Top 10 Foods To Unclog Arteries Naturally & Prevent Heart Attack

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Hello Health Champions Today I want to talk about the top 10 foods to unclog your arteries but more importantly I want to talk about a few mechanisms because without the bigger picture lists like this can be extremely misleading traditionally we've heard that there are certain foods that are clogging up harders and they're always the same list the cream the butter the eggs high fat cheese and the meat the saturated fat the dietary cholesterol and we're told this stuff ends up in arteries and therefore you should avoid it but is it really that way it works well the true cause of cardiovascular disease and there is little dispute there is little down or controversy about this today the real cause is inflammation and and when we look at these foods what we find is that there is no association when we compare inflammation to these foods these foods do not cause inflammation and therefore they cannot be the cause of cardiovascular disease so we have to get past that way of thinking and then we come across list and videos like this where we hear about you that are unclogged and these could be things like garlic and turmeric pomegranate sesame and flax walnuts and Druids leafy creams and were told that these are foods that will unclog your arms were told that the things on this list are superfoods that they have some magical miracle properties that will just take care of everything for you and I'm not saying that these foods are bad they're excellent foods and you should eat them but you should not think of them as Miracles because that puts us into the allopathic mindset and what does that mean the allopathic mindset is what is plagued us for the last 50 years or so what we think that the symptom is this thing that randomly attacks us that we need to treat the kill so now we get a pill or medication or we get a super food and we think the treating the symptom that superfood is the way to go but we forget that the symptom is a result of something that wasn't working and we forget to fix the thing that wasn't working instead we just cover it up the treat something temporarily without getting to the root cause so I want you to listen very carefully to this you don't miss this point that yes we're going to start implementing these 10 foods but the most important thing about those foods is what you do before so there's three steps to this and before you ever get there you want to stop putting in the bad stuff because there is no super food that can undo the bad things that you put in if you keep putting in the things that create the problem there's nothing you can add to that to undo it so we have to stop the bad then number two is we ask some good and these are just good solid food and then we start thinking super food medicinal properties herbs and things like that right three steps first we have to stop putting in the thing that causes the problem and those are things that cause inflammation oxidative stress and damaged LDL not LDL cholesterol by itself because that is a good thing but when that LDL gets damaged by inflammation and oxidative stress now we have a problem and the things that cause inflammation and oxidative stress or sugar grain vegetable oils processed foods toxins and stress and that's basically what most of the videos on this channel are about so just go find those and learn more about all of these different things in more detail so again step one is to remove the job stop putting in the things that caused the problem so now we can get to step two which is to add food and this is any form of real food animal or plants well we want both they have different properties animal products or neutral to inflammation they provide building blocks they provide what I call genuine replacement parts that's what your body needs to build tissues the plants are also good food they don't provide so many genuine replacement parts but they have other things in them they have other nutrients they have phytonutrients they have fiber and also a class of chemicals called polyphenols that have been shown to reduce inflammation and then we have essential facts essential means you cannot live without it so that's kind of important and that's part of the body's ability to regulate inflammation so we have something called ala Alpha Lino Venus acid this is by classification the essential fatty acid that we need the omega-3 however what the body is really looking for is the next step which is called EPA and DHA which you can find in fish oil now ala is classified as essential because the body can turn ala into EPA and DHA and therefore EPA DHA are not classified as essential even though they are the end product that your body is actually looking for here's the problem that the conversion of ala to EPA and DHA is very poor and the core your health is the poorer your metabolic health is the less you're going to convert so the really healthy people they can probably get away with just taking the Ala which you get from things like flax but if you can't convert if you have some metabolic issues now you do need to add that ETA DHA which you get fish and there's also a lot of talk about the balance between Omega 3s and Omega 60s and we want to understand that both Omega 3 and 6 are necessary but one that tends to help the body regulate more anti-inflammatory and one is a little pro-inflammatory we need both but we need balance we need about a one to one or one to two or maybe you want to three ratio but with the modern and with lots of rain and Seed oils and grain-fed beef Etc we often find that the omega-6 is dominating 20 to 1 and now that's very strongly pro-inflammatory number one is fatty fish because here we have an animal protein that gives us good building blocks but it also has lots of these essential fats for getting the EPA DHA and high doses salmon sardines and macro are excellent sources those are some of the fish with less Mercury and toxic but very high levels of Omega Freaks and you also want to look for wild costs fish because if it's wild then it's whatever was available in nature which was the appropriate diet for that fish but if it's farm-raised now they're going to feed it hormones and colorings and whatever garbage makes that fish grow as fast as possible and give it properties for Market not for Health number two is any sort of Animal product that was raised on land but was raised healthily raised in a natural way so it's the meat if the cows ate grass damage healthy it butter came from grass-fed cows if the dairy came from grass-fed cows then it's good for the most part so I put a little question mark on Dairy though because the more we process the milk and the dairy the harder it is for us humans to digest it so a lot of people do have sensitivities and you want to be a little careful with different forms of theory so butter is great and fermented dairy is also really good for the vast majority of people good if it was raised under good conditions chicken ran around having a normal chicken life Under the Blue Sky eating grass and Bugs called pasture then that poultry is healthy and so are there eggs and this is the biggest obstacle most people have to overcome because these are great food but we've been scared that all these foods are high and saturated fat they clog arteries that high in cholesterol they're clog arteries but the question we have to ask is are these Foods inflammatory and the answer is no these facts saturated fats are very very stable they don't interact they don't react much with oxygen they're neutral and that's why they're good foods because they don't provoke inflammation as a matter of fact a lot of people use these foods to reduce inflammation To reduce inflammation if you go on a clean diet by Whole30 or a Paleo automu diets then these are typically foods that you can all include number three nuts and seeds we have flax Chia hemp and we have walnuts and completely and these are the nuts and seeds that are the highest in ALA alpha limolini acid that again the body can't convert that into EPA DHA which we get from fish but the conversion is very poor but it doesn't mean that it's not a good idea to get a good amount of distill if you can get it from a clean Source you don't want to get rancid and old seeds or oil but as long as it's fresh it's still good food and if you eat more of this it means you're probably eat less of something else that would be harmful and another thing is fine in the seeds the flags Chia and hemp are very very high levels of soluble fiber so they're going to help the gut motility and your microbiome environment as well and peeling nuts are kind of rare in the Western World in the US but they're very common in the Philippines so if you haven't heard of them that's why number four leafy greens provides a good foundation for everything it's very low carb it's very high nutrient very high fiber Romaine arugula green leaf lettuce kale chard and spinach are all great sources now some people don't do so well with oxalates or oxalic acid so you might want to limit the spinach a little bit cook it for reporting number five or other vegetables so other than the leafy greens you have cruciferous vegetables that can be other forms they contain glucosinolates and cruciferous vegetables have been shown to reduce inflammation and help detox and cleanse the liver and the liver of course is like the central Hub of metabolic disease we get fatty liver we get insulin resistance we get the metabolic syndrome and decorative acid so anything we can do to help deliver is going to be great for avoiding heart disease an examples of cruciferous vegetables are broccoli cauliflower cabbage arugula brussel sprouts kale radishes and rutabaga so there's some long list of different things and they seem like they have a wide range of properties but what they have in common is that the flower of the plant forms a four leaf cross that's where the word cruciferous comes from and in additional vegetables that are great things like bell pepper avocado celery asparagus artichoke and citrus course is not a vegetable but it's something else that good to add because you don't use so much of it so you can just get a little bit of sugar and it has lots of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties a couple of more good things what are cucumber and eggplant soap fennel that's a phenolic ring that's this six carbon ring that occurs in many different places in many different food hundreds of different foods and poly means it has more than one of these rings for molecule and now we have a class of chemicals called polyphenols that have been shown to reduce inflammation so it is a good idea to include foods with a lot of fennels but which ones do we pick extra virgin olive oil has a lot flax has a lot congs oregano clothes cocoa or old good sources of this and if we look at other lists very often we'll see things like dates and great pomegranate wheat Rye soybean products red wine and here's the problem that while these food have polyphenols who are we talking about we're talking about the people are trying to avoid or reverse heart disease and these people have a metabolic problem they are insulin resistant they have poor metabolic health and the worst thing that they can do even if they get some benefit from the polyperals the worst thing they can do is to add a bunch of sugar because that's what created the problem in the first place so yes look for some foods that have polyphenols but don't add something to undo the benefit of the polyphenols so dates for example are almost pure sugar and a lot of these like pomegranates been pronounced as a superfood but the sugar content is also really high so if you're already metabolic with healthy then you can have some of these but if you're trying to reverse heart disease then you're not metabolic with healthy and then these are not a good idea you stop putting in the bad across the problem we put in some good help the body make building blocks and energy and provide a good foundation now we're ready for the medicinal thinking you will so herbal compounds can be very beneficial things like curcumin and Resveratrol and tree bark extract those have anti-inflammatory properties and I would say that you can get them fresh a supplement but if you can find them fresh then do that as a foundation again because whatever Nature Made is going to have more of the components with it so turmeric for example comes as a root but you can also buy as a powder number eight is fish oil as a supplement and I do believe that unless you eat fish every single day most people would benefit from taking a supplement so most official supplements going to have EPA and DHA in a certain ratio usually about three to two means a little bit more of the EPA so EPA stands for icosapenta inoic acid don't worry about the name it supports vascular health so the anti-inflammatory benefits are probably mostly from the ETA the DHA however can be even more important in a different way because DHA stands for don't Costa hexa and noic acid it's a little bit longer of a molecule but this is your brain building something else most of the fatty acids most of the Omega-3s in your cell membranes and in your body and in your brain are made up of DHS it's huge really important building block of nervous tissue and therefore if you're missing this often times your brain isn't quite working the way it's supposed to and we can have things like Stress and Anxiety and focus and because the frontal lobe is 2D so what we find is with DHA people often find relief with all of these as well as a better functioning frontal lobe and now if you have more DHA and less stress than that's also going to start affecting inflammation so they work in conjunction but I would say if you sort of just looking for a general then you go with something that has about a three to two but if you're looking to specifically address something anxiety and some brain function then you want to look for something that higher than DHA number nine is B vitamins and they're super important in the mitochondria where we make energy they act as catalysts for moving the process of energy production forward there's also something called homocysteine and this is something that's very pro-inflammatory it is very strongly correlated to heart disease and you can measure this pretty simply on a blood test and the normal range is 0 to 15 but you really want to keep it about half of that like zero to seven is a much better level and less is better so this is a byproduct it's an intermediate that we can turn in in a second step we can turn it into something harmless if we have enough vitamins we need B12 B6 and folded acid and the people that have trouble with this conversion of people have a genetic defect call the MTHFR you have one of these genes of each of your parents and you could have a mutation in one or both and about 30 to 40% of the people in the US have a mutation in one of these and then that means that you have to build up of this will potentially have a buildup of this homocysteine and you're more prone to heart disease and you can ask for this on your blood test it's not that difficult to test and if you can't remember it then there's a little acronym there that I can't say out loud in this video but you get the idea but even though this is a serious problem there's a relatively simple fix and it's to take some B vitamins and to make sure that they're methylated because if they contain a methyl group a methyl donor then that helps the conversion of this homocysteine into this harmless comment and this is what nutritional yeast look like it's a whole food it's a great source of the full spectrum B vitamins to provide a foundation for your life and number 10 are enzymes enzymes great things down in the body they can be in your digestive tract and break down food but they can also be systemic enzymes and break down things in your body and there's a supplement form we can take something called nattokinase or lumbrokinase that are special important for breaking down things we don't want related to cardiovascular disease so these are called fibrinolytic so when we make blood clots in the body there's something called fibrin and these enzymes help break down excessive amounts of that and the two times that can be super important one is if you have cardiovascular disease blood clots the other is with covid-19 infections because huge problems both during the acute faces and in many many months after is that there are blood clots we have too high blood viscosity as a result of the infection and then there's a really good chance that nattokinase and lumberokinase can help break down those blood clots and improve the blood viscosity again and there's also some evidence that the fibrin that makes up these blood clots are also linked to the platforms this would be one way that we can actually reverse plaque of course if we first have done steps one to that we talked about and then there are other enzymes as well so are peptase that is proteolated that can break down other aspects of protein besides just cloth a lot of people have asked me what kind of product I use and what I use for my patients in the office and I do use a lot of these products for the last three steps of you talked about so I'll put some links down below where you can order at a discount if you're interested if you enjoy this video you're going to love that one and if you truly want to master Health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe hit that Bell and turn on all the notifications so you never miss life saving videos
Channel: Dr. Sten Ekberg
Views: 2,176,587
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Keywords: unclog arteries, dr ekberg, dr sten ekberg, wellness for life, real doctor, holistic doctor, top 10 foods, clean arteries, clean arteries home remedies, top 10, heart attack, foods that unclog arteries, unclog arteries naturally, how to unclog arteries, clogged arteries, unclog arteries fast, foods that unclog arteries naturally, foods to unclog arteries, foods that naturally unclog arteries, clean your arteries, blocked arteries, high blood pressure, prevent heart attack
Id: aNabFZsr6oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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