Top 10 Darkest Sitcom Moments

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it's time to get real welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten darkest sitcom moments before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're ranking the most troubling disturbing or emotionally impactful scenes from TV sitcoms that dealt with unusually serious content number 10 Jackie reveals abuse Roseanne I told you I'm okay you come over here your back is all bruised if you won't tell me nothing about it I know you didn't get raped or mugged or something some succumbs have been seen by fans as handling heavy subject matter with too light of a tone this is not the case with Roseanne as evidenced by this powerful pair of episodes from the show's fifth season he told me cry man punishment and Warren peace follow aunt Jackie's experience with domestic abuse and the narrative doesn't shy away from confronting the subject head-on there's nothing awkward or cheesy about Jackie's painful description of the incident nor how it affects those around her as they search for a solution stupid and immature for me number nine Stephanie's friend Full House you don't helps try thinking of a funny movie like like home alone or Roger Rabbit that's what I always do when I'm getting there getting one oh you know when your dad's pounding you just as Roseanne is known for its realism full house was conversely memorable for its family-friendly attitude this sixth season episode bucks that trend in a scene where Stephanie's friend Charles mistakenly let slip that his father beats him when he's angry my dad never hits me does yours hit you no just just forget it let's see say the scene gets doubly dramatic when Charles mentioned Steph swearing on her mother's life that she won't tell only to be told that her mother is dead I don't care if you swear on your mother's life my mother's not a life the pair actually share this fact in common but it doesn't make the sequence any less awkward or troubling especially for a sitcom so tied to its light-hearted tone if you know this is happening and you don't say anything about it you're only helping it happen again but what will happen to Charles if we report it what'll happen to Charles if we don't number eight goodbye John 8 simple rules Rory will you please not keep your shoes on the stairs those are dads okay John Ritter's large comedic presence on the sitcom 8 simple rules was one of the reasons the show was so well received during its initial run in 2002 however when the iconic actor died from a or Tek dissection a year later the show dealt with the grieving process head-on with a pair of episodes both titled goodbye they'd say what do you know about mommies and daddies we would say I always come back unless they collapse and I own three of the stupid grocery store there are barely any laughs to be had as Ritter's character is written out of the show and his family is forced to confront life without him by their side it's honestly difficult to watch even now yet it's also a strong reminder of just how much Ritter affected those around him with his talent and presence whether it's a urine idiot what a geek or an IH and I love you isn't far behind and it's the knowledge that my wife and kids love me that makes it safe for me to wear pajamas and black socks to the breakfast take number seven camp counselor confrontation mr. Belvedere well maybe you'll be with me tomorrow I think I'm gonna be in miss Pritchard group from now on the 80s sitcom mr. Belvedere may not be as well remembered as some others on this list but fans who did watch all seem to remember this troubling episode from the series fourth season the counselor might try to do something put his hands on him or something what do you mean honey why do you say that because that's one year young Wesley Owens wonders what to do and who to tell when a camp counselor attempts to molest him during a moment when the pair are alone after a swim episodes of mr. Belvedere usually ended with the title character writing in his diary but the counselor instead featured a character breaking moment addressing the audience about who to contact in the event of a real-life situation like this one no one should ever touch you in a way that makes you feel bad and if they do tell someone you trust like your mom or your dad number six drunk driving tragedy growing pains oh don't worry I'm gonna be okay my car on the other hand that's who you should worry about this very special episode of growing pains is something of an ultra tragic bait-and-switch second chance dealt with the dangers of drunk driving when Carole's college-age boyfriend sandy played by future Friends star Matthew Perry is in a major car accident I tell you the truth I don't feel so hot I got so many tubes and wires in me I get HBO now sandy speaks to Carol at the hospital and were led to believe that he'll eventually pull through only to be informed later that the young man dies from his injuries off screen he said what is it Mike Carol Sandy's died sandy never receives his titular second chance and we're forced to directly view Carol's grief as she embraces her family after receiving the news number five uncomfortable uncle family ties family ties is probably best remembered for providing a breakout role for Michael J Fox as young Republican Alex Pete Keaton but the sitcom also featured its fair share of dark episodes he had me real tight he's a warm person patted me on the behind it doesn't mean anything ballplayers do it all the time I'd understand if I just hit a home run fans may remember speed-trap which dealt with Alex's dependence on uppers to study for an important exam blew it Speedy's like that Alex it'll keep you up for a while but when your crash crash hard but this first season moment is even more disturbing give your uncle Arthur a kiss follows Mallory Keaton as a trusted family friend makes a pass at her when no one is looking no hard feelings the episode tries to balance comedy with this ultra dark material and the combination makes it cringy viewing especially by today's standards we'll be right back number four wills father The Fresh Prince of bel-air it was great seeing you son you too Lou all of the episodes on this list can be emotionally affective but this moment from The Fresh Prince of bel-air may be one of the most well acted I've been waiting for this for a long time my whole life and ain't nobody gonna stop me come tomorrow I'm out of here yeah I don't think so cares what you think Will Smith delivers an incredibly strong performance in this scene when his deadbeat father leaves him for the second time although will was it first elated at the prospect of his dad coming back into his life this happiness then turns to disappointment anger and profound grief as he lets out all of his emotions during an epic monologue I've learned how to drive I learn how to shave I learned how to fight without him I had 14 great birthdays without him he never even sent me a damn card the final embrace with Uncle Phil makes this already tearful moment all the more poignant number three the horrors of war mash there's something wrong with it it's not making noise it's just just stop the final episode of mash was a television landmark full of dark and memorable moments but this one remains shocking to this day Hawkeye Pierce is forced to recall a traumatic event while being held in a psychiatric hospital one that occurred while Pierce and a group of wounded refugees were hiding in a bus from enemy fire he tearfully processes a moment where he angrily yelled at a woman to quiet her crying baby only to react in shocked horror when the woman actually smothers the child she killed it she killed it Hawk eyes tears anger and frustration are palpable as the audience is taken through his stages of grief resulting in an utterly heart-wrenching scene to the bicycle man Diff'rent Strokes what's the old saying you scratch my back I'll scratch yours you could come out with this present super scratch me different strokes is somewhat infamous for the amount of taboo topics covered during its eight-year run diehard fans may remember the creepy sexual-assault vibe of the hitchhiker's but every sitcom aficionado is familiar with the bicycle man a two-part episode dealing with child molestation maybe it would be best if you didn't even mention you know that you came back here that I gave you all this ice cream before dinner why don't we just make it Arnold Jackson and his friend Dudley our Lord step-by-step into the twisted world of their local bike shop owner mr. Horton the young boys are given ice-cream and comics at first but then are shown x-rated cartoons and encourage to take photos without their shirts oh we're gonna take some pictures and we're gonna have another little sip of wine and we're gonna take some more pictures so give me strike a pose for me yeah let's see what you did it's profoundly creepy and horrible get delivered in a realistic and incredibly dark way don't say we didn't warn you he tried to try to touch me it's not your fault sir before we unveil our number one pick here are some powerful honorable mentions we talk about the stalker and I told her you only attacked adults no I guess she thinks she's after me as far as I'm concerned this disease has one thing going for it it's killing all the right people I'm a gene I'm terribly sorry I'm gonna have to ask you to move your car Wow because you're leaving what are you talking about number one Edith bunker is assaulted all in the family but you know they say women gotta be very careful these days with the rabbits and the burglar no I can't be too cautious Norman Lear's all in the family was a pioneering dramatic comedy series and nowhere is that more controversially showcased than in this two-part 8 season episode Edith's 50th birthday was one of the first sitcom episodes to deal with a subject as strong as sexual assault as Edith bunker is nearly raped at gunpoint by a criminal who makes his way into the bunker house disguised as a policeman Kayla you don't make any trouble and everything is going to be just fine dollars all right could give you a check the audience reacts with nervous laughter as Edith panics and attempts to talk her way out of the assault with some jokes I'd hate to have to use it this makes the scene even more difficult to watch as it switches back and forth between awkward humor and brutal realism [Applause] do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from ms mojo and subscribe for new videos every day [Music]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 3,567,132
Rating: 4.8635502 out of 5
Keywords: Sitcom, dark, dark moments, darkest moments in a sitcom, tv, MsMojo, Watchmoj, fresh prince of bel air, edith bunker, all in the family, 8 simple rules, dark moments in comedies, dark tv moments, saddest tv moments
Id: MGJhtc3Wya8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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