Top 10 D&D 5e 5th Level Spells | Nerd Immersion

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what is going on folks ted from nerd immersion here and let's talk about spells on this top 10 tuesday on a wednesday my patrons voted and we're going to be looking at top 10 uh fifth level spells for dnd 5e fifth level i think is a really sweet spot of spells i think when you get to level nine you're feeling pretty good about it and i feel like third level spells are really great and fifth level spells are really great kind of the ones you know fourth and even the ones above to basically higher levels are kind of iffy but fifth edition has some really solid options and it took a lot to narrow it down to just 10. i might even give you some bonus ones at the end so if you like what i do here at nerd immersion and you want to see more of this kind of content well i suggest that you subscribe to the channel and turn your notifications on i'm doing videos all the time from news coverage to these top tens to you know informational videos and i might even start diving into some world building stuff and streams and whatnot i'm also doing a giveaway of candle keep mysteries two of these limited edition copies and one of the standard that giveaway is ongoing right now there's links in the description for that so uh again rules are they have to be official 5e published spells that are 5th edition or sorry 5th level rather and that's it number 10 legend lore now maybe it's just because i'm a dm but more often than not legend lore is a great spell because in my mind it's the dm's tool right this spell is a is a great way to allow your players to get the information that you want them to have without possibly having to go through some sort of long expository dialogue uh you know by having somebody explain everything to them or just trying to give them the knowledge this is a way that they can stumble upon it for themselves and i'll give you an example of what i mean but basically uh it's got pretty wide range of use right bard clerk and wizard can all use this uh and it is a 10 minute casting time it does have a material component which is incest incense rather sorry with at least 250 gold which is consumed by the spell and then four ivory strips of at least 50 gold each uh those do not get consumed from the looks of it though and then basically name or describe a person placer object the spell brings to your mind a brief summary of the significant lore about that thing uh tales forgotten stories even secret lore that's not widely known if thing you name the only problem is is this kind of uh the vagueness of this if the thing you named isn't of legendary importance you gain no information and that's sort of uh pain in the butt because who determines what legendary importance is obviously the dm in this scenario but you may think of something as being of legendary importance and maybe the dm knows in the grand scheme of the world it's not so you might waste the use of this fifth level spell so that's the only kind of tricky part with legend lore the more information you have about it the more precise the details you get and that goes on to give you an example now again like i said this is a really great way if you're trying to tell the player something about it they can use legend lore to learn or the sneakier way to do it is to sneak a scroll of legend lore into some drop off like something they find and then the players might realize oh hey we have this we can maybe learn about what we want to know about and then it gives you an opportunity to provide the information that you want to give to the party without just seeming like you're reading it to them for the purposes of just had them having the information they sort of stumble upon things naturally by use of the legend lore spell number nine synaptic static synaptic static is basically a psychic damage fireball uh but at fifth level the only downside too is it doesn't get any benefit for being up cast which is kind of a bummer uh it is accessible by bard sorcerer warlock and wizard it's nice to see this on bard because bards don't have a ton of aoe or damaging spells uh and this kind of helps them in that respect it has the same range as a fireball 120 feet with a 20-foot radius sphere however this uses intelligence as opposed to dexterity so nobody's getting invasion on this one uh and then if you make the intelligence save and you have an intelligence score of two or lower you're not affected by it uh but if it's a higher than that you take 8d6 psychic damage or half on a success similar to a fireball but it has an added benefit if you fail your thoughts become muddled for a minute during that time uh you uh you roll a d6 and subtract the number from attack rolls and ability checks as well as constitution saving throws to maintain concentration and you get to make an intelligence saving throughout the end of each of your turns ending it on a success intelligence saving throws are not that common especially ones that deal damage let alone a non-heavily resisted damage type like psychic but this can also be a great way to shut things down if you were to say combo synaptic static with someone casting bane you can really shut down saving throws uh you know you're only that would basically be rolling a d4 and a d6 every turn to see what is subtracted from that creature's saving throw possibly ensuring that your party is able to affect them with whatever spells they're looking to use number eight rari's telepathic bond i love this spell because this does the thing that sort of it's like a very small pet peeve i have because i do it too and i'm not really sure what the answer is and this might be a topic of a future video but when you're in combat does the party get to communicate with each other your turn happens over the course of six seconds how much are you actually gonna be able to do so it comes down to like can you have the communication to tell your party i'll heal you next turn don't worry about it don't try to you know do whatever use your death saving throws and whatnot basically you can take ten minutes to cast this as a ritual and then open up a party line between you and seven other people are eight creatures total for an hour where they can communicate as fast as they can think this is a non-verbal form of communication these discussions can be had during other dialogue because other you know enemies or other npcs can't hear because it's all psychic and also has its uses in combat where you can strategize completely without fear of the enemy peering in unless they have some sort of divination or mind reading powers number seven commune this is another super useful dm tool or a completely ruin your day kind of tool and i'll explain because i have a cleric in one of my games and this has become either a swarp spot or one of the absolutely most useful tools you will ever have uh it is available uh to clerics primarily but the oath of devotion and oath of glory paladin can gain access to it but not until level 17 and then the order domain cleric has it prepared but basically this is also a ritual spell right so it can be cast as a ritual without expending any spell slots which also is part of the reason that it can become super useful takes a minute to cast and it lasts for a minute but basically you contact whatever deity or divine proxy you use to ask them three questions it says they can't that is questions that can be answered with a yes or no you must ask your question before the spell ends so that minute time frame and then you receive a correct answer for each question so you will not receive falsehoods you will only get correct answers they can be uh they don't have to necessarily be clear in a case where a one-word answer would be misleading or contrary to the deities interest the gm may offer a short phrase as an answer instead and if you cast the spell two or more times before finishing a long rest there's a cumulative 25 chance of each casting after the first that you get no answer the dm makes this role in secret so you can ask commune cast it once with a 25 chance the third time with a 50 chance a fourth time with a 75 percent chance and the fifth casting will obviously be 100 chance of failure i have had on multiple occasions my players cast four communes back to back asking 12 questions of their deity that are yes or no once again similar to legend lore this can be used as a great way to forward things along by allowing the players to ask questions and maybe narrow down where you want them to go if you're playing the deity and you want them to go to a certain place you can answer still have to be truthfully but do things to sort of facilitate their movement but it also can become an absolute slog because every day after they get a long rest and get their you know the ability to do this again just continue to ask 12 questions a day if they're able to roll usually you could probably get at least the six questions a day commune can be used in that way especially if they roll well enough on their percentile to narrow into the six to nine questions every day well then that's something you need to be prepared for again i think it's a really great spell but you know potentially use it in moderation number six dance macabre and this is probably the closest thing anyone will ever get to playing a true necromancer in fifth edition uh this thing has a casting time of one action a range of 60 feet and has a duration of an hour and it basically lets you have all the minions you've always ever wanted to have energy leaps from your fingers and five small or medium corpses you can see within range animate under your control they are either zombies or skeletons use the stats in the monster manual and they gain a bonus to their attack and damage roles equal to your spell casting ability modifier this is only usable by warlocks and wizards not even any other subclasses you can use a bonus action to command the creatures you make with the spell issuing the same command to all of them to receive it they have to be within 60 feet and you decide what they do uh once the order is given they continue to follow it until their task is complete uh which is under your control uh are under your control until the spell ends after which they become inanimate once more so if you think about that and you're able to you know manifest five corpses into either skeletons or zombies they're all going to add your spellcasting ability modifier to the attack and damage role and basically as a bonus action you are making five separate attacks on top of whatever you're doing for your action right you cast this spell as an action the first time and then it's basically just up in concentration you use your bonus action to have all of your minions attack and you still have your full action to do whatever you want i think it's pretty cool i'd like to see more stuff like this and i'd love to actually see a full-blown good necromancer full class number five old monster if you've ever enjoyed the benefits of whole person being able to lock someone or in some cases multiple someone's down paralyze them and have your party absolutely massacre them well hold monster is that but for everybody not just humanoids so it has pretty much the exact same parameters as whole person it is an action it has a range of 90 feet it is concentration for a minute and rather than saying choose a humanoid within range it says choose a creature so they have to succeed on a wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration does not work on undead and at the end of each of that creatures turns they get to make a wisdom saving throw on a success it ends and it has the ability to be upcast for each level above fifth you can target an additional creature just as a reminder paralysis uh they can't move or speak they automatically fail strength or dexterity saving throws all attack roles against that creature have advantage that's range uh melee and spell and then any attack that hits a creature within five feet that means spell attacks or melee attacks or even in theory uh ranged attacks right any attack role that hits them within five feet is an automatic critical hit so again normally if you're within five feet of someone and you're shooting them with a bow and you don't have any feats or things that let you get around that that attack role would have disadvantage but this attack rule has advantage from them being paralyzed and if you manage to hit it's an automatic critical hit as long as it's in five feet it seems kind of silly to me i've always thought it was kind of silly how i could be 10 feet away with a glaive and hit you melee with the glaive but it doesn't matter i still have it's a regular hit if i hit you with my glade from 10 feet away but if i take a five foot step forward and then hit you again with my glaive it's a crit same thing with shooting somebody with a bow from five feet away versus ten feet away in the real world the reasonable chance of you missing with either of those when someone can't move is slim to none but that five feet difference just makes all maybe that's the topic for a future video i don't know let me know your thoughts number four pass wall i've used this one personally in a couple games and um wizard is pretty much the only person who has access to this consistently as you can see circle of the land mountain druids have it as well as armor artificers but if you've ever found yourself in a scenario and going like damn i really wish there was a door here well this is the spell that literally makes that for you uh it is an action a range of 30 feet it has a duration of an hour and basically it says a passage appears at a point of your choice that you can see on a it doesn't really care about the type either right wooden plaster or stone such as a wall ceiling or floor it lasts for the duration of an hour non-concentration you choose the openings dimensions up to five feet wide eight feet tall and twenty feet deep it creates no instability in the structure surrounding it and when the opening appears any creatures or objects uh disappears rather any creatures objects in the passage are safely ejected out to the space nearest uh uh on which you cast this so again you find yourself in a dungeon and you're like ah the treasure's on the other side of that wall pass wall as long as that wall that you're trying to make the passage through is less than 20 feet thick which let's be honest if you're in some sort of structure whether it be dungeon building sewer system maze what have you a 20 foot deep passage will more than likely be enough the only time i can see that not being the case is if you're literally just underground in a cave or something like that and you're like i hope the surface is within 20 feet i'll make a hole straight up that's something else to consider it happens on a surface it doesn't have to be a wall it can be the ceiling and again as it points out it does not cause any structural instability so you could be 20 feet down underground in the earth and make a up to five feet wide eight feet tall 20-foot cylinder hole through all the way up to the surface and this could be like a completely over like it's basically like a thin layer and you just make a hole right in and like if you stepped on this side of the hole or that side of the hall you'd fall through but it has no like normally but this is now structurally sound the passageway that you've made this is an amazing get out of jail free card it is also an amazing way to just wreck your dm's day if they don't know you have this spell prepped i've done this we were teleported magically into a room with seemingly no way out and my next question to the dm was like how thick are the walls in the room and he's like i don't know 10 feet thick and i was like cool i make a door and we go through that way and he's just like what i was like yeah i cast past wall lasts for an hour we just go through the door and move on and it actually happened that there was another wizard in the party and we both had pass wall prepped so we just basically used that to tunnel our way back to where we were going by chain casting pass wall because once again it is one hour duration non-concentration so i can cast pass wall make myself a 20-foot and that's the other thing i didn't even mention that it doesn't have to be terminating to something right if i'm underground and the the depth to the surface is or to the outside is 40 feet i can make a pass wall passage 20 feet deep that is structurally sound and doesn't cause any issues with cave-ins or anything like that and then get to the end of that and then cast it again and then make a 40 foot long tunnel and as long as i have spell slots from fifth level up to ninth i can chain tunnel my way anywhere i need to go and again if you happen to have somebody else in the party who can cast it as well or scrolls of past wall you can just go to town and tunnel through whatever surfaces you want because again it doesn't make you make a saving throw it doesn't make you make an ability check it just makes the tunnel end of story my only small little downside and it's not even really a big one is that i believe in older editions if the pass wall closed and people were in it they were essentially trapped in it i only go off of that from one of the drizz novels that happens at some point where someone casts a pass wall tunnel the good guys run through the tunnel and while the bad guys are running through it they close the pass wall and just kill them all and that is extra fun but maybe in fifth edition they're like we're already ruining your dm's day enough we also don't need to allow you to kill the entire enemy force with one swell uh bell swoop swell foop there you go internet i'm tired sorry guys number three steel wind strike i fell in love with this spell the first time i saw when it came out in xanathar's guide to everything and it is still in my mind one of the coolest spells it is a hundred percent live your anime dream where your protagonist does that thing where they teleport all around now the only thing that would make it more anime is if you could do all of the attacks against a singular target but still pretty awesome so it's an action to cast it has a 30 foot range unfortunately only usable by rangers and wizards at least rangers get it but this again won't be until level 17 but you basically flourish some weapon that's worth at least one silver piece uh and then you vanish to strike like the wind so again picture any anime where the protagonist has the ability to move so fast that they leave either after images or disappear and basically it's choose five people within 30 feet and you teleport next to them you make your melee spell attack so this will use your spell attack modifier so again useful search for something like a wizard and then if you hit them it does 6d 10 force damage now this is a melee spell attack so it can crit them and then do 12 d10 force damage this is also an attack roll so it's affected by anything that may if you have magic items or abilities that boost your attacking your melee spell attack roles if they're under the effect of something that gives you advantage um whether fairy fire or otherwise uh again the ideal scenario is somebody locks down a group with hold monster or something like that and you steal wind strike each one of them auto critting dealing 12 d10 force damage to each one and it also has the fun fact that you can tell then teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within five feet of one of the targets you hit or missed so you can you know teleport around 30 feet to five different enemies to attack five different enemies and then make a final sixth teleport to put you next to somebody else that you either hit or missed and again depending on where you land in the initiative order this can also be strategic placement wise to allow you to teleport all around not that i recommend you doing this to one of your allies but it's a potential option as well it you could use it to potentially attack an ally and use it as a means to teleport yourself away from the enemies obviously if you hit you have to deal with the after effect there um but yeah it's super good i got a chance to use this one time in a campaign and no one had seen it happen before and it blew everybody's mind because we happened to have five enemies and i was able to just teleport around and i managed to hit every single one of them and just roll that 60 10 damage five times in a turn it just blows people's mind that you can do this i also think it has the opportunity to definitely be retooled into a special class ability or um this could be something if you're trying to basically make an anime protagonist subclass or magic item or something like that you could give someone who typically doesn't have steel wind strike uh steal one strike as an ability this is a great way to kind of decide this is balanced at least according to wizard of the coast how do we we can use this as a means to further design other things homebrew wise number two wall of force i also didn't realize that this ultimately turned out to also seem to be a list of spells that will totally ruin your dm's day but guess what wall of force is another one of those as seems to be the case with a lot of these it's primarily only found on the wizard though oath of redemption paladin artillerist and armor artificer both have access to this spell and this is another one that can completely allow you to null and void traps or shut down an enemy to a frustratingly difficult uh level so let's talk about why so it's an action that has a range of 120 feet and 10 minutes concentration uh you know duration so you spring this invisible wall mind you that's something i feel like often gets overlooked when people cast that wall of force is completely invisible if you don't know that it's there no one knows that it's there like this is very much like the cartoon or tv show where people walk into a glass door or something like that it is completely invisible like a mime box you can't get out of it you don't even know that it's there it appears in any orientation you choose you can have it be a horizontal barrier or a vertical barrier a horizontal barrier or you know set it at some sort of angle and we'll talk about that it can be free-floating so it could just be 120 you know it could just be up in the air above your characters free-floating in the sky again completely invisible nobody knows that it's there it could be a complete vertical plane it could be an angle or it can be resting on a solid surface which again i'll talk about in a second you can also choose to form it into a hemispherical dome so rather than just a plane it is now a bubble that you can then be inside uh or trap something inside um with a radius of up to the the dome can have a radius of up to 10 feet or you can shape a flat surface made of 10 10 by 10 foot panels so you can take a 10 by 10 foot panel and you could basically make a big cube and then have extra space if you want or again turn it into a bubble each panel must be contiguous with another panel in any form uh and the wall is only about a quarter inch thick again invisible but a quarter inch thick it lasts for the duration of 10 minutes if the wall cuts this is the big one if the wall cuts through a creature's space when it appears the creature is pushed to one side of the wall the caster gets to choose which side nothing can physically pass through the wall it is immune to all forms of damage and it can't be dispelled by dispel magic the only seeming way to get rid of it is a disintegrate spell which will destroy the wall instantly the wall also extends into the ethereal plane blocking any travel through it so if your characters have the ability to teleport via the ethereal plane or go into the ethereal plane ghosts even things like that too bad doesn't work so ways i've used and seen wall of force used we went into and one game i was in we had a wizard in the party and there was a massive lava pit uh about a hundred yeah 100 foot long lava pit with a rickety bridge in the middle like a rope bridge like the typical thing you're going to worry oh we're going to fall in the lava the wizard just says i cast a wall of force and i link my 10 by 10 foot panels in a line 100 feet long and he just spanned the entire gap of the lava room and we just walked across it with no problems completely of subverted all of the issues of are we gonna have to fly who's gonna fall in the lava nope just walk straight across to that same point you can use it to build a ramp it says it can be done on a diagonal you could put it down at the base of a you know castle or something and a hundred foot long ramp up on a 45 degree angle and you guys can just walk right up it and walk into the castle that also works in reverse because yet again remember it's invisible you could do this and have it as a means to live out your ultimate donkey kong fantasy where you're in the castle and you make a hundred foot long um ramp leading down for you to roll boulders flaming pots of oil whatever you want down on to the enemy forces waiting below and then when they start to run up the wall of force dismiss it and then they all drop down and take falling damage the shunting people to one side or another is just the worst thing as a dm because you could make that hemispherical dome if you wanted and i cast it between me and you and i choose that you get shunted inside the dome and that me and my party get shunted outside the dome you are now trapped in a wall of force that you cannot get out of by damaging it you can't teleport out via the ethereal plane and you can't dispel it you're stuck in it unless you have disintegrate or some other means of travel that doesn't involve the ethereal plane a super brutal and cruel way to do it is to summon it on a planer thing rather than the dome on a plane but summon it at like waist height like right about your waist and then shunt your party on top of it and the enemies below it basically bisecting them with this wall of force they are now trapped between the floor and a wall of force to the point where they basically can't move because they're stuck underneath it and your party just literally walks over the enemies and out of the room again 10 minute duration completely invisible this can also be a way to force funnel people into a trap that you've set by setting up your cube so that the only way they can come through is one ten foot cube area so they have to funnel in uh you can use this to just basically block off an entire hallway right you could if you're in a dungeon it's a hundred foot long hallway and there's doors the whole length of this hallway and the doors open out wall of force the whole way walk right through you have 10 minutes before even if people try to get out they can't open the doors because they're butting into the wall of force or if the doors open in they run right into the wall and can't get out the thoughts on how to use wall of force are completely limitless you can pretty much do anything with this and again there's no reason that two wizards if you have two wizards or a wizard and an artillerist or an armor two uses of wall of force in a party it just gets completely bananas the amount of things you can do so i'd love to hear in the comments down below have you used wall of force in your game what is the crazy way you managed to use it and how pissed off was the dm number one i've mentioned it before in the past but animate objects has to be one of my absolute favorite spells because of just the sheer amount of shenanigans you can get into with this and it can absolutely break the game in a lot of ways and it all comes down to the different abilities you can use so it is a casting time of an action it is 120 foot range and its concentration for a minute but during that minute you can do some really crazy things uh it is accessible by the bard source for wizard artificer in general and the forge domain cleric so a decent amount of uh classes have access to it which is good but basically you literally animate some objects to do things it depends on what they're going to do and how many you animate but it can have devastating effects so choose up to 10 non-magical objects within range 120 feet that are not being worn or carried that's it it can't be something that someone has on them medium targets count as two objects large targets count as four objects huge targets count as eight objects so you can't animate anything larger than huge so i'll remind you that it says huge targets count as eight objects so you could in theory have a huge object and a medium object or a huge object and two tiny or small objects and obviously you can mix and match however you want each target animates and becomes a creature under your control until the spell ends or until it is reduced to zero hit points and then as a bonus action you can mentally command any number of creatures you've made with this spell if they are within 500 feet of you if you control multiple creatures you command all of them at the same time uh issuing the same commands to each one you decide what they'll take where they're going to move on their next turn and you can issue a general command such as guard the door or like attack these people if you issue no commands it defends itself once it gives an order it does that until the task is complete um it is a construct with this table's worth of hit points and whatnot here we'll talk about that um it has a speed of 30 feet if it lacks legs or other panda appendages to use for locomotion it just has a fly speed of 30 feet and it can hover uh if the object is secretly attached to a surface or larger so sorry securely attached to a surface or larger object such as a chain bolted to a wall its speed is zero it has blind site with a radius of 30 feet and is blind beyond that distance but that means it can see invisible creatures see through smoke things like that when the animated object drops to zero hit points it reverts to its original form uh if you command it to attack it makes a single melee attack against the creature within five feet it makes a slam attack with an attack bonus and bludgeoning damage determined by the size and the gm can rule that objects inflict slashing damage or piercing damage right like if it's a knife a butter knife or a steak knife or something it probably does slashing damage as opposed to bludgeoning damage and it also has the ridiculous benefit that you can up cast this to summon even more things so at sixth level you animate uh two additional objects and again for each slot above fifth it's two additional objects animated so let's take a look up here now i feel like more often than not most people go for the huge one right it has 80 hit points it only has a 10 ac but it has a strength of 18 a decks of six it has a plus eight to hit and does 2d 12 plus 4 damage okay that can do that once a turn uh it also has an 18 strength so if your party is lacking someone with strength you could animate like a huge statue or something like that to break down a door to deal significant damage with 2d 12 plus 4 it has a bunch of serious options that you can use it for but my mind the best way is to summon tiny objects and as many as you can tiny and small count for the same amount but the difference is huge right the ac of a tiny object is 18. the highest of all of these two higher than a small size there's only a 5 hp difference the strength is low but the dexterity is 18 but it has a better to hit of plus 8 to hit and does a d4 plus 4 damage whereas these small objects do plus 6 and then a d8 plus two so if you were to use it right as it's designed as it without up casting it you could summon 10 tiny objects that as a bonus action on your turn you have 10 chances to roll a d20 with a plus 8 to hit to hit dealing a d4 plus 4 damage if you're fighting things with low ac or you manage to roll well you could as a bonus action every turn for a minute do 10 d4 plus 40 points of bludgeoning damage to one creature or several creatures from your animated objects reminder that this is all done with your bonus action leaving you to still have your initial action to cast spells or do whatever you'd like if you up cast this this number can go up by an additional two uh objects per casting above fifth level allowing you to summon significantly more of these if you want to blow a really high level slot and just have an entire army and if you pick something that does not have legs or appendages they can fly with a 30 foot fly speed so this could be a bad it specifically says legs or appendages so even if you were to say take a bag of marbles marbles don't have legs or appendages they can fly coins forks spoons whatever something small you can keep on your person you want to live up your gambit fantasy take a deck of playing cards you pull them out you throw them into the air cast animate objects they now have 20 hit points an ac of 18 and can fly around with a 30 foot fly speed this can also i mean that removes the opportunity for things that can fly you and now have an opportunity to send an army after them and again on my turn i can still use my action to cast fireball chain lightning whatever i want and then oh yeah my bonus action let me make my 10 attacks with my army of small objects that's just purely combat related you are animating this object and is 100 under your control what if it's a door okay so it doesn't have any movement speed because it's secure but what if the door is locked and you don't have a rogue in your party well the door is 100 under your control i animate the lock i animate the door and i have the door unlock its lock and open for me it's not moving it has no speed i'm not having an attack but the door is 100 under my control i just backed my way in to this dungeon this vault by animating the door itself as long as the door is with huge size or smaller i could animate it and have it use its control my control over it to open the lock now it doesn't specifically say you can do that but i can't really think of a reasonable reason why it wouldn't work we have the second level spell knock that just allows you to open locked doors albeit with an audible knock out to 300 feet i don't see why a fifth level spell like animate objects couldn't do something like that and again as i said depending on what level you cast it at and the size of the door you could animate a large size door have it unlock itself and then still animate several tiny objects to fight for you in combat uh and again there are a bunch of different ways you could really build this out it is a transmutation spell so i don't know if there's i can't remember if transmutation wizard has any funky things it can do with this but you know if you have something that can extend the duration of a spell like let's say you're a sorcerer with extend spell it doubles the duration i think right that makes it uh two minutes now worth of this this could be this could cause all sorts of shenanigans and it could be crazy hectic you could literally animate stuff uh and don't let's see they are objects within range they don't say objects that you can see so you could animate you could be in one room and the kitchen is in the next room and you animate ten knives to fly up and attack people you don't actually have to see them you mentally command them and then you could tell them and issue a command that is basically attack and then anybody in that kitchen gets attacked by flying knives while you concentrate on the spell from another room and as long as you're within 500 feet they'll still do what you told them to do again crazy amount of stuff you can do with this that's why i find that fifth level spell slots are really the sweet spot for me when i get to a class that has fifth level spell slots i feel really good because usually there's a lot and unfortunately for me i don't get to play a lot of wizards but most of the spells that i really like that have been on this list are indeed wizard spells there are a lot of other good fifth level spells out there i'm a big fan of destructive wave for the paladin uh or i guess the tempest cleric right it's a really cool big boom thing better used on a tempest cleric but because the time you get it as a paladin at level 17 it's not great um you know bigby's hand is another one people like in my mind i would prefer animate objects over bigby's hand just personal preference because it has more versatility and you can do more things with it um you've got the dispel evil and good spell i like enervation that's a cool one where you're kind of giving me like a force uh force drain kind of power where you're you know innovating someone um holy weapon is a newer one that i thought was pretty good um yeah there's a bunch masculine wounds a big you know group heels pretty nice as well modify memory so on so anyway folks thank you all so much for watching sorry for my appearance i was just sanding all the drywall in the studio and just got to throwing up the first layer of paint on the walls so hopefully within the next two weeks or so i'll be able to transition all this stuff next door and we'll get to have the full kind of new studio space set up and you'll get to see all the cool stuff i'm designing in there thank you all so much for watching sorry it's late at night and i got a really big just i don't know i'm feeling really talkative so i went into a lot of different things towards the latter half of that video so i don't know hopefully you enjoyed it i know it bugs some people when i do long videos but other people seem to like it and love getting my opinion on things and hey you know what i'm always looking for opportunities for new top 10 video topics that i can throw up for my patrons to vote on and i'm also looking for new content that you guys would like to see me do in the future right i mean i like doing these little discussion videos i've been doing this poll series on youtube where i've been trying to see which d d classes are most popular by eliminating ones through polls and voting that's been a lot of fun and the discussion that a lot of you have generated in the comments on those polls has not only one been huge for engagement and driving up the channel subscriber numbers and the visibility of the channel but has also sparked a lot of interesting debate amongst you and it's all been really which has been surprising for youtube comments you never know what you're going to get um respectful debates and criticism there hasn't really been a lot of people flaming each other and trolling and me needing to go in and ban and remove people and stuff which is pretty cool so thank you all again so much for watching once again a huge thank you to my patrons on patreon for voting for this i know i say it every time but one thing they get to do every week is a vote on a list of top tens most of them have been generated the ideas from all of you saying hey what do you think about spells for this class or top 10 lists or that top 10 minis top 10 whatever and i put that on a list for them to vote and what happens is the winner that gets the most votes happens to be the top 10 for that week and then the second highest one is what is the following week so basically the every two weeks they vote and the two highest get chosen so last week was whatever was top ten dragons and then this week was top ten fifth level spells so then now tomorrow or friday i will put out another poll for them to vote for the following tuesday and you can go and join in there if you want so thank you to all of you again for watching and i will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 21,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragon top 10, nerd immersion top 10, Top 10 D&D spells, top 10 D&D 5e spells, top 10 list, D&D 5e top 10 list, Top 10 D&D 5e level 5 spells, Top 10 D&D 5e 5th level spells, 5th level spells, D&D 5e 5th level spells, D&D 5e best level 5 spells, D&D 5e best 5th level spells, D&D 5e level 5 spells, D&D 5th level spells, Top 10 5e spells
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 57sec (2517 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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