Top 10 Funniest Female Disney Characters

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your favorite Disney films are chock-full of funny ladies welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 funniest female Disney characters before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we'll be looking at some of the funniest women from both live-action and animated Disney and Pixar movies [Music] number ten grandmother fall Mulan great she brings home a sword if you ask me she should have brought home a mess grandmother fought is your classic sassy grandma [Music] and even you can't blow it she's brutally honest she has no filter and she throws all types of shade hoops picking her beancurd her comedic timing is absolutely perfect like when she asks li Shang to stay with them forever would you like to stay forever and she has us cracking up when she crosses that crowded Street with the lucky cricket leaving a wave of destruction in her wake and yet making it to the other side without so much as a scratch on her Mulan is obviously awesome but we kind of want to share a cup of tea with her grandmother number 9 flora fauna and Merryweather Sleeping Beauty I'd like to turn her into a fat old bottle do you that isn't a very nice thing to say lucky Aurora she basically has three sassy grandmas technically they are her fairy godmothers and so their main job is to actually take care of Aurora they use their magic to bake her a cake make her a dress and save her from evil of course but their magic is at its best when being dished out in the form of their goofy wit they fight with each other just like real sisters do you know just with a magical twist it looks awful it's because it's on you dear they're blue or pink fight is basically a magical slapstick comedy routine number eight Mia Thermopolis the Princess Diaries franchise from breaking Paolo's brush with her hair to ruining dinners Mia serves as the cause for much hilarity on her journey to becoming a princess the contrast between her and her grandmother is a constant source of laughter starting with the moment that Clarice tells me about she's a princess and Mia tells Clarice to shut up a princess shut up I beg your pardon yes her princess lessons are disastrously funny but there's equally humor to be found in the way she stumbles through life in general are you okay poor Mia she might not have been trying to be funny on purpose but she definitely has us laughing and you see usually when I ask a woman to dance I always show her my family tree oh well you just crafty number seven Terk Tarzan what well you gotta you gotta go get a hat like all great animated Disney movies Tarzan has a well balanced mix of tear-jerking emotion and laugh-out-loud humor there are a lot of funny characters in this film but Turk is the most memorable and consistent source of laughter Turk is Tarzan sarcastic best friend who's always cracking jokes pulling pranks and getting herself into trouble all right but don't make me do anything embarrassing she never takes anything seriously even when the intimidating Kerchak comes around thank you so much for finding it I checked you out such a wise Tarzan may be the title character of this movie but with her humorous antics Turk steals more than her fair share of scenes number 6 Winifred Winnie Mary and Sarah Sanderson hocus-pocus makes me sick you wouldn't think three child stealing witches could be so funny but Winnie Mary and Sarah Sanderson managed between their failed attempts to catch or kill the young heroes and they're agitated dynamic hilarity regularly ensues Winnie is pretty much the ringleader despite lacking the prerequisite qualities and Sarah and Mary are admittedly kinda dopey as a result they aren't the most well oil team of evildoers with Winnie frequently getting annoyed by her sisters antics just started out with the adventure [Music] lucky for us when he's annoyed at her sisters just adds to the humor also their tongue-in-cheek musical numbers are an absolute hoot number five Megara hercules well thanks for everything Herc it's been a real slice Meg sarcastic and cynical personality is one of the best parts of this movie many of the other entries on this list are more obviously funny be it through their use of physical comedy or over their outlandish behavior but Meg's dry wit and deadpan delivery are much more subtle making the laughs that much more profound Phil's got the rest of the day pretty much booked ah just follow me out the window around the dumbbells you lift up the back wall and we're done a lot of her jokes might have gone over your head as a kid but if you watch the movie again as an adult you'd probably pick up on all the feminist humor you missed before I've asked you to release that young keep movin junior ladies but you stress I'm a damsel I'm in distress I can handle this have a nice day she is the feminist hero we all deserved as girls people always do crazy things when they're in love number 4 dory Finding Nemo franchise what else didn't big enough for your sound like that huh problem buddy huh huh do you do you do you want a piece of me yeah yeah oh I'm scared now Dory is the end to Marlon's yang she's bright and optimistic and Marlon is well not a moose go grow bleep kills when life get you down you know what you gotta do I don't know what you gotta do just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming and the fact that she is the total opposite of him provides a lot of laughs in this instant Disney classic what is it about two different characters annoying the heck out of each other that's just so funny of course her fast-talking demeanor and her forgetfulness also provide much opportunity for Laughs his son bingo Nemo was taken to uh Sydney yes and it's really really important that we get there as fast as we can so can you help us out even funnier however our random and surprisingly useful skills like speaking whale or reading human which she always just so happens to remember at the exact perfect moment three Raw's Monsters Inc franchise this monster is so deadpan and nonchalant about everything that she can make you laugh by saying nothing at all she hilarious Lee rebuffs any and all of Mike Wazowski attempts to establish any kind of friendly relationship with her she might handle the administrative tasks while other monsters handle the scaring but she is easily the most intimidating of the bunch you don't know fear until you fail to turn in your paperwork to Roz that face of hers it just makes my heart go well as a matter of fact it must take a woman with a good sense of humor to tolerate all the shenanigans that go on at Monsters Inc your colleagues might not get you but we're laughing with you Roz number two Edna mode The Incredibles franchise torn right through it this fashion designers enthusiasm and passion for super suits alone is the source of many laughs you designed it I never looked that badly it distracts from the now first off she looks like a mad scientist wild and sporting a devious smile with fire reflecting in her giant glasses as she shows Elastigirl the suit she's made for all the Incredibles and who could ever forget her famous no capes monologue you can't generalize about madame an express elevator Dinah snag on kpop splashdown sucked into a vortex nut cakes it's absolutely brilliant and yet she somehow manages to be simultaneously over-the-top and understated her general sassiness and mumbled comments are just as hysterical as her dramatic rants making us laugh out loud is Edna mode superpower yes I'm sure your gratitude is quite inexpressible don't ask me to do it again darling my rates are far too high before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions I take care of you later featherbrains it's rule 1 no mineral or vegetable only animal still need them the gates will open soon time to get ready of course Oh ready for what your sisters coronation ma'am my sister's corneration as your merciful princess I hereby decree that everyone who was ever mean to me shall be executed this place just got interesting number 1 yzma The Emperor's New Groove we were just making a toast to your long and healthy room right she is evil she is murderous and she is absolutely hilarious and it arrives it's brilliant brilliant brilliant untidy knees must attempt to capture and kill Emperor Kuzco our brilliantly half-baked and everything from the sound of her voice and her treatment of Kronk to Herr general annoyance and the absolutely mad look on her face will keep you laughing throughout this whole movie hey that's kind of like what he said to you and you got fired I know it's called a cruel irony like my dependence on you let's not forget her time spent as a kitty cat her adorable appearance and high-pitched voice only make her villainy that much more hysterical the sound of her kitty cat evil laugh is sure to leave you instead every time and once I turn back into my beautiful self I'm going to carry you do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from ms mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 577,890
Rating: 4.9219403 out of 5
Keywords: most hilarious female Disney characters, funniest Disney women, funniest Disney girls, funny Disney characters, funny females, hysterical female Disney characters, hilarious Disney characters, film, movies, MsMojo, Viral, Countdown, lists, listicles, top 10
Id: qEo7CIiyLv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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