Why this Custom Guitar puts Gibson to SHAME!

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when I was 14 years old I discovered music the band was Judas Priest the song was electric guy and it was the first piece of music that ever made my hair stand on it and I was immediately hooked for life and when I finally got a look at the band I saw that the guitar player KK Downing was playing this wild arrow-shaped guitar now remember this was pre-internet so I had to dig around and annoy a few people all the while asking the question what the hell is that thing the answer I got was it's called a Flying V now for 14 year old me this was the coolest thing ever I knew I wanted to play guitar and most importantly I wanted to play a guitar like that and here we are at some 39 years later I'm still in the middle Judas Priest still makes my hair stand on end and although I never became a world-class guitar player by some miracle I get to make YouTube videos and play all kinds of cool guitars and a lot of them are the coolest things ever the bees these are my choice because they look like metal Tellies look like a combination of a coffee table with a tractor control bolted on so when Paul Reed Smith released his teleclone at gear fest last week and everybody was freaking out I'm like yeah nice the job there Paul let me know when you make a fee strats are nice too but they don't quite have that metal factor and let's pause well this sort of thing ain't my back baby to me these just look the coolest so many great guitar players have used them Michael Schenker Randy Rhodes Carrie King Rob Flynn Dave Mustaine Kirk Hammett James Hadfield Jimi Hendrix and the guy who started my obsession KK doubting this is my first V ever I bought this back in 1995 at the height of the alternative rock Revolution a blue Jackson roads V for me this guitar said with a glance the message that I was trying to get across I am not an alternative guitar player and I will not apologize for it now along the way on the show I've got a ton of these the Schecter SLS evil twin the Mustang epiphunter the solar cannibalismo the LTD arrow and Kirk habit models all super cool guitars I love playing every single last one of them and I love using them on the show for app and speaker demos and of course the science experiments now last fall one of you amazing viewers reached out to me and said hey did you know that there's a custom V builder in Toronto Paul Isaac custom V Builder so I went digging and I found vicious guitars on Instagram Builders of custom handmade V's about three hours down the road from and the images just blew me away these aren't just guitars these are works of art so after checking out the site I just had to reach out to the Builder Goran popovic and do a video about these amazing guitars so let's hop in the metal machine hit the 401 and make the trip up to the Big Smoke Toronto Ontario oh now this is normally the part of the trip where I stop off and get myself a Timmy's but I forgot today's Canada day so it's an absolute mad house in there so I guess I'm not getting a copy here [Applause] [Music] foreign works out of a place called the Toronto tool Library it's a great place to borrow tools or rent a bench and this is where he does the bulk of his work best of all it's walking distance to my favorite Korean restaurant in Toronto so the question is you know with so many custom shops doing like Les Paul shaped Strat shapes tele shapes nobody makes V's except you yvs man I mean you know I mean you mentioned it it's like a market got saturated with v's and all these dad guitars right and not a lot of people make modern V right it's either traditional which is around or is it a two pointy this is a more kind of a combination in between both of them now I was just looking at this one this one is really sick I love the finish on this I'm kind of jealous actually this is this is really really Exquisite how many of these can you build in a year roughly or seven to ten okay so these are definitely like one of a kind special order things you're not going to get these off the rack and how many hours would you say it takes to build a guitar like this well it depends anywhere in between 100 and 120 me 130 ish yeah okay so there's some serious time going in into making these and it definitely shows and best of all they don't come with cracks in the paint job [Music] foreign [Music] downtown Toronto and the one place you got to go when you're in downtown Toronto and your guitar player is Steve's Music and girl I got to ask you what started vicious guitars how long you been doing it so yeah three years coming this is October and what was the inspiration there why did you start building guitars well I I always wanted to you know get my hands dirty when I'm when I'm getting older right and then I was like okay covet happened uh I kind of wanted to combine uh like the Japanese minimalism with the Scandinavian design like that mid-century and uh yeah Kobe it happened and I had a bunch of time and I just started and here we are three years later 22 guitars down the line so you're doing this full time yet talking about wait time you have right now Karen currently six months okay and so if I order a guitar right now and wait my six months how long is it going to take after that until I get a guitar in my hands I say eight nine ish okay so you're looking at about a year in change right now to get one so if you want to get one of those guitars you better get your order in right now yeah I'm Canadian and I got a Starbucks suck at Tim Hortons make a better product anyway what's up for uh versus guitars what's gonna happen in the future what's the plan where are you going with this well we have uh uh two new models coming out uh one kind of more sculpture less linear and uh I'm gonna be paying homage to you know white V famous uh guitar player with uh rough life tattoos okay don't know who that is he might have been one of The Originators of thrash and no we don't mean you Dave Mustaine just kidding Dave we love you but seriously Gibson [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty cool man you should make me one no problem so I got back here to Windsor and Goron got busy and after much back and forth about neck radius scale length pickups tuners and all the rest of the stuff that goes into it including the overall look of the guitar he finally got to work now one of the big advantages of a custom guitar as opposed to something off the shelf is you'll get exactly what you're looking for and best of all you shouldn't get any nasty surprises in terms of cracks in the Finish because he's not trying to get 40 or 50 guitars down an assembly line in a single day finally the day arrived and the vicious guitar came in the mail [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] hello [Applause] here it is isn't that awesome [Music] [Music] yeah I had this guitar for a while now this guitar is super comfortable to play the action's beautiful and it's everything I would expect in a guitar that costs over three thousand dollars the only thing I haven't done is put a strap on let's do a drop test check the balance okay it might seem a little bit top heavy if you're jumping around you might want to get a strap with a bit of friction that'll dig into your shirt or whatever you're wearing to keep it from flopping down but for the most part you're not really going to be fighting this guitar like you would with say a double cut but overall yeah this guitar plays beautifully visually there's a couple things I really like about this guitar besides the amazing finish uh gotta do a shout out here to Pariah pickups from Bell River Ontario this is going to be one of the coolest looking pickups I've ever seen and then we got something a little different here we've got these tuners I've never actually seen these or much less owned a set that don't have any kind of wings on them they're completely round and they feel so great and they're so fast to get this guitar tuned up [Music] oh [Music] now if you're considering getting a custom guitar built be aware that you won't get it overnight but you will get exactly what you're looking for Goron's communication has been outstanding and he really wants to please the customer and best of all you're gonna get something that's truly unique check out vicious guitars website and see what he can build for you and if you want to see what happens when you spend the same amount of money on a top of the line Gibson V check out this video right here
Channel: SpectreSoundStudios
Views: 57,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: studio, mic, hard rock, heavy metal, Spectre Media Group, Schecter, Bias Fx, Music, fun, funny, metal, spectre, flying v, gibson, gibson flying v, v guitar, custom guitar, small guitar shop, independent guitar makers
Id: VOvsLD-xrMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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