Top 10 Fairy Tales In English - Story In English | English Story | Stories For Kids | Fairy Tales

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the wolf and the seven little goats once upon a time there lived an old mother goat in a pretty little cottage she had seven little adorable kids a big bad cunning wolf also resided next to their cottage who always craved to have them all for his meal one day mother goat had to go and get food for the kids so she told them listen carefully my dear children I'm going into the woods to get some delicious food for you all do not open the door while I am away if the big bad wolf comes into our cottage he will eat you all up the old scoundrel always disguises himself but you won't have any trouble recognizing him because he has a gruff voice black feet and pointed nails dear mother we will be very careful not to let the big bad wolf in don't worry about us we will be quite safe so the mother goat went on her way not long when there came a loud knock at the door dear little children please open the door I am your mother who sings you lure one of the kid through the red chili powder from the window above the door the big bad wolf was burning through and through he could not open his eyes and he was running here and there for help we will not open the door our mother's voice is soft and gentle as honey your voice is rough and gruff you are a big bad wolf big bad wolf was disappointed by listening to the comment and he ran to find a honeycomb he wanted to eat honey as new honey will make his voice soft and sweet soon he found honeycomb hanging on a tree to get the honeycomb for himself he pelted a stone towards it the bees flew and attacked him to save himself he jumped into the pond nearby after some time when the bees were gone he ate all the honey and ran back towards goats cottage and knocked on the door again sweet little children now you open the door come your mother just be assured if you are our mother put your foot in the door crack so that we can see it the wolf did as the little goats instructed him to do he slid his foot from the crack below the kids saw that the foot is back and one of them hit it hard with a big hammer big bad wolf cried out loud with the pain no you are not our mother people not open the door lard mother's feet are white and yours are black go away you nasty big bad wolf this time the big bad wolf got really frustrated now he again ran towards the village to meet mr. Miller as he entered the village villagers threw stones at him to shoo him away but he managed to reach mr. Miller even after getting hurt good listen mr. Miller put some flour on my feet else in an instant you'll see I'll be chewing your boots the Miller was so afraid of the wolf that he did as he was told then the big bad wolf went to the goats cottage again he knocked on the door and said dear little children now you must open the door I am your mother there now don't be naughty anymore show us your foot the wolf was afraid this time to put his white foot into the door crack the Shivering foot came through the door and the kids noticed the pointed sharp nails so one of them gets the mousetrap and soon the wolf seems to be crying and pain with the mousetrap stuck on his foot no you are not our mother you have nails as pointed as the big bad wolf just go away from here the wolf was very angry this time and could not bear the fact that the kids are smarter than him he wanted to have them for his meal at any cost now so he again went back to his own cottage grabbed the nail filing kit and cut off his nails he then filled them properly so that they are not pointed or sharper anymore he again rushed back to the goats cottage knocked on the door and said you naughty naughty children just open the door and spirity this time I was spanked you sure show us your feet mother the wolf slides his feet from the crack below he was extremely scared of not knowing what is to come next the foot was white there were no pointed nails on it and the police was also as sweet as their mother so the kids thought this time this was really their mother and they opened the door welcome mother you are home at last the big bad wolf entered and all little kids ran to hide themselves first kid hides under the table the second one went to hide under the bed third one gets inside the oven fourth kid hides under the pot fifth kid climbs into the cupboard the sixth one ran under the washtub and the last one hides in the tall clock the wolf hunts each one of them and ate them all except the youngest who was in the clock then the wolf went out and laid down on the green grass tired and full he was sleepy soon he was fast asleep when the mother goat came home from the woods she found that door was open and no one at home oh my door is open what happened here the tables and chairs were not in their place the washed up was broken and the bed was tipped over where are my dear children dear mother I'm here in the tall cloth the mother goat helped the little goat out soon she found out how the wolf had eaten to her dear children then she went out of the hut and there on the grass was the wolf asleep as the goat looked at the big bad wolf she saw something moving in his belly ah my poor children are still alive I should get them back so she sent the little kid into the house for a pair of scissors and a needle and some thread she quickly slit open his tummy with the scissors and one of the kids stuck out his head then another one popped out until she pulled all six children out of Wolf's tummy go and bring me some large stones from the brook yes mother let's hurry yet the seven little kids ran off to the brook and soon came back with seven large stones they put these stones inside the wicked old wolf alsowe the wolf gently and quietly so he doesn't wake up soon she sewed Wolf's tummy after a while when at last the big bad wolf woke up the big stones inside him made him feel very heavy what's that rumbling down below feels to me like vertigo it must be all those little bones but now they're happy just like stones so he walked down to the brook to drink some water but as soon as he finished drinking the stones which were very heavy made him fell into the deep water and he was drowned the end Wizard of Oz many years ago in a place called Lawrence there lived a little girl whose name was Dorothy she lived with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry on their farm she had a dog named toto one day she noticed strange weather the clouds were dense and thundering loud Uncle Henry sat upon the doorstep and looked anxiously at the sky which was even greater than usual Dorothy stood in the door with Toto in her arms and looked at the sky - Aunt Em was washing the dishes when she heard a loud wail of the wind and she ran towards the door to see if the storm was about to come suddenly Toto jumped out of Dorothy's arms and ran towards the cyclone and she - ran behind to catch him after a while finally Toto hid under the hot-air balloon which halts beyond the farm there she met a very interesting person he was called professor Marvel and that big hot-air balloon was owned by him he greets Dorothy with his magical words Sim Sim salabim if my words are worthy you are the little girl Dorothy Dorothy was curious to know how he knew her name but suddenly she saw a big twister coming towards them so she picked Toto and ran towards seller as fast as she could when she got back it was too late she ran into the house but when the twister came and hit her head the wind lifted the whole house with Dorothy and Toto inside it high up in the air after some time the house landed down on the ground dorothy steps out and finds that she was in a very different place the place was much more colorful and beautiful than Lawrence soon Glinda the kind Witch of the North appeared and welcomed her welcome Dorothy to the Land of Oz I am The Witch from the north oh my my I came here yes I remember there was a tornado and then then and then you came here my dear Dorothy that tornado was the portal to enter in the Land of Oz and I am so grateful to you for having killed the Wicked Witch of the East you are very kind but there must be some mistake I have not killed anything your house did anyway and that is the same thing see Glinda pointing out to the corner of the house there are her two feet still sticking out from under a block of wood Dorothy could hardly believe and cried out a fright the sister of the Wicked Witch also saw what all happened and soon she too reached the site she was flying above on her broomstick and was very angry with Dorothy for killing her sister you little rat how dare you kill my sister even you dare to wear my sister's ruby slippers which belong to me now I will not spare you Dorothy had no idea how the ruby slippers came to be on her own feet but they wouldn't come off as she tried several times to remove them and then suddenly Wicked Witch of West cast a spell on Dorothy but it overturns on herself and she gets caught on fire cursing her she said you little rat soon I will come back and show you my fury the witch flew away saying this and now Dorothy had made a sworn enemy Dorothy got scared and said Glinda what do I do now she will definitely come back for me oh dear don't worry now you go back to Lawrence as early as possible but I don't know how to get back home you must go to the Emerald City the great Wizard of Oz lives there ask him to help you how do I get to the Emerald City is it a long way will you come with me you must follow the yellow brick road it is a long way and those ruby slippers will protect you no one will hurt you until you wear those slippers soon Dorothy and Toto found the yellow brick road and they walked along with it after walking for several miles Dorothy sat down to rest there was a big corn field by the side of the road in the middle of the field was a scarecrow it was fixed onto a pole Dorothy looked at the Scarecrow and smiled we have scarecrows and Laurance - that's right Dorothy looked at the Scarecrow in surprise but our scarecrows and Lawrence don't talk I don't talk much the crows are not scared of me they have brains and I dumped oh dear perhaps I can help you she stood up and lifted the Scarecrow down from the pole oh that's better I can move my legs now what's your name where are you going my name is Dorothy I'm going to the Emerald City to see the great Wizard of Oz I have heard only he can get me back to my home in the Lawrence hmmm never heard that name before but then I don't have any brain to remember do you think that Oz would give me some brains why don't you come with me and ask him thank you indeed it is a good idea so they set off together a little further they came upon a man made of tin where are you going we are going to the Emerald City to see the great oz in the hope that he will give us what we want oh I have no heart could us give me a heart why don't you come with us and find out thank you are you sure Lee will join you so they all left following the yellow brick road the road was passing through a dense forest the forest was getting darker and spookier ruff ruff looking at the moving bush Toto started to bark at it and all of a sudden a big muscular lion appeared from behind the bush they all were scared and shivering but she was surprised to see that the lion burst into tears and was crying loud hey first you came from nowhere and scared us and now you are crying what a strange lion you are cold but I'm afraid of everything when I roar my heart beats very fast because I have no courage at least you have a heart you have brains too Toto and I want to go home to Lawrence I am going to ask us to help us get back there do you think that oz can give me courage then I wouldn't be a coward anymore it seems that the wizard is very powerful you are welcome to come with us and ask him they all reached the Emerald City it was a wonderful place where everything was Green the wizard was known to everyone in the city but no one had seen him personally they all reached the castle the castle dome was similar to the hot-air balloon that she saw during the storm wondering when she tried to enter the gates she was stopped by the royal guards you are entering the Emerald City castle hello may I help you we have come to see the great Wizard of Oz we've come such a long way not to waste this time then I will ask permission to the wizard you should all wait here eventually the wizard agreed to meet them as soon as they entered in royal court they saw a hologram image of his face on the throne it was huge and appeared to be very frightening Sim Sim salabim hello Dorothy a child from Lawrence which I knew tell me dear what can I do to please you I know this place but from where Oh Wizard of Oz we humbly ask you for your help Oh little Dorothy I will help you sure grab the wicked witch's broomstick and I won't let you in door off they went a little daunted by their task towards the witch's castle the Wicked Witch wanted Dorothy's ruby slippers because she knew they had great power as soon as they reached the witch's castle she greets them saying hello again you little rat finally we meet again to your end now give me those ruby slippers or I will kill you no one will go anywhere from here and I am going to kill you all she had a plan of her own to destroy them one by one she shoots out the fire at them from her broomstick Dorothy tries to protect herself from that fire her slippers glow and a gush of water comes out of her hand the fire fizzles off the Wicked Witch gets angrier as she raises her one to cast a spell upon them Toto runs and grabs her broomstick for Dorothy the slippers glow again and Dorothy shoots fire directly at the witch burning and melting her in her own castle Dorothy took the broomstick of the Wicked Witch to the wizard on seeing that they have completed his task the wizard reveals his true self to them he was professor Marvel professor Marvel agreed to take Dorothy back to her home in Lorance he issued a diploma to the Scarecrow a bravery medal to the lion and a heart-shaped watch to the Tin Man they all were happy Glinda too appears in front of them you have helped everyone in the Land of Oz so these ruby slippers belong to you now you can now take them off any time you want and if you need me any time in the future just knock the shoes together three times and I will be there for you Dorothy said goodbye to her friends professor Marvel Dorothy and Toto take off in the hot air balloon waving them from above before she knew it she was in her own bed in Lorance Aunt Em and Uncle Henry we're trying to wake her up Dorothy wakes up with the long yarn she tries to tell them about the amazing adventures she's had but to them it was all just her dream as she pulls her blanket off and notices the sparkling red ruby slippers beside her leg the end Thumbelina there once was a woman who wanted so very much to have a tiny little child but she did not know where to find one so she went to an old good witch and she said I have set my heart upon having a tiny little child please could you tell me where I can find one that's easily done here's a grain of barley for you put it in a flower pot and you'll see what you shall see oh thank you she planted the barley seed as soon as she got home it quickly grew into a fine large flower which looked very much like a tulip but the petals were folded tight as though it was still a bud this is such a pretty flower the woman kissed it's lovely red and yellow petals and just as she kissed it the flower gave a loud pop and flew open in the middle of it sat a tiny girl she was sweet and fair to see but she was no taller than a human thumb such a pretty child from now on I will call you Thumbelina a nicely polished walnut show served as her cradle that was how she slept at night in the daytime she played on a table where the woman put a plate surrounded with a wreath of flowers on which there floated a large tulip petal Thumbelina used the petal as a boat and with a pair of white horse hairs for oars she could row clear across the plate she could sing too her voice was the softest and sweetest that anyone ever has heard one night as she lay in her cradle a horrible toad hopped in through the window right down on the table where Thumbelina was asleep under the red rose puddle there's a perfect wife for my son she seized upon the walnut shell in which Thumbelina lay asleep and hopped off with it the window and into the garden the toad lived with her son he was just like his mother but slimy and more horrible yeah there are don't speak so loud or you'll wake her up she might get away from us yet we must put her on one of the broad water lilies out in the street she is so small the light and it will be just like an island to her many water lilies with broad green leaves grew in the stream though leaf which lay farthest from the bank was the largest of them all and it was to this leaf that the old toad swam with the walnut shell which held Thumbelina the poor little Thumbelina woke up early the next morning and when she saw where she was she began to cry bitterly there was water all around the big green leaf and there was no way at all for her to reach the shore Thumbelina sat down and cried the little fishes who swam in the water beneath her up popped their heads to have a look at the little girl no sooner had they seen her than they felt very sorry they gathered around the green stem which helped the leaf where she was and nodded into with their teeth away went the leaf down the stream and away when Thumbelina far away from where the toad could not catch her near the edge of the woods where she now had arrived was a large crane filled but the green had been harvested long ago only the dry bare stubble stuck out of the frozen ground it was just as if she were lost in a vast forest then she came to the door of a field mouse who had a little hole stubble there this Mouse lived warm and cozy with a whole storeroom of green poor Thumbelina stood at the door just like a beggar and pled for a little bit of barley because she was hungry like anything all you poor little you must come into my warm room and share my dinner but you must keep my room tidy and tell me stories for I am very fond of them Thumbelina did as the kind old field mouse asked and she had a very good time of it few days passed and one day the field mouse came to Thumbelina soon we shall have a visitor once every week my neighbor comes to see me and he's even better off than I am if you could only get him for a husband you would be well taken care of but he can't see anything you must tell him the very best stories you know Thumbelina did not like this suggestion she would not even consider the neighbor because he was a mole he paid them a visit the field mouse talked about how wealthy and wise he was and how his home was more than 20 times larger than hers as Thumbelina had to sing for him the mole fell in love with her sweet voice but he didn't say anything about it yet he had just dug a long tunnel through the ground from his house to theirs and the field mouse and Thumbelina were invited to use it whenever they pleased though he warned them not to be alarmed by the dead bird which lay in this passage it was a complete bird with feather and beak it must have died quite recently when winter set in and it was buried right in the middle of the tunnel the mole took a torch of decayed wood in the darkness a glimmered like fire he went ahead of them to light the way through the long dark passage when they came to where the dead bird lay the mole put his broad nose to the ceiling and made a large hole through which daylight could fall in the middle of the floor lay a dead swallow with his lovely wings folded at his side and his head tucked under his feathers Thumbelina felt so sorry for him but the mole gave the body a kick with his short stumps and said thank goodness none of my children can be a bird what good is all his chirp chirping when he stars and freezes to death Thumbelina kept silent but when the others turned their back on the bird she bent over smooth decide the feathers that hid the birds head and kissed his closed eyes maybe it was he who sang so sweetly to me in the summertime what pleasure he gave me the deer pretty bird that night Thumbelina could not sleep a wink so she got up and wolf a fine large coverlet set of a bedsheet out of hay grass that has been dried she took it to the dead bird and spread it over him so that he would lie warm in the cold earth could buy you pretty little bird and thank you for your sweet songs last summer when the trees were all green and the Sun shone so warmly upon us she laid her head on his breast and it started her to feel a soft thump as if something were beating inside this was the bird's heart he was not dead he was only numb with cold and now that he had been warmed he came to life again Thank You Buddha teach I heard I have been wonderfully warmed come on my dear you could sit on my back as we can fly away through the green woods now that the cold winter is coming I shall fly far far away to my home won't you come along with me you can ride on my back yes I will go with you she sat on his back then the swallows soared into the air over forests and over lakes at length they reached swallows home there the Sun shone farm more brightly than it ever does and the sky seemed twice as high this is my home if you could choose one of those glorious flowers and bloomed down below I shall place you in it and you will have all that your heart desires that will be lovely down below was a beautiful garden with lovely white flowers the swallow flew down with Thumbelina and put her on one of the large petals how surprised she was to find in the center of the flower a little man on his shoulders were the brightest shining wings he was the fairy of the flower but when he saw Thumbelina he rejoiced for she was the prettiest little girl he had ever laid eyes on so he took off his golden crown and put it on her head he asked if he might know her name and he asked her to be his wife yes I will only if you bring my mother here and we three will live happily here he agreed and brought Thumbelina a present a pair of wings everyone rejoiced soon Thumbelina mother joins them Oh Thumbelina you don't know how happy I am to get you back and they all lived happily ever after the end you Pinnochio long long ago there lived an old toy maker named Geppetto when he worked Geppetto felt happy when he took rest a sad feeling came over him ah all my life and I have no child to call my own one day Geppetto carved a puppet from wood in the shape of a boy while putting him in the cupboard he said I will call you Pinocchio that night from out of the window a big star twinkled brightly Geppetto looked out the window to the twinkling star and made an impossible wish if I could make one wish it would be that I would have a real boy of my own that night the same big star swooshed right into Gepetto's room it changed into a blue fairy the blue fairy flew over to the bed and said do sleeping Geppetto wise Geppetto you gave everyone happiness by creating beautiful toys and clocks now it's my turn to fulfill your wish then she turned to Pinocchio and said little wood puppet you will be able to walk and talk like a real boy she tapped the puppet one time with her wand and if you can prove that you are brave and true someday you will be a real boy Pinocchio's eyes opened and with another spell of the fairy a cricket appeared meet mr. Jiminy Cricket he will be your conscience he will stay with you to help you make wise choices and with that the blue fairy wind and was gone when Geppetto woke up the next morning he said I will go take my Pinocchio out of the cupboard to finish up some final touches but the cupboard was empty Geppetto was worried and he began to search the whole house suddenly a voice came from the other side of the room Here I am Papa what you can talk yep I am Pinocchio your boy how can this be he rushed over and swept the wooden puppet into his arms Pinocchio my son he said in great happiness one day Pinocchio saw some boys going to school and he said to Geppetto I want to go to school like other boys later that day Geppetto came back home with schoolbooks now you can go to school the next morning Pinocchio said goodbye to Geppetto he skipped along the path to school humming as he went the cricket rode on his shoulder happy - coming up to them on the path was a greedy Fox and a dumb cat what a lovely boy you are and where are you going on this fine day I'm going to school you should come with us to dafair he put his arm around Pinocchio shoulder listen to me anything you need to know you can learn at the fair really write it down on bond and you can take it from me yeah you should take it from him shut up you don't mind him Pinocchio let's go to the fear and you can see for yourself then jiminy said Pinocchio he does not know what he is talking about the Fox flicked his finger and tossed Jiminy Cricket away Pinocchio don't listen to him okay let's go to the fear and off they went no Pinocchio stop but Pinocchio the Fox and the cat did not hear him they were already inside the fair on stage a puppet show was running in full swing I am a puppet too I can dance like that Pinocchio jumped right onto the stage and started to dance with the other puppets suddenly the crowd started to cheer look his hat had been it has no string no strings amazing everyone laughed and laughed they threw coins on the stage a man named Stromboli who ran the fair saw coins flying onto the stage he was a gypsy and a cruel man who was very greedy well now rubbing his chin this puppet with no strings would make me rich the next thing Pinocchio knew he was picked up and thrown into a cage hey get me out or I will glad my papa he will teach you a lesson you think I'm a fool ha ha boy scream as loud as you want I'll never let you go I was waiting for this day to come only you can make me the richest person in the world after Stromboli left Pinocchio shouted for help no one else but Jiminy Cricket heard Pinocchio's calls I'm stuck how did this happen to me this is because you are ignorant to me now try not to cry I'm here with you we'll find some way out of this all of a sudden poof there was the blueberry please can you help me tell me first how did you get inside that cage he decides to lie to the fairy about the incident and then says hon I was robbed is that right she said with a frown Pinocchio's nose began to grow yes robbed by two men no for the nose grew more they took my books they made me come here and they throw me into this cage his nose grew longer and longer until Pinocchio could see nothing in front of his face but one big giant nose and birds nesting on it why is my nose so big Pinocchio you must know what the truth really is I guess so I wanted to come to the fear I came here with a fox and a cat the nose grew shorter and the nest fell off then someone put me in this cage the nose was back to normal well done now I will get you out of here with a wave of her wand Pinocchio was out of the cage here are your books know this you are on your own from now on make sure you do the right thing next time after this conversation the Blue Fairy vanished Pinocchio was back on the road to school a coachman with a beautiful white horse drove up he had an astonishing buggy which advertised Pleasure Island on it hey kid how about a ride no thank you I am going to school he'll run a lot faster with me all right I want to get to school right away when Pinocchio was inside the coach the coachman said say kid why do you think boys like to go to school to learn things and to grow up I guess so we can do what we want huh well what if I told you you could do what you wanted right now right now yeah think about it skip the books skip the school right now how would you like to have all the candy you can eat all the candy yeah ice cream candy of every flavor all this and more at Pleasure Island Pleasure Island best place in the world for boys like you don't listen to him Pinocchio why wait I know just where pleasure island is this is your lucky day kid so what do you say let's go there I'm going to Pleasure Island uh here we go again after a while the coach stopped as Pinocchio looked around he got excited for everything the coachman had told him was true heaps of candy all over tubs of ice cream in every flavour boys like him could eat and eat and play all day none of them had to work or cleanup but after a few days something was odd so he asked Jiminy Cricket where did all the boys go all I see now are donkeys I must say there used to be more boys around here just then one of his ears turned into a donkey ear then his other ear popped into a donkey here too oh my what is happening to you I don't know hee-haw oh no now I get it boys get turned into donkeys here then the donkeys are sold Pinocchio we have to get you out of here fast while we still can let's go y'all off run quick they ran out of Pleasure Island soon they were at a dock by the ocean Pinocchio called out to a man by the dock please sir I'm looking for an old man named Geppetto do you know him he Hall you know oh oh yes that's the old man whose son left one morning and never came back the old men went out on a boat to look for him and no one has seen the poor fellow since oh no this is entirely my fault I must look for my father I will find you Father Anokhi Oh jumped off the dock into the ocean the cricket jumped in too close behind most of Pinocchio was still made of wood so he could float on the ocean until something was rushing up towards him something big and very fast in a moment a giant whale was upon them it opened its giant jaws and with one gulp swallowed Pinocchio they were in the dark belly of the whale are you okay II said Pinocchio to the cricket I'm fine wait a minute father is that you father father it's me Pinocchio Pinocchio my son I thought I was dreaming they hugged in joy Pinocchio was sorry for leaving him alone and Geppetto was happy to find Pinocchio back I am so sorry father I have realized my mistakes and will never leave you alone again we must get out of here I have an idea let's make a fire that will get us all out of here they gathered driftwood which was mistakingly swallowed by the whale and they got a fire going this is how we can make the whale sneeze Pinocchio waved his arms over the flame to make a lot of smoke soon clouds of black smoke were rising up the whale gave a cough and then a shoe in one big sneeze Pinocchio Gepetto and Jiminy Cricket flew out of the huge whales hole rolling over and over above the sea water at last they landed on the shore then in a flash the Blue Fairy appeared in front of them Pinocchio you saved your father you made the right choices by listening to your conscience and proved that you are both brave and true and now you will be a real boy blue fairy topped Pinocchio's head with her wand Pinocchio looked at his soft arms and soft legs the Blue Fairy turned to the cricket and said his work is finished here in a flash the two of them were gone and Pinocchio and Geppetto lived happily ever after the end the ant and the grasshopper once upon a time there lived ants and a grasshopper in a grassy meadow all day long the ants would work hard collecting grains of wheat from the farmer's field far away they used to work in much disciplined manner they would hurry to the field every morning as soon as it was light enough to see buy and toil back with heavy grains of wheat balanced on their head they would put the grains of wheat carefully away in their large Erland and then hurry back to the field for more on the other hand the grasshopper was lazy and would rest all day in the shade singing songs to himself and eating tasty treats he would enjoy his life to the fullest and hardly cared what comes next he always used to pity the poor ants who worked hard all day days went by and grasshopper hopped around lazily in the grass warm happy and well fed and chirping and singing to himself because life was good while ants were carrying grains and taking them to their nest with the great toil one day when the ants were carrying the grains one of the ants fell down due to the heavy weight of the grain he was tired and hurt instead of helping the ant grasshopper looked at him and laughed the ant asked mr. grasshopper will you please help me with lifting this grain till my nest I will be really thankful to you but the grasshopper ignored him and continued playing his music with many efforts the ant alone lifted the grain hmm what do you work so hard to your aunt said the grasshopper come rest a while listen to my song summer is here and the days are long and bright why waste the sunshine in labor and toil the ant would ignore him and head bent would just hurry to the field a little faster this would make the grasshopper laugh even louder what a silly little ant you are he would call after her come come and dance with me forget about work enjoy the summer live a little I am helping to lay up food for the winter said the ant and recommend you do the same oh why bother about winter said the grasshopper we've got plenty of food at present and there's still plenty of time to prepare for winter but the ant knew what he was doing and went on his way and continued his toil as the grasshopper hopped away across the meadow singing and dancing merrily this continued for the rest of the days to come instead of working and preparing for winter the grasshopper preferred to dance sing and play at his leisure he did not realize that the wonderful summer days will not last forever and soon cold and rainy days will be near summer faded into autumn and autumn turned into winter the Sun was hardly seen and the days were short and gray the Nights law and dark it became freezing cold and snow began to fall the grasshoppers shivered through the cold breeze he tried to cover himself with the dry leaves around but the strong wind even glued those away they felt hungry and could not find anything to eat he was sure that if he would not eat he will soon die he felt weak and soon grasshopper realized that the ant was right and he should have been prepared the grasshopper didn't feel like singing anymore he was cold and hungry he had nowhere to shelter from the snow and nothing to eat the meadow and the farmer's field were covered in snow there was no food to be had Oh what shall I do where should I go wailed the grasshopper he hadn't thought that this winter might be worse than usual and because he hadn't stored food for himself or helped anyone else to do it he would not live to see another summer he had nowhere to shelter from the snow and found himself dying of hunger while he saw the ants enjoying the food stored and collected in the summer ah I shall go to the end and ask her for food and shelter declared the grasshopper perking up so he staggered to the ants Hill and knocked at their door hello he cried cheerfully Here I am to sing for you as I won myself by a fire while he gave me some food from your from that larder of yours no no mr. grasshopper we do not wish to listen to any song of yours he begged them to let him in and asked for something to eat or else he would die what cried the ants and surprised haven't you stored anything away for the winter what in the world were you doing all last summer hey hey hey I didn't I didn't have time to store any food complain the grasshopper I was just so busy playing the music that before I knew the summer was gone the ants shook their heads and disgust turned their backs on the grasshopper and went on with their work the ant who once asked the grasshopper to help him looked at him and said all summer long I worked hard while you made fun of me and sang and danced you should have thought of winter then find somewhere else to sing grasshopper there is no warmth or food for you here and the ant shut the door in the grasshoppers face the grasshopper could do nothing but cry the end The Princess and the Frog mom long ago there was a big Kingdom a brave and honest king ruled there he had a beautiful daughter the princess was very fond of playing with the ball so the king gifted her a ball made of gold on her birthday she loved that ball so much that she always kept the ball with her even when she went out of the palace one summer in the evening the princess was out for a stroll in a park she held in her hand the golden ball she was tossing the ball up in the air as high as she could and waited for it to fall on the ground but she threw the ball so high that the princess didn't see where the ball had gone she just heard a heavy splash coming from the nearby lake oh no I can't believe I lost my golden ball wept the princess in despair how am I going to tell my father that I lost the precious gift he gave me saying this princess started crying I would give anything to be able to get it back suddenly a frog jumped out and sank over a leaf in the lake what makes you cry dear princess the princess overheard the voice she looked up but did not see anyone around may I be of any help to you princess she heard this same croaking voice again then she saw a frog sitting over a leaf at the edge of the lake my princess would you like me to come help you get the ball out of the lake the Frog asked her kindly yes yes that would be lovely Club the princess happily I will give you as many gems and diamonds as many as you asked for but the Frog shook his head uh-huh I don't want your gems or diamonds I don't want any of your treasure it's of no use to me what I ask of you is love me and let me live with you and eat from your plate and sleep in your bed with you if you can agree I can perhaps bring back your golden ball I stamped the nasty frog will ever be able to find my ball and even if you did he wouldn't be able to come to visit me tomorrow is too far for you so she replied yes yes sure it is a promise whatever you say I agree to it just bring me my ball and I will grant your wishes the princess begged the Frog when I dived into the lake with a splash the princess waited eagerly with her eyes glued to the lake soon the frogs head popped out here you are my princess your bone he said and coming out of the lake he ruled the golden ball towards her she took her favorite plaything and ran towards the castle overjoyed she forgot what she had promised the Frog and left him shouting and calling after her wait princess wait have you forgotten your promise please take me with you but she never turned back the next day the princess was sitting with her family at the dinner table winsome weather not gently on the door the princess ran to the door and was surprised to see that it was the Frog from the lake who had somehow succeeded to reach the castle on his own the princess shut the door and sat back on his table who was it that upset you so much my darling her father asked Oh father said the princess not knowing how to explain what happened Emily yesterday I was playing with the gold ball that you gifted me on my birthday I dropped it in the lake there was a frog [Music] get it out of the lake from the bottom in return I had to promise that he could live with me here the King thought for a while and then he said you are a princess and the princess should never give empty promises stick to your words and let him in the princess went to open the door and the Frog and said in his croaking sound please take me to the dinner table so that I can eat the princess her father and I reluctantly picked up the frogs to the table and placed him on the table she wiped her hand and discussed the Frog started to eat from her gold plate and started making nasty tapping and splashing sound I am so tired now take me to your bedroom and put me in your bed I want to rest for some time the princess the princess took him to her chamber and left him on a pillow next to hers phew beside the princess when she woke up and saw that the Frog was gone he won't bother me again now that I have wrapped him his wish but she was wrong because the crowd came back in the evening she was already in bed when she heard the same gentle knock on the door the next morning the princess woke up and saw that the Frog was going again but the evening case and frog knocked on the door for the drug bust princess felt disgusted by sleeping the drug everyday and she started to think of a way to get rid of him with plans running through her mind she fell asleep when she woke up in the morning the Frog was gone and a handsome prince was looking at her with his beautiful brown eyes she was pleasantly shocked but she couldn't be happy the prince told her the story of the curse that had been put on him he further said I was a prince and lived in the castle just like you but then one day a spiteful witch put a spell on me I had to find the princess who would let me live with her for three days to break this spell I am so happy that you were the princess who got me out of my misery the princess was so happy to have this wonderful and some prince in his life they both soon got married and lived happily in the princes father castle the end you the magic porridge pot once upon a time there was a sweet little girl named melody she lived with her mother in a small cottage they were very very poor but melody tried to make her mother happy by singing songs to her every day melody used to go into the woods to find something to eat she used to bring back whatever she could find but their bellies were never for one day saddened with their poverty melody left the house and went into the woods looking for something to eat no matter how hard she searched there was nothing to be found finally melody could bear it no more she said and then started to cry crying hearing her voice a forest fairy appeared and said what happened my child why are you crying and what are you doing alone in the woods I am here to find something to eat for me and my mother we are very poor and very hungry said melody with grief on her face don't worry the fairy said and with her magical wand she changed a pebble into a big magical pot melody was amazed to see the magic take this pot home and your family shall never be hungry again I don't want to be rude but what good is an empty pot if there's no food in it to cook melody said in a disheartening voice to which the fairy answered this is a magical pot when you want something to eat say cook pot cook and when it's ready say stop pot stop melody was delighted with the gift she got from the fairy and with due respect she asked the fairy oh dear fairy godmother I don't have enough words to thank you please tell me what I can do for you in return I don't want anything in return but if you want you can sing me a beautiful song every day before melody could ask any more questions the forest fairy disappeared when melody arrived home with nothing but an empty pot her mother was very unhappy and said what use is the pot if you have nothing to cook in it melody lifted the pot to the table and simply said cook pot cook nothing happened melody looked worried but then the pot started to shake and hissed the steam rose and bubbled the creamiest porridge they had ever seen Melody's mother understood that the pot was magical she was so hot that she could not resist the creamy porridge and she did with her finger she was overwhelmed with the taste of the porridge so much that she did not pay attention to melodies other command stop pot stop they ate and ate until the pot was empty and their stomachs were full Melody's mother rubbed her stomach happily melody then thought oh it's time for me to go and sing a song for the forest fairy so she left the house and went into the woods again here at home her mother was so happy thought that they would never have to worry about the food again she collected all the old pots in which she used to cook and threw them away bye-bye make space or not she polished and patted the new pot all this hard work made her hungry again cook pot cook she commanded and presto from inside the pot more delicious porridge bubbled up not even bothering to get the bowl she ate directly from the pot delicious but as quickly as she ain't with the pot kept filling up until it was said to bubble up right over the edge oh dear how did melody make the cold stop enough pot enough but the pot bubbled on it's plenty thought it's plenty the porridge steamed over the edge onto the table really that will do the porridge pours over the floor Melody's mother starts to panic she commanded soon she realized that she had made a great mistake and ran away the porridge poured out from the doors and windows onto the streets bubbling and forming a great wave and rolled through the village people gathered up on their rooftops and started to call for help melody heard the villagers calling out and distress she raced down the woods towards the village she took a wooden plank and a stick and rode towards her house when she reached just outside her house she shouted and that is just what the pot did as the bubbling subsided melody saw that all the villagers were reaching down and lifting a handful of creamy porridge to their mouths the whole village enjoyed the porridge the ate and ate and ate the whole winter long and no one in the village was hungry ever again the end the three little piglets once upon a time there were three little piglet brothers named Jimmy Timmy Oh oink and Tommy like Mike the three brothers lived in a very small creaky and leaky old shack one night when the piglets were sleeping the old creaky ceiling cracked and their Shack came down falling apart the piglets had no place to stay safe anymore from the big bad cunning wolf that's it we should have our own houses which will not fall apart said Jimmy the three little pigs decided that they would build new and stronger houses of their own Tommy loved trees and flowers so he decided to build the house with the straw sticks leaps and petals Timmy loved sweets so he decided to build the house with chocolates candies and pastries Jimmy was smarter and so he decided to build his house stronger with construction material like bricks and cement they all lived happily in their own houses but one night the big bad wolf came creeping up to Tommy's house and knocked on his door being injured pig said the wolf tommy was sure that the big bad wolf had come to gobble him up yeah by the hair on my chinny chin chin he said from the other side of the door then oh look and no pulse Hey your house in said the wolf angrily the house of sticks and straw was not strong enough the big bad wolf then huffed and then puffed and blew the house down Tommy could not save his house so he ran and ran until he finally arrived at Timmy's candy house he went in and closed the door behind him the big bad wolf blew away my house and he wants to gobble me up cried Tommy catching his breath don't worry he won't be able to get us here in my house said to me soon the big bad wolf came creeping up to Timmy's house and knocked on the door did your big big said the big fat hole his lips said the piglets said the wolf angrily the piglets were scared and were shivering the house of sweets was not strong enough the big bad wolf then huffed and then puffed and blew the house down Timmy and Tommy could not save their house so they ran until they reached Jimmy's brick house they went in and closed the door behind them cried Timmons home catching their breath don't worry he won't be able to get us here in my house said Jimmy confidently outside the big bad wolf came creeping up to Jimmy's house and knocked on the door it repeats interpreter let meand said the big bad hungry wolf licking his lips said the piglets said the wolf angrily the brick house of Jimmy was strong enough to keep the wolf away the big bad wolf then huffed and then puffed and tried to blow away the house but the house of bricks was too strong for him he couldn't blow the house down you bad wolf you cannot gobble us up said Jimmy proudly gobble you up but I didn't I just needed a place to stay said the wolf cunningly I could never build such a beautiful house as you love he further added go away you bad wolf we've heard a lot about you don't try to fool us said Jimmy hearing this the wolf got even angrier and started to think about the plan to get inside the house Timmy and Tommy were very scared and started to shiver again Oh No he will come and get us tommy said jimmy calmed them and said don't worry I have a plan so he immediately who lit up the fireplace and kept the big vessel with water in it to boil the wolf outside climbed up the house and said little piglets little piglets I'm coming into the chimney and I will gobble you up the wolf began to climb down through the chimney but just as the big bad wolf was climbing down Jimmy took off the lid and Oh splash the wolf fell straight into the boiling quickly Jimmy put the lid back on the vessel and that was the end of the big bad wolf Jimmy was too clever for the wolf the three brothers laughed and cheered sorry I snorted when I left the little piglets lived happily ever after in the house made of bricks the end the Emperor's New Clothes many years ago there lived an emperor who loved fancy clothes so much that he spent all his money on elegant suits and cloaks he took no interest in his army or the theater or in driving through the country unless it was to show off his new clothes one day two swindlers arrived in the city they told everyone that they were fevers and could leave the very finest materials imaginable not only were the colors and designs unusually attractive but the clothes made from these materials were so fine that they were invisible to anyone who wasn't terrifically smart and fit for his job then Pierre thought well they must be wonderful clothes indeed if I wore them I could see which one of my statesmen were unfit for their jobs and also be able to tell the clever ones from the stupid and he paid a large sum of money to the swindlers to make them start work the swindlers then made a great fuss about setting up their workshop they put up looms and pretended to be weaving but there was no thread on the looms they demanded the richest silks and finest gold thread which they promptly hid in their own bags and then they went on working far into the night at the empty looms I wonder what how they're getting on the Emperor thought again and then he became rather nervous he was a bit worried at the idea that a man who was stupid or unfit for his job would not be able to see what was woven not that he thought he was no good oh no but all the same he'd feel happier if someone else had a look at the stuff first I'll send my honest old prime minister to the Reavers he taught Silla friend honest told Prime Minister to the Vives workshop where they are sitting at the empty looms why I can't see attainder but he was careful not to say so good lord is it possible that I'm stupid I must on no account island that I can't see the material one of the Beavers asked well what do you think of our work it's charming it's exquisite what what a pattern and what colouring that I shall certainly praise it to the Emperor the old minister listened carefully as the swindlers gave details of the colors and design and repeated it all to the Emperor the swindlers now demanded more money Mosul and mogul threat to continue the weaving they stuffed it all into their own pockets and continued to pretend to weave on the empty frames bind by the emperor sent another trusted official to see how the weaving was going on the same thing happened to him as to the Prime Minister he couldn't see anything but the empty looms I know I'm not stupid so it must be my fine job I'm not faithful I mustn't let anyone know and so he praised the material that he couldn't see and told the Emperor of his charming shades and beautiful design and vivre then the Emperor himself said he must see it and invited all his coat to come with him when they arrived at the workshop they found the cunning swindlers willing for all they were worth at the empty looms hey Luke isn't it magnificent oh yes yes indeed was really beautifully although officious same feeling sure that the others could see it then when I thought what's this I can't see anything this is dreadful am i stupid am I not fit to be Emperor this is the most awful thing that could happen to me oh it's quite exquisite he said aloud it has our gracious of Louisville she nodded at the empty room for he wasn't going to see that he couldn't see anything then all the courtiers knowledge and smiled at the empty loom and said yes yes quite explicitly yes on the eve of the grand procession they announced their the Emperor's New Clothes are finished indeed they are and pen morning key the Emperor vented person to the Reavers workshop ah ha ha ha your Imperial Majesty the two Weaver's both in unison as the Emperor made his entrance you do us honor indeed and the one poised each tongue each finger dentally aloft as if holding up a confection really to delicate for human handling here your majesty are the bridges he said almost all while the other went through the same gesturing motions will flow some and yeah is the road ah and now the mantle you can feel they are as liked us down you can hardly tell you have anything on your majesty that's the beauty of them yes indeed little your Imperial Majesty now graciously take off your clothes said this we learn then we can fit you with the new ones indeed in front of the big looking laughs so the gentlemen in Waiting helped the Emperor out of the clothes he was wearing upon which the swindlers said about the Britons of dressing him in the new Raymond they were supposed to have made they took their time about it the Emperor twisting and turning this way and that the while apparently admiring himself in the ample mirror gentle and the first one at last challenged the bemused courtiers perfection but you're not saying and all the courtiers exclaimed goodness how will the fit your majesty water God Wow what colors the master of ceremonies came in to announce the canopy to be carried above your Majesty's aid is ready and the procession is waiting children and I am ready said Dave Turin then he turned around once more in front of the gloves to make quite sure that everyone thought he was looking at his fine clothes the emperor marched off in the procession under the grand canopy and everyone in the streets and at the window said good gracious Rose rose ooh that the finest he's ever had the emperor's new clothes were praised by everyone exclaimed a little child what I'm saying right the father the people around him had heard however and repeated the child's words in a whisper and then someone said them a bit louder he hasn't got anything on there is a little child over there saying he hasn't got anything off that's white that's fine all shouted at last and the Emperor began to feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed for it seemed to him that the people were right but his royal upbringing prevented him from running away and he thought to himself I must go through with the Tao possession and all and he drew himself up haughtily while the timberlands dipped afternoon buried the thing that was in there three brave soldiers they had fought so many battles for their kingdom and had one victory but after battle the King didn't give them any awards and threw them out of the kingdom for no reason at all those soldiers had to roam for a very long time to find a place to stay and finally they reached a jungle the jungle was too dark to see anything all three of them decided that one by one all of them would guard the other two then two soldiers went to sleep and one of them collected some wood to start a bonfire he was about to sir and suddenly a Dorf came out of the fire and stood right in front of him he was wearing a red jacket and his head was covered with a red scarf he asked the soldier who are you I am a poor soldier please sit with me I would love to talk to you and then the soldier told him his story the Dorf felt very bad for him listening to his story the Dorf said not to worry have this coat it can cover you from top to bottom that coat was not so clean so the soldiers smiled but the Dorf whispered something in the soldiers ear and the soldier just kept looking at the coat stunned he turned back to thank the dwarf but by that time the Dorf was already gone it was already morning and then the soldier told his friends the story of the strange little dwarf and showed him the coat they both reacted and said the coat was so dirty and very strange but the first soldier said it very proudly to his friends that this was not an ordinary coat if I wear this all my wishes come true both of the soldiers were astonished the other soldier also shared his encounter when he was guarding them that he also met a Dorf who gifted him with a magical wallet this wallet has so many gold coins that it doesn't matter how much you spend it will never be empty then the third soldier also told his story he showed them a musical instrument this instrument is so magical that anyone listening to it will get mesmerised with the music completely and they will sing and dance to the music they were very happy to get these amazing gifts from the Dorf then the first soldier thought these should be tested so he wore the coat and asked for his wishes on my dear coat we don't have a place to live please give us a big and beautiful Palace and then there was a thunderstorm a huge noise and suddenly there was a big Palace in front of them there was a beautiful garden and on the gate four to five beautiful horses with a golden chariot all three of them sat on the chariot and stared at the nearby kingdom and suddenly they found something their chariot parked right in front of a king's palace the king was informed about their arrival and welcomed them happily the men were so charming that the king asked them to stay in the palace for a couple of days the King thought they were definitely prince of some distant kingdom and that maybe he could get his daughter married to one of them one fine evening one of the soldiers was walking in the garden with the princess and suddenly she noticed the wallet and very happily asked where did he get the wallet from he didn't hide anything from her and told her the story of how the dwarf gave it to him one night he was very unwise to tell her this story because the next day the princess mixed some sleeping pills in his drink and once he was sleeping she replaced his wallet with the wallet that was not magical after some days he realized the princess had cheated him and had stolen his wallet all three of them got very angry the soldier with the coat said she should be taught a lesson he wore the coat and said oh my magical coat please take me to the princess's palace there the princess was counting gold coins when she looked up there was the soldier in the magical coat standing in front of her thief thief the soldier got scared he jumped from the window and while coming down his coat got tangled in the tree poor soldier now it was the third soldier's turn he played his instrument and got a big army which surrounded the whole palace then he sent a messenger to the king he told him everything and asked for the coat and the wallet but the cunning princess asked for two days time how many days two days the princess disguised herself as a servant and went to investigate the soldiers camp she had a lot of things to eat with her she went near their camp and started singing very nicely slowly but surely all the soldiers came out and started listening to her then she asked her servant to get that instrument and she did and then both of them came back to the palace she was so happy the poor soldiers were homeless again one of the soldiers said let's get separated and then let's see what happens then all three of them got separated the soldier with the wallet walked a very long distance and when he got tired he sat down below a tree it was an apple tree he took an apple and started eating it but he was so hungry he plucked another one and started eating he was about to eat a third Apple too but then he started feeling dizzy oh what's happening to me his nose was getting longer and longer so that he couldn't see the end of his face since he was so dizzy he slept the other soldiers were also walking and then hit something Oh what is this it looks like this someone's nose they started walking in the direction of the nose and when they reached the end they were astonished they were so sad to see the condition of their poor friend and then suddenly that strange little dwarf appeared in front of them my friends don't worry if you will eat fruit from that tree then his nose will come back to its previous state and you shouldn't take this fruit to the princess you should teach her a lesson now the soldier tried that Apple disguised himself as a gardener and arrived at the princess's palace she saw the fresh red apple and she became very happy she had two apples to eat right then once she had eaten the third apple her nose started growing big and longer and so long that it reached the garden and it was still growing the king became frightened and spread the news in his kingdom whoever will cure my daughter I will give them a large reward the next day both soldiers disguised themselves and mixed apple juice in medicine and gave it to the princess then her nose started growing more and more the next day she was given medicine with juice from other fruit finally her nose started going back to its original size but then they thought of teaching the princess a lesson so they gave her medicine with red apple juice the princess got scared now her nose was getting longer and longer again princess I think you have stolen someone's things I know magic and I can read that if you do not return those things and you will stay in this condition forever but the princess was by no means ready to return things she had stolen okay whatever you want the king tried to convince her you should return those items now princess has understood as well she was so fed up of that long nose she returned all the items she had stolen from the soldiers then he fed the other fruit juice to the princess who wore the jacket and went back to his friends and then all three of them lived happily ever after in their palace the end if you enjoyed this story please like and subscribe our channel and press the bell icon to get future updates and don't forget to comment
Channel: Kids Planet English
Views: 2,728,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids movies, kids movies in english, english animated full movies, animated movies, cartoon movie, cartoon for kids, fairy tail, fairy tales, fairy tales in english, kids movies full movies english, kids animated movies, fairy tales stories, fairy tales for kids, bedtime stories, bedtime stories for kids, Grandma Stories, English Fairy Tales, Cartoon Story In English, Kids Story In English
Id: AAsRwkqyHBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 4sec (5764 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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