it and so I approached it kind of in a mishmash of ways and I could talk a little bit about why they're on there when I do them but I have to you know when I was a teenager I wasn't really familiar with modern games and so I was coming at it from that point of view you know what I mean if it's hard for me to say like these are the things I appreciate now somebody who's been in the hobby for you know over decade and and but at that point I had a very different mindset you know so I really tried to look at it as what are things I think I would have liked then you know what I mean I did a very similar thing I had a very hard time putting this list together too and it was finding the games yeah not narrowing it down it's considering what would I have liked what am I projecting though like what do I like now that I'm going oh yeah I definitely would have liked that as a teenager and caught myself a couple of times going that's not and that's not true like I would not have liked that I would have run away from that game screaming because it's too complicated yeah whatever usually because it's too complicated I think it's because I played more games and you I mean like I know exactly what I like because I was playing games yes right so it's a little bit different I think I came into them a little later I guess yeah I think for me what I did was there's two main things I focused on one kind of the obvious one more time right having more time as a teenager yes than you do now the other one was a little trickier and that was games that if I had then and none of my you know deep bench of knowledge of games that I have now I would have enjoyed very much then without going this is like this other thing but not as good snob you know what I mean so I put a lot of games on the list that I think are very interesting very innovative just fun no pretentiousness just fun but now I play and I go yeah it's all right you know the the one thing I did come back to over and over again and this is going to sound stupid maybe this is a me thing but I remember growing up and and teenage years and younger even when they used to advertise board games on commercials on TV right and so I was thinking I was thinking what would the commercials for these games have been like and what they have drawn me in that's what I was like oh man I can imagine what this commercial would have been like I'd have been all over that yeah yeah okay that's a good call I like that I like that all right well let's see what happens uh here we go thank you all right so my number 10 is a game that the first time I played it as an adult you know because it's a relatively recent game it evoked memories of being at school and playing on the Carrom boards okay this is a dexterity game and to me it feels like the type of game that you might have played out on the schoolyard but on your table talk my number 10 is class yeah okay this is again this is the type of game that I loved as a kid but I didn't have access to something like this at home right you had to play stuff like this either like air hockey at an arcade or something like that or again at school the carom boards that you'd play at recess or lunch or whatever and so this gave me that Vibe if I had seen this as a teenager I would have been all over this playing this with my friends having tournaments trash talking all that type of stuff so this is a game that kind of evokes it makes me feel like a kid now when I'm playing it I guess it's another way of looking at it it makes you younger put your hand under the table that's right that's what it says fear is the mind killer um I I uh I made a quote that's actually on the box I'm like oh okay well they should have used mine but that's all right maybe there was like so it might be copyright issues on that um yeah class was uh you know good call I like this pick yeah just kind of and I thought you know more dexterity-ish type things those are things that I I was drawn to as a kid or a heavy toy Factor yeah you know there's my number 10. all right so this is oh I'm I'm gonna guess this is the only uh game of this kind on your list actually no okay interesting all right there's another one that I think is in the ballpark that I won't ask any more questions okay okay my number 10 also has a heavy toy factor in many ways a lot of table presence really is what it is and it's a game that again right now I consider to be okay but I think as a teenager I would have been all over it and that is cult Express okay Colt Express has that train out on the table yep you are messing with each other you're playing cards you're stealing loot shooting guys running across the top of the the train yeah the whole thing is vibrant it's youthful which again is something I kind of try to to find in these games and and think to myself is it is there something joyful and useful about the game I think cult Express has that you know it does for me and I started looking at mechanisms now and I'm like well you know there's better simultaneous selection now or programming games that I like better than this yes that's true but man I would have had a blast with this like Shoot Em Up Cowboys on the train or robbers I guess is what you are on the train Cowboy Robert Cowboy Roberts yeah gentleman Cowboy Robert of course with the Las Vegas mustache I have right so yeah Colt Express for me again packs a lot of that fun that I was trying to to nail for this list specifically number two it's a good call my number 10 angel I was turned it was between 18 and 19 and I don't even I don't consider that counting I was busy in college yeah yeah and I didn't have a chance to get it until years later and I don't care that a lot of people don't like this game I'm I would have gone crazy as a teenager over this and that's Magic the Gathering and by the way this is going to throw some of you off because if you were like I did but as a jury we're a little older than the idea of collecting cards and I would have turned into aluminum cans I would have worked and shoveled snow and mowed lawns and done whatever to buy a few packs I know I would have this it's probably good this didn't exist as a teenager because I would have expected you would have developed the workout I would have spent hours making decks yeah I mean that's this would this would have consumed my life I know where I was because I was already doing this with the gay you know the few games that I that did have this like uh hero Quest was out and so I would sit down and I would make weapons and draw scenarios and do all kinds of stuff that's I just had all this time right yeah this I would have just played this I would have wrangled in all my friends of course I had a couple rich kid friends and they would have bought decks and made me cry but I would have still tried you know I would have tried really weird decks to beat them sure uh man yeah yeah yeah and I know some people are like I wouldn't have been good for you and that's maybe true but I also like candy as a teenager so whatever want to play Magic Gathering I want to go back in time so imagine the Gathering to me now is something I enjoy doing but it's it's a very side thing I got a deck I'd play it I'll mess with it a little bit I just don't have the time to put that's what it is super energy into it yeah teenagers that are local store doing yeah they do that it does seem like as a teenager that's another thing you could have been a lifestyle gamer right whereas now as adults so I know a lot of people do that and that's great uh we find it a little harder to do that to have a game never mind because of our profession but right just to do that with the availability of time um so yeah anything that's a lifestyle game it's just a solid pick for this list it's true I also think that I would have met some friends through doing this I don't know if they would have been good friends or not yes I think I would have met people by playing this because this creates Community it really does oh yeah uh my mom would have hated every single one of them yeah but I would have met them anyway my number 10 Magic the Gathering [Music] thank you my number nine is a it's it's definitely not the first game many people will think of in this genre of kind of like big mini die rolling on a map battling type games so I was originally thinking of some other ones like you know Cthulhu Wars or whatever and I'm like you know what that would have scared me off as a teenager I think that would have been maybe a little bit too much it too complex and what I would too many things that I would have been unfamiliar with yes and so I instead chose a game called gatefall which is huge plastic toys right huge you can't even you shouldn't really call them Miniatures these are gigantic plastic toys this is Barbie the four game yes that you put on a map and it has a very simple card and die system that I would say is less complex than some Milton Bradley or Mattel games yes right it is very simple but it has that kind of anachronistic you know uh you know Wasteland characters post-apocalyptic versus fantasy characters I'd have been all over that and these boys which is what they are would have been I can you imagine the commercial for this what they could have done a cartoon the guy would have pulled up in the bike he's wearing the leather jacket 100 yeah right 100 A guy rolling in on the motorcycle you know this is the game that I was like you know what for this style of game this is the one that probably would have attracted me most as a teenager that's very simple huge toy Factor you know this kind of the the factions that are very easy to understand you know you know almost almost generic but although I think they handle it in a non-generic way here um yeah this is one I think that would have been super appealing to me as a teenager so gatefall is my number nine I like it I just realized I don't think there's any crossover on this list we'll see yeah because we all were different teenagers they were cool I was not my number nine is one of the big ones on my list and again it's that time idea I've been able to spend a lot of time of investing in something rich and Laden with stories and that is sleeping Gods whoa sleeping gods as a teenager I could have played this with any varying number of people also which certainly would have helped you know um but yeah just the amount of story and content that is in there this could have easily been that kind of Lifestyle game for me around that age where this is just this is what I play and I go through it and I go through it again and I can leave it set up somewhere and spend hours messing around with it you know I'm gonna go explore over here and whatever making notes making notes yeah keeping that stuff you know that's true yeah writing notes down about a game yeah so it's kind of like you we used to do with like video games you know writing down codes and stuff but writing down where you found the thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right so writing charting maps and stuff this feels very much in in some ways considering it from that uh you know um teenager point of view like a video game World of an Adventure World in which you do many of those same things combat and nodes and charting and finding things so yeah sleeping gods for me it's it's I still think it's fantastic now still playing now just don't have the time for these sure many hour campaigns but boy I could have sunk some time into this as a teenager yeah the game's gonna be in the same vein games I would have just dove into it's a game that now I'm like oh it's a lot of rules I like the whole idea of the game but it's a lot of rules takes up space but man now I would just jump over I mean back then I would have jumped over and that's Battle Stations oh you've never heard of Battle Stations Battle Stations is kind of a two-part game uh you have a spaceship that you get out a map on and you fly around and shoot at other spaceships but here's the picture of the other half of the game this is your spaceship you build up your spaceship and then and Aliens will land on your spaceship or you are all aliens there's all kinds of you know different weird races in this one they land on yours or you lived on theirs and then you're running around a spaceship shooting at each other and there's like a 100 page role-playing guide that comes with it in a sense that you have stats for all the different characters and it's a lot to handle now as an adult I'm like okay I gotta keep track of the ships on the board and then we set out up you know a pod with two guys they're gonna land on this ship and they're gonna fight over here that's now I'm just like oh it sounds exhausting as a kid I've been like yes what else is there this is as close to a role-playing game as a board game can get in fact it's like half role playing yeah but man I would have built chips I would have written out new rules I would have wrote in store I don't want to get into um but yeah I just thought it was it's just a neat game and now I look I'm like oh I would I come back teenage Tom vessel you'll love it so that's Battle Stations he's within you though oh [Music] so a few moments going I was talking about class because my number 10 you said is that this is going to be like the last of this type of game I said no there's one more I think it's in the same you remember Mike we were here my number eight is um uh Tumbling Dice I think that this is a game that I would have been all over as a teenager grabbing huge handfuls of dice and the the the it's just such a simple concept it has a huge toy Factor um you know I think that as a teenager I was more into it right right right this is not understand really this is not representative of uh what this game looks like it's representative of the library The Dice Tower libraries yeah yeah it's very different so what you can check out if you come to one of our conventions anyway um if someone dies I'd have been all over right I mean I I still love it I still think it's great for what it is um but as a teenager I would have been like I would have played this for hours yeah I would have played it for hours trying to get best you know get get really good at it trying little like the the you know backflips trick shots for money at lunch at the school 100 that's right absolutely been expelled for gambling at school yeah no look I don't kids get what's going on you know where you throw the quarters to the wall whoever's quarters the closest without touching the wall wins all the money that's yeah nope definitely played that never played bloody knuckles maybe but that's not that wasn't for money that was for her yeah like stupidity I think are especially appealing to that age group right gosh this is like all those YouTube videos of somebody like tossing a ping pong ball right across like a room and having it Go the glass or something stuff like all that trick shot stuff yes this is that like it's kind of like that so I get it I get it that's my number eight so such good picks Mike I hate that your picks are so much better than my pigs I hate that too not to speak of Tom's pictures my picks are accurate 100 okay they're acting I went back in time and talked to um these are the games he wanted how did he say here we go it was a much higher pitched voice nasally a little nerd all right uh my number eight is a very nerdy game uh with a lot of different themes and I'm sure again that I feel like I was more forgiving of bizarre crossover anachronistic stuff as a teenager this is smash-up okay yeah I can see that things smash up oh I didn't think of this one as a teenager man I got aliens and Pirates and dinosaurs and robots and all sorts of crazy stuff and then of course all the extras which in my made-up fantasy world here came out too and you you know you end up with the bigger geek here box with a billion of these things yeah absolutely I would have been all over this things that bother me now I don't think would have bothered me then things like oh the game is best at three what no and max player count as teenager I would have found ways to double the player account sure yeah like I think we could do this with eight come on 100 yeah so yeah it's just a fun theme the game has a bit of a learning curve as you like learn all the things but I think again as a teenager having access to this game and pretty much nothing else man you know the decks you'd learn the stuff you'd know what the card just by the name does you know you get into it right so yeah smash up for me my number eight yeah good good good pick you like that one that's a good pick I like both of your picks this is weird I'm gonna get out too many compliments on this list what are you what are you going with my number eight is so I have it as a kid I always wanted the game that I could play with anybody like my parents had no interest for my first two games Not only would they not have liked them they would have probably been actively opposed to them right um but this you know as a kid I thought I found Scotland Yard and I was like oh I wanted my parents to play games with me I just I like that concept this is one I could have got him to play and I would have played it at all the family gatherings and that's formula D or formula day okay um formula D is a really good racing game I would have been crazy enamored with those dice I know this because I was the first time I saw these guys I was like what on Earth die I've never seen that are you allowed to print the same number on a guy because that didn't exist the same yeah and and then the tracks and I think my dad would have got into it because it's racing right my mom would have played and my brother's sisters and we've had a good time and it would have taken a long time to go around the track and everyone had fun and I could see this being like my family's game for a while yeah I could see that yeah yeah yeah that's a good call and then I would have drawn out tracks on poster board right I would have and I would have made new tracks sure yeah it's such a relatable thing right I mean it's easy to get it's not going to be comfortable with car racing yeah you get it so you get it yeah yeah there's one this would have been my family game as a teenager formula deep [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right Z so this is my version of um cult Express basically okay right same thing where there are better games of this type that I would play now but as a teenager camel up oh my gosh over the moon with this game more gambling yeah yeah I don't want to say that uh you know my grandson illicit casinos that's what teenager yeah yeah high school years were a little bit of a of a lost time for me um but no I I just would have been all over this with the with the the pyramid in the middle and you're pressing the pyramid for the dyes and the stacking of the camels and all I mean this has a huge toy factor it's also very simple it's also extremely interactive it leads to kind of like trash talking and cheering which was especially the kind of thing that at that age you kind of would do you know even more so than now I think um so yeah when you were talking about cult Express though what you express probably much better than I am right now is why camel up I think would have appealed to me you know what I mean it's a big plastic any big plastic chunky thing though immediately takes me to like teenager maybe younger even like any game that has a giant Central thing yep and it's again in this illusion it's a plastic thing it's not a cardboard thing no no mine was a cardboard thing but yeah it's like oh it's a giant palm tree and you press it and coconuts stupid like that and you're like yo teenagers you know teenage years yes absolutely no that's a good call that's a good call all right my number seven is again it's just a game that I overlook a lot these days but I love the look I like the theme and it's a Cooperative game which I think again I would have been like wow this is so cool uh and it's a very it's the artwork the illustrations it's a neat looking game this is Samurai Spirit Samurai spirit is you have your Samurai you're defending a village from a lot of people who are invading it but if you take enough hits you go into beast mode in this game and you take your chart your little character in front of you you flip it over and you are now your same character your Samurai who bam just became a bear or a wolf or a tiger or something crazy like that you're beefier you're harder to kill and you are just defending this little village it's very rules light there's some push your lug it's a little messing with each other very cooperative and again and thinking then like right now I'm like Cooperative games are a dime a dozen man every other game is a Cooperative game right now I mean how often does that question come up every time you look at a game you're like and someone's teaching you yep Co-op or right right we never that's not a thing you used to have to ask whatsoever no so this I think would have been one I would have really appreciated because of the look the vibe the style of it and Co-op would have put it just way over the top so I almost wondered like this is a hard thing for me to imagine what my teenage self would have thought of co-ops yeah would I have liked them adventure games yes like an adventure go through the adventure yes a game like this I wonder I guess I would have I mean I would have been I was playing anything yeah I'm gonna tell you I have not yet had a co-op but I will yeah I I think I would have loved loved the idea of co-op games yeah because I know I did yeah according to my list I think I would have done yeah and I was in college I played pandemic I remember getting it very early like the week it came out and I was like immediately floored yeah so yeah that's my number seven my number seven well the games I played the most when I was a kid the teenager were easily Fortress America and axis and allies okay for sure I played them all the time I love them I always wanted that elusive samurai swords I didn't get that until I went got to college um but I love the idea of plastic managers on the map and I looked for more games and I found Avon Hill games and stuff and they are not the same no they're not as a kid I was like okay I get these but I just wanted to chuck dice with cool plastic Miniatures and the poster child for that game of the modern age is Nexus Ops man I would have loved Nexus Ops it's really a simple game I would have been able to get my neighborhood friends to play this game because it's not that complex and it looks cool everyone would have been like oh aliens oh I finally got the big it's not a dragon it's like uh what is it what is that thing it's like a firefly dragon type creature a Crystal Dragon or something that's a cool thing and we would have played this over and over and over and over again we would add all the cards memorized you know the different Mission cards the funny thing is this this looks like a game from your teenage era it does it really does look that way yeah it's got that again I'm now playing the commercial in my head yes kind of thing you know what I watch I still don't understand why more of these games don't exist I don't know there's so few of them really that's true I mean because most of these games when people make them are big grandiose games Nexus Ops did not pretend to be anything other than hey we're just gonna play games and also by the way you should attack because it's good for you it's a popcorn Movie game yes it sounds good right so love this one would have played this one until the cards wore out next is Ops um [Music] [Music] all right my number six is yet another game that has a bit of a dexterity element because again that's just stuff I think of has a huge toy of gambling and dexterity Pick Up Sticks um this is another game that um you remember how as a as a kid or a teenager it seemed like the setting up of the game was almost as much a part of the game as the game itself so like mousetrap or something like that yeah well that's this is one of those types of games this is I knew it as Rampage but Terror in meeple City yes I would have been all over over this game what you're throwing pieces around the board yes you're blowing on things a hundred percent you're flicking pieces around the board yes you're spending as much time setting it up and getting it just the way you want a hundred percent now that kind of annoys me back then it wouldn't have annoyed me at all David more so if you had got the version called Rampage because I'm sure you love that game that game I love it we all played that game oh what a great game I mean yeah exactly it's not a great game but if that if this had come out you know because the copy that again that I had was Rampage you know if that had come out and around the time I was playing around oh my gosh yeah I had been like beside myself you know what I mean um so so this one I think is is kind of a no-brainer because this is another one that kind of makes you feel like you're young when you're playing it it does it does literally flicking things around and again it's you know picking up a big dinosaur dropping it on the board I mean come on and now for me I'm like I don't know if it's snooty or snobby or what it is I'm like someone precise I don't like it it bothers me right right blah blah blah but yes absolutely as a kid I don't care about Precision I don't care about like it being you know mechanically sound I don't really care about that stuff being you know Innovative I'm dropping my dinosaur on your dinosaur basically yeah right you guys have different groups of friends that I did because I I mean we would have loved this too but we would argue two for hours but that's part of it is part of it sure that's part of it yeah there's no way you breathe you're not touching the sidewalk definitely yeah yeah there's that too so there's my number six Rampage or if you must Terror and meeple City all right so my number six is a bit of a stretch it's one that very much stands out from the rest of these and it's because of the theme I think I would have given it several tries because the game is probably complex for my teenage brain but it's about theater it's Shakespeare is the game okay okay and I was already doing theater in high school and and so again those years those teenage years uh College uh I guess when do you get out of high school 18. yeah 18ish something uh so 18 17 right around that time already was into theater and this is such a good looking game that looks like nothing that we had around at that time no that's true you know the artwork on this floors me now so I can only imagine back then looking at all this these illustrations the idea of preparing the rehearsal it would have been way more into the theme than I am right now right now I'm like yeah cool Shakespeare great building of set but I'm looking at mechanisms right now when I play this game now I'm looking at mechanical smart choices hopefully that's what I'm doing I feel like back then I would have been like oh set dressing and like oh you got to put the costume together or whatever you know so again I feel like it is a bit of a stretch because I do wonder if I play it if I would have been like that's complicated I don't know what's going on oh my gosh like I bounce off of it because it's too much I just want to drop dinosaurs on other dinosaurs but it's I don't know something romantic about the choice that I was like yeah that would have been really cool to play Shakespeare back then while I was actively engaged in classes theater classes and stuff so that's my number six I got a few games my list that are all about toys straight up toys yeah I wanted to so as a kid I wanted to play with toys and make a game out of it and then I would play these Avalon Hill games or and I played in my they were always at the thrift store so I had several of them and I thought the rules are complex but I would play until I figured out and like I hate these pieces I hate the chits as a kid that was like why is a box a tank that's dumb I want to drive a tank but I'd rather do even cooler stuff than that we play with all sorts of things so my number six is X-Wing oh a toy Factor 100 it's not a complex game really and just flying around the board we would have played this so many times I know I'm going to redo it now let me uh change up the pilot that's a good call and I don't know how much it is I would have been able to afford you know especially with magic the Gathering also taking up your time I didn't say I want all 10 of these games at the same time anyone I would if it's ten alternate reality that's right there's a few that could overlap but yes there's at least five games or four or five games my list that if I had them that was it yes I agree I agree and in this one the next Wing I I feel like my rich neighborhood I don't know he's Rich he was spoiled I guess was a better thing his parents would have bought him everything and I would have been fine with that yeah because I don't need to own it I would have just played it with his stuff and I'd be like you could pick the dark side lights I don't care I'll take the other side of that I would have sat there and thought over it I would have yelled to death over the rules interpretations that was not a pleasant I was I was a Rule's lawyer as a child but I would have loved this so much and we would have played on the tables we would have played on the back porch that's where we played most of our games the porch itself we would have been like we're not tied to the table we're gonna play on the massive porch on the ground I'm like a space thing you know yeah chalk yeah oh man we would have played in the alley here comes the car move all the yeah right right true yeah you laugh but we uh never mind um X-Wing what a great game for teenagers [Music] all right this is one of the first games I thought of when when I approached this list uh it's got dice okay it's got monsters Neo it's got heavy interactivity chance for you know talking smack around the table and it's pretty simple my number five is King of Tokyo this is definitely one of the first things I thought of as as uh again as I thought about this list I would have been all over this you know me and my friends would have been all over this picking your monster you're literally just beating each other up with dice you know rolling Dice and would anybody have gone for the number Victory absolutely not now good yeah no I mean I mean we're not nerd kids at a neighborhood would have been like oh his points is actually better we probably would have house ruled it that you couldn't win but yeah you can only win by claws you know um and so you know look this is just you know this game I think is kind of almost designed to make you feel like you're that age again and and uh so King of Tokyo I think was an easy pick for me for this one because I'd have been all over this as a kid so there you go my number five King of Tokyo item number five is uh again one that I think is trying very much to appeal to that young mentality it's a big you know little characters on a map type of thing dungeon crawly but it's sci-fi it's space it's all kinds of cool artwork and and funky Powers starcadia Quest oh wow yeah I could see that is right now for me it kind of gets muscled out by other Miniatures games that are more grown up they're tighter rules they're whatever whatever starcadia Quest would have been just straight up dumb blast them away fun Chuck some dice shoot that dude walk out there look at that guy looks like Blade with his little uh cool uh hair and come a couple of Swords there yeah just all that stuff would have again the lack of pretentiousness yes is I think a lot of what my picks are about this idea of I know so many things that immediately I play something and I go that just like you explained a rule it reminded me of three other games yes and you know and then I realized I like all three of those more than this you don't get that with this you know so yeah this would have been just fun running around the weird kind of the humor in it also oh for sure lends to that sort of hey calm down it's a toy with rules don't take it too seriously this could be a cartoon you know what I mean I could have easily made a cartoon show Saturday morning starcadia class 100 starring the voices of uh in the in in the 90s uh you could have had Casey Kasem the guy who did Shaggy and oh who's the guy did Will scarlet and Robin friends of Thieves um um sharp nose uh okay it don't matter uh we don't have a live chat on this one Christopher Guest no okay I'll figure it out soon yeah no um okay that's a good call yeah good good choice thank you appreciate that my number five yeah let's go all right I I said earlier I don't know what I thought about Cooperative games and I think I would have enjoyed this is a Cooperative game but I know that I would have played this one solo a lot because I would have sat there and made deck after deck after deck after combination because the deck building thing still blows my mind now yep and this is a deck building game I would have played as a teenager and that is Marvel legendary okay Marvel legendary I would have said every time a new set would have come out I would have been like okay we now have a set of I got you know oh this set has Deadpool okay I'm now going to combine Deadpool with every character in the original one right right against I would have you know they say there's billions of combinations I would have played thousands of them I really would have been like well we haven't tried this setup yet let's try this one here let's try this let's find the optimal way to crush here oh I'm getting pretty good at the game I'll play on this hard level which I don't do now now I'm like ah just let me play yep and I would have tried so much with this I would have probably dragged my brothers and sisters to play this and I would have played for them I would have told them what to buy sure sure I didn't say it was a pleasant uh yeah yeah so Marvel legendary lots of fun and the Marvel thing I mean I've liked superheroes my whole life so that doesn't hurt but the combination is this one are endless so that's my number five thank you my number four is also a Cooperative game and what do you know there's a dexterity element to it too I I realize that this is a dexterity heavy interesting but I think as a teenager those are the types of things that I It just I don't know if that appealed to me but you know you made the list you then conscientiously were like huh I put a lot of dexterity I did and I thought do I need to change I said no I I decided not to because I was like you know I'm just going to go with instead what I you know uh what first came to me and and so just like Rampage you know evoked memories of that game flip ships is a game oh good choice it would have reminded me of Space Invaders right and you are that's a great you know the the simple rules and not only you're flicking your your ships literally at these Ships coming down but that Mothership oh my God we would have loved we I always because I think I also think of you know playing these with my friends yeah it must have been nice right you have friends you could play this one solo too I don't know that this would be fun solo yeah it's better with friends it's better with others but but man this this game I would you you know you'd have just perfected it right you'd have sat there with that thing and you'd have perfected your your your flicking uh you know uh what's the word I'm thinking about your your Technique technique thank you I was thinking routine your flipping technique and I probably would have just spent an hour getting good at getting into that Mothership you know what I mean uh so this is a game that that again I think they're really heavy on dexterity I am that's what we were just talking about I don't know I think those years that was especially appealing to me you know just physically interacting you lose money I like Chuck E cheese and stuff um at the fair the claw like at the fair games did you like not were you not allowed to touch them no let's just say that Carney's and I didn't always see eye to eye um but uh yeah no one Chips I don't know what that is the best quote Cardinals and I didn't always see eye to eye okay I got the name it's Christian Slater so I was like oh Christian oh you could have just hired Jack Nicholson they're the same person all right my number four yeah he could be the star of star Candy Quest of cartoon I told you I'd find it the more kind of like uh you know cocky characters yeah hey guys yeah doing the whole yeah he could have done that okay or Michael J fox too Michael J fox also would have been good yes all right my number four is one that again right now as an adult I have kind of poo pooed a little bit but it is very Innovative and I consider it to be Innovative now and I think again as a teenager I would have been all over this game finding all sorts of funky combinations I already had a western themed game on my list I like that theme sure I did as a teenager this is 3 000 Scoundrels oh my goodness Scoundrels I thought you were gonna say Dice Town No 3 000 dice town is more complex it is three thousand Scoundrels has sci-fi yeah I would have I would have found it in there as a teenager um Western sci-fi thing going on the main thing that bothers me now as an adult about this game is the end game I find the scoring to be kind of like but you know I don't think I would have had that you would have cared yeah you wouldn't I wouldn't have had that issue it would have been all about oh this is a cool like this is a guy who has a you know you put the cards together transparencies that would have been amazing that would have been mind-blowing stuff man it kind of is now I mean but back then I wouldn't have seen any of the what I consider anyway to be flaws now yeah I would have just loved the taking the characters and their abilities and hoarding cash and guessing as to what the other players did messing with each other robbing the bank or whatever it is you're doing all of that stuff would have just been gold yeah and then the look of the game the interesting Innovative parts of the game yeah it would have been all over this game so for me my four 3 000 Scoundrels I don't think teenage Tom vaslow I would have been excited about that I would have played it and I'd have been like I would have been looking for more excitement yeah it's not enough excitement for teenage Tom basil teenage Tom vassal has a short attention he's a thrill seeker that TV he also was not very pleasant uh it wasn't the game where they I don't know all right my number four is the newest game on my list and it's the first one I thought of just because I played it so recently I'm going to finish this game it's gonna take me years this one in fact I would have I would have been like bring the rules yeah you were into that stuff I would have wanted more rules this huge game that would have taken me a long time I would have woke up in the morning eating breakfast on a summer day going back into the room there we go you had to clarify summer yeah yeah all right Mom all right summer I would have played this all day yeah I would have come down for meals and done nothing else I would have kept playing my parents would have forced me to go outside you know because I would have been so caught up in this I would have just played it over and over again I know I would I would have loved this I mean there's a lot of games that actually could fit in this category this one's kind of the newest one but it's it's really I mean it's drawing me now sure adult on vassal but those rules 80 page rulebook I'd have been like this that's all come on really I I didn't have a lot of friends okay I I loved reading Rule books what was that rich kid well yeah yeah but see I would have been so I didn't have the money that my friends did right but I was smarter than all of them at least in my head I don't know wow and I learned all the games so they would come over and I'd be like this is how you play very different than I am today sure yeah shut up Tom was very free with letting anybody have the rule book as a teenager yeah yeah no I wanted to let you touch the rule book I'm like these are the rules this is what it is even though you'd make up some rules probably no no I was very much also John Kennedy as a teenager there it is play the game I am not making up the rules I this though the story involved the kind of the role-playing I would have played this multiple times sure sure not just once I would have the time to do it I don't know man I don't know I did not I haven't played this to be fair I've seen it I've I would have run away screaming so much and maybe maybe you're right maybe you would have just really you know what's the word I'm looking forward to dug in enjoy dedicated yourself I guess to it but I would have I I know it because I was just reading I was reading I was writing computer programs for fun okay you know this I'm not arguing I was a nerd every game on my list yeah so you were a huge nerd no I was a very skinny nerd um nerd every game I list is very nerdy with the exception maybe formula D the rest are that way because that's what I would want to play right so what's my number four that's fair all right [Music] um all right my number three is that monster yeah that's correct yeah no um my number three is not similar to Tom other than the extent that it is a Cooperative Marvel game it's just a very different one is it Marvel Universe Marvel United would be my number three yeah becoming your your uh for every list I'm telling you this is that's the that's the danger is that this is a game that does fit a lot of different lists it does I'm sorry it really does it really really does and I again I almost like do I take it off of the list because I've had it on recent lists no as a teenager I'd have been over the moon yeah I agree it is or something the Moon that could have been played like without the again the heavy lifting of something like hey I'm trespassing like the daunting almost nature of that for me I'm only speaking for me this is playable right this is easy to get to this would have been at Toys R Us or KB Toys and there would have been commercials for it on every Saturday morning cartoon you know morning yeah uh I'd have been like all over this you know anyway and it's a low barrier to entry cost and rules and gosh I'd have been I just I would have been in heaven with this game yeah as a teenager so you know yes it's been on a lot of lists lately but it's it fits this list for sure I agree I agree um in fact I agree so much it's my number three oh there we go okay that is called the crossover okay united we need to get like a uh special effects crossover thing we do yes uh like a Repulsor beam it should sound like a a goat bleating I like the bleating goat I think not bleeding this is one of those times we're gonna pull the veto no darn it all right Marvel United uh everything Mike said uh yeah absolutely I would have been all over this the the cartoony nature the again not taking itself super seriously if that's either because that the rules are light relatively or because of the cartoony look of everything right it's very welcoming it's not scary it's not a game that I look at and I go I don't think that's for me you know I don't think I can handle whatever this big giant epic thing is this one is disarming in that way so and while while this chibi style art now is it's very divisive but it's also kind of ubiquitous you see it everywhere back then when I was a teenager seeing superheroes that I'm familiar with in a way that they're still recognizable but different would have also blown my mind yeah I think it would have been cool but yeah I don't know what I would have thought about Chibis as a kid I would have thought it was very cool you would be like they got big brains well this is not a three-way crossover my three is gonna Trump both of these no I disagree um again I like toys and I wish as a kid that you could play with games with Lego you can't but I love the idea of building Lego captains and stuff and playing games okay this is all about I would have spent long various time just setting this game up and that's heroescape yep okay oh man hero Escape also with a marble set so I could have done that too how far how far past teenage years was it I don't know when did your Escape come out oh four Tom is that right yeah something around there 030405 something like that I was in my 20s okay no I was I was it wasn't like yeah it wasn't that much it was a real question I know I wanted to get you I wanted you to make a huge mistake did you make that that's amazing that was almost 30 I think anyway um yeah this I did not make I made something that baked before yeah because it's just so much fun and I would have I would again my mom would have been she would have been okay with this game I think just because you've been like oh you're building something fun yeah I'm building a building now let's roll dice and play with all the different stuff and I would have my dad would have been like I'll just buy you the historical stuff and he would have bought me the Revolutionary War soldiers and stuff yeah and then I would have got Grandma to buy me a dragon you know and then I would oh man the anachronistic thing I love that you know the so much fun I'm like oh I could take a dragon against robots yeah yeah kidding me that's amazing I know many of you watching have had the joy of playing this as a teenager yeah that's awesome I wish I did I'm sad yeah why are you [Music] I wish I did I'm sad why are you laughing my sadness you know the way you said that I'm sorry it's humorous to me taking joy in your suffering Tom yeah I wish it was a word for that my number two is this is the one that I I struggled the most with because and it's number two yeah because just because I think that if I if maybe I wasn't maybe I'm not now giving myself enough credit as a teenager for what I could have handled rules wise okay this is the only thing but for this type of a game it's not very rules heavy it's component heavy right and so that could be a little intimidating my number two is Cthulhu death may die I would have loved this game as a teenager if I could have handled the rules did you know about Cthulhu when you were a teenager I didn't hear about it till way after yeah I was definitely an adult at that point so that's the other thing it wasn't as it was it wasn't as much but I think I'd read some Lovecraft at that point if you could read Lovecraft you can play this game yeah yeah I think I had read Lovecraft as a teenager no I think reading lovecraft's harder than a room and if they had published this in the 80s or 90s they would have put that on the cover yeah yeah if you can read Lovecraft you can play this that's right like I was yeah like I would read it like an anthology stuff with like Edgar Allan Poe stuff yeah yeah I would read anthologies with with Lovecraft stories in it so I was familiar with the the kind of the Mythos and just the the look of this game and the idea of you know these characters that you're that you're going up and the and the the pulpy nature of it I think would have been very appealing to me really would have had kind of that slightly in my allowed to be playing this type of a thing going on that's true yeah this is dark it's a dark looking and it's a dark game but it is also kind of stupid and cartoony right it is it's not it is really dark it's very pulpy you know what I mean and so I think that it would have been that thing of like oh I'm feeling it's a little dangerous to play this but I'm probably okay I don't think Mom would get mad really type of a thing um I just this would not make the door frame of mind yeah no no there would be a cross thrown at this yes anyway no uh again I know this was a little bit I was right on the edge but I went with it Cthulhu death may die well my number two pick is very similar to your number two pick actually Mike okay Cthulhu I was not aware of so that wouldn't have done it um it's not zombicide it's something that again gets better if I go back in time mm-hmm Masters of the Universe man oh wow the newest pick that is actually really this would have been amazing as a teenager amazing are you kidding me because it would have been even more relevant then I was more you know it was closer to when I was watching it right right and it's again the rules in this one I think are fairly straightforward I would say about as complex if not slightly easier than death may die not dark right so it doesn't have that thing and it's all the toy Factor man with the walls and the boulders and everybody all the ridiculous characters yeah this would have been an absolute blast to play as a teenager again it's got that you know that theme the the the the minis the whole the whole shebang this is very much like Cthulhu death may die but kind of my pick for that uh Masters of the Universe yeah I mean really you are like you said you're playing with toys yeah with a rule set I mean this is what you're doing yeah this is a little more scripted playing with toys is what a lot of these games are right right pretty much I mean you make up your own rules anyway when you were playing the toys yeah yeah make reasons for this guy fell he missed Steve shot at this guy but missed or yeah whatever right so they just yeah they they solidify those things for you that's cool yeah that's my pick number two Masters of the Universe all right my number two mix is my love for toys but also the the dudes in the map genre I already mentioned Nexus three dudes on a map uh games then for for the number two here yeah this one is more the grandiose nature like access and allies in Fortress America and this has a lot more rules but I don't care I would have loved it because of the monsters and many different things it lets me do and that's Lords of Hellas battle lore okay you know I like battle lore actually but I would have been if you if the two were on the table that the Greek mythology which even as a kid I like that also the Sci-Fi but then if you're like you go on Quest I mean I'm in I can go on quests and have dudes on the map I just talked about um a game that I played 20 years ago now Called Quest for the dragonlords which I thought was yeah okay I gave it a much better review at the time 20 years ago because the idea of it having quests and fighting on a map was astounding to me it has not aged well this game though is newer and really is cool and I man the whole idea of putting things and I I also this one has a bit more of a yeah feel to it even though today if you compare this to Kemet sure I'd rather have Kevin sure but as a kid I think I would have been kind of like ah there's worker placement in this card play chemical sound yeah it's a little more serious it's a little more like hmm check you know more than this anyway I'm not saying it's like that sure and I think I would have been like oh but this one oh I can get upgrades and swords I would have just been all over this one so my number two Lords of Hellas foreign [Music] I took a risk with number one for two reasons number one it's a re-implementation of a game that was around when I was a teenager and number two it utilizes technology that very much did not exist well you just noted that I was like well it's Fireball and I returned to Dark Tower it's returned to Dark Tower so can I get away with this because the technology didn't exist back then no no you can get away with this because the game mechanisms had not Advanced at that point yeah yeah if we're allowing that anachronism we can allow this yeah I mean look at this look at this right this is basically like are you kidding me as a teenager I I'm like Tom my Envy teenagers today I know y'all are so lucky you know what I mean that that they get lucky punks right can you imagine as a teenager being presented with this thing oh my God I want an iPad right well yeah you're like put the game away what is this he's not letting me off the hook easily but the just this idea of of this big huge toy Factor this incredible and and this version of Dark Tower with the Cooperative nature and everything else and and it's just it's a better game too quite honestly than the original Dark Tower there's no question about that so I don't know this was the one that I was like when you told me this list I was like okay how could it not be this I mean I was never able to afford Dark Tower as a teenager I did remember I did get a play because we are similar teenagers a lot more right right I did get a play of friends and I thought it was my friend yes I did think I think it was the same same guy you guys live here that's right um and I thought it was great but I mean this is to me you know gosh again I envy teenagers today that get exposed to return to Darkness these days yeah yeah you are lucky back in my day we had to play Monopoly uphill both ways that's right all right number one return to Dark Tower this is kind of all of the things that you know when I think back of it teenage years that were exciting that's all kind of evoked right there okay I like Adventure the the the toy Factor the all of that is there yeah no that's a good pick I mean yes the little whatever the tech but yeah yeah no I get that draw I hope there's a fireball could that be great no my number one is um a Cooperative game and it's a game that I very much enjoy now but I think again I would have really really enjoyed as a teenager as well the pirate one on the Seas and the fires oh no that's a good call but no it's a Star Wars game the new pandemic one the new pandemic One Star Wars the Clone Wars I think I would have really liked as a teenager it also would have spoiled future films for it you know who are these people who's this because it would have been let me think I'll always get you back with it I'm trying to think like I would have been this would have been early 2000s or late 90s which is when episode one came out in 99 that's correct episode two a couple years after that I don't know so right around that time is really most of where we saw this yeah so I actually thought about this I'm like wait no I think I'm okay like it's about that yeah it's close enough so again imagine like that those movies now especially we look at them many people and they go oh phooey garbage how dare you ruin you know my my childhood you know then if I had just gone and seen episode one or episode two or whatever and then I come on when I I get this oh my goodness I get to play these characters right I get to cooperate with each other against the droids against Darth Maul it's amazing you know I would have been all over this a very much cooled on Star Wars overall but around this time is that Mandalorian and those movies yeah the pendulum is great and and those movies coming out yeah it would have been all over this game so Star Wars the Clone Wars is my number one for me that game would have been Star Wars Queen's Gambit sure yeah my mind I saw that on a I was heading towards Korea as an adult and I saw that I was like whoa I want that so much it just looked amazing I did I did because your number one Queen's Gambit no my number one is based a 100 this would be the game I would like the most as a teenager because I know the game that I did like the most as a teenager okay was hero Quest okay and hero Quest came with these 10 missions and you could make up more and I did I made up all kinds of stuff for my friends I was a dungeon master they came through so I mean I probably I wish I would have played DND as a teenager but that did exist I just it was like up in the fringes so it's a Dungeon Crawl but it's not cool Maven because I think as a teenager I would have been impressed with Gloom Haven but there's no dice and I want to Chuck dice yeah sure so for me the number one would be descent second edition okay okay and wow this is not my favorite Dungeon Crawl now that's massive Darkness too that's doctors too you're right massive Darkness too massive Darkness wouldn't have been enough for me because mass of darkness is not a campaign right and while today I go I prefer fewer campaigns as a kid out of an eye this campaign is like 100 hours yes I can link them together yeah right right well I would have we would have played this I would have brought this out they would have come out I would have been the overlord they would have played I would we would had a blast all these plastic Miniatures over and over again this hero Quest what this is what we wanted because your request was fun but you're like it's a skeleton again you know he has the same enemies there was I think there's like four enemies in the basement game or five or whatever and then some of the expansions for heroquest added more the same enemy they're like like one of the expansion was like the undead I was like they're in the base game yeah you like skeleton here's here's some more yeah and that's fine I suppose but this really shakes things up it's really fun and I think the storyline would have done really well yes all right folks those are our 10 games we wish were around when we were a teenager let us know what you would have liked in the comments because this is I know you said this was ours but I think this is like an interesting topic to comprehend it is it was just tricky to come up with yeah the why it's definitely interesting I just yeah I really I think you guys both had much stronger lists than I did um I don't know it's very interesting you're right and so maybe yeah listening to both of your lists was more interesting to me than necessarily coming up with mine but you know I but this is something I think about now a new game comes out I think yeah but what I thought about this as a teenager because sometimes you got to think about that as these games come out like eh but teenage I mean even Kickstarter bloat okay we talked about that a teenager of mine would have been like that's how many boxes Simon just sent this is like Christmas for three years straight well speaking to what Z has mentioned multiple times on this list too is that we oftentimes as reviewers will when a game comes out we'll ask who are they making this game for you know because it won't be for us right right well you know how often are we thinking is this for teenage us though you know what I mean yeah yeah even though there is a barrier we just said it's lucky to be teenagers these days they don't have access to a lot of these games you got to go to Kickstarter back it you're not a teenager by the time you get it sure it's very true don't work at the Social Security office that's right that's right so anyway lots of fun folks thanks so much for watching watching I'm Tom vassell I'm Mike Delicia I'm Z Garcia and yes we were teenagers once [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 54,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 31sec (3811 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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