Top 10 Discontinued Food Items We Miss

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welcome back guys I'm Danny Burke and I want you now to think of your favorite food item or snack in the whole world you got it okay now imagines that they stopped making it tomorrow forever how much would you miss that well for some people they've already been through that they have loved and lost food that some of us have never even tried do you remember or perhaps crave anything on our list of the top ten discontinued food items we miss Camille at number 10 we have doritos 3d now for those of us old enough to remember it the 90s were a time where 3d was stuck on the end of any product name to make it about twice as cool so when Doritos brought out Doritos 3d everybody lost their minds there were more like air-filled bugles than you know normal two-dimensional Doritos Doritos 3d might not have changed the world but they got a pretty big cult following of fans when they were about who would argue over what was the best flavor jalapeno cheddar nacho cheese or zesty ranch for unknown reasons the Rito's decides a stopped production of them in the mid 2000s which devastated a lot of people but I heard online but they are still making them in Mexico anyone fancy a road trip next up at number nine now we have nintendo cereal yes Nintendo used to have their own breakfast cereal I know most of us are too young to remember it but I think it's so cool that you will probably miss it as soon as you hear about it I know I certainly do Nintendo released it in 1988 and it only lasted for one year but oh what a year that was for nintendo fans it was called nintendo cereal system brilliant there were two bags inside each box each one had a different cereal one was the Super Mario Brothers side and had Super Mario characters items and stuff that were all fruity flavored the other side was Zelda and had little berry flavored Lynx hearts keys and chests the tagline was two cereals in one wow I think that is something that we can all agree on Wow most of us were born after the last box was ever eaten but I think we will all miss it moving on till about eight now we have cheese balls cheese balls can you guess what flavor and shape cheese balls were that's right they were little balls of cheese snacks that were around in the early 2000s in North America now I personally have never had them before but everyone who has just raves about how amazing they were substitutes have come along but apparently nothing really comes close to just how cheesy puffy and Boley these cheese balls really were there was even an official petition on to get Kraft Foods to bring them back one part of the petition said and I quote I have faith in humanity but if we can't even agree on scrumptious snacks then I don't know what we can agree on beautiful words they're very nice all in the name of cheese balls next up at number seven we have cinnamon Tic Tacs these days you can get fruity tic tacs the classic mint flavored tic tacs you can even get Cola tic tacs in some places tic tacs is starting to sound weird in my mouth but some hardcore Tic Tac fans will tell you that there's only one true flavor to rule them all and that was cinnamon flavor they will often refer to as winter warmers in the UK because a few of them were said to be all you would need to fight off the cold thanks to their fiery taste they were first released in the 1970s but by 2010 they had disappeared everywhere presumably people just couldn't handle that kind of heat any more coming in at number 6 now we have Oreo O's I won't lie to you guys I'm not really much of a sweet fan I always prefer savory stuff but even I like Oreos I think we all do they're just too good well when Oreo realized that everyone loved their snack so much and that they were often dipping them in milk they came up with a genius idea an Oreo breakfast cereal called Oreo O's it was launched in 1998 and instantly caused millions of kids to start tugging on their parents sleeves in the supermarket until they got themselves a box the cereal was discontinued in 2007 and everyone had to get on with their non Oreo cereal lives but they do still technically exist due to a series of complicated licensing deals and laws Oreo O's are still being manufactured in South Korea and I've heard you can actually order them on eBay to wherever you live in the world I might order a box after this video all right moving off number five now we have Cadbury snaps if you were from outside of the UK you probably never got to try these but that's okay I'm here to make you miss something you never even had before who likes Pringles who likes chocolate while Cadbury snaps are basically Pringles made out of chocolate they were made by British chocolate company Cadbury who are famous for making quality chocolate and so when they took that chocolate expertise and applied it to the genius shape of Pringles everything just made sense sadly they took it away again at some point in the last ten years I tried to look online but that's all I could narrow it down to some point in the past ten years I'm starting to wonder if they ever existed at all next up at number four now we have Reese's bites I had never had a Reese's Cup cake until just a few years ago but pretty much as soon as I did people were already saying oh you should have tried Reese's bites they took the flavor of Reese's cupcakes that everyone loves and turned them into tiny chocolatey pieces of crunch that made a perfect snack for the movies I sound like an advert don't I for a discontinued product they stopped making them in the US and they were completely gone by 2007 because they were apparently a choking hazard so they were either too small for people or people were just eating them too quickly I guess they did linger on in Canada for a while before disappearing entirely coming in at number three now we have Butterfinger BB I had never even heard of these until I started making this video and I don't know how because people seem to love them they were a small chocolate pellet version of the older and still very popular Butterfinger bar but they were only around for a short amount of time they first came out in 1992 and became very popular everywhere thanks to being advertised by none other than the Simpsons this was very smart because suddenly kids everywhere wanted them they were discontinued in 2006 and replaced in 2009 with Butterfinger mini bites which bebe fan said was not really a fair a placement and petitions were started online to bring them back again I don't know what it is with snack fans and petitions okay at number two now we have rice krispies treats cereal this was a rice be cereal that was released in 1993 I know what some of you guys are thinking wait rice crispies already have a breakfast cereal is called rice krispies how can they bring out another breakfast cereal well well it was they took rice krispies okay they turned it into a snack called rice krispies treats which was basically a block of rice krispies held together with marshmallow then they broke those up and put them back into a cereal box to create rice krispies treats cereal genius honestly they barely did anything and they created a whole new very successful product that everyone loved throughout the 90s but in the end they were discontinued leaving only their snack bar version left on sale today but I guess you can always just go and buy that and then break it up into a bowl and pour milk over it and it will basically be the same as the cereal genius and finally now at number one we have dunkaroos these were miniature cookies that you dipped in icing they came in packs of ten with exactly one cubic inch of icing they came in different shapes such as a hot air balloon or circle with a Dione now I never had them but from what I've read online Americans love them they reach peak popularity in the mid 90s and the company even held a nationwide competition to name their new kangaroo mascot the winner was Duncan you get it I see what they did there they were discontinued in America in 2012 but in 2016 the company that made them General Mills actually encouraged Canadians to bring dunkaroos from Canada to America on their troubles because they were still being made in Canada they called it smuggler oohs yes I think I think we don't have do any of you guys remember any of these I know everyone out there has their own personal favorite food or snack that they wish was still around so let me know down below what your favorite was my name is Danny Burke you can find more most amazing top ten videos right over there make sure you are subscribed if you haven't done so already we've got plenty more videos on the way as usual so I will see you in the next video
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
Views: 4,758,763
Rating: 4.7185225 out of 5
Keywords: Top10, MostAmazingTop10, Discontinued Food Items We Miss, 10, Food, Discontinued Food, Discontinued, Food We miss, Food They Stoped Making, Food Stoppped Producing, Producing Foods, Foods That stoppped
Id: He7yJjbg5nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2017
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