Top 10 Eisenhower Dollars The Most Valuable Ike Dollar Coins Known

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here is the top 10 list of the most valuable Eisenhower dollars on planet Earth so stay tuned [Music] hello everyone this is Daniel and you're watching coin help you please like share comment and also click the little bell beside the subscribe button also when you have a question about coins or sending all for grading or whether you have a myth error or whether your coin has no mint mark or you want to sell your coin search my videos because I have videos for every one of those questions if you're wanting to sell your coin find my videos on selling coins and that's how you can sell your coin so anyways let's get started with the Eisenhower dollar top ten the most valuable known and I think a lot of you are going to be surprised at number one so let's get going coming in at number ten is a 1971 philadelphia mint because it has no mint mark and that's normal no if no tea mint mark on it mint state 66 PCGS and it actually has the little what we call the green beanie the CAC CAC sticker - stickers can't increase the value of coins anywhere from ten to thirty percent it just depends on the coin this one sold from nine thousand nine hundred and eighty seven dollars and fifty cents this is actually a cloud business strike you know to me it's a couple marks on the cheeks and lips but nonetheless they graded it high enough to where it sold for nine thousand nine hundred and eighty seven dollars plus at number nine is a 1972 type two this is also a philadelphia mint and this one here is the FS and 901 and meaning that the type two here you see how there's not really do you see there's no islands it looks like it's in q s-- into the coin that's very important that's your tight two right there right here I have a reference on my website where you can look that up actually this one here hasn't sold for 11,000 yet but it's estimated that's going to be worth eleven thousand and sixty six and that's it's on this list that's pretty good for a coin and you can still find the type twos in bank roles or in collections 1976 d comes in at number eight it was great at mint state 67 and it's a type 1 now when you're talking about your 1976 type ones you're looking at the fat or thicker lettering on the back it looks flat it looks much different than the type 2 which is a thinner letter it sold for eleven thousand one hundred and sixty two dollars and fifty cents because it graded mint state 67 by PCGS at number seven you have a 1973's and this one here is pr70 DCAM 70 is the highest attainable number grade or numeric grade for any business strike or any proof this is called a deep cam or a dkm because of the frosty appearance of the letters the date and God We Trust and also the bust and then on the reverse as well as the lettering there and the Eagle this is a finish a special proof finish so they etch the dies so that it gives it that frosty appearance and they polish the fields so that's what gives you your proof finish on coins it's different from proof light because proof like is from a business strike and there's differences and the appearance also some dye marks as well as sometimes the design is a little bit different on proofs versus business strikes at number 6 is the 1970 3d this is a business strike and graded mint state 67 by PCGS mint state 67 is very difficult to attain on them on an Eisenhower dollar this one sold for twelve thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars a lot of these coins you can look in the mint sets and they're going to be beat up really bad this one here when you look at it really close you can see a lot of marks on the coin and it's kind of confusing because you're going to see a lot of nice ones and you're going to think mine looks just as good as this image and you send it off and it doesn't get the grade so you know it's one of those things that some people play with and they keep resubmitting and I keep trying and cost you a lot doing that coming in at number five is a 1971 s and here's another proof this is proof 70 D came and this is actually on a forty percent silver planchet $13,800 is what this one sold for coming in at number four is a 1977 D and this one is struck on a forty percent silver planchet now your forty percent silver planchet coins are supposed to have an S met mark this one has the D so it's not supposed to be silver well that's where that's what makes it worth the money it was great at misstate 63 and it's so for seventeen thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars this one here was graded by NGC and what's very important about this is the weight you're gonna see a lot of damaged coins you're gonna see the rims buffed down or maybe plated and different things like that that doesn't mean it's on a Rome planchet you actually need the way it it has to weigh what the forty percent silver plants it's way at number 3 is the 1974 and this is a regular strike this coin hasn't sold yet but it's great at 67 $18,500 is the estimated value if this coin come up for auction and that's a huge jump for 66 plus but if it ever comes up for auction we'll find out maybe it's the only we're a 15 gram but it still comes in at number three on our list 1976 and this one's the type 1 proof 70 DCAM this one here we talk about the type 1 talked about the flat letters and this one sold for twenty five thousand three hundred dollars now we're ready for number one number one might surprise a lot of you it is very valuable and it is actually a unique coin and it is a 1976 and no s type 2 and as I said the type 2 shows a thin lettering it's a lot different than the thick lettering that you see here there's the type 1 here's the type 2 this one is a unique coin it doesn't have the MIT mark no s-mint mark and every proof has an estimate mark it is estimated value is four hundred and fifty thousand dollars graded 66 so there you have it there's our top ten most valuable Eisenhower dollars that we know of please like share and comment let me know what you think tell me some more ideas they'll talk to in videos this video Thanks to everyone else and have a great day
Channel: CoinHELPu
Views: 91,058
Rating: 4.9001918 out of 5
Keywords: rare ike dollars, valuable eisenhower dollar coins, valuable eisenhower dollars, eisenhower dollars worth money, eisenhower dollars, eisenhower dollar coin, silver ike, silver ike weight, 40 silver eisenhower dollar, most valuable ike dollars, top eisenhower dollars
Id: Dn3FElMLhW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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