Top 10 Worst D&D 5e Subclasses | Nerd Immersion

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it's Tuesday so that means it's time for another top ten video this time in something I've never done before which could open an entirely new concept of these top ten videos is my top 10 worst subclasses in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons if you want to see what those are stay tuned what's going on folks Ted from nerd immersion here and let's get a couple things out of the way up front one big thank you to my patrons on patreon they voted that this be the top ten video for this week so if you don't like the topic you can go yell at them or join maybe and then choose to throw your vote one way or another also I'm approaching 30,000 subscribers at this point so I want to say that I am planning to do a Q&A video where you guys submit comments to me on this video and any other video coming out until I hit that point I will compile them all together and then put them in a document and basically answer your questions one at a time for about as long as it takes and then the way I'll do it is I'll sort it by most-liked question in the YouTube comments and those will be the ones I answer in order till about I hit an hour I wanted to put that out there up front because I already know that I'm sure I'm gonna piss a whole bunch of people off with this video because anytime you do a worst list then you know well you know what you're getting yourself into so the only count the only rule basically is it has to be a published official fifth edition class this means no third party this means no on Arthur comma so if you want to see that let's start with number ten number ten number 10 is the trickery domain cleric I should say upfront I'm trying to do these in order of best of the worst if you will all the way down to worst of the worst at number 1 you'll also see a theme here that a lot of the top tens that I do are the ones on this list are ones I have done fixing videos for which I will link in the description because I've assessed it that I already think it's bad and needs help so I fixed it so number 10 is the trickery domain cleric the reason being it is still a cleric at its base which means it's still very powerful and good therefore it can only be so bad but as I discussed ad nauseam in that video the problem is the trickery domain cleric doesn't know what it wants to do it gives you know only one single benefit at level one where most other clerics get two or sometimes even three benefits at level one it gives you very powerful spell casting abilities and usually even officially wording from Wizards of the coast as if it is a clerk that focuses heavily on spell casting they give it potent can trips at level eight where you had your wisdom modifier too can trip damage but this one gets divine strike and it's poison damage which is heavily resistant but it makes it seem like it wants to be a melee based cleric but you give it an extremely powerful list of spells to use your invoke duplicity is decent and if you keep your duplicate within five feet of you you have advantage on attack roles furthering the idea of wanting to use this as a melee advantage but it also requires your concentration to keep your duplicate up which means you can't keep up very powerful other cleric spells that are long-running something like spirit Guardians you can't keep that up while also having your duplicate because they both require concentration I don't know why blessing of the trickster is only limited to other people and not yourself I don't know why you're not given proficiency in stealth checks you have to use a channel divinity as an action to become invisible until the end of your next turn you can't even cast a healing spell while invisible it'll break your invisibility where other classes like a warlock can just turn invisible as an action as long as they're not moving you have to use a channel divinity something you only get one of three uses for and then again improve duplicity it just it makes more options for your level to ability but see my trick of fixing the trickery domain video to see what I did to adjust it and further thoughts on why I think this needs to be fixed number nine number nine is the assassin rogue the reason this is also so high on the list is because rogue is a very powerful base class before you delve into any subclass related things but assassin just feels kind of blah and I feel like it like so many other things that I've looked at fixing are a product of when they were released were these some of these subclasses released now or later on down the fifth edition timeline things would be different because of the way the development and subclass features and things have grown over time so why do I think it needs to or why do I think it's the worst so it gets you proficiencies and disguised kit and poisoners kit one of the only few ways you can get access to poisoners kit so that's very cool and really in my mind assassin is a three level subclass and then everything else is kind of pointless right so assassinate you had advantage on attack roles against a creature that hasn't taken a turn in combat yet that is very powerful it triggers your sneak attack because you're getting advantage on the attack role so that is nice potentially prompting a critical hit in addition any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit that is massively powerful for a rogue because your sneak attack damage will be doubled on a critical hit and you have advantage on the attack already so chances are that's going to mean you're going to have sneak attack but if anyone who's watched campaign one of critical role knows or has played an assassin themselves you know that that becomes essentially I don't want to call it like a drag or a slowdown but you are working every angle you can to figure out how you're gonna surprise your opponent and does this counter surprise wait would you say they're surprised I don't know about you but that seems surprising to me because you're trying to angle for that critical hit and again regardless of whether that's good or bad this is basically why most people take assassin as a rogue subclass and then everything else kind of falls by the wayside and let's talk about that at ninth level you're gonna get infiltration expert or expertise you must spend seven days seven in gained and 25 gold pieces to establish a history profession affiliations for an identity you're crafting a false identity right you can't establish an identity that belongs to someone else for example you might acquire appropriate clothing letters of introduction official-looking certificate to establish yourself as a member of a trading house thereafter if you adopted new identity as a disguise other creatures believe you to be that person until they give it an obvious reason not to so one it takes seven days very few campaigns unless you are in a very political intrigue which maybe this has more benefit then or you are just gonna be able to take seven days in game where the rest of the party is gonna be fine just like hanging out while you take seven days to research your character the reason that I think this is poorly it is done poorly is College of whispers bard can kill someone and down their persona and gain access to their surface thoughts so they kind of know things about them and get a bonus to insight checks or deception checks to prove to be that person a changeling can just make a persona on a whim change who they are what they look like that kind of thing there are several background features I think charlatans maybe one I can't remember off the top of my head they give you the ability to sort of craft a alternate identity or a dual yes or not dual personality but like a backup identity spy I think is another background as well so there are things that let you do this easier and with less effort than spending seven days and why the 25 gold pieces I don't know level 13 you get impostor you gain the ability to unerringly mimic another person's speech writing and behavior you must spend at least three hours studying these three components of the person's behavior listening to speech examining handwriting observing mannerisms you aru's is indiscernible to the casual observer if a wary suspect some suspect something's amiss you have advantage on deception checks made to avoid detection again as I stated beforehand College of whispers mark you do something similar and then we have the mastermind rogue which is after speaking or where is it I serve tactics master of intrigue Oh master of intrigue additionally you can unerringly mimic the speech patterns an accent of a creature you can hear speak for one minute enabling you to pass as a native speaker of a particular land providing another language so you can already mimic patterns and accents of somebody with one minutes studying as a master mind and the actor feet also gives you bonuses to creating and acting to be somebody else and anybody can gain access to that and potentially as a variant human you could have actor at level one and whereas an assassin world would have to be level 13 and lastly Deathstrike when you attack a creature pack and hit a creature that is surprised it must make it Constitution saving throughout DC eight plus your dex plus your proficiency bonus on a failed save double the damage over your attack against the creature interesting but again we get back into our your whole 17th level ability your capstone ability in your assassin subclass is requires that the creature you hit be surprised for it to even work it doesn't work otherwise so you have a situational ability for your level 17th ability further driving that you trying to angle everything you can possibly do to get that surprise and it doesn't even technically guarantee they will die yes it's probably heavily implied because if they are surprised it is a critical hit which is gonna be doing at this point I think eight or seven d6 on the sneak attack damage those sneak attack dice will be doubled to at least 14 d6 and then the total damage that you roll whatever it is will then be doubled on top of that so it will be a ton of damage regardless and more than likely it will kill whoever you're fighting but they need to be hit and then also surprised take into consideration the open hand monk who at the same level level 17 can do an attack that where as a quivering palm hit a creature with an unarmed strike spent three key points let's see you said the vibrations in their body when you use this action they must make it Constitution saving throw if they fail they die immediate zero hit points and then even if they succeed they take ten D ten necrotic damage that is basically a true death strike in that if it if you win they go unconscious they basically die if you know they go to zero hit points if you hit them with this rather than you dealing double damage which potentially higher level foes maybe they have a resistance to slashing damage if it's a barbarian and it's raging all that crazy damage you just did is cut in half I don't know I just think assassin could have been executed better maybe that's a topic for a future video number eight number eight is war magic wizard again a wizard is a very powerful base class so this you have a lot of options there so I put war magic on here mostly because I played one for a while and then as soon as I was given the opportunity to change out of it I did and I understand war magic is sort of the genesis of the lore master wizard from way back in on earth Arcana which is pretty powerful if not completely broken in a getting like an Opie way and they kind of took some aspects of that and added this to the war magic wizard so let's talk about it so at level two when you're hit by an attack and fail a saving throw you can use your reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC and for that attack for that attack the singular attack mind you I think a lot of people miss that or a +4 bonus to that saving throw when you use this feature you can't cast spells other than can trips until the end of your next turn so first of all you can use this ability as a reaction which is nice because it's for free right so you don't have to spend a spell slot to do so when you hit by an attack or fail a saving throw so it doesn't tell you yeah it doesn't necessarily tell you that you can use these to succeed I guess this is another one of those things where like the DM needs to tell you that the DC was 17 and you rolled a 14 so you failed so if you use your reaction you add +4 to it it's not really stated here it says when you're hit by an attack or fail a saving throw you can use your reaction to gain a +2 to your AC or +4 to that saving throw they're still the way I'm reading it potentially there is no guarantee that you will succeed the saving throw if you add +4 to it I assume this kind of again works like shield where you kind of know the number so you can know whether shield will block it or not so the the savings there is probably the most powerful part of this because not many things let you reactionary add something to a saving throw you have access as a wizard to shield which lets you add a +5 to your AC for the entirety till the start of your turn this lets you add plus c plus two to your AC against a single attack if you are then hit by a subsequent attack that bonus to AC is gone and it limits you on until the end of your next turn you are only able to cast can trips but ten depending on the scenario you're in that could be a severe limitation to your abilities and then tactical wit very powerful intelligence modifier into your text up to your initiative bonus that's good power surge at six level store maximum number of surges equal to your intelligence modifier whenever you finish a long rest your number of power surges resets to one when you successfully end a spell with dispel magic or counter spell you gain one power surges you steal magic from the spell you foil if you end a short rest with no power surges you gain one power surge once per turn when you deal damage to a creature or object with a wizard spell you can spend one power surge to deal extra force damage to that target it equals half your wizard level so again at level six you could deal three extra force damage to a target to a target or wizard you can spend two deal to that target so it doesn't even apply it so if you cast a fireball you could activate your power surge to deal half your wizard level in force damage to one target of the fireball not everybody in the fireball range whereas something like at level ten Annie vocation wizard can add their intelligence modifier to a damage role which a fireball is a damage role so it would add it to the entirety of fireball hitting everybody whereas you could add it to just a singular one and again the fact that this is you start with a power surge if you finish a short rest without one you get one which is nice but you are again it's another ability that is limited on your option to dispel magic or counter spell the only thing is there are ways you could technically gain this by having if somebody else has like a ritual spell that they can cast they could put up a ritual spell without expending a spell slot then you could cast the spell magic to end their spell to stack yourself up on power surges but when you spend the power surge you can only ever spend one if you could spend multiple power surges on one attack two-reeler one spell to really boost the damage up like I have five power surges I'm going to spend five power surges on this one spell to add five times half my wizard level to the damage to this one person to really knock them down that could help at level 10 when you maintain concentration on a spell you get a plus two bonus to AC and saving throws that's good I can't really argue with that that's a that's a constant always-on thing find a good concentration spell like haste or something else you're going to be using use it and get yourself the bonuses and then at 14 when you use your arcane deflection feature that's the level 2 feature you can cause magical energy to arc from you up to 3 creatures of your choice that you can see within 60 feet of you take force damage equal to half your wizard level so it's only 3 creatures it's within 60 feet and it's still at this point only gonna be seven force damage at a maximum 10 force damage and reminder that's you using your reaction to either add +4 to a saving throw or +2 to your AC against a single attack but then you the level 14 wizard on your next turn are limited to only casting can trips it just I mean I hope I'm presenting this well the best thing for this is a two level dip for a eldritch night fighter or a arcane trickster robe so that when you're hit by an attack or saving throw you can boost your AC or possibly succeed on the saving throw and who cares if you're limited to camp trips on the next turn sneak attack is not a cam trip and multiple taxes of Fighters not a can trip that's in my mind what more Magic's best use is number seven number seven is a circle of the spoors druid I did a hole fixing video on this so I won't belabor the topic too much you can check out that video there'll be a link in the description as well where I go over my problems with the spores drew it and how I would fix it probably one of the best parts about the spores druid is it is a druid that gets access to additional circle spells similar to circle little and rude without actually having to be a circle of the land rune and it does get chill touch as well which is a nice little bonus as a can trip that you get access to but as I stated in my other video a lot of these abilities when it was presented in the unearthed Arcana were very powerful and useful and made me actually want to play druid whereas the versions we see here are significantly hampered because a lot of your abilities are tied to a constitution saving throw a save that a lot of monsters and enemies can make due to their high hit points at high Constitution and then your ability does no damage at all it doesn't even do half on a success in the unearthed Arcana it was just a set number of damage and the damage was low here it is a die roll that increases but it's a con save or no damage so most of your class features could potentially just be useless and do nothing and then again you are limited in some of the summonings that you could do level 14 ability was unchanged and that's actually really powerful but the majority of the things you're gonna have throughout the class don't really do a whole lot again see the fixing video for more information number six number six is the battle region barbarian once again I did a fixing video on this as well see the link of the description to see what that's about my further thoughts but basically this came out again as a product of when it was released it was a sword Coast adventures guide subclass which means it probably was forgotten about which it seems to have been it was one of the only racially one of the two racially restricted subclasses in all a fifth edition it hampers you by giving you abilities all tied to your spiked armor spiked armor is garbage it's not really upgradeable it limits your AC significantly because because you have to have this armor that you're wearing that gives you a a sea of 14 plus your dexterity modifier with a maximum of two it is medium armor you can then choose a feat if you want to get medium armor master to make that become a fourteen plus three a maximum of 17 AC no matter what and almost all of your abilities are tied to your spiked armor so if you don't wear spiked armor you're not having access to your subclass abilities which is stupid because you get unarmored defense as a barbarian up front so you could potentially have more AC out of armor then you do in armor but you need to wear it to access abilities so you deal extra damage to folks you can fight them with your armor spikes which again the biggest thing here is you can do a bonus action while you're wearing your armor and raging you can make a bonus action attack every turn which is nice because that's a way to have access to a bonus action attack if you grapple creature you can deal damage to them you do get temporary hit points when you're reckless attack so that can keep you alive and - as a bonus action while you're raging is nice it's always a good thing to have but that can also counteract if one the bonus action activator rage the bonus action attack we talked about before if you choose to go great weapon master then you're not even using your armor spikes at all so that will deal with the offhand or the bonus attacks from that and then at 14 whenever somebody hits you they take damage which makes no sense because if they're hitting the spiked armor why does them hitting the spiked armor deal damage them at level 14 but not from the time you wear the armor in the first place again further thoughts in the fixing video number five look for another number 5a nuther Sword Coast adventurers guide subclass seems to be a theme here the purple dragon knight yet again I did a fixing video on this one as well that was a relatively recent video but the purple dragon Knight is not that great because all of its abilities are tied to your base fighter abilities you don't have any unique mechanic anything that makes you better really than a fighter then when you use your own abilities like second wind or action surge or indomitable they help an ally but that in and of itself provides a problem because are you gonna use second wind when you don't need it to heal your allies which you can't even use it to heal them up from zero hit points they have to be conscious or if you need the healing and they don't you're sacrificing your second wind this whole basic your third level ability you're using second one to heal you and it does nothing for your allies you get a simple you know a persuasion expertise which is fine when you use action surge you can pick an ally who can have one creep melee can use their reaction provided they can see or hear you to make one weapon attack whereas a battle master can choose to do this by forgoing one of their own attacks allowing that person to do it and then adding a superiority die to the damage and then bulwark is the most ridiculous stupid feature at level 15 when when you decide to roll an indomitable so you need to fail a saving throw to an intelligence wisdom or charisma save not even any saving throw which is how your indomitable feature works you can roll indomitable on an intelligence wisdom charisma saving throw and if there is one ally within sixty feet who has also failed the same effect from the same thing your rear o lling then they can choose to re-roll based on that you still have to use your indomitable you still have to fail you can't even give it to them if you succeed in a fail it's bad there I put a bunch of really good fixes in my mind in the video go check it out number four number four appropriately is the four elements monk from the players handbook I don't think I really need to go over this but if you want to see me do that I did a fixing video on it down in the description where I talked for a very long time about what's wrong with this class and how I can fix it and I'm not even sure if that did a good job but you guys seem to like it so there you go basically you're trying to be the avatar from Avatar The Last Airbender by gaining access to the ability to bend elements fire earth water air sounds are fundamentally amazing and it should be right that's a cool thing does it execute on that hundred percent not you have only what is it two or one two three four different disciplines you can choose from a massive list of things and most of these disciplines just do things like replicate a spell that another class could have at significantly higher earlier levels than you and you're also hampered in your ability to up cast those spells by you know this key point table that they have here Sun Sol monks can cast burning hands as a bonus action after doing an attack which byxis validates the Bernie hands here elemental the two men is essentially elemental prestidigitation you why like that you have to choose it at first and then obviously you're gonna switch it out later try to get something else and a lot of the cool other abilities there's only four really of them fangs of the fire snake fists of unbroken hair sheep the flowing river river and water whip shape the flowing river is cool it doesn't really have any combat applications water whip used to be really cool there's a bonus action now it's not as great and then again you have access to a handful of different spells I would say check out the fixing video that I did I used a bunch of really good crowd-sourced ones that people had done combined them all together into what I thought made the most sense and then tried to put it in a way that would give you the ability to really truly feel like you are the avatar number three number three is the wild magic sorcery a really cool concept but horribly executed in a lot of ways and I'm sure you've all seen it and I'm not gonna even talk too much about the fact that you can absolutely murder a low level party immediately with one errant roll of the wild magic surge my point is your whole cool thing that you can do is wild magic surge and there's no fundamental mechanic for you actually be able to do it it's all if this then this then if this then it could happen let's read it right let's return the DM can have you roll a d20 immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of first level it's not a requirement that you roll a d20 after you cast a first level or higher sorcerer spell the DM can choose to roll to have you whole now let's take a look at that in and of itself that could be a very potentially causing a schism in the party or in between at the table so if it's a really important critical role that you need to make to to do something cool to cast a cool spell whatever it is and the DM says you know what make a d20 role let's see if you get a wild magic surge well what if the wild magic surge then further in hampers the party and this is a really critical moment was the DM singling you out and then doing that on purpose if the DM never makes you do it because they constantly forget and then they decide to make you do one out of the blue well why now was there a reason why they're making me do this is this to punish me I don't know alternatively the DM can say you have to do it every time you cast the first level spell or higher and that could ridiculously slow down the game because every time you cast a spell is a full spell caster you're gonna need to make this roll that could be a problem so there's no real balance on when to do this and then let's talk about it go even further so roll a d20 after you cast a first level spell or higher assuming the DM has a role then if you roll a 1 on that d 20 so a 1 in 20 chance of you actually being able to do that then you roll in the wild magic if the effect is a spell it's too while to be affected by your meta magic and normally requires concentration it doesn't require concentration in this case and it lasts for its full duration so crux of the problem if the DM decides on a whim to allow you to roll a wild magic surge then you then need to roll a d20 and then you need to then roll o1 on that d-22 then roll the percentile to then figure out what the surge is so there's only a 5% chance that you will ever actually roll the the number you want to have if assuming you want to have a what how magic surge happen I imagine you do if you picked wild magic sorcery as your subclass you probably want to have it happen so in my games any time anyone's decided to play a wild magic sorcerer i sat down and had a conversation with them and said what are your thoughts about rolling on the wild magic surge table every time you roll or cast a spell or let's figure out a mechanic that you like to make it something hard and fast so that it's maybe it's every time you cast a spell at first little higher a number ticks up it starts at 1 and it goes and then whenever you cast a spell first level or higher you need to roll a d20 if you roll under that number then it goes off or over that number that it goes off some sort of function that will allow you to make it a set number so you can know when to expect or potentially have to roll figure that mechanic out up front so that it's not on a whim going after that I'm not even going to touch like I said I've been a part of the team that was killed by a fireball at level 1 because one of the things is a third a fireball spell is centered on the view and goes off and it's 86 fire damage and average you're gonna kill a first-level party easily tides of chaos is a cool ability right when you can choose to gain advantage on an attack roll ability check or saving throw but you can't use that again until you finish a long rest which i think is dumb I think that should be short rest but anytime you regain this feature the DM can have your role on the wild magic search table immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell first level or higher you then regain the use of this feature so anytime before you regain the use of this feature so you have to have spent it and then if the DM has you role in the wild magic surge table after you cast a spell then you get this feature back so that's cool so there's a feature but again that feature is tied to the mechanic we've discussed before then luck when you or another creature on another feature when another creature you can see so not even yourself makes an attack roll ability check or saving throw you can use your reaction to spend two of your sorcery points at six level to roll a d4 and add it to the number rolled as a bonus or penalty to that creatures roll so it could be an enemy but the way I look at it as guidance is a can trip and that adds a d4 to an ability check that you can just do that for free anybody who has that bless picks three creatures and adds a d4 to attack rolls and saving throws for a minute to three creatures and then bane is a saving thrill but it's a d4 - a d4 to attack rolls and I think saving throws as well for a minute against multiple creatures so there are many ways to do this significantly longer and apply to more creatures more frequently than you to use your reaction in to sorcery points to do so controlled chaos - rolls on the wild magic search table that's fine you got to get access to it first and then when you roll a spell bombardment when you roll damage for a spell and roll the highest number possible on any of the dice choose one of those dice roll it again and add that damage to the roll you could only use this feature once per turn that's kind of dumb it's a cool 18th level feature you move to 18th level as a sorcerer and you can reroll one die add extra damage I mean chaos bolt lets you do that kind of in and of itself and it just keeps going I would just say give you you have exploding dice let them have exploding dice that's fine by me it would it would be really powerful but you're at 18th level with a limited sorcerer spell list let them have their fun again I did a video on fixing the sorcerer as a whole including what spells I would give two spells per level for the wild magic sorcerer link in the description for that as well number two number two is one of my most requested fixing videos to make so I won't give away too much on why I what I would fix on it but I will tell you why it's one of the worst subclasses in fifth edition and that is the undying warlock once again we find ourselves in the Sword Coast adventures guide it is a very cool thematic enemy or I'm sorry patron right it's an undying undead patron right they give you some options here right vecna the Lich Queens undying courts you know all sorts of really cool interesting lore behind your patron very cool stuff fundamentally it sucks just I'll be upfront with you it's bad let's talk about why spell list first of all the spell list is arguably one of the weakest out of all of the patrons out there false life I get it armor of Agathis is better for temporary hit points and it has a punish ray of sickness doesn't scale very well it's good early on it'll drop off later blindness deafness it's good spell silence also a good spell silence also a ritual spell which you won't have access to unless you take tome feign death I get why it's here it's not a very good spell speak with dead also very good but there's an invocation lets you kind of do it all the time or of life essentially pretty good death ward solid spell regardless contagion good albeit a little funky and legend lore I don't really know why it fits here I guess maybe the undead living for a long time legend lore is a good one but situational first-level among the dead you get spare the dying as a camp trip nothing wrong with that problem is oh and you also gets a advantage on saving throws against diseases well first of all a grave domain cleric could get to spare the dying as a can trip they get it as a bonus action and it works out to range so spare the dying way better also celestial warlocks also get spare the dying so that's not really unique for you advantage on saving throws against diseases diseases aren't super common in fifth edition they do exist if this advantage on saving throws against poison it would be a little bit better or flat-out immunity to disease rate paladin's get that at third level give it to these guys a little bit early and then you basically have this additionally Undead have difficulty harming you if an undead targets you directly with an attack or harmful spell they must make a wisdom saving throw on a failed save they must choose a new target or forfeit targeting someone instead of you potentially wasting the attack or spell successful save the creatures have immune to the effect for 24 hours and then undead is also immune to this effect for 24 hours if you target it with an attack or a harmful spell so this works essentially sanctuary against undead but the problem is it only works against undead so I mean if you know you're gonna be playing like salmon or maybe the curse of straud or a game where you know you're gonna have heavy undead connections this could be a very powerful ability but for the most part I don't think any of the other patrons for warlocks give you something that is cut off to a type of enemy like even the fiend like the fiend or lock one of the best ones out there gives you really cool abilities that apply across the board not just to undead six-level defy death you regain you can regain hit points equal to one d8 plus your Constitution modifier when you succeed on death saving throw or you stabilize a creature with spare the dying that's once per long rest that that's bad and again like we talked about one of the benefits of the grave domain cleric is kind of similar to this whenever they heal somebody they heal them the maximum amount when they heal them from zero hit points that again came out significantly later it validates that sort of you get hit points when you succeed on a death saving throw again celestial warlock eventually can stand back up to half hit points and damage creatures around them when they go down to zero hit points or six Jonah into zero hit points not even succeeding on a death save also I feel like you probably should have thrown advantage on death saves somewhere in here so again the fact that that feature is only once per long rest seems kind of funky to me undying nature at tenth level this is basically a ribbon this is a character fun thing and level 10 that doesn't really do too much of interest like of substantial crunchiness to your character right you can hold your breath indefinitely you don't require food water or sleep although you still require a rest to reduce exhaustion and still benefit from finishing short and long rests in addition you age at a slower rate for every 10 years that pass your body age is only one year and you are immune to being magically aged that's a cool thing you should probably have something else and then indestructible death at fourteenth level on your turn you can take a bonus action to regain hit points equal to one d8 plus your warlock level additionally if you put a severed body part of yours back in place when you use this feature the part reattaches once you use this feature you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest again celeste your warlock basically has a whole bunch of healing a healing pool that they can use which is better than this you get like a little inborn self heal which isn't even as good as a fighters second wind ability which they can do as a you can also do as a bonus action so that's something but a fighter is a d-10 plus their fighter level they get that at level one it comes back on a short rest I feel like that's a problem when you're level 14 ability is once per short or long rest it's not as good as a fighter first level ability and then like a fun funky part where you can put a body part back on if it falls off like that's a cool roleplay aspect of you being able to like cut off your arm but how often do severed limbs come up in a game like unless you're obviously this kind of a warlock and you're doing that for a reason but like it's very rare that's something in fifth edition as it's written in a step block can cut off an arm or a body part obviously like a vorpal blade cuts a head off and a sword of sharpness can cut a limb off but that's a pretty rare thing so again it's a good flavor wise needs to be fixed number one and number one on this list is oath of the Ancients paladin now come on Who am I kidding it's not on to the heirs palace Beast Master Ranger obviously everybody knew this was coming I don't even really know if I need to say anything here with Beast Master Ranger first of all rangering fifth editions kind of a poor class as I'm sure many of you know and Beast Master Ranger is just that much worse part of it I mean I could talk nauseum about that I did a video a while back when I met with Jeremy Crawford at D&D live and had a conversation with him about it about how battle master or Beast Master Ranger pales in comparison to battle Smith artifice er and artifice er it's just better and he said well we're gonna not let things we did in the past hold us up for what our design in the future but they have no desire to go back and fix it and if you don't believe me that Ranger is a problem they tried to fix it like four times and that's an exaggeration they tried to fix it at least two times in on Arthur Khanna because they recognized that something was wrong in fact one of the fixes had the hit die for the Ranger being 2d6 not even like a d-10 or d12 like every other class ever in pretty much any addition they had the Rangers hit die being to d6 so your minimum hit die was it was crazy and then they did the revised Ranger which they can solder than the unearthed Arcana class features had major overhauls to the Ranger they clearly know something is wrong but they just don't seem to want to admit it the main reason right here is this section the problem with the Beastmaster Ranger one is the whole thing is you put all of your subclass features into having this beasts companion and it can die exceptionally easily and then you have nothing basically that's the problem so the Beast obeys your commands the best it can takes it to turn on your initiative on your turn you can verbally command the beast where to go for no action you can use your action to verbally verbally command it to attack - disengage or help if you don't issue a command it takes the dodge action once you have the extra attack feature you can make a one weapon attack when you command the Beast to take the attack action if you're incapacitated the Beast acts on its own focusing on protecting you in itself the Beast never requires your react I plan to use its reaction and so on so the point being is at level three you can choose to attack yourself or have your beast companion attack eventually when you have extra attack you can forgo one of your attacks to have the Beast make an attack so it does one you do one and then eventually at seventh level it could do a bunch of cool stuff as a bonus action but one of the things you can do as a bonus action is not attack so you can't even like if it can attack as a bonus action that could fix some things and then at 11 it can take two attacks when you would take one attack which is cool but again that's still a problem because you are still limiting yourself to only one attack at that point and I was just trying to see if I had it but I don't I did a recent video on the unearthed Arcana which talks a little bit about that and basically there is a if you look at the original wording of the Beastmaster ranger it basically would do nothing was how it sort of went it was just like if you don't give it a LT is this it so if I can pull this up here and an OG version of The Player's Handbook real quick so you can just see here because this is so ridiculous the Beast the obviously the one I just read was the current wording but the Beast obeys its commands as best I can it takes its turn on your initiative so it doesn't use an action though it doesn't take an action unless you command it to that was what it was yeah so basically in in the original Edition obviously it's been rewarded since was if you didn't give it an action your beast did nothing it actually would do more if you died because it would try to protect itself or you so it was actually more useful if you were unconscious again it's the Beastmaster ranger you knew it was coming it needs to be fixed so that's it folks thank you once again to an epic shout out to all my patrons around patreon you can see a list of them somewhere over here they voted one of the perks you get of being a patreon is voting on what future video topics will be and when they should come out I know a lot of you probably and again my most requested fixing it video is the Beastmaster Ranger or the Ranger in general and I I'm proud to tell you that it is in the works it is actually pretty much done at this point and I am hoping to actually get people a chance to play test of my version of it because it needs so much love we all know that that I desperately want to have this be a really good video so I actually want to have people play test the class as it stands to tell me where I need to tweak and adjust so it's coming stay tuned and I also wanted to say now regarding the QA video as we are approaching 30,000 once again I'll just reiterate leave your your thoughts obviously on the video here and your thoughts on my top 10 list and your own personal top 10 worst in subclasses in the description I'd appreciate to see what other people think are the worst ones but feel free to also leave questions on this video and questions you like to answer have me answer in a QA any questions pretty much fair game so throw it out there and I'll do my best to answer it and a future Q&A video for 30,000 subscribers speaking of that if you haven't subscribed already and that'll be a great time so and ring the notification valve so you can stay up to date on one of my videos come out I was doing it period there whereas releasing videos at like 2:00 o'clock in the morning crazy times I'm gonna try to get back to a more regular upload schedule and then obviously if you're a patriot and I'm certain to you get access to those videos the second they hit YouTube rather than having to wait till like noon the next day so thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you next week with another top ten [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 195,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, nerd immersion top 10, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons, top 10 D&D subclasses, top 10 D&D 5e subclasses, top 10 D&D 5e classes, D&D 5e top 10 subclasses, D&D top 10 subclasses, Top 10 5e subclasses, top 10 d&d, top 10 d&d 5e, dungeons & dragons top 10, Top 10 worst D&D 5e subclasses, D&D 5e worst subclasses, nerd immersion D&D, Worst D&D 5e subclasses, worst 5e subclasses
Id: iQ1KgLkrVac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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