Top 10 Cover Songs
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Views: 4,489,383
Rating: 4.7760453 out of 5
Keywords: music, song, cover, rock, country, soul, rock and roll, elvis presley, whitney houston, the beatles, the jimi hendrix experience, eric clapton, sinead o'connor, johnny cash, jeff buckley, aretha franklin, nirvana, david bowie, top 10, best covers, top 10 covers, cover songs, r&b
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2013
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The list:
Having a REALLY hard time with "All Along the Watchtower" being below "I Will Always Love You." Jimi took Dylan's song and made it LEGEND, while Whitney took Dolly Parton's song and locked it in a freezer. Seriously, listen to Dolly's version--she sounds delicate and heartbroken and it's lovely. Whitney's sounds too slick...the verbal gymnastics are impressive but without the emotion it's meh.
I'm really surprise that
knocking on heavens door -Gun's and Roses
Like a Rolling Stone - Rolling Stones
Little Help from my friends - Joe Cocker
didn't make the list
This might just be me showing my age, but am I really alone in thinking Leonard Cohens original "Halleluja" is better than Jeff Buckleys version?
Well, I just wasted an hour watching half of that channel's videos.