Top 10 Funniest Harrison Ford Interview Moments

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Abram [Applause] s welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 funniest Harrison Ford interview moments every time you're on you get mad at me within seconds I was mad at you before I even got out I went backstage to say hi and he punched me in the fence for this list we'll be looking at this legendary movie star's most hysterical bits from talk shows and junkets which are always a laugh Riot what do you think is Harrison Ford's best character let us know in the comments number 10 Raiders sword story late nights with Conan O'Brien we all know that iconic comedic Beats from Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indie shoots The Swordsman and like as not you've probably also heard that they mixed the planned extended fight scene because Harrison Ford had a dysentery at the time [Applause] but you never really hear about it from the swordsman's point of view do you well he was played by a man named Terry Richards who Ford claims in this interview had spent a long time preparing for the scene poor guy I mean he'd been training for three months to Stephen in you know thought that you could throw a salami up in the air and just slice it like in the deli slices naturally like anyone whose hard work gets thrown down the drain Richards apparently didn't take it so well when he learned of the quick rewrites and they told him you know what we're going to do is we're just going to shoot you and he was really upset well at least Richard's got to be part of the film history while we got a hilarious anecdote 9. remembering the holiday special Late Night with Conan O'Brien there's this image of Harrison Ford that's out there that you're grumpy there's this there's this grumpy Harrison Ford image that's her [Applause] kind of grump be Aura in his later years as Conan O'Brien points out here but we'd argue that's exactly where he feels most at home in his comedic sensibilities when O'Brien brings up the Star Wars holiday special however Ford doesn't need much reason to be unenthused do you remember making this Christmas special I think it was 1978 no you don't remember it for any Star Wars fan who's been so fortunate as to not see the holiday special just know it exists look at Lumpy he's sure grown huh I think his voice has changed come on I'm just teasing Ford on the other hand Finn's ignorance about it here or if he really has repressed it good for him in any case O'Brien forces Ford to relive the franchise's biggest mistake and it is late night gold happy life day Harrison Ford what if I were to tell you that I had a little piece of tape right now number eight swatching It Up The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon historically speaking booze and talk shows make for pretty unhinged bedfellows so when Jimmy Fallon broke out a bottle of Scotch for himself and Harrison Ford we knew we were in for a good time no I don't know I can't pronounce it but I but no I know how to uh no because I drunk I foreign that I made and it's called Ford initially looks unsure about it asking if it was okay Fallon immediately reassures him only to learn that the actor wasn't asking him but his wife kalista Flockhart is he okay well yeah I think we're allowed to do it I mean you're Harrison Ford we were allowed to do whatever we want to do not okay with you okay with my wife oh yeah sorry following Fallon and full trade a few jokes again thinking of Flockhart second apology of the night to my wife we for one prefer Ford's joke over Fallon's there are no fish under the ice is that you God and the voices no it's the ice rink manager number seven begging to have Han killed Jimmy Kimmel Live you were here in October promoting Star Wars and here you are again in March promoting Star Wars what the hell spoil that if you're the one person who hasn't seen the force awakens yet but yes Han Solo does indeed die in the film thank you Harrison Ford has been pretty vocal For Years about his desire for Han to perish in the original trilogy lucasfilm eventually made good on that request over 30 years later and when the movie hit home media a few months later Ford finally got to take his Victory lap you work for like 25 years for the company yeah you do your best you show up every day you do your job and then they just let you go for the most part people were surprised to learn of Han's fate which is in itself surprising in today's day and age of things leaking onto the internet but maybe we also have Harrison Ford to thank for that I think people knew that they would actually get killed if they reveal the ending of the movie I think they knew that I would show up at their house foreign Indiana Jones trivia late nights with Conan O'Brien despite starring in some of the most popular movie franchises of all time Harrison Ford isn't necessarily A homegrown Fanboy otherwise he'd definitely have more props and memorabilia around his house I don't want all that crap around my house [Laughter] you don't want that crap around your house no I mean I don't I don't need all that I'm a very rich man as if two specifically get four to reject the Adoration of his own movies Conan O'Brien once brought out an Indiana Jones Super Fan in honor of the release of kingdom of the Crystal Skull only it didn't start out the way he expected he's a nice looking man he's a nice looking man yes interesting uh this isn't going the way I thought it would after having his looks admired by the actor the Super Fan goes into extreme detail on indie's various whips but it's Ford's answer to the trivia question that really gets the chuckles what was the color of the original whips fall who gives it Number Five Star Wars bribe Conan this is a real thousand dollars I will give you this money if you tell us something about the new Star Wars film the force awakens wasn't spoiled doesn't mean that there weren't people looking to get the deeds and one of them was none other than Conan O'Brien back in 2013 when pre-production was ramping up O'Brien had Ford on the show and tried to get him to talk with that sweet sweet green a long time ago [Laughter] in a place far far away I forget the rest Force plays at koi telling them things they already know or at best at best surmise than themselves but I hear their uh they're thinking of doing another one well apparently O'Brien was out a cool thousand as they weren't getting anything out of Ford O'Brien did have the right idea though as Ford's been very candid about what his time is worth definitely said would you be interested I said how much show me the money Number Four The de-aged Man in the Mirror The Late Show was Stephen Colbert Harrison Ford has been in some pretty high profile movies the last decade or so he'll even be joining the MCU in taking over the role previously held by the late to Great William Hurt but again don't expect him to Spill the Beans it's not Tom Holland after all where do you guys meet where do you and Captain America meet in the first scene um at a disco in the lead up to Indiana Jones and the dial of Destiny Stephen Colbert sat forward down to Marvel over the de-aging done on him for the movie which admittedly looks pretty convincing you're Harrison Ford of course we're gonna do a lot of work for Harrison Ford this isn't Jason Siegel we're talking about just joking I'm just joking Jason I know who he was Ford was and still is a pretty handsome guy so we totally understand when he says that's all he sees in the mirror does it freak you out to see this or is like or in your mind this is what you look like all the time that's what I see what I look in the beard on a good day you're all mirror too Hassan number three recreating the I know line The Graham Norton Show ask any Star Wars fan and there's a good chance they'll say the best line comes from Han in The Empire Strikes Back I love you I know when Ford was on The Graham Norton Show the eponymous host decided to use some audience participation to recreate the iconic exchange I love you [Applause] all right we've all wanted to tell Harrison Ford we love him so credit the actor for being totally game for the whole bit well at least for the first one is Santa what's your name yoga what yoka from Belgium yoker Yoko Yoko Yoko leave her alone by the time the second guest stands up he decides to get a little cheeky about the whole thing which is certainly on brand for Ford I love you thank you thank you almost as magical as in the movie number two punching Ryan Gosling various I read about the character that um Ryan Ryan that's right press tour for Blade Runner 2049 with Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling was so funny that we demand an entire comedy movie from the tomb the various interviewers definitely had a lot of ammunition though as the story broke that Ford had inadvertently clocked Gosling while filming a scene but you weren't meant to punch him right oh I misread the script obviously it was a total accident and was played for Laughs later on but to tell that to in the moment Harrison Ford who initially thought he'd just injured the movie's lead actor but is that is that the face of regret or is that just kind of I really hurt my hand that's the face of oh I'm in deep Judo also tell that to Gosling himself who realized that getting punched isn't very fun under any of stances the story is that I missed him 99 times you know they say don't meet your Heroes I would say don't get punched by them it turns out it doesn't matter who you're getting punched by it's still just getting punched before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one breaking Hans leg The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon not to again poke fun at onset injuries but the anecdotes are just too good can you bring up JJ why because he directed he directed you in Star Wars the Force awakens yes and he got injured trying to help you because you got hurt as a poor guy yeah you fell what a pity Harrison Ford had his leg fractured when the hydraulic door for the Millennium Falcon came down on him Ford thankfully recovered quickly leading to this hysterical interview with Jimmy Fallon Fallon presents Ford with a Han Solo action figure asking him to indicate where he was hurt Ford is all too eager to oblige venting his frustrations out on the toy this one that one was dislocated the ankle forward hey that's worth a lot of money that's an original and then that's it I get it hey come on he even gets a little too enthusiastic as little Han loses a lot more than a [Laughter] legit let's not talk about that action speaking of costuming Fallon then asks Ford if he got emotional trying on the old Duds prompting a classic Ford denial did you did you get emotional when you put the Wardrobe no I got paid yeah yeah did you enjoy this video check out these 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Views: 453,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity, Comedy, best harrison ford interviews, celeb, funniest, funniest celebrity interviews, funniest harrison ford interviews, funniest interviews, funny harrison ford interviews, harrison ford, harrison ford funny moments, harrison ford interviews, harrison ford movies, harrison ford press tour, indiana jones, indiana jones and the dial of destiny, list, mojo, star wars, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: 0R1yawlirSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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