Top 10 Discontinued Food Items We Miss (Part 5)

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I miss the ball so much picture your favorite childhood food items now try to think of the last time you saw them in your local grocery store more likely than not you can't remember this has nothing to do with your memory and everything to do with the fact that food items don't always stick around forever so here are 10 discontinued food items we miss part 500 cereal Burroughs delicious but forbidden cereal was already well-established as the go-to breakfast food of many a child then cereal companies decided to make their products pop culture themed grocery store aisles were filled with children begging their parents to buy them cereal based on their favorite sitcoms one such cereal was our coalos for those of you born after 1998 who somehow haven't been subjected to reruns by a nostalgic family members Steve Urkel was a character in the sitcom Family Matters he was your prototypical nerdy character with big glasses and suspenders and famous for his catchphrase your clothes look like Froot Loops if you removed all pieces except the pink and yellow the cereal itself was strawberry and banana flavored and referred to in an advertisement as a fun circle-shaped product questionable marketing choices aside the cereal had an impressive run being discontinued nine years after its 1991 release very impressive Pepsi blue from August 2002 to May 2004 a new drink was shelved alongside our favorite sodas though it bore the Pepsi logo its flavor was quite different from the classic soft drink we know and love Pepsi blues official flavor couldn't be vaguer it was described by Pepsi as berry most reviews give it the more specific description of blueberry or raspberry flavored others who found the drink to be nothing more than liquid sugar described the flavor as similar to that of cotton candy with an aftertaste more or less akin to that of a generic berry was an apple juice the drinks sickly sweetness alone sounds like grounds for discontinuation but that's not all there is to it fun fact the drinks bright blue color it's natural look Pepsi blue achieved its coloration from an agent called blue one this dye was actually banned in several countries and its use in this drink started a massive controversy this combined with the poor marketing that led to less than impressive sales meant bye-bye Pepsi blue though it was discontinued in North American markets Pepsi blue can still be found in several other countries that's great news Ben and Jerry's creme brulee well I guess we won't be having creme brulees nights Ben & Jerry's has a vast and wide variety of flavors to choose from in fact that's part of the charm when eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream choosing one of the seemingly endless flavor options with so many flavor options that also means many discontinued flavors Ben & Jerry's creme brulee ice cream was one of the more popular flavors to receive the axe it was available from 2007 to 2012 and Ben & Jerry's describes the flavor as sweet custard ice cream with a caramelized sugar swirl and boy was it yummy sounds yummy sadly it is now gone residing only in Ben & Jerry's flavor graveyard with the rest of Ben and Jerry's discontinued flavors tears were shed when this one disappeared but Ben and Jerry's offers hope dead and buried flavors as Ben and Jerry's calls them can be resurrected that's right you can go to the web page of the discontinued flavor you love and click resurrect this flavor Ben & Jerry's does periodically re-release the resurrected flavors with the most votes so Ben and Jerry's creme brulee ice cream we hope we see you again someday back soon ok Apple Newtons I love apples in 2012 Nabisco changed the name of their famous cookie snack from Fig Newtons to Newtons in order to encompass the other flavors they were beginning to release the Newton's brand came to be all the way back in 1891 with its name taken from the town of Newton Massachusetts originally the brand made Fig Newtons exclusively but now the rectangular cookies can be filled with paste made from any fruit Under the Sun while their strawberry raspberry and mixed berry cookies have been thriving Apple Newtons got the axe not too long after their conception Nabisco tried to quell were outraged at the discontinuation of their Apple Newtons by releasing an apple and cinnamon flavor but anyone who was a fan of its predecessor knows that the new iteration isn't nearly as good it's just not the same one fan recalls a favorite dessert from their childhood which was a microwaved Apple Newton served topped with vanilla ice cream sure it's no apple pie but it's still a tasty and easy to prepare treat with the introduction of apple and cinnamon Newton's the chances that Nabisco will ever bring back apple Newtons are slim to none and so we mourn the loss of this great snack food while settling for it's cinnamon infused counterpart what's that it's a cinnamon sticks Keebler pizzerias throwing it all the way back to the late 80s and early 90s who here remembers Keebler pizzerias many chip companies have tried their hand at the pizza flavored chip but as of now we're still waiting for someone to pull off what Keebler did almost 30 years ago most Pizza flavored chips are wildly disappointing but pizzerias were special they came in three different pizza flavors with cheese pizza being the most popular the chips themselves bore a strong resemblance to Doritos but the triangle shape was to mimic the look of a slice of pizza and the red orange coloration was to give the appearance that they were topped in cheese and tomato sauce word on the street is that these chips tasted pretty much exactly like an actual slice of pizza would pizza nutritious delicious pizza it's pretty incredible that they managed to capture those flavors so well especially since even the best chip brands have consistently failed to produce anything that tastes remotely similar to pizza pizzerias were rebranded by TGI Fridays who now sells them as pizza chips despite the fact that now instead of being shaped like pizza slices each chip is shaped like an entire pizza meaning a circle they have a very similar flavor if you're a pizza Riyaz purist you might not be a huge fan but if you're looking to revisit a childhood favorite ordering these pizza chips could make for a fun experience sounds like fun รฉt cereal remember what we said earlier about pop culture themed cereal it's always a hit no matter how good the actual product is although we have to give it to ET cereal this one we can definitely get behind even if you haven't seen the movie you probably still know that Reese's Pieces are featured in ET the extra-terrestrial it's a pretty mainstream reference and it was that reference which was used to craft this delicious cereal if you haven't guessed yet ET cereal is chocolate and peanut butter flavored just like Reese's candy Reese's Pieces the puffed grain pieces were shaped like the capital letters E and T which is an even more obvious tie-in to the film released in 1984 two years after the hit film's debut ET cereal had a surprisingly short run it was discontinued in 1986 after a mere two years if this cereal were to make a comeback it might encourage parents to introduce their kids to the film and cereal alike could make a great family movie night it would be a trip down memory lane for the adults and a great experience for the kids cuz let's be real here everyone has to see et at least once I love that little guy Reese's bites that's a big bite - speaking of the peanut butter and chocolate combination Reese's bites were part of Hershey's bites lineup which took candies like Reese's peanut butter cups KitKat and Hershey milk chocolate bars and released them as ball shaped candies in this case Reese's bites were chocolate-covered balls with peanut butter filling they really weren't all that different from the original candies their chocolate coating might have been slightly harder but other than that it was basically the same one is just smaller than the other and as such makes for a much better movie theater snack the bites candies were introduced in the late 90s and had their curtain call in 2003 why because they were deemed a choking hazard don't choke on anything as far as reasons behind discontinuation go this is a pretty good one after Reese's bites came Reese's swoops which were pieces of Pringles shaped chocolate drizzled with peanut butter and after Reese's Swift's came Reese's minis it seems like the third time's the charm and are here to stay as the snacked size counterpart of the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup of course there are plenty of other Reese's products still out there as well so luckily for us we don't have to look too hard to get our chocolate and peanut butter fix skittles bubble gum not just gum bubble gum skittles candy had its first commercial release in 1974 they're still thriving today as one of the most popular candies in the world naturally while the original candy has been going strong since its introduction over the course of its run many variations of the candy have been tested some successful others less so skittles bubble gum sadly falls into the latter category there's nothing wrong with the candy itself in fact it tasted incredible and as far as bubble gum goes it was pretty solid despite the good reviews it was sold for only two years we're not quite sure of the reason behind its discontinuation but the problem might have been that they did too good of a job at emulating the original skittles candy oh man she seriously skittles themselves already have a texture kind of similar to that of gum and the tastes of the two candies were virtually identical in the end skittles bubble gum was just a slightly chewy or slightly longer-lasting version we say slightly because we all know that bubble gum always has a disappointingly short lifespan nothing can ever top the skittles we know and love so if you're given the choice between two candies that are almost exactly the same original skittles will win every time it seems like skittles gum just wasn't meant to be just isn't meant to be right slice soda this soft drink is one of the longest lasting food items on this list slice soda came out in 1984 and wasn't discontinued until the mid 2000s this makes us miss it even more because we had time to get really attached the soda came in a variety of different fruit flavors including mandarin orange grape lemon-lime strawberry pineapple and fruit punch slice soda had a strong start but its popularity gradually waned throughout its run it wasn't hugely popular but it maintained a strong cult following the drain was originally owned by PepsiCo which introduced it all the way back in 1984 oh I didn't I didn't know that and they remained the manufacturer until it was discontinued that said slice was reintroduced in the US and Canada only by a company called new slice ventures who acquired the slice soda trademark rights for those two countries the reintroduction did feature some changes to the formula making it lower in both sugar and calories this will be a welcome change for some but not so much for those looking to experience the original exactly as it was I'm not change bugles hand me a bugle this General Mills snack food got its name from its distinctive shape the hollow cone shaped chips are reminiscent of everyone's favorite horn the bugle after a test run in 1965 bugles had their official release in 1966 alongside several other General Mills snacks such as pizza spins whistles and daisies if you don't recognize those last three names that's perfectly understandable since none of them made it into the 80s bugles alone managed to make it to the end of the century without being discontinued however since 2000 the snack has been discontinued in several countries worldwide thanks to declining demand well that sucks in some countries like Canada and the United Kingdom there was such an outcry when bugles were first discontinued that they were actually brought back fairly quickly currently bugles are available in the United States Canada China Denmark Saudi Arabia the Netherlands and some other countries in Central America and the Caribbean the rest of the world won't be able to get their hands on bugles unfortunately that said General Mills does license the name and shape to other manufacturers around the world so you may be able to find something similar to bugles in your region that's wonderful news treat yourself to more and tap that screen for our next great video checking us out for the first time then take a second to hit that subscribe button and ring that bell to join our notification squad
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 171,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10 discontinued foods we miss (part 5), discontinued foods, top 10 discontinued food items we miss, discontinued food items, food we miss, top 10 discontinued foods we miss, top 10 discontinued foods, discontinued foods we miss, discontinued food, ben and jerrys creme brulee, ben & jerrys crรจme brulee, keebler pizzarias, pizzarias, urkel os cereal, urkel os, pepsi blue, bugles, apple newtons, slice soda, reeseโ€™s bites, skittles gum, et cereal, discontinued, foods, top 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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