Top 10 Fast Food Items That Don't Exist Anymore

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where should we eat i don't know they have peters at wendy's welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 fast food items that don't exist anymore wow that's quite a salad what'd you say this was again mcdonald's calls it the mcrib sandwich introducing the burger with the grown-up taste for this list we're looking at beloved interesting or just straight-up curious fast food items that you can no longer find have you ever tried one of these do you miss it let us know in the comments below number 10 mcdonald's arch deluxe the archdeluxe was a deluxe flop i was going to say that me too so obvious mcdonald's had been growing a reputation as a restaurant for children and they created the archdeluxe to combat this notion made specifically for adults it contained a quarter pound burger with all the typical toppings plus a special sauce mixed from mustard and mayonnaise the soft comforting potato roll i'm in the zone the chain launched a massive marketing campaign to promote the burger and released it nationwide in the spring of 1996. unfortunately it proved an enormous bomb owing to its premium price and high caloric count i even get to make the arch deluxe after 300 million dollars spent in research development and marketing mcdonald's discontinued the archdeluxe in august of 2000. if it were any more grown up we'd need to check your id number 9. mcrib what'd you say this was again mcdonald's calls it the mcrib sandwich it's a new kind of cue it's unfair to say that the mcrib doesn't exist anymore rather it's been made a seasonal favorite in the vein of starbucks pumpkin spice latte invented by rene ara the same man who made chicken mcnuggets the mcrib was introduced as a limited time item in 1981 and with a big issac cocos where the only human on daddy chomped the unfortunately it suffered a few years of disappointing sales and was permanently taken off the menu four years later it was nationally revived in 1994 as a tie-in promotion with the flintstones movie and has remained a seasonal item ever since it's typically brought back in the fall with some theorizing that its return coincides with the seasonally low price of pork but you don't need to be told that because a calendar reminder already did number eight shake em up fries it's amazing what fast food companies will do to capture the attention of children take some standard fries add a packet of flavoring and bam shake em up fries thanks for your money there's so many ways you can shake em up like the jackhammer shake the helicopter shake you can simply dump in your fries add as much delicious cheese flavor as you like then shake and eat back in 2002 burger king introduced this item which was essentially fries with a packet of cheese powder that allowed kids to make the so-called cheesy fries it was a fun little novelty but not much else and like most novelties the fun quickly wore off and the shake em up fries were discontinued as quickly as they appeared they now exist solely in the nostalgic recesses of 90s kids everywhere number 7. the dairy queen breeze if you love frozen yogurt the new breeds will really blow you away the blizzard is a dairy queen mainstay and has remained as such since its introduction in 1985. the company sold 100 million blizzards in its first year alone and people continuously flock to the chain to get their hands on the soft-serve famous blizzard is on sale now for just 99 cents or get a breeze made with nonfat frozen yogurt same price five years after its inception dairy queen attempted a low calorie frozen yogurt alternative called the breeze which was said to have 10 fewer calories per ounce the delicious blended fresh breeze frozen yogurt treat now just 1.39 we treat you right the breeze lasted over a decade but never reached the cultural heights of its denser predecessor and was discontinued in 2001 owing to a lack of demand number six volcano burrito introduced in 1995 as a tie-in to the movie congo the volcano burrito came equipped with the standard ground beef shredded cheese rice red tortilla strips and a special lava sauce if you're hungry for excitement get the new volcano burrito at taco bell but hurry at just 99 cents a taste eruption like this won't be active for long it disappeared following the promotion but was brought back in the spring of 2009 where it was placed on the so-called volcano menu alongside the volcano taco want one all right great great look at you you're a mess relax i got covered it was a very popular item and even to this day people are trying to replicate the delicious lava sauce at home unfortunately the volcano menu was scrapped in 2012 and the volcano burrito disappeared the following year don't look at me that said it can reportedly still be found in britain south korea and iceland number 5. belle beefer serving as taco bell's answer to hamburger joints the belle beefer was a sloppy joe-like burger with ground beef onions lettuce and a special sauce nothing fancy but it certainly gets the job done introduced in the 60s as the chili burger the bell beefer enjoyed initial success but quickly fell by the wayside it just sort of stuck around for a while not popular enough to be a bestseller but not poor enough to be cut from the menu but when taco bell transitioned to the tex-mex style in the late 80s and early 90s the bell beefer finally got the boot it made a brief resurgence in 2012 as part of the dollar menu but this too has disappeared number 4. waffle taco taco bell wanted to get in on the breakfast market in their first order of business was the waffle taco the next generation of breakfast is here introducing the waffle taco eggs and sausage wrapped up in a waffle consisting of a folded waffle bacon or sausage scrambled eggs and a drizzle of syrup the waffle taco was a truly bizarre concoction even for those used to silly fast food novelties waffle taco the chain's answer to the iconic mcmuffin we did it in a uniquely taco bell way we're gonna do something a little bit different and so that's how we think that we have a great chance unfortunately it didn't look good from the outset with chief marketing officer chris brandt ambiguously stating quote some of the things on our menu might run out of gas that proved to be the case as the waffle taco was discontinued just one year after its inception having been replaced with the biscuit taco number three encharito the source of taco bell's encharito remains disputed with various franchise owners and even a high school student from montebello receiving credit it's gooey it's your old friend and dorito just 99 cents for a limited time the encharito appeared in the 60s when one could buy an encharito a taco and a drink for 89 cents which is about seven dollars today it was composed of a tortilla ground beef beans onions and cheese yes it was officially discontinued in 1993 but brought back later that decade following intense demand unfortunately it was once again taken off the menu in 2013 and has remained off ever since with that said customers can reportedly still order one owing to its traditional ingredients and easy construction number two burger king ribs ribs were the last thing people expected from a fast food joint like burger king and it was this novelty that made them a phenomenon back in may of 2010 burger king introduced racks of ribs to their menu charging customers 8.99 to get their hands on the smoky goodness fire grilled barbecue ribs slow cooked and smoky from burger king and while some balked at the premium price others flocked to their local franchise to give them a try in fact the promotion proved so successful that they were forced to cut it short owing to a lack of product ravenous customers had eaten their entire supply but despite the obvious demand the ribs have never been brought back before we dig into our top pick here are some honorable mentions onion nuggets a bizarre mix between a chicken mcnugget and an onion ring mcsalad shaker salad in a cup from mcdonald's just pour on your favorite dressing shake and get dressing on every bite making them surprisingly fun to eat fresh stuffed pitas wendy's made pitas during the pita craze of the late 90s it's everything you love stuffed in a big warm soft pita we're selling lots of pitas dave one gets around bacon sundae burger king made a bacon sundae in the summer of 2012. before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one make pizza there once was a time when you could order pizza from an everyday mcdonald's introduced in the 80s the mc pizza as it was creatively called was instantly mocked by consumers and competitors alike with pizza hut even calling it the mcfrozen dessert for me mom i don't deserve it a family-sized pepperoni pizza it's a parent's dream come true and while it proved to be a somewhat popular novelty item it was never really able to shed its reputation and it was permanently pulled from the menu in the late 90s mcdonald's claims that the mcpizza was discontinued owing to its long cook times as each pizza took upwards of 10 minutes to make talk about a drive-through clogger pizza with love from mcdonald's however those willing to make a trip to orlando florida will find the last mcdonald's in the world still serving the mc pizza do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 348,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food, Travel, arch deluxe, bell beefer, burger king, burger king ribs, dairy queen, dairy queen breeze, enchirito, fast food, fast food franchises, fast food items, fast food items that don't exist anymore, fast foods that no longer exist, food items that don't exist anymore, foods that no longer exist, list, mcdonalds, mcpizza, mcrib, mojo, shake ‘em up fries, taco bell, top 10, volcano burrito, waffle taco, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: sRmlVeY_cfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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