Top 10 Exact Moments That Killed TV Shows

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welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 exact moments that ruined tv shows [Music] that's it that's it no i don't buy it that is not the reason you made us listen to this for this list we're taking a look at some of the precise events in tv shows where they were either ruined or began to decline in quality naturally since most of these involve the plot there will be spoilers ahead if you think we ruined our own list by not including some moments be sure to tell us which one's in the comments number 10 deb catches dexter dexter while there are plenty of points where this show about a serial killer killer is said to have gone off the rails such as its infamous finale the proverbial nail and dexter's coffin came earlier the season six finale sees dexter's adopted sister deborah catch him in the act of murdering the season's villain in a church maybe everything is exactly as it should be while on her way there to confess her very non-sisterly feelings for him you told me you accepted me being a killer i feel like if you love me you'll accept this if i love you if i love you i went to the church that night that you killed travis marshall to tell you that i'm in love with you still kind of gross but moving on although deb learning the truth had a lot of potential all it really did was put a character who had already gone through the ringer in earlier seasons through even more trauma and damaged the one consistent relationship dexter still had left on the show number nine lois and clark's first wedding lois and clark the new adventures of superman well we're getting married in four days and i've never been happier in my life and every time that things are going great between us something happens and i just know that something bad is gonna happen to mess up our wedding i just know it will they or won't they romances are tough to pull off and mixing them with superheroes is doubly difficult nevertheless lois and clark managed to pull it off at least for its first few seasons while the show could certainly get ridiculous in the ways they managed to stop the two leads from getting together nothing beats their first attempt at getting married which is disrupted by lois being replaced with a frog eating clone and a further story arc involving amnesia how are you feeling fine i guess i'm sorry do i know you ugh not even silver age comics were this cheesy don't be ridiculous if i give you the gun i can't shoot lois duh you're not going to shoot lowers you're not okay they were but this was the 90s we thought we were past that kind of thing number eight connor and corty angel while angel's son conor remains a polarizing figure among fans of the show it isn't until season four that he actually helps ruin it let's give cordy a little space it's not like the world's gonna end right this second one episode sees conor and cordelia his father's on off love interest have sex which starts a literal apocalyptic event [Music] not only does the event herald doomsday within the show it also marks the downturn in quality from then on granted the next season does shake things up but by then the shine was off the apple also it's just really disgusting cordelia knew him as a baby and while time travel means he's technically of age cordy is possessed at the time so she isn't really consenting to it [Music] number 7 season 2 and beyond heroes this super-powered drama had one of the most pronounced sophomore slumps in all of tv [Music] after telling a mostly self-contained story of ordinary people with superpowers coming together to save the world in season one season two meandered through several new and often unresolved plot points before ending abruptly due to the writer's strike the show never really recovered from the blunders made during season 2 and seemed to flounder for a direction like we love styler but the villains should have died at the end of season one not stick around for the whole show i almost forgot how good this feels cake number six eric leaving that 70's show this 70's themed sitcom may have been hanging out with a whole gaggle of teens and their parents but let's be real eric foreman was the protagonist so when actor topher grace departed the show at the end of season 7 that 70s show was left without its central character but i've accepted that you're leaving and i'm ready to let you go oh mom although the rest of the cast forged on without him season eight was just a mess with a ton of plot lines that fell flat like hyde's stripper wife or jackie and fez getting together our first kiss has to be romantic and spontaneous and as a guy it's your job to completely plan that out i hate being the guy sure eric returned for the finale but by then the 70s were over five four three two one number five sherlock's over under explained return sherlock it really bothers you what what people say about me i don't understand why would it upset you this modern update of sherlock holmes started strong with engaging spins on old mysteries and the great chemistry between its two leads you deciding deciding whether to come back with a warrant and arrest me you think standard procedure should have gone with him however the season two finale which saw sherlock somehow fake his death by jumping off a building marked a turning point in the series after years of fans obsessing over how he did it the show returned with half a dozen possible versions of how it happened none of them definitive which many saw as the creators thumbing their noses at the fan base what are you out of your mind i don't see why not it's just as plausible as some of your theories look if you're not going to take it seriously though i do take it seriously this unfortunately began a trend of increasingly incredulous twists that had fans longing for the early days of the show but he's dead i mean you told me he was dead moriarty absolutely blew his own brains out number four cliffhanger bait the walking dead depending on who you ask the walking dead has either always been a shambling monstrosity or it's more of a recent development however most will agree that the finale of season six was a breaking point broke the rules so folks had to die the one who fired the first shot we strung him up to make an example of him could have stopped there the protracted finale builds towards the confrontation with negan who then murders one of the group before a cut to black the blatant manipulation of the audience's care for the characters meant to keep them hooked for the next season soured many fans on the show and the fact that one of the two men killed glenn had already received a fake-out death earlier in season six felt especially gratuitous you can breathe you can blink you can cry hell you're all gonna be doing that the moment showed fans that deaths were just stunts rather than a way to progress characters or the story number three the mother dies how i met your mother i'm serious i like this girl so here's the deal with the deal robin's my new best friend nobody bangs her hey hey hey she only rejected me three times she's still very much in play although the entirety of the sitcom's final season raised a few eyebrows given that it's mostly set over a few days it's only in the show's last episode that fans declared it had been ruined after getting to know and coming to love the titular mother tracy fans were heartbroken to learn that shortly after ted finally meets her she later died of an unspecified illness while this was bad enough the follow-up reveal that ted still has feelings for robin whose wedding to barney had been the focus of the season made it feel like the creators were shoehorning an idea planned years ago that no longer applied to the characters and that kids is how i met your mother that's it that's it no i don't buy it that is not the reason you made us listen to this number two literal cork lost this complex mystical mystery focused show was divisive and much discussed throughout its run and even today you want to know a secret jack something i've known a long long time you're dead but the final straw for many occurred in its finale in an earlier episode in the final season the mysterious island's immortal projector jacob describes the location as being like a cork preventing evil from spreading to the rest of the world cork is this island [Music] and it's the only thing keeping the darkness where it belongs fair enough it's a neat metaphor however some fans could not help but facepalm when the glowing source of the island's magical powers revealed in the final episode had a literal cork in it we're all for striking imagery but even the show's die hard fans have to admit that's a little on the nose before we get to our top pick here are some honorable mentions charlie's death two and a half men sheen may have been winning but without him the show started losing [Music] the carver reveal nip tuck rarely has a twist been so obvious and so ridiculous [Music] william's parentage the x-files just when you thought the smoking man couldn't get any more creepy mulder's not the father i'm asking who's the father i am william is my son jack bauer's family are terrorists 24. the guy's a terrorist magnet your co-workers they're all dead because of me i arranged everything i set the timetable i paid off the killers his name isn't michael vaughn alias what a twist just kidding it sucks fun what are you telling me for starters my name isn't michael vaughn want more mojo ms mojo produces original high quality pop culture related videos on all your favorite movies and shows plus celebrity news fashion lifestyle and more hey guys it's phoebe with ms mojo my name is sam my name is eliza and i'm emily i'm rebecca and welcome to ms mojo if you want videos on all the best reality shows team dramas disney movies and sitcoms be sure to check out ms mojo for new videos every day number one king bran game of thrones season 8 of game of thrones is largely agreed upon by most fans as being a step down from the rest of the show envelopes violent still while the exact moment it was ruined is up for debate we'd argue that the last straw was probably the election of bran stark as king of westeros will you lead the seven kingdoms to the best of your abilities from this day until your last day why do you think i came all this way at best the kids spent the last few seasons as a passive observer which made him boring and at worst he used his powers of long foresight to manipulate those around him causing mass murder to ascend to the throne making him unsympathetic either way fans felt like they and westeros deserved a better story than bran do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 1,082,495
Rating: 4.8145471 out of 5
Keywords: exact moments that ruined tv shows, moments that ruined TV shows, scenes that ruined TV shows, twists that ruined TV shows, moments that killed tv shows, moments that TV shows got bad, TV moments that jumped the shark, jumping the shark, game of thrones, lost, how i met your mother, the walking dead, sherlock, that 70s show, heroes, angel, lois & clark, dexter, TV, drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
Id: T4w3tREah6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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