Top 10 Badass Magneto Scenes (X-Men)

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now this is a long overdue video at some point in any franchise there will always be that villain that you can't help but love come on you know i'm right for example in the avengers franchise there was loki the puny god or light in the anime death note so for today we are counting down the top 10 greatest movie moments of one of the most beloved and popular villains from the x-men franchise magneto you can't hate them you can't love them so confusing man number 10 magneto versus the naval fleet the newly formed x-men were just about finished wrapping up their battle with sebastian shaw on his minion this was right after magneto finally killed shaw it was then that the naval fleet from both the american and russian sides were getting their weapons ready to fire at the beach in cuba where magneto and the others were after seeing the potential of mutants both sides became very terrified of them and have been given orders to wipe them out while they still can fire humans they really fear what they don't understand missiles were fired and just before they went kingdom come magneto stopped them with his awesome ability protecting his own kind at the same time he turned their own weapons against them sadly though the humans survived because magneto's best friend forever charles xavier aka professor x just had to tackle him to the ground but yes charles did the right thing there's something different about him yeah i was having a good day next on the list is magneto escaping the plastic jail at the end of the first movie magneto was arrested and put into a prison entirely made of plastic to ensure that he can never escape before anything or anyone can enter a specially made room they will have to have a full body scan for any trace of metal the guard's weapons are also made out of plastic so we can't use any of them against them so he literally has no access to any metal and he has no means of escape if you think about it he should have been stuck there until he rushed to death right right wrong with the help of his accomplice mystique she seduces one of the guards one night in a bar and injected them with a serum that causes blood to have too much iron [Music] and just like how a water bender blood bends in avatar magneto lifts the guard and pulls out the iron in his blood too much iron on your blood so take note uh this is for the men do not let your genitals make your decisions never trust a beautiful woman even if she's dropped that gorgeous number 8 mystique's escape a captured mystique was being moved to a new prison along with other two mutant criminals and of course magneto comes along to break his accomplice free this is actually an awesome scene magneto is shown here waiting in the middle of the road through the truck carrying the criminals one by one magneto handles them at ease squishing and flicking them aside like bugs he obviously shows how humans are beneath him after that he proceeds to free mystique and the other mutant criminals sadly though as mystique attempts to shield magneto from a drank gun she is injected with a mutant cure and stripped of her powers with no more abilities magneto leaves her behind inside the truck despite his affection towards her now that's cold bro we have magneto versus the police a runaway rogue was kidnapped by magneto and his men at the train station although at first logan or wolverine thought magneto was after him sorry to burst your bubble logan but not everything is about you what the hell do you want with me you [ __ ] whoever said i wanted you anyway as magneto and his crew exit the station they are greeted by the police and as usual they asked the criminal to put their hands in the air wrong move guys as instructed magneto raises his hands and with it two police cars he puts his hands down and drop the cars on top of the others with ease he takes the police's weapons and points them against them then takes his safety off this is really awesome that he didn't even need to use his hands for it the rest of the scene is mostly charles trying to convince magneto to stop by taking over the mind of his accomplices magneto fires one of the guns of the police he slows the bullet down to make charles stop gonna press your luck charles obviously magneto wins the round as charles can't make the hard decisions magneto then escapes when mystique arrives with their ride at number six we have the auschwitz extermination camp this scene is the very first peak of magneto's abilities and potential magneto was born during the time of the holocaust in poland where nazis constructed death camps this was a hard time for magneto as a child because he was jewish hence he was forcibly separated from his mother by nazi soldiers in the auschwitz concentration camp this caused him to activate his powers as we all know most mutants activate their abilities when they experience enormous stress emotional stress is the best trigger thanks a lot nazis you're the source of future massive destruction and deaths you know just go next up on the list is magneto's daughter's death okay we can't really blame magneto for what he did in the scene i mean the dude's family was killed by a stupid move of a soldier one day during work an accident occurs and a giant metal piece was about to fall on one of his co-workers so he cautiously used his powers to save him however as careful as he wanted to be someone saw him and reported him to the police he and his family were about to run away unfortunately his daughter was taken hostage by the police as any loving father would do magneto turns himself in exchange for his daughter nina's safety with the thought of someone taking her father away nina uses her power which is apparently a princess's power she is able to influence animals behavior the guards panic and one accidentally fires his arrow stupid soldier at magneto's family which obviously kills them a sorrowful magneto used as the luck he gave to nina and to slice the throats of every soldier at number four the coin meets the forehead kill magneto has been after shot for quite some time since shaw trained him to be a killer after discovering magneto's abilities as a child magneto was filled with anger and was driven by revenge against shaw even more so considering shaw is responsible for the death of his mother so when magneto finally has a clear opportunity he takes it along with charles and the others they were able to take down shaw's submarine to the beach in cuba as magneto invades it with the help of charles when he's finally face to face with him he manages to take off shaw's helmet then charles freezes shaw's actions now charles magneto uses this chance to use the helmet for himself and slowly pierces a coin all the way through shaw's head [Music] the very same coin he was making magneto move as a child this is actually an awesome scene really and to be honest it was merciful killing [Music] next up i am frankenstein's monster so while searching for shaw he finds himself in a bar where two drunks are talking he interrupts them then cheers with them later on he reveals the tattoo number on his arm that means he's one of the children from the holocaust in poland one of the men tries to stab him but magneto immediately stops him and uses his own dagger to stab the guy's hand on the table the owner of the bar attempts to stop magneto with his gun but magneto takes control of his hand by manipulating the gun next he stabs the other guy in the very same hand everything happens so quickly really but it's just so chill for him to the point that he was even able to finish his drink first before answering the guy's question he faces him and then says let's just say i'm frankenstein's monster so chill man i'm looking for my creator at number two we have lifting the rfk stadium magneto gives humans a taste of their own medicine logan's consciousness was sent back to the past to save humanity including humans from extinction apparently mystique kills the wrong dwarf as it caused her to be captured and her genes used to perfect the mutant killing robots the new technology was ready for its first close-up when it turns on by itself it seems like magneto attacks some metal inside allowing him to take control of the weapons to make sure magneto gets the perfect angle for the cameras magneto carries the whole rfk stadium across the city he dropped it when the weapons were being introduced the rfk served as a barrier no one gets in or out just another example of how badass magneto is [Music] and finally at number one we have magneto lifting the golden gate bridge time can really do wonders to people especially mutants magneto proves that being old isn't all bad if you think lifting the rfk was awesome this tops that magneto and his army are after the boy whose mutant abilities hold the key for a cure for mutants unfortunately the facility holding him is in the middle of the water away from anyone's reach or so they thought juggernaut asked a very obvious and valid point to magneto he asked how they were supposed to get there and he plainly stated that he can't swim magneto then calmly answered leave that to me like a diva they all walk to the middle of the golden gate bridge afterwards magneto uses all of his might to lift the whole bridge to take him to the island where the lab is located tell me isn't that awesome and that's all for today so what did you think of my list let me know in the comment section below please like share and subscribe to the tv regent and hit the bell icon to never miss my new uploads you can follow me on twitter tv regent and facebook too links are in the description box below thanks for watching i'll see you next time on the tv regent [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The TV Regent
Views: 2,249,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thetvregent, movies, tvregent, Top 10 Magneto Moments, top 10, xmen, x-men, x men, xman, x-man, magneto, top 10 xmen, best magneto scenes, magneto moments, best of magneto, magneto movie moments, xmen scenes, x man, supervillain, magneto superpowers, dark phoenix, new xmen, magneto vs, superhero, magneto fights, magneto scenes, supervillain entrances, magneto entrance, badass magneto, Sir Ian McKellen magneto, Michael Fassbender magneto, marvel villain, net magneto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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