Top 10 Coolest Dean Guitars of All Time

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hello everyone Luke Taylor here and I just wanted to take a moment here on my channel to make a list of the top ten coolest Dean guitars of all time now this is a subjective list of course this is my list and it's my channel so if you have your own list of the top ten coolest steam guitars for the top ten coolest guitars please make your own video or let me know below what you think and I just want to say that you know Dean didn't invent guitars but they took them to the next level I think if you look at fender and Gibson of course you know the two real big powerhouses back in the day you had fender that had their whole California thing and they had you know automobile colors and pit guards and single coils and maple and then you had Gibson and they had kind of like you know the kind of whiskey honey colors they had you know true wood woodgrain tops and dark woods and they just had a whole different school of thought it was almost like Ford and Chevrolet and then Dean shows up in the 70s and it's like Lamborghini and I just I feel that attitude that every Dean that you can look at it just even for the ones that are the more classic shapes to the more extreme shapes they just all have this inherent attitude that makes me want to pick up a guitar and play and remember that it's fun it's really really really fun guitar is a big thing to play and I think just Dean captures that so I want to make a list of course I have a Dean tab here on the on my channel cuz I've done some you know product demos and stuff and of course right now Dean is making my own custom GS guitar so we'll have a you know unboxing and all that you'll see it all over the channel so anyway very first number one Dean guitar I'm gonna go actually this is top ten so I'm gonna go ten to one okay here we go number ten coolest dean guitar of all time so number 10 is actually one you can buy right now it is one that is one of their import models it is the ML 79 blue burst Floyd Rose I just think if you look at that guitar if you go into a guitar store and you look at all the guitars that one's going to like pop out at you it's just so awesome and it's you know it's one of their import models so it's one that you can still go buy some of these that I'm going to show you are extremely rare and some of them are custom shop maybe one-off models but this one you can just go get right now you can literally order it right now it does have the DMT design pickups and I have not heard those but I believe they're really great or else they wouldn't put them in there but you can upgrade to the USA DMT pickups of any kind if you want it's a it's a mahogany body it has a pal Ferro fretboard it's a it's a v-neck v-shaped neck which is common for a lot of Dean's 12-inch fretboard radius of course you know has all the usual good kind of stuff but floyd rose but just it's the color that blue burst I think it's really original and it fits that ml shape really well if you really if maybe if you wanted one of the marked occlusive mls but you couldn't afford it this would be a perfect one to get and I think you'd be super happy with it I just think it's super cool so this is number ten okay coming in at number nine is I believe a one-off guitar cuz I do follow Dean on Twitter and Instagram and I did see this picture and I go wow that is one of the coolest guitars I've ever seen now it is a us a thoroughbred custom walnut so if you look at the top of course it's a classic shape in the thoroughbred just a wonderful wonderful guitar but that top is burl walnut so I'll try to try to get you the best pictures I can of course I don't have many pictures of those because it's a very special one-off guitar but I'm just the fact that they could take a single piece of the burl top and stick it on there and do that dyed finish to accentuate it I mean this is seriously a one-of-a-kind guitar that whoever have this made for them is going to be very happy with it and it has the matching appointment on the headstock so the headstock matches the body perfectly I am Not sure on the pickups there are probably a nostalgia set but I am Not sure they're chrome covered that could be anything but again just top the line USA quality and I don't know what what style of music this players into but literally you can play everything on on this kind of guitar and I'm sure whoever got this is extremely happy is this number nine of the coolest Dean guitars of all time okay now in number eight of the coolest in guitars of all time is the Dean Cadillac 1983 pickup model now just to look at this guitar it really conjures up a certain time but again with that attitude that I'm talking about and the whole attitude that the Cadillac shape itself represents with the the pointy V headstock but then the offset asymmetrical body it's just super cool like any finish you get this guitar and is super cool but this one especially it's that whole tuxedo thing it's you know dressed to kill super sharp the three pickups it's just kind of like you know some there are some famous players who played three pickup you know those style guitars I won't name those guitars of those players but it really conjures that that era but also it gives it like a fresh spin so I think it's a timeless kind of addition to that heritage in that nostalgia in a way um I do know that they did a custom run a us a custom run but they also did an import custom run I believe but you can still find these I believe you can find the import models maybe six or seven hundred dollars but it will be a rare find to find one of these but yeah I'm sure you could get it on the use market this is just something that I mean if you're a guitar player and you you just want something different and super cool you can even just put it in the stand and stare at it you don't even have to play guitar you can just you know mount it on the wall and look at it and it's just it gives you a smile so I think this is what are we at number eight of the coolest Dean guitars of all time okay now number seven is another really rare bird and I have seen this finish in a couple of different guitars but a couple of different Dean guitars but this one I was just really my jaw was on the floor to see this and this is a us a custom v but it's a burl top and it's like a blue burl I don't know what they call it so I really don't know what to call it somebody if you know you can correct me I'm just gonna call it the blue burst burl v bloopers burl V that's a great tongue twister but I only have one picture of it and it's just absolutely stunning it even has abalone fret markers to kind of match that just with the binding that's kind of this warm creamy color is obviously mahogany body and neck but the top is that burl and just the idea to do a stain you know a burst on the burl top I had a one previously that had just you know it was kind of a brown saying but it's really accentuating it but this is really bold and it's just like eye catching it looks like it's alive like there's light inside of the wood and it just it literally makes you want to play something it's so cool it's so original and unique and I just think really any color any finish on a V is school I've never ever seen anything like this I've seen a lot of these and I've never ever seen anything like this so this is easily number seven coolest deans of all time the blue burst Burrell V okay so number six is a custom guitar and this was recently made this was this is a photo taken from the bench the builder's bench there at the USA Deane Custom Shop and this is a time capsule Z in tiger's eye I have a couple pictures of this and literally it's just so stunning there are so many ways to do like a quote tiger's eye burst or a you know that kind of finished where you're you're doing that kind of golden brown and and that lustrous kind of kind of tiger's eye look if you know the gemstone color you know I'm talking about this is really the first one where I saw and it it literally looks like there is a tiger's eye on the guitar like a whole whole kind of gemstone without being too much it's just literally the perfect amount of the dye and the finish and to bring out that top and of course to know what top to use for a Z because it's a big shape and so there's a lot of wood going on here and they don't just use like a veneer they use a real big nice piece of wood and I don't know what pickups are in here but they are DMT so they're probably the time capsule I hope they the time capsule I mean that would make sense because the time capsule kick-ass totally awesome pickups I love those pickups and yeah I cannot say anything negative about this I cannot say anything other than just extreme hyperbole because it's literally one of the most beautiful guitars I've ever seen it's also one of the coolest whoever has this whoever had this custom-made first of all great idea thank you for sharing it with the world here but again just best of the best here with Dean okay in keeping with the theme of customs ease this one showed up pretty recently too and I was just I stared out for a few moments before I even thought what to say on a comment and I do believe as I was researching for this list I do believe it is for sale somewhere so that it was actually shipped out to a store be sold but it is a another US a custom Z so a special one-off made guitar and it is white it is this trans white and it's maple and gold and it's just like stunning it has a reverse headstock I just I don't even know what to say about this the thing is it's it kind of it gives me like this ZZ top five but then it doesn't because it just looks like something from Metalocalypse but then it doesn't it's just like what does an angel play this but then I don't know I don't even know what kind of like a uh Lee John Roth kind inspired thing there's just so many ways you can go with this it just looks literally like a piece of art it almost looks like you know gold and marble I just I don't even know how they kind of formulated this idea and it's just literally like the perfect combination of this you know elegance and excess and then simplicity too because that's like one volume knob and it has the idea of doing that kind of the other headstock that I don't know what exactly they named that headstock is but they have it unlike the Dimas Dave Mustaine models but then it's reversed it also has a belieber has a brass nut and the stainless steel frets so you know it's made for performance it's just not made for the look as well and it has just one pickup so seriously it's super super cool I just saw that and I stared at it and I was like wow whoever's got that is never ever going to put it down so this is number five coolest of all time okay now we're in the top four and I kind of think of these as legendary or historic guitars so the other ones were super cool these ones are even cooler because they have way more added to them they already have made history in a way hope that's a little teaser so number four if you know Cowboys from Hell you know the song primal concrete sledge and there is a concrete sledge guitar it is so cool I mean if you grew up like I'm born in 1988 so if you grew up in the 80s or 90s you kind of have just this nostalgia when it comes to certain styles of art certain styles of graphic images and the pink to yellow with the gray kind of graphic finish they did it's just so cool and it's like this this thing is bursting through concrete or the concrete is bursting through the thing I don't know but just in dimes hands Dimebag Darrell and his hands it just looked so right and so different and if you know the song like I couldn't I I mean I would love to you know go meet this guitar at a guitar store and then play that riff and play that song or something like that it just makes sense with Pantera and the kind of fun attitude that they had at that era for sure um but again with that weird reverse headstock not the big split vide not the big you know 3x3 headstock it just it looks really different it has the reverse kind of shark fin thing it's so unique it's so different is super cool and this one here that I got the picture of because this is one that they made it's a limited run it has like a certificate of authenticity this has a DMT pickup in the neck and it has what it looks like maybe is a dime buck her in the bridge like a Seymour Duncan dime bucker but yeah I just I love everything about this it's so fun and I I would love to play one of these it's got all this historical value too so this is the number four coolest Dean of all time okay now number three this was really hard because there's so many cool ones but this one is just I think this is like the pinnacle of all flame guitars now there are companies that make flames Deen makes a lot of different ones with either graphic flames are like real airbrush flames I've seen some other companies do some different kind of ghost flame things and I because I love motorcycles and that kind of thing I really love kind of any flame thing but this is the king of all flame guitars and when it's in the hands of Michael Schenker it's even more the king of all flame guitars and this one is the Michael Schenker flames limited run I don't know what to call it it's the flames limited run 100 pieces is what they have on the website but it's the dual you know yin and yang flame thing it's just oh man it's so cool again this is one that you could just have on the wall and just stare at and it would make you smile because it's that cool this is one you could put wheels on it and handlebars and drive it down the street it's got the the lights out Michael Schenker lights out pickups it has a really unique volume control pattern for a V it's not in a lion but the whole thing all the way through they're really committed to the graphic black and white thing and it's just it's like I don't even know what else to say about it it's literally one of the coolest guitars I've ever seen and it really looks like you just want to play it all night long and do like you know eight hours of soloing and just crazy pentatonic runs and big power chords it it just literally makes you want to play some guitars are really beautiful and they're like you know and other ones are just really fun I think this is a perfect combination of both and just the rock and roll attitude and just kind of represents everything that Dean's about so this is number three coolest Dean of all time okay so number two is very personal for me number one is of course but number two is kind of even more special but I literally think it's one of the coolest guitars ever made they're very very hard to track down I've kept an eye on a couple of them but I just haven't been able to get one but number two coolest dean guitar of all time is the map hey fee Rising Sun ml and if you know me know Shogun is my favorite album of all time and on Shogun Matt and Cory were endorsing Dean at the time and they made these guitars for Shogun and I know that they recorded Shogun on Dean guitars that's another reason why I love Dean so much is because it's just such a special album to me I can't even really quantify that you can go back and watch my review if you want but the thing is they made these six string-- Rising Sun ml's available it has you know that Rising Sun Japanese graphic it has the Trivium logo the old Trivium logo in the in the twelfth fret area and you know no other fret markers is just super clean and classy and graphic has the big Trivium tee with the Dean wings and there was that was a mkh 86 pickup in the bridge which was Matt's pickup that he work with Dean on evany fretboard I believe it's 22 frets but there's a lot of 7th string on a Shogun like the title track but there's a lot of sevens drawn Shogun so they did custom make a seven string version for him and I have seen in play that there's a couple pictures but yeah it's just it's so cool again with Dean making the graphic kind of Lamborghini guitar this thing is just it makes so many other guitars look so mundane and it might be too much for some people but it's just it's perfect it's just absolutely perfect and it really conjures up that sound I can hear all those leads and riffs in my head it just gets me so inspired makes me so happy and makes me really you know really know that gear and music connected at a certain time and I just really loved all that and I still do it's still my favorite album it always will be my favorite album so that's definitely easily the number two coolest eeen guitar of all time now I do have all of these guitars time stamped if you've been playing at home maybe writing your own list or making your own list or trying to guess what mine was you can go back and check at this point if you want because I think the number one coolest Dene guitar is super obvious it is literally super obvious it's one of the most iconic guitars of all time ever of any brand no questions asked I don't care what Salim usik you're into this guitar is just so iconic and it's so evocative of a style a period and attitude but it has translated into so many different things and you'll know it when I say it it is the Deen from hell number one coolest Deen guitar of all time is the Deen from hell now I I know that there are probably other people who know all of the stories that surround this guitar and how it really happened but really the short story is is that Dimebag Darrell won this guitar in a competition in Texas there and it's kind of the rest is history but the just the the lightning and the shape the shape of the m/l with the lightning but also this guitar because Dean has made them available through custom runs and they're still making them now you could still buy one right now but they have like the dimes appointments like putting the tape on the neck pickup and it's like a super Distortion they still get the Bill Lawrence 500 XL for the bridge so it's like literally you're being able to get dimes real guitar and if you want dimes real tone I mean you got to have the fingers but you gotta have that that guitar you have the Dean from hell man and it's got the floyd it's got the original floyd the speed knobs with the little grip bees on them the graphic is just so cool it's even so iconic that you have like you know everything from keychains do you have kind of uh maybe a ripoff or a tribute I'm not sure in in something like fortnight I mean seriously this guitar is so iconic it just it they're still making it for a reason it is literally one of the coolest guitar has ever made definitely the very coolest dean guitar I think if you're like a purist guitar collector you have to have a real USA Dean from Hell in your collection sometime okay that's it thank you so much for watching I really enjoy being able to do this list of course I tried to find the best pics I could and show them up here thank you for taking the time to check this out you can check out all the videos on my Dean tab and of course over time I'll have more and more and have my own guitar and all that kind of stuff and I'll also have like a project that I have with the cool ml so you can check that out I do a lot of the pickup demos so yeah just make sure to check all that stuff out if that interests you let me know what you think your favorite or what the coolest Dean guitars are what the coolest guitars are again I just they're really the Lamborghini of the whole guitar building thing and I think they're also amazing people I really believe in Evan what he's doing with the company I believe in all the guys in what they're doing the really really solid awesome class guys and just great great American company I'm very happy to support them and yeah so that's it for me please check out all my other videos on this channel I have a lot over 300 and they're all pretty much music related cuz that's what I'm all about so I hope you enjoy this thank you so much a wonderful day see you later
Channel: LukeTaylorMusic
Views: 14,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dean, dean guitars, top ten, top 10, best guitars, best guitar, dean reaction, dean unboxing, dean guitar review, top ten coolest, top 10 coolest
Id: EJ4_pkJQkik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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