Top 10 Celebrities That Ruined Their Careers with One Interview

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they didn't really just say that did they welcome to and today or the fact that they were just acting a little weird number 10 Billy Bush do yourself a favor if you're wearing a mic just assume everyone is already listening in this infamous Access Hollywood footage present your Billy Bush and Donald Trump are cruising into a TV studio to do some filming unaware that their microphones are on I move it in her action you know Hugh down in Palm Beach I moved on her and I failed I'll admit I did join she was married while on the bus they riff about Trump's sexual escapades which include groping women and discuss how power can give you free rein to do whatever you want I don't use some context just in case they start kissing her you know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful I just started kissing them it's like a magnet they let you do it you can do anything whatever you want grab either we even hear them talking about how attractive they think Days of Our Lives actress area and sucker is before meeting her when they get off the bus Bush was suspended from his job on The Today Show following a ratings drop and subsequently resigned he since had to repeatedly defend himself in interviews based upon the moment that is on that tape I understand people's reaction I agree I also felt that way number nine five seconds of summer if you're a band being interviewed by Rolling Stone magazine is a big big deal so much so that it can be easy to get carried away with trying to sound overtly rock and roll and that's exactly what happened with the band 5 seconds of summer in a 2015 interview the band did everything from compare themselves to the Beatles to dismissing or insulting the American Music Awards Justin Bieber and their female fanbase also known as most of their fanbase they were criticized for their comments and for generally sounding like narcissistic prima donnas it probably didn't help but the naked on the front cover either number-8 Paula Abdul you know when you're drunk but you don't think you sound drunk or maybe you don't well there's a good chance that Paula Abdul knows what that feels like at least in hindsight what do Idol fans have to look forward to this season and what are you looking forward to seeing well is that what it is I was wondering what is that in this 2007 interview she's promoting the latest series of American Idol while she would later dismiss the idea as lies many viewers wondered if she'd had a few drinks or a part taken in another type of stimuli delayed responses bouts of laughter this one has it all listen any publicity is good publicity you gotta learn to eat it up and embrace it and say yeah I had the best delusional people the interview went viral becoming an inescapable part of Abdul's career two years later she left American Idol as a judge due to a dispute of her wages and dropped out of the public eye for a while number 7 the chainsmokers next up we have another misguided attempt at sounding hardcore in a magazine interview this time courtesy of the musical duo the chainsmokers who let it all hang out with billboard everyone was making the same thing and after a few years it got really stale and only a few people started breaking off from that and experimenting when asked about their manic musical romps they were all too eager to brag about their wild frat boy image and penchant for sleeping with as many girls as possible even though they both had girlfriends the two were heavily criticized and briefly became the talk of the musical world for all the wrong reasons but we shouldn't hate on them too much right like they said quote we're just frat bro dudes you know what I mean lovin ladies and stuff that's an actual quote word-for-word number six Prince Andrew deemed a car-crash by many this interview ultimately resulted in Prince Andrew stepping down from public duties for the royal family today you've chosen to speak out for the first time why have you decided to talk now when BBC's M Maitlis questioned him about his close ties to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein the princes answer raised many an eyebrow for starters Prince Andrew straight-up denied ever meeting his accuser Virginia Roberts I have no recollection of ever meeting this lady none whatsoever despite photographic evidence to the contrary there were other shocking answers littered throughout like saying he didn't regret his friendship with Epstein as it presented him with useful opportunities the interviewer is clearly unimpressed for those answers much like pretty much everyone else who watched it he has quite obviously conducted himself in a manner and becoming yes I'm becoming he was a sex offender yeah I'm sorry I'm being polite number five Liam Neeson this interview had social media bursting at the seams with comments for and against the Irish actor while promoting one of his movies Neeson opened up in an interview about the time one of his close friends was raped by a black man you too to get rid of this I'm not racist I I I this was nearly 40 years ago but because I was brought up and maybe and rabbiting on Robson forgive me I was brought up in the north of Ireland and and brought up in the troubles he said that after finding out he walked the streets looking for trouble hoping to kill a black man before realizing that what he was doing was wrong and feeling ashamed of himself many branded him a racist while others defended his honesty including celebrities such as Trevor Noah and Whoopi Goldberg because I believe that Liam Neeson deserves a medal and I'll tell you why it may not have destroyed his career but it certainly put a fork in the road of his likability number 4 Katherine Heigl Heigl has long had a reputation for being difficult to work with but a 2008 interview with Vanity Fair proved particularly damning when she criticized the movie knocked up which she'd just started she branded the movie quote a little sexist and critiqued the way in which it portrays women which frustrated people considering that she decided to be in the movie a year later she starred in the movie the ugly truth which was widely panned as misogynistic was just delightful creature I'm your producer I like it woman on top as a result of the entire episode already hesitant directors were given yet another reason to be cautious about working with her I'm gonna be really honest right now I'm not I know I'm not yeah I don't have to think about it I'm not a rude person I'm not an unkind or mean person number three Megan Fox as a general rule it's probably not a good idea to compare the director you're working with to Hitler but that's what transformers star Megan Fox did in an interview with British magazine Wonderland talking about Michael Bay's conduct on set Fox compared the director to the Nazi leader which was soon all over the media oh nice headers you got a high-rise mm carburetor that's pretty impressive at one point it ultimately resulted in her being fired from the Transformers franchise but not by bay according to Bay it was the franchise's executive producer a certain Steven Spielberg who insisted she be fired she since worked with BAE again on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films which the latter produced but Fox's notable roles have otherwise been few and far between since giving this interview well they don't look like turtles because they are turtles they're over 6 feet tall and they speak English number 2 Charlie Sheen this guy has said and done some seriously shocking and controversial things in his career but the reason he's on today's list may surprise you the interview in question is his 2015 appearance on The Today Show where he announced that he was HIV positive they walked in the room and said oh it's going on it's a it's a hard three letters to absorb you know it's a it's it's a it's a turning point in one's life while some praised his bravery many criticized the fact that it had taken him four years to go public with it stating that it could have endangered his sexual partners were these people that you had had sexual contact with and were claiming that you had transmitted the virus to them or were these people who simply found out about your status and were threatening to tell the world people also took aim at Shi and surprisingly calm demeanor as he told of his diagnosis and battled with people blackmailing him for some the interview humanize Sheen more than ever before for others it further solidified his reputation as being reckless particularly with the lives of others have you had unprotected sex on any occasion since your diagnosis yes but about the true people of it that that I did that with were under the care of my doctor and and they were completely warned ahead of time before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos it will have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one our Kelly this is what they're saying about you these are these aren't old rumors not true not true although it's a different story today back in the 2000s our Kelly still had his defenders when it came to allegations of sexual misconduct in 2002 he was indicted on counts of child pornography but was eventually acquitted in 2008 they are still talking about you with underage girls that same year however an interview about the allegations ensured that Kelly's muddied reputation would not be forgotten when asked about whether he liked teenage girls Kelly replied with this when you say teenage how old are we talking girls who are teenagers viewers and clearly the interviewer Toure we're shocked at Kelly's reaction and it went on to further support the claims that he was in fact a guilty the infamous response became a critical moment in the press's depiction of him in the years to follow do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 1,514,520
Rating: 4.6854701 out of 5
Keywords: celebrity interviews, celebs, celebrities who ruined their careers, celebs who ruined their careers in interviews, celebrity interview trainwreck, celebrity trainwreck interviews, interviews, celebrity interview walkout, bad celeb interviews, insensitive celebrity interviews, crazy celeb interviews, messed up interviews with celebrities, Megan Fox, katherine heigl, charlie sheen, r kelly, liam neeson, prince andrew, paula abdul, watch mojo, watchmojo, list, top10, mojo
Id: l3Bfo9nONr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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