Top 10 Best Nerf Blasters of All Time

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Top 10 Best Nerf Blasters Of All Time what's up guys paul from pdk films here and today  i'm going to be showing you the craziest nerf guns now you might be wondering why they're  all wrapped up and the reason is these   are actually my birthday presents because  my birthday is on november 28th and on that   date we're releasing nerf war birthday battle  2. the first birthday battle video has over   35 million views so if you're stoked for birthday  battle 2 smash that like button leave a comment   down below and let's just jump right into it  shall we all right guys this is my desk right   here this is where all the editing happens but  before i open this package i just want to point   out we're at 14.7 million subscribers and if  you guys remember at the beginning of the year   i said our goal for 2020 was to hit 15 million  subscribers now it's 2020 our goal for 2020 is   hit 15 million subscribers so please help us reach  our goal of hitting 15 million subscribers in 2020   turn on post notifications as well and  comment your goal for 2020 down below i   know it's almost over but we still have time  folks all right let's rip this bad boy open okay guys right here we have a  really sick nerve crisp vector   fully painted marked out modified internally and  of course we have to take the yellow tape off   this thing has a select fire kit  which means it can go semi-auto   burst and also full auto which we've never had a  stripe like that before oh my gosh this thing is   so sick we're gonna be using this in nerf war  call of duty if you're stoked for that comment   down below let's pop a battery in this bad boy  and rip a firing test okay guys we're all ready   for the first firing test as you can see we have a  nice volunteer over there with a confetti balloon   and the confetti balloon is because well  it's my birthday coming up so we want to pop   something that's going to shoot confetti out  we also have a new video coming out nerf war   balloon battle with balloons it's going to be  really cool if you're excited for that comment   down below so before i rip this bad boy i also  want to let you guys know one more thing we have   our own store we sell all of our own modified  nerf guns if you guys are interested check it   out link in the video description below okay so  this thing shoots on semi-auto first and full   auto we're gonna slap a magnus bad boy and give  it a one two so we have a switch on the side we're   gonna put it in full auto because well i love  full auto and we're gonna let it rip here we go all right now let's put another mag in so  i can show you guys what burst looks like   so we're going to switch it one  more now it's going to be burst and then we're gonna flip it down to semi-auto i gotta say having a burst select fire option  is really sick i want you guys to comment down   below if you like this bad boy on to the next  one okay guys this is my workbench where i do   all my mods and stuff but before i open this  package i want to give a huge shout out to   all my members of pdkfilms for supporting the  channel and helping us create awesome content   if you guys want to join pdk films make sure  you do i post lots of exclusive photos respond   to comments you guys get special emojis and  badges next to your name and also i'll be   posting kind of behind the scenes of how i  mod some of my nerf guns so let's rip this   package open huge shout out once again to my  members and see what we got inside here shall we   oh yeah all right guys right here we have a really  sick nerf stripe from foam dimmic it's got a   really cool candy paint job i really like bright  colors of course i do wish it might have been red   because the official colors are pdk films but this  thing's going to run off imrs i think i'm going to   mod it myself internally so it can rip some of  these really nice flywheel cages i have set up   but let's slap some batteries in this bad boy  go do a firing test and also comment down below   if you want to see some tutorials on how  to mod nerf guns 22 round mag here we go well this thing definitely rips onto the next  one now i see you guys are admiring good old   officer richard right here this is our emoji  helmet that we use the nerf war emoji battle   it's going to be released soon smash that  like button if you're excited for that video   we also have our fridge right here official  colors of pdk films where we have some cha   cheese and of course some seltzer waters because  you got to stay hydrated out on the battlefield   this is also my tv where i'm going to  get a ps5 because i'm going to be doing   my gaming channel king kowski here i want  you guys to subscribe to my gaming channel   kankowski and also comment down below if  you're going to get the ps5 or the xbox oh yeah all right guys right here we have a really  sick nerf raven from foam dimmick just like the   strife over there really cool paint job it's got  some 3d printed parts on it which are pretty cool   i think it runs off imrs but i'm also going to  mod this one internally so it runs off some of   my lipo batteries we're going to slap some imrs  in this bad boy and rip a little fire and test i gotta say it's super satisfying  when the balloon pops if you guys   are satisfied when you see that pop make sure  to subscribe if you haven't already of course   turn on post notifications onto the next one  okay guys this is a very important part of the   house because you guys all know i like to wake up  in the morning and shoot my alarm clock and this   is where that all goes down you probably  remember from the last unboxing video   now we have two presents right here this  one has to do with my morning routine i   want you guys to comment what you think is  inside let's rip it open though shall we oh yeah right here guys we have a full send alarm  clock i want you guys to comment down below if you   know who the nelk boys are they're from canada so  here we have a nice really sick full send alarm   clock so you'll be seeing this in our next video  waking me up and of course i'm going to shoot it   and of course it is red official colors of pdk  films all right onto this package right here oh yeah all right guys here we have another rapid  strike also with the minimized stock runs up a 3s   lipo battery pretty cool paint job it's kind  of like a red and black paint job of course   red official closure pdk films so this thing  absolutely rips and i also notice you guys are   checking out my shirt we got new merch check out  the link in the video description below and also   before i do a firing test on this i want you  guys to comment what time you usually wake up   in the morning because obviously you're going to  be seeing what time i wake up in the next video well this is gonna be a big mess to clean  up over here so of course make sure to   smash that like button if you haven't already  under the next one okay guys right here we have   a nice juicy package but you can see behind me  i put my gun wall up i want you guys to comment   what guns you think i should put on this and  you can see here we have our nice jugs of nerf   darts because you got to stay strapped on the  battlefield all right shall we open this package okay guys as you can see right here we have a  really sick rapid strike the stock has actually   been cut off it which is really dope and this  thing is modified it's powered off a 3s lipo   battery also comes with a pretty cool stand  which is sick we're going to be using this   blaster in nerf war city battle 2. if you saw  the first one be sure to comment down below   what your favorite part was and if you haven't  seen it go watch it let's get that view count   up shall we onto the firing test fat magazine  fully loaded up just how we like it here we go this one is loud okay guys right here is our nice  juicy couch where we watch movies and of course i   want you guys to comment below what your favorite  movie is my favorite movie is interstellar all right guys so right here we have a really  sick nerf strike full auto and it also has   this painted stock that goes on the back  and of course a silencer and of course a   magazine this thing's really sick i know you  guys love the full auto stripe so we're gonna   pop a battery in this bad boy and rip a firing  test so guys this thing is full auto here we go geez some of those bounced right off  and came back and hit me but geez   this thing definitely rips need to fix  the battery cover but onto the next one all right guys so right now we're in the hot  tub rooftop hot tub with great city views i want   you guys to comment down below if you think  we should fill this up with nerf darts now   you're probably wondering why am i opening this  present in the hot tub i'll give you a clue it   has something to do with water if you think you  know what it is comment down below here we go   all right guys so as you can see we have a vintage  super soaker blaster and that's because nerf war   super soaker battle one has over 15 million views  so we're making a second one if you guys are sold   for that comment down below but we're in the  hot tub so we can fill it up and do a little   firing test okay should be good to go here so  now we're going to give it a few quick pumps and you'll notice i got the red one  because official colors of ptk films   there we go honestly this thing sounds like it's  going to explode but i think we'll figure it out   if you guys are stoked for the super soaker video  comment down below onto the next one right here   we're in the dining room this is our nice little  table where we eat our burritos and we got the   kitchen behind me of course we have the red stools  the official color of pdk films just like my   shirt and our gumball machine i want you guys to  comment your favorite color down below here we go   all right guys right here we  have a trilogy blaster but   even though this looks stock it's actually  been modified internally with the k20 spring   by project nerf huge shot at the project nerf as  always so this thing pumps hard shoots hard and uh   well that's just how we like it here pdk  films so we're gonna pop some shells in this   bad boy and rip a nice little firing test  okay you guys all know i love the trilogy   because of course it has that satisfying pump  action and it ejects the shells here we go another one though they're just bouncing right off so we  get a little bit closer for this one there it is and one more  for good measure of course oh damn it stuck almost right in his eye right  there okay guys and here we have this really   nice computer set up and this is where we  do all the music for our videos since it's   super quiet in this room and of course we have the  american flag up there because we're from america   i want you guys to comment down below  what country you're from and if you're   in america what state you're from and also  what time it is there right now because here   it's 2 p.m and where you're at  it's probably not 2 p.m here we go   okay guys i actually cut my finger open a little  bit while i was opening these packages but it's   okay because blood is red the official colors  of pdk films just like my water bottle over here   now we've got two really sick guns right  here we have a strife with a really cool blue   camo and we have this really sick yellow fortnite  tactical shotgun with a borderlands paint job of   course same colors as my gaming channel kinkowski  these are really nice paint jobs i want you guys   to comment below which one you like more the blue  stripe or the yellow fortnite shotgun and we're   also gonna go upstairs and rip a nice firing test  okay guys i gotta say this paint job i'm liking it   more and more by the second here we go well we're  out and of course walt the spiky the spikey's on   the front hand combat here we go follow me coming  in for the kill gotta be careful boom boom oh wow okay guys this is probably my favorite  blaster of all the ones i've unboxed   so far the only thing obviously is it's  not modified internally but we're going   to do some magic to it flip the sights  up for accuracy of course here we go oh my gosh oh that's why we modify all  of our nerf guns let's try this again jeez i'm sorry that scared me those things  were just lobbing right in and i didn't i   did not think that they were gonna pop  but i must have just hit the sweet spot   so obviously nothing to write home about since  it doesn't shoot very fast but once we modify   this bad boy it's gonna rip i want you guys  to comment down below semi-auto or full auto   on to the next one okay guys this room right here  is pat's room now it's a very interesting room   lots of things to look at in here lots of things  to see and you guys all know who pat is he's been   in a lot of the videos and actually you guys  might even remember from last unboxing video   pat appeared in the background while i was  unboxing the gumball machine if you saw that   i want you guys to leave a comment down below  so the gun in here is one that we're going to   be using in nerf war birthday battle 2. it's  going to be me against pat of course i want you   guys to comment down below who you think's going  to win let's just rip this bad boy open shall we oh yeah okay guys right here we have a really  sick old school nerf gun in fact i don't even   know what this thing is called i don't even know  if it has a name it's just called nerf but this is   super old took me a while to find this thing and  honestly i hope it works but we're gonna pop some   darts in this thing pump it up and do a little  firing test okay guys so we've got this thing   fully loaded up i'm a little bit worried because  it's old it's probably older than me i want you   guys to comment down below how old you are but i'm  going to pump this thing up and see how she does here we go didn't shoot very far for but for  something very old i guess i guess we'll take it   on to the next one all right guys before  i open this nice package right here i   have to get a gumball because of course we  have the new gumball machine in our house and i want you guys to comment below what other  cool things you think we should get in our house   because this is pretty cool and i think  we could definitely use some more cool stuff and chad one for you buddy all right  guys i'm gonna have to save this for   later because i don't want to be chewing  this while i'm boxing this gun so this   package as you can see is yellow which is  the official colors of my gaming channel kinkowski all right guys here we  have a really sick long strike   now it's kind of more orange it was supposed  to be gold which is the official colors of   my gaming channel kankowski now this blaster is  going to be used on my gaming channel kinkowski   because on kinkowski we're also going to be  making some nerf videos so be sure to go over   there subscribe turn on post notifications  and i want you guys to comment down below   a crown emoji if you're subscribed to kinkowski  all right let's pop some darts in this bad boy and   rip a nice little firing test shall we okay guys  so this sniper rifle is not modified internally all right let's take the front off for more speed  here we go move a little bit closer tactical oh my goodness i'm gonna have a heart attack oh  well howdy folks now this is actually our front   door right here we're on the fifth floor the  top of our building we also have the roof up   there we have this all to ourselves and when we  come home this is the elevator we come up you   guys probably recognize the elevator from nerf  war city battle so we're going to slice this   package open right here if you like our new  house leave a comment down below here we go all right guys as you can see we have the new  nerf ultra sniper rifle because we're in the city   we have to have a sniper rifle just to be safe  here we go oh yeah all right so here it is it   looks pretty dope i think it might need a little  paint job what do you guys think we're going to   pop a mag in this bad boy and rip a little firing  test shall we for those of you who don't know the   ultra blasters take this new type of dart they're  super expensive and they look kind of cool though   so we're gonna pop that in right here slip  her in i gotta say this thing feels pretty   cool we're gonna prime it forward and then  just like that and do a little firing test okay i think we lost the dart there we're  gonna have to go down to the street and   get it but that actually shot pretty hard  for stock nerf blaster let's do that again   oh i gotta say super satisfying to prime it up  here wow this thing rips so guys if you want us   to use this in a 360 no scope comment 360 no  scope down below okay guys this is our front   patio area where we have these nice bungee cords  and i like to have my coffee and contemplation   i want you guys to comment your favorite  drink down below all right let's rip this open all right guys here we have a really sick  fortnite tactical shotgun completely unmodified   straight from the store and it's blue we also have  the red one which i prefer the red one because the   official colors of pdk films but i want you guys  to comment down below do you like the blue one   or the red one more now this is gonna  be used in nerf war fortnite battle   two because we already did the first one we're  gonna make a second one which is way better so if   you guys are stoked for that comment nerf fortnite  down below let's pop some rounds in this bad boy   and rip a little firing test shall we so obviously  this is not modified but it does shoot the fat   big red mega darts red the official colors are  pdk film so i do love all mega blasters here we go uh-oh here we go that's why we have the spiky tip on the  front of this check this out here we go   melee hand-to-hand combat oh okay guys now i actually forgot about  this package right in here very important oh   yeah it's a little bit toasty just how we  like it let's see what we got in here shall we a nice speaker but actually i doubt it's a speaker  oh yeah check this out here guys we have a super   modified super delectable burrito and of course  some hot sauces to go alongside i want you guys   to comment down below if you like burritos  and if you do what you like on your burrito well i'm gonna finish this and then on to the  next one okay guys we're on the roof of our   house right now this is our grilling area where  we like to grill nice delicious juicy burgers   and of course i want you guys  to comment down below what your   favorite thing to grill is maybe it's  wieners maybe it's burgers maybe it's a   nerf gun perhaps so let's see what we got in here  i think this is going to be a really cool one all right guys here we have a nerf rival knockout  blaster i've wanted to get this for a long time   and i just haven't of course i had to get  the red one official colors of pdk films   but this thing's pretty cool we're  probably gonna put a scope on it   we'll pop some rounds in this bad  boy and rip a little firing test   so before we do the firing test i got to show  you guys my new shades here the official shades   of pdk films you'll be seeing me wearing these  in the videos but let's rip this firing test   oh my goodness first time okay well we're  having technical difficulties with this   thing but at least we got it on the first shot  if you guys like my shade comment the emoji   with the sunglasses down below okay guys  we're in my bathroom right now so this is   where i do my morning routine brush my  teeth comb my hair all that good stuff   now i actually have a good question for you  guys do you brush your teeth before you floss   or do you floss before you brush your teeth  or do you just not floss comment down below oh yeah bet you guys didn't see this coming  this is a toilet paper blaster i saw this   had to have it i'm not really sure exactly how  it works but i guess it shoots toilet paper balls   and of course we're in the bathroom  where we have lots of toilet paper looks like there's going to be some assembly  required and i'm going to have to figure out   how this thing works but i'm going to get  it all set up and we're going to rip a nice   little firing test okay guys so here we have  the toilet master pro 2 5 pdk edition of course   we've got the bayonet on the front because i  don't know if the spitballs or the toilet paper   balls are going to pop the balloon but i did do a  quick little couple firing tests and it does work   it's a little bit hard to set up and it's  not very functional i wouldn't recommend   buying it but it is kind of cool so  we're gonna rip it anyway here we go oh we got two hits on there okay now we're just making a mess you know what  time it is hand-to-hand combat this is kind of   dangerous don't try this at home but let's go in  for the close quarters kill shall we all right   guys up here we have a fire pit on the roof we  like to roast our mallows roast our weenies right   in here we're gonna rip this bad boy open but  first i should probably turn this off because it   is cooking up here now you guys all know i love  fire because i have a flame thrower of course   so if you want us to use this fire pit in a video  comment down below all right slap this thing open   boom all right you guessed it a nerf fortnite  grenade launcher i'm actually super stoked about   this thing because it's a grenade launcher who  doesn't like those we're gonna rip it open slap   a little one two slap a little firing test shall  we i want you guys to comment down below how many   victories you have in fortnight okay so we're all  loaded up with this bad juicer let's give it a rip wow not what i was hoping for let's  try that again okay a little better so it could use a little work but honestly  it looks pretty sick and if you like it   smash that like button
Channel: PDK Films
Views: 4,820,725
Rating: 4.7963018 out of 5
Keywords: Pdk films, pdkfilms, pdk, films, king kousky, king, kousky, nerf, nerf war, nerf wars, nerf star wars, nerf minecraft, nerf mod, nerf battle, nerf blaster, nerf arsenal, nerf video, nerf channel, united states, star wars, star, wars, minecraft, fun, funny, sports, battle, war, blaster, video game, game, gaming, credit card, money, million subscribers, million, subscribers, fps, first person shooter, nerf war 8 million subscribers, nerf war 9 million subscribers, nerf war 10 million subscribers
Id: qTPp8G612io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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