Top 10 Beast Boy Moments

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not bad kid not bad single cell organism mental capacity zero programming ability zero mathematical aptitude zero you know this cell may stink at math but i can still multiply grunge [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] maybe you should call me beast man from now on the lyrics are in japanese i will obey the traffic rules teen titans i will eat everything without likes or dislikes tink titans earthquakes lightning fire dad grammar math science social studies there is nothing i am afraid of teen titans go [Music] [Applause] teen titans [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] here kitty kitty what's the matter afraid of a little bad luck i don't care how tough you are there's no way i'm letting you win foolish not colored human have you forgotten that i am a 12th level space samurai have you forgotten that in here i control the universe no but i've seen every episode of this show like 300 times and i think you've forgotten that a 12-level space samurai can be banished to the no dimensions by the hot june chant ha ha but this is my world i'm cool here you guys can't win dude this is television the good guys always win and you are so not the good guys all right i'm only gonna say this once booyah how could she have forgotten everything there must be something i can say to help her remember maybe she doesn't want to remember slade i should have realized you're behind this why did you bring tara back i had nothing to do with her return you did something to take away your memory and you took away your powers i did nothing dear boy if the girl does not remember or does not use her powers it is because she chooses so why wouldn't tara want to remember she was a hero she had friends she saved all of us don't you see she no longer wants to remember you [Music] i won't let you hurt her again you're the one who is hurting her let her go face it she doesn't want to see you anymore leave tara alone oh [Music] [Applause] she doesn't want to see you anymore she doesn't want to see you anymore she doesn't want to see you anymore things change beast boy the girl you want me to be is just a memory beast boy you're my definition of fun come on let's ride some rides [Music] [Music] you may have created me but you were never my father there's two of these things [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] wow i am the thing that keeps you up at night the evil that haunts every dark corner of your mind because she's not your friend she's my apprentice tara tara the girl you knew was merely an illusion a fantasy in reality she's been working for me that's a lie i found her i trained her to control her impressive powers and then i sent her to destroy your little team from the inside out no tara would never tonight her orders were to strike but i guess she took pity on you perhaps she wanted to keep you as a pet however despite this minor error in judgment she was kind enough to deactivate the security at titan's tower your friends are being annihilated as we speak liar beast boy it's the truth [Music] why because you could never give her what she needs beast boy i'm sorry i'm so sorry i never meant for any of this to happen then why did you let it i don't know okay i don't know slade he helped me save me from myself he said i owed him but so it was all a game you were just pretending oh you said you'd be my friend no matter what remember slade was right you don't have any friends [Music] well hey there benji ready to face utter destruction [Music] no are you oh that sure is wet you know something bob you're a lousy manager [Music] all right time to save the earth [Music] maybe this can wait okay you can do this although there are a few more cows to save [Music] okay piece of cake beast boy you deal with high-tech stuff all the time [Music] [Music] yes stop nobody's going anywhere we have to stick together i need all of you with me if we're going to stop the brain and we are going to stop him he has us on the run that means the brain will never expect us to take the fight to him why should you be in charge i've been fighting these guys longer than any of you i know what we're up against look this may not be the perfect team but it's all we've got we're the teen titans now if we work together we can accomplish anything so exactly what can you guys do my horn opens rifts in space i am strong antecedo [Music] okay this might be tougher than i thought [Music] you have to stop me beast boy please i don't want to fight anymore and don't let slade control you anymore i have no choice that's a lie you've always had a choice [Music] it's all been your choice you chose to work for slave chose to betray us and now you've chosen to give him control slade isn't doing this tara you are not i can't stop him yes you can it's your power not his you can still control it you can still do the right thing it's your life tara your choice it's never too late to change sorry beast boy for everything i've done [Music] her name was tara she was gifted with tremendous power and cursed with it as well she was a dangerous enemy and a good friend and she was one of the bravest people that i have ever known i'll never forget you tara when there's trouble you know who to call
Channel: Everything Cartoons
Views: 18,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h0hwAURqYlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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