Top 10 Funniest Monty Pythons Flying Circus Moments

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welcome to watch morej UK and today we're counting down our picks for the most amusing sketches from Monty Python's Flying Circus come at me then come on do your worst your [Music] worm before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos number 10 RF banter this underrated gem sees an RAF Squadron leader return from a mission in the second world war and eagerly relayed his mission to his fellows his story is full of euphemistic slang though the general idea seems to be that the enemy got the worst of it flipped over on his bety Harpers and caught his can in the B however his fellow pilots squiffy and WinCo find it nearly impenetrable another pilot arrives with urgent news but the group is much more concerned with being able to stand his bant than with any potential attack do you understand that no I didn't get a word of it the dialogue is lorded with wonderfully absurd imagery that makes the sketch endlessly fun to watch or put another way the pythons word salad gave us a giraffe yeah I still don't get it number nine self-defense when I was showing you how to defend yourself against anyone who attacks you armed with a piece of fresh fruit we promise we wouldn't do fruit this week any sketch that gets most of the pythons together tends to be great and this is one of the best a teacher played by John CLE instructs his students in self-defense but rather than learn how to defend themselves against asant armed with knives or pointed sticks he instead teaches on the dangers of fresh fruit when you're all walking overnight and some homicidal maniac comes after you with a bunch of Logan bre don't come C to me the back and forth between the unhinged instructor and his pupils is amusing enough but the the lethal ways in which the teacher defends himself are positively hysterical come on attack me come on come on come [Applause] on something tells us that the rest of the class hasn't got the flu after all oh the first thing to do when you're being stopped by an ugly mob with raspberries is to release the dier number eight spam one of the most absurd sketches in a series known for its bizarre events this scene sees a mar couple drop into a cafe what you got then well there's egg and bacon uh egg sausage and bacon egg and spam egg bacon and spam in addition to its Viking clientele the other strange feature of the place is that virtually every dish is served with Spam spam egg spam spam bacon and spam spam spam spam egg and spam spam spam spam spam spam spam the waitress and the wife's screeching argument about the spam content is funny enough but add in the Vikings breaking into song about the questionable canned meat and the dozens of mentions of it throughout the sketch and it's no wonder it's become a classic look could I have egg bacon spam and sausage without the spam what do you mean I don't like spam it even influenced the slang term for spam is something excessive and unneeded like spam email I'm having spam spam spam spam spam number seven The Lumberjack Song I'm a Lumberjack and I'm okay I sleep all night work all [Music] day Monty Python's Flying Circus featured plenty of musical numbers during its run however this is arguably its funniest and most famous tune at the conclusion of a sketch featuring a crazed killer barber The Man reveals that he always dreamed of being a lumber Jack he then breaks into an impromptu song joined by his best girly and a chorus of mounties cut jump I like to press while fls I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars as the wannabe Lumberjack sings it becomes increasingly clear that in addition to cutting down trees he's also quite interested in crossdressing gut down trees we her heel suspend his and wish i' be gir just like my dear M the mounties and his best girl may walk off in disgust but we can't get enough of the song and it's hilarious lyrics just like my de mama and I thought you were so rugged number six nudge nudge is your wife uh a goer hey now what I mean now what I mean n nud n nud say no more say no more a man known as Mr nudge a coaches a gentleman at a bar nudge starts a conversation with the man and begins making several innuendos about the stranger's wife along with the frequent interjections of wink wink nudge nudge your wife does she uh does she go hey hey hey I mean I I mean n n say no more oh she sometimes good yes I bet she does the insinuations are all amusing and Eric Idol is Pitch Perfect as the Weasley nudge your wife interested in uh photographs hey I mean plus while punch lines are generally avoided in more sketches from Monty Python's Flying Circus this one delivers one of the few and it's fantastic as the gentleman finally confronts nudge about his insinuations and gets an unexpected answer I mean you I mean you know you you slept with a lady yes what's it like number five dirty Hungarian phrase book so many things can be Lost in Translation but sometimes the act of losing them is universally funny do you want do you want to come back to my place bouncy bouncy such is the case with this sketch which sees a Hungarian man try to purchase matches from a tobacconist however the questionable phrase book The Hungarian uses contains translations to English phrases that range from the nonsensical to the naughty would you hold it against me I I am no longer infected eventually the misunderstandings result in the tobacconist getting punched and the Hungarian arrested the many ridiculous mistranslations are hilarious the sketch is as full of laughs as the customer's hovercraft is full of eels right my nipples explode with the l number four argument Clinic I'd like to have an argument please certain have you been here before no this is my first time Monty Python excels at simple Concepts executed to brilliantly silly Perfection this sketch sees a man go to a special clinic for various unpleasant experiences after going to a room for abuse by mistake he gets into an argument with the professional is this the right room for an argument I've told you once no you haven't is a hell when just now the debate topics range from whether the customer was told it was the right room to whether they're having an argument or just contradicting one another look this isn't an argument yes it is no it isn't it's just contradiction no it isn't yes it is time eventually runs out though we'd argue it doesn't and the arguer demands more more money it's both Juvenile and highbrow humor delightfully mixed into one with Sir Michael pein and John C's effortless chemistry tying it all together well if I didn't pay why are you arguing got you no you hav't is if you're arguing I must have paid not necessarily I could be arguing in my spare time number three the Spanish Inquisition how very unexpected What on earth does that mean I don't know Mr Wentworth just told me to come in here and say that there was trouble at the Mill that's all I didn't expect a kind of Spanish [Music] Inquisition nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition a recurring sketch throughout its aonomus episode the Spanish Inquisition always arrives out of nowhere utilizing fear surprise ruthless efficiency their fanatical Devotion to the pop and nice red uniforms to strike confusion into each sketch's characters I I can't say it you'll have to say what you'll have to say the bit about our chief weapons are I couldn't do that Cardinal ZZ Fang and bigles may be dedicated to their job but their use of comfy chairs and soft cushions often fail to elicit the confessions that they're looking for the Spanish Inquisition may be entirely expected and Too Late by their final appearance in the episode but we're never prepared for how much they make us laugh how do you plead we're innocent we're soon ch change your mind about that number two the ministry of silly walks go yeah sometimes a sketch could have no words at all and still be just as funny this scene follows Mr teabag a seemingly upstanding professional as he goes about his day despite his buttoned up appearance though Mr teabag works for the sadly fictitious Ministry of silly walks and his own gate is extremely bizarre Mr P the very real problem is one of M I'm afraid that the ministry defense after Tag's ridiculously entertaining commute he sees recurring Monty Python character Arthur pey who's looking for a grant to develop his own City walk the image of John CLE contorting his legs into increasingly ridiculous positions never fails to make us laugh take a look at this [Music] then number one dead pavot arguably the most famous Monty Python sketch the dead parrot sketch is well known for good reason oh yes the Norwegian blue what's wrong with it I'll tell you what's wrong with it it's dead Mr Eric Prine attempts to return a recently purchased parrot to a pet shop despite the bird clearly being a stiff the pet shop owner tries every excuse possible to refute prine's arguments py poly par wake up ply C and pein debating something ridiculous as a recipe for comedy gold as we've already discussed and this may be their Magnum orus wake up ply pring's very ways of describing his Norwegian Blues state of decease are iconic and still as funny now as they were decades ago it has ceased to be it's expired and gone to meet its maker this is a late parot hang on a minute parrots aren't indigenous to Norway is there a Flying Circus moment you expected to see on our list that we forgot surprise us with a Spanish Inquisition of comments about your favorites below look are you insinua something oh oh yes do you agree with our pics check out this other recent clip from watch Mojo UK and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: WatchMojoUK
Views: 7,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1970s, British TV, British comedy, British sitcom, Eric Idle, Flying Circus, Graham Chapman, Holy Grail, John Cleese, King Arthur, Life of Brian, List, Meaning of Life, Michael Palin, Mojo, Monty Python sketches, Pythonesque, RAF banter, Silly Walks, Spanish Inquisition, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Top 10, WMUK, Watch Mojo, WatchMojo, WatchMojo UK, WatchMojoUK, dead parrot, fruit, funniest, funny, hilarious, hovercraft, hungarian, lumberjack, nudge nudge, parrot, self defence, spam
Id: xxamBlMta94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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