Top 10 Best Minecraft Performance Mods To Boost FPS

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this video we're gonna take a look at the top 10 best Minecraft performance mods I think we can all agree that Minecraft is a pretty bad optimized game as a result a lot of people are having a bad experience while playing it especially those who don't have a high-end gaming PC luckily for us there are a lot of mods out there that can significantly improve the performance and with that the FPS of your Minecraft and today we're gonna take a look at the 10 best mods to do exactly that before we start do make sure to subscribe to my channel you would help me out so much by doing that and then without any further Ado let's and I've rides into this very good to know before we start and actually dive into this top 10 is that this top 10 is not in any particular order they will just be 10 amazing mods that will all improve your Minecraft's performance also very good to know is that all of these mods work on the latest version of Minecraft and they are all for fabric with that being said let's take a look at the first one so the first month of today's list is sodium and I think that most people who've played mod of Minecraft before have actually heard about this one so sodium is a very popular Minecraft mods download is over 4 million times that greatly improves rendering performance and fixes some graphical issues it basically replaces The Fill Minecraft rendering engine because of this sodium greatly increases your FPS with some people seeing double sometimes triple the FPS they had without sodium installed it optimizes your game so much that some mods like for example Irish shaders which is the mod that I use for these beautiful shaders in Minecraft actually requires you to have sodium installed without it Irish shaders will just not work so it doesn't matter what you're doing in Minecraft but you should install sodium the creator of sodium has also made another very cool and Epic Mod called lithium they describe themselves as a modern general purpose optimization mod for Minecraft which works to improve a number of systems so game physics mob AI block taking and a lot more I would always always recommend installing these mods alongside sodium as it just improves the game a lot more and will enhance your FPS even further now the same developer also has a third mod called phosphor which improves the lighting engine the most inefficient part of Minecraft though I would actually not recommend going for fast forward but instead I would recommend going for Starlight so the idea of these are the same they completely enhance the lighting Minecraft but even though there's nothing wrong with phosphor Starlight just does it a little bit better now if you're playing a Minecraft 1.20 Starlight is not required anymore like say this over here mojing improves upon their own lighting engine using the same performance critical designs for Starlight as a result they have closed the performance Gap obsoleting Starlight on the client side basically meaning that if you're playing in 1.20 Starlight is not really needed anymore though there's still a lot of people who are not playing Minecraft in 1.20 and most mod packs in general are not for 1.20 yet so if you're playing an any other version than 1.20 that this might be a really good mod for you to install now next on the list we have immediately fast and this Minecraft mods basically increases certain aspects of the game even more so sodium and lithium and starlight already do a lot this mod especially increases the performance of sodium AKA it will improve the rendering aspect of the game even more so over here you can see some more information on how much immediately fast actually improves your game you can see that when you're not using any mods and you would have 16 FPS without using immediately fast then with immediately fast you will have around 60 FPS which is an increase with almost 4 times now when you're using sodium so bare sodium you already get 21 FPS but if you also add immediately fast on top of that it will go all the way to 82 FPS which is incredible now there are a lot more comparisons here and you can take a look at them yourself if you're interested but it basically means that if you install so this mod on top of sodium you will improve your rendering and with that your FPS even more then next up we got ferret core and what does ferret core do very straight to the point it reduces the memory usage of Minecraft by default Minecraft uses quite a lot of RAM and if you have a PC that doesn't have that much RAM that can be extremely frustrating especially if you want to have something like Discord or Spotify or Chrome on the site well ferret core will optimize your RAM usage and with that's making so does your Minecraft uses less Ram which it doesn't matter if you're running a high-end PC or not optimizing the game even more is always a great thing to have so I would highly recommend installing ferret core now another thing in Minecraft does can lick your game out quite a bit especially if you have some kind of huge mob farm is XP orbs they might not look like they're lagging out your game but oh boy can they leg it out a mod called clumps fixes this by basically just combining a lot of XP orbs together in a single entity and with that it reduces lag it is such an easy mod it is literally drag drop and you're done which by the way goes for most mods I'm covering today but if you have a lot of mob Farms or if your overall experiencing lag because of XP orbs then this is the best mod to install to fix exactly that now do you want to improve your Minecraft rendering even more you can entity culling this Minecraft mod makes it so that it does not render anything that is not not in your site so on their own page they say Minecraft skips rendering things that are behind you so why is it rendering everything that you still can't see because of a wall for example well this mod utilizes other CPU cores to really quickly path Trace from your camera to all other blocks slash entities to determine if they're visible or not and if they're not visible they will not be rendered which will let your game run a lot more efficient now we've already optimized a lot of rendering and lighting inside of Minecraft but there are more things to optimize in this game and one of them is making the game boot faster and lazy dfu does exactly that I'm not gonna bore you with all the details but basically what it does is it disables things that Minecraft does not really need by default and by doing that it will make your game boot faster now it does say here that as of Minecraft 1.19.4 the mod is not really necessary anymore Mojang has fixed a lot of these problems themselves and it is now just not required wired though because I know that a lot of mod packs are not even compatible with version 1.18 yet this mod might be really really handy for you now we're getting close to the end and your game should already be very very optimized but next up we have memory leak fix a mod that fixes multiple memory leaks in Minecraft both server side and client side now this mod actually recommends you to use lithium and ferret core which both of these mods I've covered earlier in this video but there are quite a lot of known memory leaks inside of Minecraft not all of them have been fixed yet and this mod will fix some of those known memory leaks there's literally no downsides to installing this one so I would highly recommend it and then this mods FPS reducer I've been using it for a while now and it is so great it basically reduces unnecessary GPU and CPU loads by reducing the frame rate automatically when the client window is inactive so basically you have Minecraft you're playing the game and then you decide to tap out of there for a bit you're going to Chrome you're maybe gonna watch a YouTube video but Minecraft is still on in the background then believe it or not the game is still taking a lot of resources especially when you're running shaders like I always am it can bring your GPU all the way up to like 80 degrees from my own personal testing my CPU and GPU were more overloaded when not focused on Minecraft than when I was actually focused on the window it is insane it is so badly optimized and this mod instantly fixes that as soon as you tap out of Minecraft your PC will just stop caring about the game the frame rate will drop all the way down to just a few FPS and as a result your GPU will not get overloaded your CPU will not get overloaded and you can just keep your Minecraft in the background while doing something else on your PC without worrying about spending a lot of resources on the game while it's inactive so I highly recommend amended FBS producer great mods you should install it right away now in theory you can install mods I love them right now they're all compatible with the current's newest version of Minecraft and they all just work great together so let me disable shaders for a little bit let's put Max frame rates to unlimited and let's disable v-sync and you can see that I'm currently sitting around a comfortable 1200 FPS now I do have to tell you I'm running an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 TI alongside an Intel Core I9 9900k so this was basically the latest Hardware a couple of years back but the fact that when doing nothing I get 1200 FPS almost 1300 FPS and when I start jumping around in game it will drop to around 900 1000 something like that but still the FPS is crazy high now here I am in the same map using the same settings but now without these mods and you can see when walking I'm averaging around 600 FPS and when standing still and just looking into a direction I will get around 700 150 FPS now of course that is nothing to complain about that is still crazy high but when you saw that we were just hitting 1200 almost 1300 FPS and now it is getting nowhere close to that so even though the FPS is still crazy high it is nowhere near the FPS we were getting with all of those mods installed I really hope I could help you out today hopefully you discovered some awesome new Minecraft mods to improve your FPS Minecraft is an amazing game that we should all be able to enjoy and it doesn't matter if you have a high-end PC or a low end laptop we should all be able to play this game and hopefully by using these mods you will be able to enjoy it even more thank you also extremely much for watching do make sure to subscribe to my channel you would really help me I'll be doing that you actually would and then I will see you in the next one bye-bye thank you
Channel: KasaiSora
Views: 116,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft mods, best minecraft mods, top 10 minecraft mods, minecraft performance mods, minecraft fps boost, fps boost minecraft, how to get more fps in minecraft, best minecraft mods for survival, minecraft fps, minecraft fps boost mod, highest minecraft fps, minecraft fps mods, minecraft best performance mods, minecraft more fps mods, minecraft top 10 mods, minecraft best mods, minecraft top 10 best mods, top 10 mods minecraft, top mods minecraft, best mods minecraft, mods
Id: ILx1zF30Y78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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