Top 10 Badass Pablo Escobar Moments from Narcos VOLUME-2

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coming off our last video we now have a few epic pablo escobar moments these moments show different angles of this brilliant monster we've all come to love and hate it so here's volume 2 of some of the best moments of pablo escobar from narcos without further ado let's get to it [Applause] starting at number 10 it's pablo's dream of being the president of colombia it comes as no surprise as humans have dreams and aspirations and pablo is no different this scene depicts his dream of being el presidente [Applause] you see him all smiles walking around shaking hands with people like he's barack obama i mean goodness and just to show how authentic his dream is he lights a joint in the middle of greeting people and best of all no one does anything [Applause] [Music] this dream shows what pablo truly desires acceptance and respect [Applause] cut to the scene after the dream where he's alone in a worn down safe house listening to his family wishing him a happy birthday it's rare that i sympathize with a mass murderer but in this moment when the distance between dreams and reality is clearly highlighted i definitely do next up we have pablo threatening carrillo in one of the few scenes where i think that every viewer sides with a police officer we encounter carrillo on the phone to pablo he somehow gets his hands on pablo's satellite phone number and lets him know that he can't be bought perfect the insults that are held in this scene make it one of my favorites we hear kario describing pablo sun as a tub of lard and pablo not to be left behind figures out a way to include gonorrhea a sickening disease as an insult this is the first time i've ever heard gonorrhea used as an insult and it's next level [Music] leaving behind insults number eight is about insects not literally of course i mean pablo killing cocaracha the unkillable moreno got his nickname when he was lined up for an execution and he managed to survive he's pablo's chemist in the beginning and as pablo gets richer he gets disgruntled as a boss there's nothing worse than a disgruntled employee moreno sells out pablo leading to four million dollars being confiscated pablo's furious and spends another one million dollars on finding out who betrayed him as there's no honor among thieves herrera sells him out pablo goes to confront him and ends up shooting him in the head and then a few times in his chest just for good measure with all the cops on the street it was easy to forget this was still escobar's town next up we have pablo ordering an attack on the police sometimes orders aren't passionate or loud they can just be quiet violent and with the explosiveness of action in this moment we see pablo giving an order to attack the police he doesn't say much other than do it the violence that ensues is mind-boggling his henchmen go on a creative killing spree of the police including drive-bys and throwing grenades the death of these policemen was a simple show that he's not afraid we have pablo's motivational speech against the cali cartel pablo highlights one of the things that makes a great leader the ability to motivate his troops in this scene the cartel is facing pressure from the police and other rival gangs as the sicarios are kidnapped and tortured it leads to low morale in the organization fear is apparent in the faces of the listeners but pablo ever the great leader puts his foot down and orders his men to prepare for war with the cali cartel in the fashion of old battle gods like leonidas in 300. he says we will fight side by side to the death and there's nothing that brings fire to supporters than to follow their leader into battle as he is their support and anchor your voice unfortunate that kika is a snitch and they end up getting ambushed and losing many lives if kika hadn't snitched perhaps the medellin cartel would still be alive and prosperous we have pablo grabbing an ice cream pablo has balls of steel like nothing else in this world i remember i saw a video of a man whose job was to clean a cobra pit and it looks like he's trapped but naturally he shows no fear and just does his job pablo clearly has one up on even this man in the midst of his personal manhunt with his head worth seven million dollars he goes to get an ice cream and sits at the park bench to enjoy it as he watches the people around him he's not nervous or worried he's just chilling and enjoying his ice cream i mean how much more do you need to prove that you're not shaken he then dreams about his cousin as they reminisce about what was what is and what's to come sometimes an ice cream really is all you need to get some clarity these passengers on this flight can't be allowed into this country you ever heard bob bless kibari cocaine that's his family right there that can't allow them coming in at number four is pablo threatening the german embassy at the height of his empire crumbling pablo moves his wife to germany however due to the fact that she always carries a big wad of cash she's held by the authorities at the airport pablo gets into a frenzy as this is illegal funny how he knows how to quote the law when it's an advantage to him isn't it as his hands are tied he makes a call to the german embassy and lets loose a number of expletives to the speaker on the phone him a nazi and a [ __ ] racist of course we can't forget his signature gonorrhea line to describe him as well he tries to make other calls to ensure his wife and kids can get into germany but it's to no avail it's one of the moments that i truly sympathize with pablo as he's the bearer of his own sins there's no need for his family to be involved but murphy still finds a way to halt their immigration pablo testing gustavo's loyalty comes in at number three pablo calls for a meeting with gustavo in a dark room and as gustavo walks in he has no idea that his life hangs in the balance pablo asks him a few questions and as he answers pablo rises up picks up a bunch of dynamite and just lights it in front of him he walks back to gustavo and keeps conversing as the wick is going gustavo's face goes as white as a sheet of paper and he looks like he's about to [ __ ] himself pablo asks him another question and as he answers in a satisfactory manner he removes the wick from the dynamite and just walks away leaving behind a completely petrified gustavo i have to say this is as extreme as loyalty tests come i wouldn't want to be in gustavo's position mimi tries to convince them to switch sides by highlighting the pablo's on the run and can't be found pablo then makes one of the most epic entrances blimey at this point pablo calls berna to send his message he shoots jamie one on the phone and says to berna in third person clearly his message was sent loud and [Applause] clear and finally at number one we have pablo killing colonel carrillo pablo arranges an ambush for one of his most hated enemies colonel carrillo it's a typical drive-by and after the extras do their work pablo drives onto the scene he walks up to carrillo who's been shot and is lying on the ground waiting to die however pablo's not done with him he walks up and pulls a bullet that carrillo gave to a child to bring to pablo as a message for his death pablo loads it into the gun and explains that he's giving it back he pumps korea full of lead for his cousin gustavo and then walks away like a boss leaving behind an aftermath of dead bodies and so as all good things do this list comes to an end but what have been your favorite pablo escobar moments and what do you think we may have missed out on our list let us know in the comments below and also remember this is volume 2 so make sure you check out volume 1 in the description below be sure to subscribe and ring that notification bell to stay in the loop of my future uploads thank you for watching everyone and i'll see you next time on the tv regent pablo emily [Music] you
Channel: The TV Regent
Views: 3,592,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tv regent, the tv regent, top 10 narcos moments, top 10, narcos, narcos season 3, narcos season 1, narcos season 4, narcos season 2, pablo escobar, tv regent tv series, tv regent narcos, tv, tv series narcos, narcos trailer, narcos pablo, latest narcos, narcos top 10, netflix, netflix narcos, narcos mexico, mexico, diego luna, top 10 tv series, top 10 pablo escobar moments, narcos tv show, narcos netflix
Id: uvAiTTv8C7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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