Top 20 Mistakes That Were Left in Disney Movies

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if you've been jealous of my good look since the 4th grade pal welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 disney movie mistakes you missed i give you my leg i give you my legs so this is why prince i read stormed out it's my duty and it's a big duty for this list we'll be looking at mistakes that can be found in various disney movies these mistakes can be anything including continuity errors animation mistakes or plot holes we will be including pixar movies on this list what mistakes surprised you the most let us know in the comments number 20 magically appearing magic 8 ball toy story looks like those magic eight balls really are magic after all not only can they tell the future but they can also appear at will whenever they're needed when andy's mom suggests pizza planet for dinner andy excitedly throws his toys onto the desk pizza planet oh cool notice how there's absolutely nothing near them aside from the lamp and pens on the other side of the desk however right after woody pushes buzz off him an eight ball magically appears right beside his arm will andy pick me yeah there are no camera angle excuses or anything for this one this was just a big fat mistake uh nothing uh nothing i'm sure andy was just a little excited that's all too much cake and ice cream i suppose it's just a mistake number 19. why don't the supers know the name devour incredibles 2. in the 15-year anticipated follow-up to the incredibles the issues between supers and the rest of society are very much still real oh what did we do however mr incredible elastigirl and frozone find allies in the devers well one of them anyway welcome back elastigirl come on up here get up here winston and evelyn's father had been a big fan of superheroes back in the day putting up a statue of dyna guy and even making friends with some of them given that several of their own super powered pals took a liking to the senior endeavor wouldn't our heroes have at least heard the name devour before though additionally elastigirl's look gets an upgrade to edna mode's dismay elastigirl super suit is by galbaki as well as a new electric bike but when it meets an unfortunate end it explodes in a ball of fire which wouldn't happen to something you know electric number 18 vanellope's tooth reappears wreck-it ralph this is another minor mistake but like others of its kind there's just no going back once you notice it when she's practicing driving vanellope crashes and spits out a tooth she then smiles at ralph making her missing front tooth very obvious and clear to the audience however her teeth are completely fine and intact for the rest of the movie you could argue that it was a video game and her teeth were reprogrammed or something but really it was just a simple sight gag that the animators had no intention of continuing throughout the movie i've been thinking that's dangerous number 17 kristoff under fresh snow frozen this mistake serves as another innocent sight gag but it's a little less forgivable than the last when kristoff anna and olaf are escaping from marshmallow olaf gets thrown off the cliff right before kristoff and anna fall to the snow below at the bottom kristoff emerges under a completely fresh and undisturbed mound of snow i give you my leg i can't feel my legs not only did kristoff somehow end up underneath olaf who fell off the cliff first but he also didn't make any impact or scuff marks upon hitting the snow mistake made by the animators side gag we weren't supposed to take seriously or is kristoff a ghost make your decision he's crazy number 16. jasmine's golden armband changes arms aladdin jafar i never realized how incredibly handsome you are in the scene where jasmine is chained up by jafar she is wearing a golden snake bracelet on her right arm this can clearly be seen when she kisses jafar and right before she tries to wrestle the staff away from him however once she's knocked to the ground the bracelet is on her left arm in the next shot when she stands to get the lamp it's on her right arm again a simple continuity error and it's a real blink and you'll miss a mistake especially considering the hectic nature of the scene but hey it's a mistake nonetheless princess your time is up number 15 the sword from nowhere frozen elsa you can't run from this just take care of my sister frozen has a spectacular climactic finish that leaves audience members at the edge of their seats but that doesn't mean it all makes sense for example we clearly see the villainous hans approaching elsa totally unarmed not even a sheath to contain a sword yet we then hear a sword being unsheathed and then suddenly see a sword magically appear in hanza's hands [Music] and no it's not a really sharp icicle it's a legitimate sword kind of a big one which makes you think hans may be compensating for something but that's another story the only frozen heart around here is yours number 14 nothing happens to the lights monsters inc in monsters inc it's made very clear that booze screams and laps produce massive power spikes because you know the entire concept of the movie is that children screams and later laughter power the monster city however there are numerous times throughout the movie when boo's vocalizations do absolutely nothing to the power examples include the scene when she's screaming in randall's scream extractor or when she's giggling in the bathroom while playing hide and seek with sully [Music] hey you're good on both occasions the light should be going haywire yet nothing happens geez get your lore straight disney number 13. why does buzz freeze toy story this has been a question on everyone's mind since 1995. why does buzz freeze when andy enters the room it's established early on that the toys freeze around andy because you know they're not supposed to be alive but it's also established that buzz doesn't believe himself to be a toy if that's the case then why does he freeze like the rest of them it could be that a toy's involuntary response is to freeze around humans you are a toy it could also be a defense mechanism or maybe he wanted to wait and study the hostile species while this plot hole doesn't ruin the movie it certainly brings up some questions number 12 the slashes change direction beauty and the beast beauty and the beast is undoubtedly one of disney's all-time classics but that doesn't mean it's without its goofs [Music] in the prologue the beast dramatically tears at his human portrait and the scratches go in a downwards left to right direction one scratch even begins at his right eye and goes across his nose and off his cheek however when belle later discovers the same portrait the scratches travel in an upwards direction and the scratch beginning on his right eye is completely gone for such a serious and important scene you'd think they'd have reviewed the earlier scene number eleven tiger takes a bite of something aladdin so this is why prince i read stormed out oh father raja was just playing with him weren't you raja in this disney classic strong-willed princess jasmine knows what she wants and what she wants is not the obnoxious prince ahmed jasmine's tiger raja is on the same page and he dispenses with this unwanted suitor by taking a bite out of his purple pants insulted the prince flees his heart pattern underwear clearly showing through a hole in his pants i've never been so insulted you're not leaving so soon are you good luck marrying her off yet when we get a close-up of raja the fabric in his mouth clearly matches ahmed's underwear guess we're all just thankful he wasn't going commando that day look at that abu it's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends number 10 king candy just doesn't want to go away wreck it ralph is that a threat i smell before beyond the halitosis you so obviously suffer from poor vanellope von schweitz was dealt a crappy hand in wreck-it ralph what with her video game-based kingdom having been taken away from her by the evil king candy and all there's no way that i am racing with a glitch francis candlehead come on flowerville that glitch cannot be allowed to write all traces of vanellope's rightful place as princess have been wiped away king candy has plastered his name and logo all over everything like a pixelated donald trump so you're a fan of pink salmon salmon that's obviously sam what are you doing here so when vanellope and ralph win and everything is reset the way it's supposed to be why can we still see king candy's name and logo on one of the buildings so this is the real you guess ralph was too busy celebrating to wreck it to pieces and besides i've got a job to do too may not be as fancy as being president but it's my duty and it's a big duty number nine mr potato head's magic eye toy story three you got a date with justice one-eyed bart part of the appeal of mr potato head is how easy it is to change his appearance and even his personality with a little accessorizing but can we have a little consistency please in this scene andy is pretending mr potato head is the evil one-eyed bart and yes he has one eye but when andy's mom comes into the room with a video camera and andy gives her a close-up look at his toys the potato fiend suddenly has two eyes either that's a mistake or that video camera comes with some serious cgi capability i always wanted to go out with a bang number eight easy to escape shackles tangled in case you get any ideas about following us sure we know rapunzel and flynn rider are just cartoon characters but their relationship is so beautifully realized that it's sometimes easy to forget this fact [Music] maybe that's why when a little bit of unreality interrupts flynn's big death scene it's so jarring our hero is dying and clearly shackled so no escape is possible everything is gonna be okay no rapunzel i promise you have to trust me no come on just breathe i can't let you do this and i can't let you die rapunzel has just agreed to sacrifice her freedom and happiness so he can live and flynn raises his shackled hand to stroke her face only that shackle has somehow disappeared and it's somehow back moments later when he cuts off her hair dooming himself but ensuring rapunzel will be free wait [Music] spoiler it all ends happily though number seven who needs glasses anyway inside out and there she was eyes and shackles aren't the only things that can appear and disappear at random in a disney film we won't blame you if you didn't notice this scene in inside out though after all heroin riley is a distractingly cute little baby at first the audience is looking at the baby over the shoulders of her mother and father and her mom is clearly wearing glasses but in the next cut the audience is looking up at the parents from baby riley's point of view guess what no glasses hello [Music] riley oh look at you aren't you a little bundle of joy yes maybe she decided contacts were a better choice but when did she have time to put them in [Music] number six the beat of a different drum lilo and stitch [Music] the incredibly adorable lilo very definitely marches to the beat of a different drum but this is taking that saying a little too literally when we're first introduced to the adorable leading lady lilo has her mind on pretty much anything else than being on time for her hula class at the class two men are providing musical accompaniment for the dancers each playing a drum that is kind of gorge-shaped yet when we see these men after lilo's comment about pudge the fish one of those drums is now a more traditional drum shape pudge controls the weather maybe pudge also has power over musical instruments hajj is a fish number five shy shadows pocahontas and now i'll never see john smith again come with me the love story of pocahontas and john smith creates a kind of magic on screen but that doesn't give the filmmakers an excuse to bend the laws of nature in the scene where nakoma comes to fetch pocahontas and take her to see the capture john smith the two women walk back to the camp holding hands yet as they approach the camp their shadows clearly are not holding hands pocahontas wants to look into the eyes of the man who killed kokomo that's just not possible unless the shadows have a mind of their own like in peter pan maybe those shadows are a little shy about expressing affection but come on we're all friends here don't you think we're getting a little old for these games number four toys don't have a reflection toy story 2. turn it off vampires are well known for not casting a reflection but as far as we know the characters in toy story 2 are not bloodsuckers unless there's something ham and rex are not telling us great now i have guilt why do we wonder because when ham turns off the tv the screen goes black and we can see the room reflected in the blank screen but we can't see either ham or rex who are standing right in front of it i despise that chicken maybe their shy reflections should go on a date with pocahontas and nakoma's shadows number three mike and sully did not meet in university monsters university apparently monsters inc has an issue with quality control 23-19 we have a 23-19 [Music] the entire concept of monsters university is that mike and sully meet and befriend each other while studying at the titular school what am i doing james b sullivan mike wazowski listen it was quite delightful meeting you and whatever that is but if you don't mind i have to study my scaring however it was established in the first movie that mike and sully have been friends for much longer than that as mike says to sully if you've been jealous of my good look since the 4th grade pal however the director has acknowledged this error according to him the team decided to forego the established character backgrounds for story and thematic purposes we can respect that but we're still going to point it out number two elsa's hair goes through her shoulder frozen this goof was quite popular on the internet in the mid-2010s thanks to a particularly eagle-eyed viewer sadly the person who discovered it was probably some kid's poor parent who had to watch the movie for the thousandth time that month oh look at that i've been impaled during let it go elsa's hair fuses through her left shoulder when she lets it down while this is hardly noticeable at normal speed it's quite clear upon viewing the scene in slow motion or when scrutinizing it frame by frame then again maybe we should just let it go because apart from that the scene is [Music] amazing before we get to our top pick here are some honorable mentions the alligator poster finding nemo [Applause] [Music] judy is wearing the wrong shirt zootopia i'm a loser [Music] mr litwack's name changes wreck-it ralph and ralph breaks the internet mr litwack what's the trouble sweetheart the game's busted let wacko fix it all right kristoff's instrument is missing a peg frozen you got me let's call it a night good night newspaper headline is from 40 years in the future the incredibles before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one cinderella's disappearing sleeves cinderella on one level cinderella is all about the wardrobe right after all her animal friends help her make a gorgeous gown that her jealous stepsisters ripped to shreds then that handy fairy godmother gives her the ball gown to end all ball gowns and iconic glass slippers to match and look glass slippers everything ends happily ever after with cinderella marrying her prince in yet another stunning outfit one with very long sleeves except when she's riding away in her carriage we see her again through the rear window and girl what happened to those sleeves maybe her fairy godmother wasn't feeling her first look good night [Music] do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from ms mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 107,457
Rating: 4.9037914 out of 5
Keywords: disney movie mistakes you missed, disney animation errors, mistakes in disney movies, disney movie errors, disney continuity errors, disney plot holes, pixar animation errors, cinderella, frozen, toy story, mistakes, disney, pixar, animation errors, Animated, Cartoon, Movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies, msmojo, msmojo disney, disney movies, ms mojo, miss mojo, Disney movie mistakes
Id: Wdp4z7HjuvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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