The Cosmere 101 | Who Is Hoid?

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so we've already taken a look at the basics of what the cosmia is and all the different shards and planets within the cosmia but today i think it's time we looked at something a lot more interesting today we'll be looking at something that actually gives first time cosmic readers an indication that there's more to this universe than meets the eye yes today we'll be talking about hoyd and just who exactly this interesting yet strange character is so if that sounds like something you'd enjoy sit back and relax as we analyze this enigma of a character also before we continue i'd like to say that the previous cosmere 101 videos are not required for watching this video but it will make things a bit more understandable if you've watched those first also subscribe if you'd like to see more i do upload three times a week but that's all okay but like seriously subscribe origins like i said before hoyt is a very mysterious character we know very little of his actual origins but it's generally believed he is originally from yolon we do know however that he was present during the shattering of adenosium hoyt seems to know the vessels of the shards on a personal level and even seems to have arguments and disagreements with some of them we do know that at the time of the shattering hoyt was offered a shot to take upon himself but declined to take it and preferred to be unbound by the powerful magic it contained hoyt was also once a bearer of one of the dawn shards and while he doesn't have it anymore it changed him permanently because of it he cannot harm any living creature and can't even eat meat it's also likely the cause behind his immortality but unfortunately there isn't much information available on the dawn shots yet to make any further assumptions other than what i've already mentioned here there isn't a lot of other information available on the origins of hoyd there's a few bits and pieces here and there we could couple together but nothing substantial enough to talk more about all we know now is that hoyt travels between the worlds in the cosmere gathering and gaining magics from all different planets he also often assumes a pseudonym so linking certain events to him is often tenuous and uncertain at best abilities like i said hoyt has moved between the planets in the cosmic on a very regular basis he's been to each planet multiple times often decades or centuries apart the result of this is that he's gained quite a lot of abilities from some of these planets over the eons brandon sanderson has even said that hoyd is probably the most powerful non-shard entity in the cosmere but this is nicely balanced by his complete inability to willingly cause harm to others now hoyt hasn't gained all of the possible abilities from all the possible planets but it does have quite a number we know of but let's go through some of hoyt's abilities as far as we're aware of it today this is by no means a complete or exhaustive list as we just don't know all of hoyt's abilities but we can get a rough idea of the general things he can do and we've already covered the fact that he's a world hopper and that it was once a dawn shard so i also won't include these in the list despite the fact that these have greatly affected his power level there's also an aspect of void where he's using spiritual abilities and messing with the force of connection that i won't get into right now primarily because we haven't had a video on the spiritual realm yet and the spiritual side of the different realms is quite confusing in its own right so the first ability he has is an enhanced healing factor hoyt is actually able to almost instantaneously heal his body from almost any harm at will he can also control the speed at which he heals in order to hide this healing factor from others this is not the same healing factor that radians have with stormlight but it's safe to say he can use both as well and since we've already mentioned it we can move on to his next ability surge binding hoyd is a knight radiant with a bonded cryptic spring making him a lightweaver this means he can not only create illusions with stormlight but he can also soulcast items with it and sure maybe he can't fly around like kaladin but he does have the next best thing he's also a mistborn that's right hoyd swallowed a beat of lorasium which gave him all of the elementic abilities a mistborn would have and not only that but he also gained his ability straight from the god metal potential video pending which means it's completely undiluted he has all the raw strength that ellen had as an allomancer it's unknown if he has access to fairy kemi though i wouldn't put it past him and finally we also know that hoyt is an awakener of at least a second heightening this means he has roughly 200 biochromatic breaths at his disposal we haven't seen him use it much but we know that he can at least awaken objects as well now considering this list isn't exhaustive and we as a community likely have a very limited understanding of void's abilities i think it's safe to say he has quite a significant and likely a very scary amount of powers at his disposal hoyd is without a doubt extremely powerful and i can only be grateful that he seems to be on our side and unable to hurt others motives is probably the hardest to guess at what exactly are horde's motives what is his goal and why does he do what he does until the eventual conclusion of the cosmere i doubt we'll get to see just what his goals are anytime soon the best we can do is speculate we know that hoyd has traveled the cosmere more than anyone else and has amassed more power than any but the actual shards themselves we also know he personally knew the shards and had relationships with him some good and some bad on top of that he also declined the chance to take up a shot for himself yet he was at one point in dawn shot so he can't actually hurt anyone what would the motives be of an immortal pacifist on personal terms with the gods of a universe and with so much power he is second only to those gods themselves to be honest i couldn't even begin to fathom it we know hoyt seems to be on our side but he also seems to be on his own mission and largely unconcerned with a lot of what happens in the cosmere on a daily basis that is of course unless he has some way of benefiting from actually interacting with those involved in large-scale events the problem is that despite how much the cosmic has grown since its inception we're very much in the beginning stages of cosmere law brandon is still currently doing a lot of groundwork for the larger conflict of the cosmia as a whole and only as of the latest stormlight book have we begun to get some kind of idea of where things are heading because of how early we are it's not really easy or plausible to try and make predictions or guesses thus i don't think we can really try to guess at what hoyt's overall plans are but i'm definitely excited to see where things are headed implications we can't really predict or guess at the motivations hoyt has for doing what he does but the implications of having a character like this at all are quite interesting to me brandon sanderson must have known that by introducing and building on hoyd we readers would be able to deduce quite a few things from where the cosmie is headed and i'd like to briefly examine the potential cosmic level implications of void that i've noticed thus far the first implication that i think would be blatantly obvious is the ability of characters to actually move between the different worlds within the cosmere with the exception of hoyd world hopping is quite a rare and unknown phenomenon within the cosmere we only meet a small handful of characters within the cosmere that can actually do it but that number is steadily increasing i think we'll begin to see a lot more crossovers and world hopping in future cosmic installments another interesting concept that hoyt has brought us is the idea that different forms of investiture can be held and controlled by a single being you can mix magics from different worlds and subsequently increase your power hoyt can use elementsy while at the same time using surge binding and these breaths these magics within him don't cancel each other out and aren't impossible to be housed within the same person while i don't know if we'll see another character as overpowered as hoyd i do think that once we have a lot more world hopping shenanigans going on we'll start seeing some characters begin to pick up on second or third magics from other worlds they interact with in fact i think we may even begin seeing this with a stormlight archive with vasha and vivena since i'm fairly sure one of them might end up bonding a sprint and thus will be a rarity in that they have two different magics within them another thing we'll begin to see more thanks to hoyt is more direct interaction from the shards hoyd personally knows the shards and can thus give us a valuable insight into the personality of each shard as well as more opportunities to directly interact with these shards hoyd will likely personally introduce us to the vessels holding these shots and might even give us crucial information to use against them or to influence them stormlight archive has already shown us just how much shard lore we can get from hoyt alone because of this i can definitely foresee him introducing us to more of them as time progresses also he was once a dawn shard which means that dawn shards can be transferred or lost so i'd actually like to see just what the implications of these strange things are as time goes forward but i think i've rambled on for long enough now there's definitely a lot to learn about hoyd and this video doesn't even begin to scratch the surface if you like this video and you'd like to see more i highly recommend you subscribe maybe give my other cosmic videos a try i do upload 3 times a week and this cosmere 101 series will be continuing for quite a while but anyway that has been it for now guys my name has been raven and i'd like to thank you very much for watching take care of yourselves guys and i will see you next time you
Channel: Raven's Rants
Views: 84,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fantasy, fantasy novel, fantasy writing, fantasy literature, fantasy video essay, video essay, writing, discussion, novels, fantasy discussion, booktube, authortube, review, book review, novel review, fantasy review, book discussion, books, cosmere, brandon sanderson, brandon sanderson cosmere, mistborn, hoid, who is hoid, hoid cosmere, who is hoid cosmere, cosmere hoid, stormlight archive, stormlight archive cosmere, brandon sanderson hoid
Id: C_NC1dCMvPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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