Top 10 ALDI Finds For 2022 - Shop With Me

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flavor city family what is up it is bobby coming at you in the parking lot of aldi because it is that time of year that i go to all my favorite stores and show you what to buy in the new year for 2022 and today we're going to aldi the cool thing about aldi is it's nothing like it used to be five or ten years ago nowadays they have some clean bobby approved products with next level ingredients some are keto some are paleo and it keeps getting better that's what's so exciting so let's go into aldi show you what to buy what to avoid for clean eating in 2022 before we get in there and do that thing we always do like subscribe share spread that flav city love but i also want you to check out using my promo link down below thrive is a seven year supporter of the channel now but the reason why i like them is pretty much anything you could find at any grocery store is on thrive but it's cheaper you save about 32 dollars per order and the box comes to your door you don't have to go to the store if you don't want to more importantly there's a massive hookup right now when you click the link down below you get 40 off your first order usually my discount is 25 it's 40 off your first order a free gift and it's 30 days risk free use my promo link down below you will love thrive market less talking more shopping let's get into aldi and show y'all what to buy there are some real winners here in the chill chest but i'm going to begin right here this is such a great aldi fine it's been here for about a year now it's the aldi brand grass fed irish butter now the cool thing about this is the price although i believe it has gone up the last year like everything has because of inflation but 345 for a eight ounce brick here is a really good deal and you'll notice old school aldi fans may notice that uh they used to have kerrygold butter here kerrygold's gone but the rumor on the street is that kerrygold actually makes this for all these so it's basically the same exact uh butter made from kerrygold but cheaper here's the deal and why i highly recommend buying this if you're going to buy butter at aldi number one this is european style butter so if you compare european-style butter to any kind of american butter even the organic one american style butter has more water european style has more fat this is butter this is fat you want more fat more fat is more flavor which is why when you'll notice you use this it doesn't sizzle and spit as much and when you use the american one it sizzles and spits because it has more water number two because this is almost 100 grass-fed it's about 80 percent grass-fed it's superior in terms of flavor in my opinion and in terms of nutritional why because grass-fed dairy has more clas than grain-fed clas are conjugated linoleic acids and more omega-3 fatty acids whereas brain-fed even organic because it's eating grain has more omega-6s which is inflammatory so this in my opinion is by far the best butter it's about 80 grass-fed just like kerrygold i highly recommend getting it if you don't want to get that at least get the organic american style butter because it's a non-gmo feed for old bessie otherwise if you're getting the traditional one here it's going to have a gmo feed and please do me a favor just because i said that one's good this one i would not get because even though it's the irish butter see what they blend it with gmo canola oil to make it soft and spreadable so no to this one but yes to the aldi version of kerrygold then if you go right next to it this is so great especially in the summer but these are organic beef hotdog so organic is nice because it's non-gmo you see the price 549 for 10 ounces one of the most underrated things in small print do you see what that says it's made with a hundred percent grass-fed beef i've been saying this for a year now aldi put that on the banner right here organic 100 grass-fed beef hot dogs for 5.49 wow wow and look at the ingredients really clean ingredients there is cane sugar there but it's less than one gram per link i can live with that still bobby approved but the funny thing is see all the ingredients it used to have natural flavors as the last ingredient and i don't know if it's the bobby effect or not but when these came out i would make videos saying oh aldi this is so close to being perfect why do you put the natural flavors and then hocus pocus it's gone i'm not saying it was me right but aldi did the right decision by getting rid of the natural flavors this is about as bobby approved as they get i don't mind that cane sugar but on a hot summer day or heck i don't care even on a cold day that 100 grass-fed beef and aldi if you're gonna take my advice once again put 100 grass fed this is super super cool so scoop those for sure so much better than the budget ones that are mystery meat or what i call lips and butt holes and a filler ingredients you do not want that you want that right there funny story about the aldi avocado oil a third-party lab did testing on him and it turned out that it wasn't pure avocado oil it was either cut with processed oils like canola or peanut oil and it had some rancidity to it so even though it's avocado oil you might not want to get this one here the best one in my opinion would be the virgin coconut here oil here virgin cold pressed unrefined and even though i like to tell you to buy this the ghee here is a great price and they just took 20 cents off here and once again it's ghee but in small writing i don't know why aldi's doing this it is grass-fed cows i don't know if it's 100 uh grass-fed but the flavor of this ghee just is a little funky so even though it looks like it's 100 grass-fed and the price is right it's just a little funky monkey for me i've talked about it before but thrive market has one of the best organic 100 grass-fed bees on the market and it's cheaper than almost all years at the grocery store not quite that cheap but when you use my promo link down below it's 40 off your first order so maybe it gets close to that and uh the free gift and 30 days risk free so if you want to try one of the best ghees and cheaper than almost any grocery store try the thrive market one using my link down below and unfortunately i wouldn't get the stinky uh ghee here at aldi i'm sure many of you have heard me talk about this before but honestly it's my favorite product here at aldi it's these pre-cooked grain packets here this is the one i have at home all the time quinoa and brown rice and if you eat gluten this is the one you want the organic seven grain uh 90 second packet it is just over a half a pound for 229 which is an amazing deal plus it's pre-cooked it's convenient you whip this up it's a side dish mix in some sauce top it with chicken dinner's ready in no time and when you see organic really clean ingredients like this with organic olive oil not sunflower oil not canola oil that's pretty much all you can ask i love taking this and then heating it in a pan with pesto and then bone broth you get a quick kind of brothy risotto it's delicious and if you want to make this yourself well the quinoa that's raw here which is great is 18 cents an ounce i'd rather pay an extra eight cents an ounce to have something that's pre-cooked best-in-class ingredients and done with me and if you don't mind the gluten like i said well this is what you want organic grains like durum wheat that's brown rice it has grouts here and it's cooked in olive oil once again super super tasty get these have them in your pantry i'm telling you for a quick side dish you can't go wrong do you remember earlier this year when the keto bread from aldi just came out and there was like a mass run to get it and people will be selling it on ebay for like 20 so yes this is keto bread and i've talked about it but it's not clean keto bread i don't want to see gmo soy bean oil in there i don't want to see a ton of wheat and gluten in there because gluten in my opinion is inflammatory and they get low carbs like zero net carbs because they put a ton of fiber so not the cleanest keto bread in my opinion but if you want the cleanest bread here by far it's either the reduced sodium or the original organic knock your sprouts off bread it just feels great anytime you pick up a loaf and it feels dense and heavy it's a good sign if you pick up something that's light as a feather that means it's garbage in my opinion but this is why it's heavy look at the ingredients it's all organic which is important when you talk about wheat otherwise non-organic wheat can score high in glyphosate the active ingredient in the roundup but look at this we got organic honey there we got brown rice everything is super good here the added sugar is one per and that comes from honey which is fantastic so either one of these loaves and for 299 for organic sprouted bread fantastic a close second although it's not quite bobby approved would be these uh seeded breads here grain tastic super duper heavy but what i don't like about this is instead of using honey cane sugar is pretty high up in the ingredients and when you see three grams per slice slice sliced baby that's too much and the other one the yellow one has five grams per just to keep in mind three grams of sugar is three quarters of a teaspoon so if you make a sandwich for yourself or for your kids with two slices six grams of added sugar per sandwich right is a teaspoon and a half that's too much cane sugar that's when the cane sugar really starts to add up and that's why one out of three of us will have type 2 diabetes by the year 25th 30. 2050. not 2030 and that's why you got to avoid added sugars when you can snack attack there are two epic snacks on this wall right here one is paleo one is keto both has phenomenal prices this is such a delicious coconut cashew crisp it is really really tasty the sweetness is just right and speaking of just right these ingredients coconut sweetened with coconut sugar cashews cassava flour not starch because i have a whole flour cocoa powder and salt a serving is eight pieces and it has nine grams of coconut paleo sugar so it's basically one gram per kind of wafer these are so good and to be honest the sweetness is great and because they use coconut sugar it has that caramel nutty flavor you need three or four of these macs this is great the sea salt caramel is great i've talked about this in the past i wouldn't get the vanilla unfortunately because they cheaped out and they use vanilla natural flavor but once again 299 great price keto alert you know keto high key cookies while bentons basically just ripped them off they took their chocolate chip cookies pretty much the exact same ingredients only difference is it's cheaper than high key and look at these ingredients here so almond flour based sweetener is erythritol but instead of using a cruddy oil they're using coconut oil sure the butter and the cream and there isn't non-gmo but i give a break for keto diabetic products like this and yes it has natural vanilla flavor but so does the high key and for 299 this is the case where i say i'm okay with natural flavors because there's no alternative the alternative is you get a sugary cookie that has 20 grams of sugar terrible oils if you're keto diabetic this is your only option so yeah it's not ideal but it's still bobby approved because i'm okay because there's no added sugar they taste amazing and the snickerdoodle one here is phenomenal too but the best part about it is the price high five to saving money baby we can't leave this aisle without talking about the savory snacks here these have been here forever but it's their version of a wisp it's just a little cheaper it's 299 for two ounces of parmesan crisp and the reason why i love it is that it's really really simple ingredients just parmesan cheese it's keto it's diabetic friendly it's gluten free and what do i love about aged cheese is like parmesan yes i'm gonna do it in one second well i'm lactose intolerant so i really minimize the amount of lactose i eat but aged cheeses like parmesan like cheddar have no lactose why let's all do it together during the aging process the bacteria they eat all the bacteria so if you're lactose intolerant aged cheeses are great for you if you're casein intolerant the protein in milk you can't have it this is such a great treat or you can crumble it in a salad either the cheddar makes it better the parmesan for the win and 299 i'm telling you is a great deal for a fantastic snack that has 13 grams of protein also aldi has so many bars these days they keep coming out with more and more but just a couple are bobby approved these are their version of lara bars just a few ingredients both peanut butter and apple pie just like larabar clean to the point but the price is phenomenal 3.95 but if you're keto this is the best you can do they have these elevation bars but this is the only one that's truly bobby approved and to be honest i'd rather have macadamia nut chocolate as opposed to strawberry nut these have natural flavors these don't it's four bars for 4.99 which is actually a phenomenal deal for a keto diabetic treat everything is super clean here my only gripe is that whey protein is not organic or non-gmo but sometimes you got to sacrifice something and at aldi this is the best you can do and it's cooked with coconut oil there's no natural flavors here net carbs are wow four net carbs per super super impressive here and that price is right so if you're at aldi and you want one of their bars and you're keto diabetic this is the one for you in the freezer section here a lot of people don't realize but aldi has some of the best ice cream on the market both for keto in both for uh high protein and low fat this is their version of what's that one called halo top and this is a version of like enlightened only difference is it's way cheaper 3.99 although i feel like that price has gone up too everything is going up around here these days this is the keto mint chocolate chip and the ingredients are pretty much the same as any other keto ice cream on the market so yes the cream and the milk are not non-gmo organic but none are on the market what i particularly like is they're using coconut oil in there not processed oils here and everything else is pretty solid a lot of ice creams have natural flavors i'm just trying to find you the better for you options and this is one and the neck carbs are very very low and then if you want the halo top version here this is a low fat high protein ice cream and they pretty much knocked off the same ingredients here it's about the best you can do if you're looking for high protein low fat this the price is so much cheaper than the ones at the grocery store so try these two that flavor is pretty darn good and the price is right especially for the keto diabetic friendly one if i was going to make an easy pasta dinner from aldi i would get the chickpea rotini pasta combine that with the organic tomato basil marinara sauce that is a rock bottom 195 price and have an amazing nutrient-dense bobby approved meal if you're buying your pasta at aldi and anywhere i never would get the wheat-based pastas especially the white wheat because it's just enriched wheat or the whole wheat that's been strained so there's no nutrition in there and it's a simple carb that spikes your blood sugar i love pastas from chickpeas from lentils chickpeas my personal favorite because the flavor and texture is great but if you're eating carbs and you can incorporate 11 grams of fiber and 19 grams of protein per serving wow talk about a nutrient-dense powerhouse pasta that because it has so much fiber and protein if you're keto or diet are you diabetic i should say it's not going to spike your blood sugar as much i should know because i've been wearing a continuous glucose monitor for almost two months now and when i eat complex carbs in moderation the spike is minimal i'm going to make a video about that probably next week and post about my experience this is the kind of grains you want to eat complex carbs if you're going to eat them very very good stuff and then i say combine it with this one because not only is it organic which is nice because tomatoes are on the dirty dozen it's made with next level ingredients no cruddy oils or sugar like a cheap rag you might have my only complaint is that it's tomato puree as opposed to whole chopped tomatoes so it's going to be inferior tomatoes but honestly who cares everything else is super good and that price is great so sauce it do the pasta that's how you do pasta in it from aldi since i talk about it all the time i'm not going to spend more than a couple seconds saying if you buy beef at aldi just do yourself a favor get the hundred percent grass-fed grass finish organic ground beef 85-15 sometimes it's on sale for the family pack but even the non-sale price of 535 for best-in-class pasture-raised grass-fed beef is unbeatable this is conventional grain-fed gmo factory farm beef in my opinion for just a little bit less or a little bit more i should say you get best-in-class beef when they have the family pack it's like 460 per pound load up because this stuff is great can someone explain to me what's going on do you see the aldi grass-fed milk anymore at your store i don't see it here i just asked the uh associate he said he hasn't seen it they used to have not organic they had 100 grass-fed milk and it's gone uh leave a comment down below do you guys see it anymore because if they got rid of that that would be real travesty all right flavor city family that is it for the top 10 or so items to buy at aldi in 2022 what's cool about aldi is that it's gotten so much better the last five or ten years back then they had none of the stuff we just talked about but they're changing with the times they're getting clean bobby approved products some that are keto and paleo and they're adding to it every single time i come here so that is it try using my promo link down below 40 off your first order is fantastic with the free gifts and it's 30 days risk free but that is it from aldi happy new year i leave you like i always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 501,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aldi haul, best things aldi, aldi 2022, aldi grocery haul, aldi shop with me, shop with me, aldi shopping, aldi groceries, what to buy at aldi, how to shop at aldi, aldi store, aldi finds, new at aldi, grocery haul, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: 2-z6A3Ts-rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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